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The Ambassador: October 2023; Issue 39

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and Editors-in-ChiefChrissy SykesChrissy SykesLisaLisa A. JonesA. JonesChrissy SykesI'm absolutely thrilled to share the overwhelming response we'vereceived for the GGAF and MBIMB Competition. The level ofcommitment and effort from both the organizers and theparticipating children has been nothing short of extraordinary. It'sheartwarming to witness.I want to extend our deepest gratitude to all those who took partin this competition. Your involvement means the world to us.Let me emphasize the significance of this competition: it's not justabout the opportunity for organizations and schools to secureessential funding. It's about our core mission, which is to educatechildren on body safety. By participating in this competition,you've played a pivotal role in making that mission a reality.You've helped us reach and educate even more children on thiscritical topic, ensuring their safety and well-being. Yourcontributions go far beyond just the competition; they impact thelives of young ones, and for that, we are profoundly thankful.Lisa JonesA huge "thank you" to our donors, patrons, advertisers and supporters. S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 3 | I S S U E 3 8Page 2 In the midst of chaos and fear that our world currently faces, it is crucial to hold on to the belief thatpeace can still prevail. It may be tempting to succumb to negativity and despair, but let us strive tomaintain kindness towards others and not lose faith in the inherent goodness of humanity.Despite the challenges we encounter, there exists a multitude of beautiful souls who exemplify thevery essence of what it means to be human. These individuals serve as a reminder that amidst thedarkness, there is still light shining through.By embracing compassion and empathy, we can contribute to creating a world where peace triumphsover discord and love conquers hatred. Let us unite in our efforts to foster an environment wherepeace becomes the guiding force, and where humanity's innate goodness prevails over all obstacles.Our ambassadors show this every day and we are thankful.May Peace Be With You

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This vital child abuse prevention program is free, but we mustleave the children with booklets and flyers for reference. Your donations will help us print booklets to help keep childrensafe and healthy so they can have a bright future.My Body is My Body FlyersMy Body is My Body FlyersDonate either through:Donate either through:MBIMB FoundationMBIMB Foundation or or Global Goodwill AmbassadorsGlobal Goodwill AmbassadorsPlease donatePlease donatePage 3

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In 2023, we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of HumanRights, which coincides with the 30th anniversary of the Office of the High Commissionerfor Human Rights.For 75 years, the core ambition of the Declaration has been to infuse societies with equality,fundamental freedoms and justice. It enshrines the rights of all human beings and is a global blueprintfor international, national, and local laws and policies and a bedrock of the 2030 Agenda for SustainableDevelopment.We will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Declaration on 10 December 2023, a milestone celebrationcalled Human Rights 75. Throughout the year, the initiative seeks to increase knowledge on theuniversality and indivisibility of human rights, especially among young people, inspire people to create amovement of shared humanity while empowering them to fight for their rights.’Learn more>>

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ADVERTISE WITH USTHE AMBASSADOR:THE MISSING PIECE TOYOUR MARKETING STRATEGYYou get two-full pages in our global magazine for adonation of $50 toward our humanitarian initiatives.Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation is aregistered charity 501c3 and your donations aretax-deductible. (Country-specific laws apply).

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Life & Business CoachesPodcastersBook AuthorsCPAs Wealth ManagementNutrionistsTourismIT ServicesContent Writers Web Design Resume WritersRecruitersALL BUSINESSES! LET US PROMOTEYOUR BUSINESS The Ambassador has more than 380,000 subscribers;our magazine is also shared by Richard DiPilla with 1.5million followers on LinkedIn alone. Our company pageon LinkedIn has more than 62,000 subscribers.Reach out to Lisa Jones for more information:Lisajones@globalgoodwillambassadors.orgCirculation

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28GGAF Learning InstituteAMBASSADORAMBASSADORTHE O C T O B E R 2 0 2 3 | I S S U E 3 9Page 5646My Body is My BodyKeeping Children SafeCHECK OUT OUR FREE CLASSESCHECK OUT OUR FREE CLASSESNew classes being added each weekPage 812.Dr. Ruby: Outstanding Role Model In EducationDr. Ruby Bakshi Khurdi15.ETHICAL DILEMMAS IN A MODERN SOCIETYChrissy Sykes47.Breaking the Silence-Barriers to Child Abuse DisclosureChrissy Sykes51.Digital Discoverers: Young Explorers Navigating TheInternetChrissy Sykes66.INSPIRING AMBASSADOR EMPOWERS BAUCHI'SYOUTH WITH 'MY BODY IS MY BODY' PROGRAMHope Ambassadors69.Girls EmpowermentChrissy Sykes73. The Path To My ProfessionWanda Holding76.SPREADING HOPE TO RURAL FARMERSDr. Adama Kalokoh80.FINDING LIGHT IN THE SHADOWSChrissy Sykes83.THE IMPORTANCE OF PREDICTIVE MODELINGIN HEALTHCAREDr. Adel Eldin

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Page 9Papy MalekaAMBASSADORAMBASSADORTHE O C T O B E R 2 0 2 3 | I S S U E 3 987TUnlocking the Profound Lessons ofUnconditional Animal LoveSharon Bingert88.ISL Spreading Hope toEconomically Reserved Seniors Dr. Adama Kalokoh95.The Importance of Corporate Social ResponsibilityLisa Jones103.Unlocking the Secrets of Resume FormatsLisa Jones105.5 TIPS TO FINDING A JOB IN A FOREIGNCOUNTRYIra Bowman84. HE INFLUENCE OF ADULTS: HOW YOURACTIONS SHAPE FUTURE GENERATIONSLisa Jones69. Girls EmpowermentChrissy SykesGavin McCormack: Empowering Educationthrough Purpose:Cultivating Global CatalystsPage 101Page 94The Ultimate Guide toAvoiding Burnout:Strategies for HumanitarianWorkers in Youth EngagementJude Ediae

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By: Dr Ruby Bakshi KhurdiDR. RUBYOutstanding Role Model In Education“ Education is not preparation for life, Education is lifeitself..Keep learning & become a better version of Yourself”Page 12

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I’m so honored to receive the Outstanding Role Model in Education Award at the House of Commons,London! I am incredibly grateful and humbled to share this exciting news. This recognition means theworld to me, and it wouldn't have been possible without the incredible support of my colleagues,students, and mentors.As an innovative and creative educationist, my journey has always been guided by a strong mission –to transform higher education through engagement and empowerment. One of the cornerstones ofmy approach is the use of gamification in higher education. By infusing the principles of game designinto the learning process, I've seen remarkable results in student engagement and motivation. In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, it's crucial to adapt and find novel ways to connectwith learners. Gamification not only makes learning fun but also fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration among students. This award is a testament to the power of innovative teaching methods and a reminder that we mustcontinually push the boundaries of education to prepare our students for the challenges of tomorrow.My students thoroughly enjoy my classes when they are competing with each-other in game-likesituations; it makes learning fun both for me & my students.I want to express my gratitude to my students, who inspire me daily and my family, who havesupported my journey. Together, we are shaping the future of education, and I'm excited to see whereour collective efforts will lead. A Special Thank you to the entire team of IIW, Inspiring Indian Women & eminent Jurymembers for this incredible honor. Let's continue to innovate, inspire, and lead the wayin education. Page 13

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"Ethical Dilemmas in a Modern Society"By Chrissy SykesPage 16

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ETHICAL DILEMMAS INA MODERN SOCIETYEthics constitutes a system of moral principles that guide what is considered acceptablebehaviour for individuals and society as a whole. It encompasses various aspects crucial inour daily lives, including human values, rights, responsibilities, and moral judgmentsregarding right and wrong. Ethics holds a profound significance in everyone's lives,influencing decision-making and lifestyle choices. In contemporary society, the importanceof ethics cannot be overstated; it provides a structured framework for individuals to makeinformed choices and act in an ethical manner.Ethics serves as the bedrock for harmonious coexistence within society, promotingfairness, justice, and respect for others. The origins of ethics may vary, with someattributing it to religion, others to the human conscience, exemplary individuals, or evenpolitical influence. Regardless of its source, ethics plays an integral role in shaping bothindividuals and the broader society, guiding our interactions and moral compass.By Chrissy SykesPage 16

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HUMAN RIGHTS ANDETHICSHuman rights and ethics hold paramount importance on a global scale. Humanrights, as defined by international agreements and declarations, encompass thefundamental principles of dignity, equality, and freedom for all individuals,regardless of their background or circumstances. These rights serve as a moral andlegal framework, ensuring that people are treated with fairness, respect, and justiceeverywhere in the world. Ethics, on the other hand, provide the ethical compass thatguides human behaviour, both at the individual and societal levels. By upholdingethical principles such as honesty, integrity, and empathy, we can foster anenvironment where human rights are not just respected but celebrated, leading to amore just and equitable world for all. The intertwined relationship between humanrights and ethics highlights our shared responsibility to uphold these values globally,ensuring a better future for humanity as a whole.Page 17

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ETHICAL DILEMMAS INBUSINESS AND POLITICSEthical dilemmas are prevalent in both the realms of business and politics. CorporateSocial Responsibility (CSR) has gained widespread attention, but for somecompanies, it appears to be merely a means to boost their profits. Theircommitment to social responsibility often seems selective, driven primarily byfinancial gains, creating a moral quandary. Similarly, in politics, accountability iscrucial when decisions affect people's lives. However, when politicians prioritizepleasing donors over their constituents, the true essence of public service canbecome obscured. Political corruption further exacerbates these challenges, as somepoliticians prioritize personal gain over ethical conduct, often to the detriment ofvulnerable members of society. It can be disheartening, as the expectation ofunwavering ethical choices from our leaders is not always met, to say the least.Page 18

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ETHICAL DILEMMAS INTECHNOLOGY AND AI Technology and AI (Artificial Intelligence) have revolutionized the world we live in.However, this advancement has brought new ethical challenges that we need toaddress. One of the most pressing issues is data privacy and security. With cyberthreats on the rise, it is crucial to protect our personal information from falling in thewrong hands. Autonomous vehicles are another ethical dilemma that we face. Whilethey promise to reduce road accidents, they also raise questions about liability anddecision-making. If an autonomous vehicle crashes, who is held responsible? Whomakes the decision in situations where there is no clear right or wrong? Robots andjob displacement are also an ethical dilemma that we face. As robots become moreadvanced, they can replace human labour. This raises concerns about job securityand fair distribution of wealth. What happens to the workers who are maderedundant? How do we ensure that everyone benefits from this technologicaladvancement?Page 19

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ETHICAL DILEMMAS INHEALTHCARE AND SCIENCE When it comes to healthcare and science, ethical dilemmas can arise in various areassuch as medical research and testing, end of life care and euthanasia, and geneticengineering. For instance, medical research and testing can lead to conflicts betweenthe right to conduct research and the rights and safety of human subjects. Similarly, the decision to end the life of terminally ill patients via euthanasia can leadto controversies regarding respect for human life versus individual autonomy. Onthe other hand, the use of genetic engineering presents ethical questions regardingindividuality and concerns about playing with nature. One significant challenge inhealthcare and science is balancing the benefits and potential harms of noveltechnologies while keeping in mind the moral values of society. Ethical dilemmas areexpected to increase in this field, with the continued advancement of technologiessuch as AI, biotechnology, and nanotechnology. It is crucial for society to have ethicalstandards in place to ensure that ethical principles are not compromised duringtechnological and scientific innovations.Page 20

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EDUCATION AND ETHICS Teaching ethics in schools and universities is crucial to developing responsible, moralcitizens. It is essential to impart values like honesty, integrity, and mutual respect tothe younger generation. Cheating and academic dishonesty are profound issues thatcontinue to plague the education system. Bullying and cyberbullying are alsoproblems that education can help solve. Teachers must teach students to respect oneanother, be compassionate and help those in need. Cyberbullying is prevalent and canhave devastating effects on individuals, and hence students must also be taught theimportance of being responsible online. Overall, the education system shouldemphasise good values and ethics to shape the next generation of responsiblecitizens.Ethics is an integral part of modern society, affecting every aspect of our lives. Fromhuman rights to business practices, technology to healthcare, and education topolitics, ethical dilemmas are ever-present. It is important for individuals and societyas a whole to navigate these dilemmas while upholding moral values and principles.Let's strive towards a more ethical world, where integrity and responsibility takeprecedence over personal gain and self-interest.Page 21

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GET A SECOND OPINION WITHOUTLEAVING YOUR HOME Better HealthcareWe are bringing the heart back inmedicine with our ProntoCare AppHealthcare mobile apps enable new innovative ways of delivering healthcareservices outside the traditional care settings and can improve patient health, andenhance the productivity of healthcare. Health Management apps can helpmanage patient health conditions such as diabetes, mental health, bloodpressure, heart rate, lipids, and nutrition. Mobile Healthcare apps aretransforming Healthcare as most physicians believe, those apps can improvepatient health. Our own ProntoCare app offers so many great benefits and valuesnot only for healthcare consumers as well as healthcare providers. In ProntoCare, we believe in disease prevention and wellness as the cornerstonefor effective healthcare delivery as evidenced by improved outcomes. Savingbillions of dollars, delivering World Class Healthcare with compassionate care, asour motto( Bringing the Heart back in Medicine). The ProntoCare app wasdeveloped to serve the growing needs of the community and change lives for thebetter. The Unique ProntoCare app can be easily downloaded and used by travelerslooking for health ad Wellness needs before, during, and after their travel. Notonly health-wise but also alleviate the stress in the middle of rising healthcarecosts and tough economic times. Prontocare will provide social media supportfor the provider, provide digital marketing, help generate clients, provide 24/7support, and help networking and referrals. So, what are you waiting for? , goahead and download your ProntoCare app Now. Everyone will benefit, bothhealthcare consumers and providers!Get The ProntoCare AppGet The App

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To tune in to this lovely music, please click on the link below:

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With 7.8 million streams to his name, this musical artist isalso a certified healer in three different modalities, anaccomplished author, and an influential figure who hasdedicated two decades to the field of social work. To delve into his insightful reflections on life, love, coaching,dogs, and the art of healing, visit his LinkedIn profile at and connect with him. Besure to ring that notification bell to stay updated on hislatest content!mAncientThe artist known asNorwegian Viking monkH.R.M. Ueland

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GGAF AMBASSADORSCHANGE LIVESCHANGE LIVESThis course is designed for new GGAFand current members to help youunderstand our goals for the rest of theyear.It's a refresher course and will alsointroduce you to our new Slack channel,where we house our workingcommittees, including:ProgramsMental Health AdvocacyRefugee Health AdvocacyNew Member vetting groupNew Member GroupEducationMBIIMBCOURSETHIS COURSE WILL GIVE YOU THETHIS COURSE WILL GIVE YOU THETHIS COURSE WILL GIVE YOU THEINFORMATION NEEDED TO UNDERSTANDINFORMATION NEEDED TO UNDERSTANDINFORMATION NEEDED TO UNDERSTANDGGAF'S OFFERINGS AND HOW THEY ALIGNGGAF'S OFFERINGS AND HOW THEY ALIGNGGAF'S OFFERINGS AND HOW THEY ALIGNWITH YOUR GOALS.WITH YOUR GOALS.WITH YOUR GOALS.Page 28

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Instructors: Chrissy Sykes & Lisa JonesClimate ChangeClimate ChangeClimate ChangeCourse is OpenIn today's world, climate change is a topic that affects every individual across theglobe. Whether we are aware of it or not, the impacts of climate change are being feltin various aspects of our lives, from extreme weather events to rising sea levels. Thiscourse aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the causes, effects, andsolutions related to climate change. By delving into the science behind climate changeand exploring its socio-economic implications, we hope to equip you with theknowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions and take action inaddressing this global challenge.Modules Include In-Depth Information On: 1. What Is Climate Change?2. Understanding Greenhouse Gasses & Deforestation3. Solutions to Climate Change4. Causes Of Climate ChangePage 31

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GGAF Learing InstituteGGAF Learing InstituteCyber SecurityCyber SecurityCan you afford NOT to take this course?Cyber Security FundamentalsTypes of MalwareCyber Security BreachesTypes of Cyber AttacksLearning about prevention methodsMobile ProtectionSocial Network SecurityPrevention SoftwareCritical Cyber ThreatsDefense Against HackersPage 14Page 33

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Why do we need to teach about child maltreatmentWorldwide facts about maltreatment (from ISPCAN)How child maltreatment affects a community’squality of life and economic prosperityDifferent types and signs of maltreatmentHow to react if a child discloses their abuse to youBasics on how to report child abuseINTRODUCTION TO CHILD MALTREATMENT AND SAFEGUARDING CHILDRENJoin over 3,000 people thatJoin over 3,000 people that have already taken this coursehave already taken this courseGGAF Learning InstituteGGAF Learning InstitutePage 34

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Open EnrollmentCourse Instructor: Lisa JonesInterview Skills for Jobseekerscourses.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgPage 35

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courses.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgPage 36

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courses.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgPage 37LEARN WITH USEARN YOUR CERTIFICATE TODAY

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NEW GGAFNEW GGAFONLINE COURSEONLINE COURSELearn how to:Define digital citizenship.Use technology appropriately.Use social networking to create your brand.Protect your reputation online.Practice safe use of technology.Understand digital etiquette.Social Media Responsibility: The Importance of Digital Citizenshipand Internet Safety: These skills will help prevent misstepsand keep your digital relationshipsrunning smoothly.Click here for the link

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ONLINE MEETINGONLINE MEETING ETIQUETTEETIQUETTETOP 10 TIPS FORONLINE MEETINGETIQUETTE20232023Good Online etiquette helpsto create a positive andprofessional atmosphereBy: Chrissy SykesPage 39

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Gavin McCormack>>Page 40

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In the contemporary educational sphere where achievements are frequently tethered to test scores, it'simperative to ponder: What genuinely drives deep learning and enduring outcomes? The secret is instillinga sense of purpose in the educational experience.As Maria Montessori eloquently expressed, "Learning is an inherent activity carried out by the child,not just acquired from spoken words, but through real-world interactions." This emphasizes thatauthentic education extends beyond mere grades and focuses on sparking genuine curiosity. Whenstudents understand the wider implications of their studies and realize their potential for global change, theybecome self-motivated learners.Research has consistently shown that students who feel a strong connection to their studies because of abroader mission often excel in academic evaluations. A study in 2021 revealed that nearly 70% of studentsinvolved in project-based learning with a global focus surpassed their peers in traditional classrooms. Thishighlights the fundamental insight: when passion is driven by purpose, it boosts achievement.Echoing Sir Ken Robinson's insightful remark, "A visionary leader doesn’t monopolize ideas but cultivatesan environment where everyone's ideas are cherished." As educators, our aim should evolve from merelychasing academic metrics to fostering spaces where students are empowered, confident that their novelideas can reshape our planet.Empowering Education through Purpose: Cultivating Global Catalysts- 0 4  -

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My involvement with has deepened this conviction. Our global platform integrates purposeinto learning, equipping children with entrepreneurial competencies that have real-world implications.Through practical initiatives, students feel the thrill of instigating authentic change, leading to increasedenthusiasm and a more profound understanding of concepts. A significant mission I hold close to my heart isthe aspiration for every child to become a published author, underlining the belief in the monumental powerof education and literacy to amplify children's voices for beneficial transformation.The upschool course is named Write a Book to Change the World, and it can be found at by clicking on the tabs below. REGISTERENROLL NOWIncorporating this deep-rooted sense of purpose into standard curriculums might appear daunting.However, the answer is to seamlessly integrate contemporary challenges into daily lessons. For instance,math problems can tackle topics like ecological preservation, while literature can highlight stories ofindividuals driving global transformation.Jean Piaget's statement rings true in this context: "The aim of education isn't merely to enhanceknowledge but to offer opportunities for children to create and explore." By presenting students withcurrent dilemmas and equipping them with tools to find answers, we're not just transmitting knowledge;we're kindling their inventive capacities.Moreover, is now pioneering new teacher training programs, focusing on developing teacheragency and comprehension about implementing a child-centered approach to contemporary education.These programs aim to empower educators with strategies, resources, and methodologies to ensure thateach student's unique needs are addressed, thus reinforcing the importance of personalized and purposefullearning.These courses can be found here - 42

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And while there's a place for conventional evaluations, they shouldn’t dominate our perception ofeducational success. Moving towards a purpose-driven educational model isn't just a preference—it'sa mandate. Through this, we're not just shaping better learners; we're crafting the future pioneerspoised for impactful evolution. Because when students learn with intentionality, they don't just meetexpectations—they revolutionize them.Page 43

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Help provide educational scholarships to our GGAFLearning Insitute so those in disadvantaged countriescan take classes for self-improvement and sustainableliving to help end hunger and poverty. Let's also getthese children off the streets. A donation of $25 can give a comprehensive class tohelp get someone in need get an education and have achance at a better life.YOUR DONATIONCAN TAKECHILDREN FROMTHE STREETS TO THECLASSROOMDonate to:WWW.GLOBALGOODWILLAMBASSADORS.ORG/DONATE

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Join our GGA FoundationJoin our GGA Foundation Core Educational ProgrammeCore Educational Programmeto improve the lives of childrento improve the lives of childrenand keep them safeand keep them safewww.mbimb.orgwww.mbimb.orghttps://www.globalgoodwillambassadors.orghttps://www.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgFind out more at:

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My Body is My BodyMy Body is My Body Keeping Children SafeKeeping Children SafeBy: Chrissy SykesBy: Chrissy SykesOctober 2023October 2023 Page 46BreakingBreaking thetheSilenceSilence

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Breaking theSilence- Barriers toChild AbuseDisclosureChrissy SykesChild abuse is a harsh reality thataffects cover 1 billion childrenworldwide. Despite efforts toraise awareness and empowerchildren to speak up, many youngvictims remain silent. It's crucialto understand the barriers thatprevent children and young peoplefrom disclosing abuse. By addressing these barriers, wecan work towards a saferenvironment for our children.Page 47

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Breaking the SilenceDevelopmentalFactorsOne significant barrier to disclosure isdevelopmental factors. Younger children maylack the understanding or vocabulary todescribe abuse, which can lead to confusionand silence. Additionally, disabilities can furtherimpede recognition and disclosure. This iswhere programmes like My Body is My Bodyplay a vital role, as they are designed to providechildren with the necessary knowledge andcommunication skills to recognize and addressabuse.Page 48

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Self BlameChildren often internalize responsibility for the abuse they endure,thinking they somehow caused it. Societal victim-blamingreinforces this self-blame, making it even harder for children tocome forward. We need to educate children to help themunderstand that abuse is never their fault, offering them theassurance and self-esteem needed to disclose.Emotional TurmoilThe emotional turmoil that abuse brings, including feelings ofshame, guilt, sadness, and fear of consequences, can create abarrier to disclosure. This emotional turmoil builds up over time,leading to what experts call the "pressure cooker effect."Educational programs can provide children with coping strategies,emotional support, and a safe space to express their feelings,helping them overcome this barrier.IsolationChildren may feel they have no one to confide in due to adversefamily circumstances or emotional isolation. Perpetrators oftenphysically isolate their victims, making it challenging for children toseek help. Educational programmes like My Body is My Body canencourage children to reach out to trusted adults and build anetwork of support.Lack Of TrustBetrayal through abuse damages a child's ability to trust. They maysee relationships with adults as distant or unreliable. Confidentialityconcerns can also erode trust. It's essential to rebuild trust throughsupportive and empathetic relationships with children.Adverse FamilyCircumstances:Dysfunctional, unstable, violent, or caregiver-lacking homeenvironments make disclosure extremely difficult. In such cases,children fear the repercussions or believe that revealing the abusewould disrupt their already chaotic lives. Addressing family issuesand providing safe alternatives for disclosure is essential.Page 49

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Children worry about the potential consequencesof disclosure, including not being believed, losingcontrol, and facing court trauma. They may alsofear the impact on their family and the punishmentof the perpetrator. Educational programs canaddress these concerns with sensitivity andprovide reassurance, helping children understandthe importance of speaking up.ConcernsAboutImpactsIn summary, a web of complex psychological andrelational barriers intersect to make disclosureextremely challenging for children who experienceabuse. However, by using programmes like the MyBody is My Body Programme, we can equipchildren with the necessary tools, knowledge, andsupport to overcome these barriers and break thesilence. It is our responsibility as advocates forchild safety to ensure that children have theresources they need to seek help and ultimatelycreate a safer world for our children.Page 50

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Meet Amb. Bala Bako, a dedicatedvolunteer and our Hope Ambassador,who's been tirelessly championing thecause of the 'My Body is My Body'program in Bauchi and its surroundingcommunities. His passion and energy areinfectious, and this week, he left anindelible mark in two schools: Golden PenResources Academy and Rariya PrimarySchool, both nestled in the heart ofBauchi.In just one day, Amb. Bala reached out to afantastic 1,200 students, igniting theircuriosity and equipping them with essentialknowledge about the program. The air wasfilled with catchy songs and vital safety tips,all aimed at empowering these young mindsto protect themselves from potential abuseand assaults.The impact of such education cannot beoverstated. It's like a secret weapon that we'reproviding to our future leaders, arming themagainst harm and giving them the tools torecognize and respond to dangerous situations.As a testament to his unwavering dedication,Amb. Bala's journey took an unexpected turnwhen he was involved in an auto accident on hisway back. However, we're relieved to share thathe's a fighter and has already been dischargedfrom the hospital. Now, he's recovering at home,and we're sending our warmest wishes for aswift and complete recovery. Amb. Bala, your work is truly changing lives, andyour resilience in the face of adversity is aninspiration to us all. We're excited to see thepositive ripple effect of your efforts throughoutBauchi and beyond. Get well soon! INSPIRING AMBASSADOREMPOWERS BAUCHI'SYOUTH WITH 'MY BODYIS MY BODY' PROGRAMPage 66

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Globally, 118 million girls are out of school, and women account for almost two-thirds of all adults who areunable to read. These statistics highlight a pressing issue that not only hinders economic growth but alsoputs the safety and well-being of children at risk.Gender inequality is a global challenge, but it takes on unique dimensions in the African context. Education as the KeyAccess to quality education is fundamental in the fight against gender inequality. When girls are not given equalopportunities to learn, it perpetuates a cycle of disadvantage. Education empowers girls to make informed decisionsabout their bodies and their lives. The lack of education can leave them vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.The "My Body Is My Body" Programme, which focuses on child safety, is a strong advocate for education as a means toaddress gender inequality. By educating girls about body safety and their rights, it equips them with the knowledge andconfidence to stand up against abusive situations. Education is not just a matter of academic achievement; it's a pathwayto independence and safety.Challenging Cultural NormsIn many African communities, deeply ingrained cultural norms perpetuate gender inequality. These norms often limit thepotential of girls and put their safety at risk. Girls may be married off at an early age, subjected to harmful practices, ordenied access to opportunities simply because of their gender.GIRLSGIRLSEMPOWERMENTEMPOWERMENTPage 70

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Encourage girls' education by supporting scholarships, mentorship programs, and initiatives that provide equal access to qualityeducation.Organize community workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns on the importance of gender equality and theconsequences of gender-based discrimination.Use platforms like social media and local events to promote messages of gender equity.Create or support initiatives that provide training and resources to women and girls to develop their economic independence.Advocate for equal pay and job opportunities for women in the workplace.Establish support systems for survivors of gender-based violence and abuse.Promote safe spaces and hotlines where individuals can report abuse or seek help confidentially.Encourage women's participation in decision-making processes at the community level, such as local government andcommunity organizations.Advocate for gender balance in leadership positions.Economic empowerment is another crucial aspect of combating gender inequality in Africa. When women and girls haveaccess to economic opportunities, they gain greater control over their lives. This financial independence contributes to theiroverall safety and well-being.The Role of Community LeadersEradicating gender inequality is a collective effort that involves individuals, communities, and organizations working together. Hereare some practical steps that people in their communities can take to help combat gender inequality: Promote Gender-Equitable Education:Raise Awareness:Support Economic Empowerment: Address Violence and Abuse:Encourage Equal Participation:GIRLSGIRLSEMPOWERMENTEMPOWERMENTHOW CAN COMMUNITIES MAKE ADIFFERENCEPage 71

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Gender equality is a shared responsibility, so involve men and boys in the conversation and actions.Encourage men and boys to become allies in promoting gender equity.Advocate for the implementation and enforcement of laws and policies that protect women's and girls' rights.Support organizations working on legal reform to address gender inequality.Contribute to or volunteer with organizations and programs that work toward gender equality, like the "My Body Is MyBody" Programme, which focuses on child safety but indirectly supports gender equality by educating children abouttheir rights.Create an environment where children and adults can openly discuss gender issues, body safety, and consent.Encourage dialogues within families, schools, and communities.Encourage women and girls to become mentors and role models for others.Mentorship can help empower the next generation to challenge and overcome gender-based barriers.Celebrate and acknowledge the achievements of women and girls in various fields to inspire others.Showcase stories of empowerment and success.Collaborate with local authorities and institutions to promote policies and practices that foster gender equality.Participate in community development and advocacy.Engage Men and Boys:Legal Advocacy:Support Gender Equality Initiatives:Foster Open Communication:Mentorship and Role Modeling: Celebrate Achievements:Engage with Local Authorities:Remember that change takes time, but every effort counts. Communities play a vital role in creating a moreequitable world. By taking these steps and working together, we can make progress in eradicating genderinequality and promoting child safety.Page 72

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Before I went to college to study Psychology to become a counselor, I had worked office jobs which Ienjoyed; but in my late 20’s, I felt strongly that there was something that, as a Christian, I was intended todo. I knew it involved helping those who needed it and the study of Psychology. It was an exciting thoughtand finally, I took the necessary steps to make my new profession a reality: I sold my home, I quit my joband I took my three sons and moved into a small rented house. Having no way to pay for or finance my way through college, I began my challenge of getting my collegeeducation. At that time, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where we lived, there was a Junior College, Tulsa JuniorCollege. I learned from the officials there that if a student kept a “B” average, they only had to pay 20% ofthe tuition. Now I believed I had the first two years of my education figured out. I took a part-time job tocover my 20% of the tuition and my other expenses. The two years were some of the best of my life and mychildren were my best cheerleaders. We still rode our bicycles on weekends, had fun together and duringthe two years, I made all “A’s” except one “B.”In 1983, I completed my Associates Degree at Tulsa Junior College. Thank you TJC for your generosity! I wason my way. Now I had to find a way to get my Bachelor’s Degree. During one of my last days at TJC, I nearly walked intoa wall because I was reading. I looked up and in front of me on the wall was a letter written by The BovairdFoundation. They had offices at The University of Tulsa and they were offering a full-ride scholarship for agraduate of Tulsa Junior College. The criteria did not include hardship qualifications; instead, it requiredcandidates to write a paper on the solidity of their future professional plans and how they rated theirdetermination to complete the degree with success and integrity. I received my acceptance within threeweeks and my children, my sisters and I celebrated that weekend. I had so many answers to prayer thatthey cannot be counted. God was beside me all the way and I am grateful beyond words. In 1985, I graduated Magna Cum Laud from The University of Tulsa with a Bachelor’s Degreein ClinicalPsychology! During my work on my Bachelor’s Degree, I found out that I must have a Master’s Degree inorder to be a Licensed Professional Counselor. My education was not finished and I started praying abouthow to get my Master’s Degree. I wrote a letter to The Bovaird Foundation and told them my situation. I asked them if they would review myprofessional plans and if they found me worthy, please consider another scholarship that would completemy education to get my license. I thought this request might be a “long shot,” but within two weeks, I foundout there are no long shots when God is leading the way. I received the scholarship, a researchassistantship and a monthly check to help with expenses. I am so blessed. In 1988, I graduated Cum Laud from The University of Tulsa with a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychologyand a Minor in Special Education. I was now 40 years old and ready to work!WANDA HOLDINGWANDA HOLDINGThe Path To MyProfessionPage 73

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Because my twins were born deaf, I knew sign language and I worked with deaf, hard of hearing; and I alsoworked with a blind lady. I worked there for about 6 years and I then worked at Tulsa Cares in Tulsa, OK, thattreated persons with HIV and AIDS. It was during the time when HIV and AIDS was still a death sentence. Imet wonderful and caring people; those who were ill and those who worked as I did - with the patients.After a few years, I was offered a job at the Department of Corrections, where I worked as the MedicalDirector. I stayed two years but soon realized I needed to be counseling - it was my calling. Therefore, Iaccepted a position as Clinical Supervisor in a Counseling Clinic in Southern Oklahoma working withchildren who were abused or were living in poverty. I knew something special was happening when Iwanted nothing more than to save those children. But. Nothing I was doing was slowing down the attacks ofperpetrators. Through a miraculous series of events, I interviewed for a position back at the Department ofCorrections to work with sex offenders. It was like a puzzle piece fell right where it belonged. Yes, it was ascary situation at first, but I had been born in a fearful home. I instinctively knew what to do and what tosay. Of course, I had numerous classes of special training. After two years, I was talking to our StateSupervisor and he started talking to me about a position of Director of a sex offender program. I knew thatit was my next move…My supervisor had hinted that I was going to receive the promotion. I felt no doubt about my decision toapply for the position, although I felt a stirring of angst - an unfocused feeling about the human condition. Ihad already been a licensed counselor for almost 20 years, so I had experience on my side; however, Iwould be working with a new population of clients. Another incarcerated population … but not just anypopulation.This was a position in which there were not a large number of applicants for the job. These menhad committed aggravated sexual offenses. There were a few who had adult rape victims; however, mostof these men had abused children. I was offered the position and I accepted it. Within a few weeks my children and I moved and very soon, I found myself sitting in a very large room with at least 40 men facing me. They were barely polite; it wasobviously not a welcome party. The few smiles I saw were, without doubt, the same smiles that the men hadused as young boys to suck up to their teachers. My stomach made a noise and my heart started the race -the same race that freaked me out throughout my many childhood experiences with fear. “Enough!” I saidto myself. “You are the Director of this program, act like it.” These inmates would not be pleased that I waschanging the Program; but, change was coming!I had a basic understanding of incarcerated men: any new staff or any change put those men on edge. For men who were in prison, routine represents safety - they remain more calm if they know what to expect.I had decided to make my introduction of the changes a brief outline of only the highlights and then ask forfeedback from the men.Finally I was introduced and I felt fairly pleased with my presentation and I expressed my desire to heartheir thoughts. I received very little except their mumbling about the good old program. I didn’t back down;I told them, with a somewhat false bravado, that I believed they would be pleased with many of thechanges; in fact, I said I am 100% sure! WANDA HOLDINGWANDA HOLDINGThe Path To MyProfessionPage 74

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You see, I knew what was changing and it was going to reverse a great deal of the older Program languagethat was detrimental to these men’s sense of self, as well of their confidence and I was no longer going touse language that would not aid these men to make the changes that were necessary to live peacefully insociety. The first change on my agenda would help to turn this program around. I think anyone reading thiswill understand the importance of the wording. I do not want to get ahead of myself, so I will wait to add itin where it is appropriate. Introductory meeting was finished; mumbling feedback was finished and as the men filed out, I heardprofanity buzzing through the men. I now knew which new rule would be introduced first. Although I was notan instant favorite; I held tight to my resolve to bring new waves of light and understanding into those menwith the new SOT (Sex Offender Treatment) Program.I wanted to present one of the new rules in our first SOT meeting, and I decided to use a somewhat startlingmethod which I knew would surely /finally generate some discussion.Twenty-five men came in and sat down. I had written this on our very large white board: “PROFANITY IS THE LANGUAGE OF COWARDS.” Now we have started!Immediately one man stood up, He made quite a scene as he made a bit of a show by cursing as he angrilywalked out. As everyone was settling down, I could spot who the “leaders” were and I calmly begantreatment: Scanning their faces, I said, “I believe that each one of you can express himself withoutprofanity. This will be necessary outside of the prison when you will need a job.” I paused for reflection andto see who was listening. I began again, “Why do you think you curse so much?” The “leaders” actuallycommunicated for a few minutes, mostly about “prisonspeak” and anger and I LISTENED and my ownpersonal education of the sex offender mind began. I wrapped up with my explanation, “You are afraid yourbuddies will think you’ve gone soft if you do not curse… Before you leave this group, you will be able to haveconversations without profanity. You are in this group because you will be released in a couple of years andyou have the opportunity to learn to speak more intelligently and with understanding. That’s one of ourgoals. This is your first and possibly your easiest change! Welcome to the New SOT Program!”I was walking across the prison yard and was confronted by two inmates; one tall and one wide; both hadthe posture and stride of anger. I was a bit nervous but I bit down on my fear and did not show it. The wideman did the talking, “Why wasn’t I chosen to be in the first group?” he blurted out. Before I could talk, hecontinued, talking slowly and fairly quiet so as not to attract the attention of any officers who walked theyard. He practically spit these words out, “I know exactly what I want to do, right now! I want to smash yourhead on that brick wall ” I had held eye contact and even through my fear and shock of his verbal attack, Ifelt a discernment I had developed when I had worked in another prison. I took about ½ step closer to him,kept eye contact and I knew what to do. Softly I said, “You have a truckload of pain on your back, don’tyou?” Then I gently, barely touched his arm. His eyes got wide and slowly filled with tears; even the tall guyjoined in. Wide guy spilled his guts and I listened and heard part of his story. From that day, he “had myback” until he was transferred to another yard and once more, I knew I was where I belonged at this time.WANDA HOLDINGWANDA HOLDINGThe Path To MyProfessionPage 75

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During one of the monthly farm meetings, the farmers expressed how they were significantly impacted by the heavyrains in Sierra Leone between July and October. During this time of the year, ailments such as yellow fever, malaria,typhoid fever, and diarrhea are very high, especially in rural communities. Rural communities face difficulty in their farmwork during these months. Our farmers expressed the need for medicines and supplies so that they would not fall sickto the rainy conditions. To address their need, ISL provided medicine tablets to roughly 60 farmers, including womenfarmers. The ISL Country Director, Joseph Sesay, worked with the local clinic nurses to administer these medicines andgive instructions on the proper use. Through this kind gesture, we ensure our farmers and their families are notovercome by sickness. In addition to these medicines, we provided farmers with tools to help with farm work andmaintenance. The farmers greatly appreciated ISL for the provisions and for showing them kindness. Agriculture andFarming is a core initiative under the Seeds of Life Program. During this empowerment visit, ISL also directly supported the Women’s Farm Collaborative, where 40 women receivedtwo cups of corn to plant. This is an effort to promote gender equality and give women a voice in the community. Thewomen will include ISL on their journey as they plant, harvest, and use the corn to benefit their families. This initiativesupports farmers with tools and resources to grow crops they can eat and sell at the marketplace for sustainabledevelopment. This initiative aims at boosting food production and strengthening the local economy while supportingfarmers with skills training and development. We look forward to continuing our relationship with this community sothat it can be transformed into a sustainable city.ISL appreciates our supporters around the world which enables us to make a positive impact while reducing poverty.With donor support, our farmers use sustainable agricultural practices, learn to farm effectively, learn about crop’snutritional value, and can generate revenue for their community by selling their surplus at local markets. With therevenue, farmers can also purchase school supplies and equipment for their children and supplement their family’sincome. ISL aims to bring hope and smiles to many communities across the globe through our acts of kindness.Together, we are achieving the following sustainable development goals: Zero Hunger, Reduce Poverty, Good Healthand Well Being, and Quality Education, and Gender Equality.Our mission at Impact Sierra Leone (ISL) is to reduce poverty in SierraLeone and beyond through sustainable agriculture, education, and skillstraining. As we meet this mission, we make sure to show compassion, buildcapacity, and strengthen communities. Through support from our anchorprogram, Seeds of Life, we regularly engage and support rural farmers fromour partner community in Foindu Village. We must bring these individualsto the table of opportunity so they can contribute to development in theircommunities. ISL empowers the farmed at Foindu Village by hostingmonthly meetings where lunch is provided and process improvementmeasures are implemented to boost productivity.Page 77

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FINDING LIGHT INTHE SHADOWSStaying Positive in a Chaotic World

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STAYINGPOSITIVE IN ACHAOTICWORLDB Y C HR IS S Y SY KE SIn today's world, we're oftenbombarded with news andstories that can bedisheartening—tales of war,famine, climate change, andabuse. It's easy to feeloverwhelmed, but amidst thechaos, there are ways to staypositive and find hope. Let'sexplore some strategies to helpnavigate this challenginglandscape, it is really importantin order to stay positive.Limit Media ConsumptionWhile staying informed isessential, excessive exposure tonegative news can beemotionally draining. Setboundaries on your mediaconsumption to avoid beingoverwhelmed by the constantbarrage of distressing storiesLook For Uplifting StoriesFor every grim headline, thereare heartwarming stories ofresilience and kindness. Lookfor stories that highlight humancompassion, communitysupport, and positive change.These narratives remind us thatgood exists even in difficulttimes.Connect with PositiveCommunitiesoin online or local communitiesthat focus on positivity,personal growth, and inspiringchange. Engaging with like-minded individuals can providea sense of belonging andsupport.Take ActionFeeling helpless in the face ofglobal challenges is common,but taking small, meaningfulactions can empower you.Consider volunteering,supporting charitableorganizations, or participatingin environmental initiatives.Focus on Self-CareTaking care of your mental andemotional well-being is crucial.Practice mindfulness, engage inactivities that bring you joy,and prioritize self-care to buildresilience. Embrace GratitudeEach day, take a moment toreflect on the things you'regrateful for. Gratitude can shiftyour perspective and help youappreciate the positive aspectsof your life.Be a Source of Positivity:Share your own stories of hopeand positivity with others. Actsof kindness, no matter howsmall, can have a ripple effect,inspiring those around you todo the same.Page 81

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Stay Informed and ActStay informed about global issues,but instead of feelingoverwhelmed, channel thatknowledge into positive action.Advocacy and support for changecan be a source of hope andempowerment.Look to the FutureThe world is constantly evolving,and there are positive changeshappening. Innovations intechnology, advancements inmedicine, and internationalefforts to combat climate changeare just a few examples. Focus onthe possibilities of a brighterfuture.Cultivate Resilience:Building emotional resilience isessential. Understand that it's okayto have moments of vulnerability, butresilience allows you to bounce backand keep moving forward.In a world that often seems filledwith chaos and despair, rememberthat your perspective and actionscan make a significant difference. By seeking out positivity, connectingwith like-minded individuals, andtaking steps to effect change, youcan find hope and purpose even inthe face of adversity. There is alwayssomething to look forward to, and asyou embrace a positive mindset,you'll be a beacon of hope for othersin today's world.STAYINGSTAYINGPOSITIVE IN APOSITIVE IN ACHAOTICCHAOTICWORLDWORLDPage 82

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Predictive modeling is very important in Healthcare Management. Addressing health risks through practical tools canimprove patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. Targeted interventions and programs can identify usefultrends to make informed decisions about patient care. Predictive analytics play a crucial role in precision medicine byusing lifestyle and environmental data to develop personalized treatment plans. Identifying individuals at high risk forheart disease or cancer long before symptoms appear. Thus improving patient outcomes by changing effectivemedications and healthy lifestyle changes. Predictive analytic data can identify high-risk patients for readmissions. Most recommendations for optimal patientmanagement are based on available data from the patient's history, physical exam, risk factors, lab results, and otherdiagnostic tests. This would help focus on implementing preventative treatment and avoiding disease progression,thus reducing the chronicity of diseases and the risk of future complications.Reducing the cost of healthcare by reducing the length of stay. Hospitals can reduce costs and optimize how stockscan be replenished, thus improving the supply chain. This can help hospitals optimize staffing, improve patientsatisfaction, and avoid overloading the staff that care for the patient. Since the readmission rate is considered astandard indicator of care quality, Medicare will force hospitals to pay penalties if a readmission to the hospital with thesame condition /complaint occurs within 30 days after the initial admission, for example, recurrent congestive heartfailure admission.It is well known that chronic stress and severe depression are common causes of suicide, which can be prevented byearly intervention with professional and timely medical support. There are challenges with preventive modelingregarding data quality and accuracy, as this will lead to false results. Standards should be developed with a hybridmodel of computer-generated data and human intelligence of integration/analysis, improving and maximizing, notreplacing the human element, especially when it comes to healthcare delivery, that compassion and integrity to becombined with trust building to help compliance with lifestyle changes, medications intake with patient satisfaction willultimately lead to better healthcare outcome with less overall cost. Thus, there is a need to integrate predictive analytics, which includes empirical methods (statistical and others) togenerate data predictions. Predictive analytics have six roles, namely, new theory generation, measure development,comparison of competing theories, relevance assessment, improving existing models, and evaluation of predictabilityaccuracy. An example of practical implications is to achieve a tight coupling of financial and operational forecastfigures.Predictive analytics is getting more popular with increasing demand as it can help transform information intomeaningful knowledge with high precision accuracy rather than having information overload. Thus, predictiveanalytics can be used in many fields, such as retail, economics, engineering, and insurance, not limited to healthcare.Dr Adel Eldin, MD, FACC, FACP, MBA, GGAFPage 83THE IMPORTANCE OF PREDICTIVE MODELING IN HEALTHCARE

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THE IMPACT OF NEGATIVE ADULT BEHAVIOR ON CHILDRENNegative adult behavior can have detrimental effects on children's emotional and psychological well-being. When children witness adults engaging in aggressive behavior, such as shouting or physical violence, it can create a sense of fear and insecurity. This can lead to anxiety, low self-esteem, and even aggressive behavior in children.Negative behavior can shape a child's perception of relationships and interpersonal dynamics. If theyobserve adults engaging in disrespectful or dishonest behaviors, they may believe that such behavior isacceptable or normal. This can hinder their ability to form healthy relationships and trust others.MODELING POSITIVE BEHAVIOR FOR CHILDRENAs adults, it is our responsibility to model positive behavior for children. By demonstrating kindness,empathy, and respect in our interactions, we provide children with a blueprint for navigating thecomplexities of human relationships.One effective way to model positive behavior is through active listening. By truly hearing andunderstanding others, we teach children the importance of empathy and open communication.Additionally, demonstrating gratitude and appreciation can teach children the value of kindness andappreciation for others.In a world where children are more connected than ever, adults need to bemindful of their behavior. Whether it's in person or online, children are alwayswatching, listening, and absorbing the actions of the adults around them. Asadults, we have a responsibility to set a positive example and be aware of theimpact we make on younger generations. Children are like sponges, soaking upinformation and experiences from their environment. They learn by observingand imitating the behavior of the adults around them. This process, known associal learning, plays a significant role in their development and shaping theirown behavior.DIGITAL CITIZENSHIPIn today's digital age, where information is readily accessible, it iscrucial for us to be mindful of our words and actions online as well.Cyberbullying, negative comments, and harsh language can have alasting effect on young minds. By choosing to use the internetresponsibly and respectfully, we can teach children valuable lessonsabout digital citizenship. So, remember that we are constantly beingwatched, even when we least expect it. By being conscious of ourbehavior and striving to be our best selves, we can make a positiveimpact on the next generation.Being on our best behavior means demonstrating kindness, honesty, and respect. It means showing empathyand understanding, even in challenging situations. Our actions, both big and small, have the power to shapethe way children perceive the world around them.Page 85

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Maintaining positive behavior around children requires conscious effort and self-awareness.Here are some strategies to help us stay on our best behavior:Self-reflection: Take the time to reflect on your own behavior and identify areas where you can improve.Consider the impact your behavior has on children and make a commitment to be more mindful.Emotional regulation: Children are sensitive to the emotions of the adults around them. Practice emotionalregulation techniques such as deep breathing or taking a break when you feel overwhelmed. This can helpprevent negative behavior from escalating.Setting boundaries: Establish clear boundaries and expectations for behavior, both for yourself and thechildren around you. Consistency and clear communication can help create a positive and respectfulenvironment.THE ROLE OF COMMUNICATION IN SHAPING CHILDREN'S BEHAVIOREffective communication is crucial in shaping children's behavior. By using clear and respectfullanguage, we can teach children how to express themselves in a healthy and constructive manner.Positive communication also fosters trust and strengthens relationships between adults and children.When conflicts arise, it is important to address them calmly and constructively. By modeling effectiveconflict resolution skills, such as active listening and compromise, we teach children how to navigatedisagreements and find mutually beneficial solutions.In addition to modeling positive behavior, it is important to actively teach children about appropriatebehavior. This can be done through open conversations, age-appropriate explanations, and providingguidance when needed. Encourage children to ask questions and express their thoughts and feelings,fostering a safe space for learning and growth.It is also essential to provide children with positive reinforcementwhen they exhibit appropriate behavior. Acknowledge theirefforts and praise their actions, reinforcing the importance ofpositive behavior.In a world where children are constantly watching, it is crucial foradults to be on their best behavior. Our actions and words have aprofound impact on the younger generation, shaping theirunderstanding of the world and their behaviors.Let us strive to be our best selves, both inperson and online, remembering that childrenare always watching. Together, we can make alasting and positive impact on the nextgeneration.Page 86

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Unlocking the Profound Lessons ofUnconditional Animal LoveA personal case of this happened to Our Raziel, whom weadopted almost 12 years ago. Raziel was in a Kill Shelter,and IF no one had adopted him that night, he would havebeen euthanized. When I saw him in that cage that hewas in, he looked somewhat homely, like a little hobo. But,when I asked the lady to hold him, he hugged me withsuch a hug that I had NEVER been hugged like thatbefore. He didn't want to let go, nor did I. We adopted himthat night. He was five years old at the time, and I'mhappy to say he's going on 17 years old in November2023. By: Sharon BingertGGAF USAAs Many of you know, "I Love Animals". Always have andAlways Will. I go back to about four years old when thefamily who lived in the city would visit relatives in theCountry; as far back as I can remember, we always hadanimals of one kind or another. My Mom, who was alwaysafraid of cats, would freak out when I brought a cat orkitten home. She'd wait until I went to school, and when Icame home, she'd tell me the cat ran away.My Mom always had a saying that, to this day, I agreewith as well. It was "IF an animal doesn't like someone,there is something wrong with them, or if people don't likeanimals, they are NOT nice people. Stay away fromthem!"We can learn from animals their unconditional love forother animals of different species and their own. Ananimal will usually never judge you like so many humansdo. Animals go as far as helping and nurturing otheranimals in need. A cat will take in a kitten that the Mothercat did not want. A dog will let a kitten nurse off it whenthe mother denies the kitten to be her own. There is Loveand Devotion with animals.Raziel had a girlfriend who was an 85 lb. dog. He was 13lbs. at the time. She was huge compared to him. Theytruly had an undying love. She still would come over toplay with him when she got very sick. One day, we couldsee just how sick poor Bailey was. Yet, Raziel knewsomehow. He allowed her to drink his water and eat hisfood and stood there lovingly watching her. Shortly afterthat, she passed away. For about five years, Our Razielwould always run to see "if she was coming. My poor littleone didn't understand that Bailey had passed away. HeStill looks for her with such loving eyes and patientlyawaits her return. One day, they will meet again atRainbow Bridge. Both will not have any ailments and willlove again.Remember, dogs and other animals are not disposabletoys. Please don’t abandon them....they deserve better.If people would be more understanding and truly giveone another "Unconditional Love" what a better world thiswould be.I ask for people to STOP the Hatred. Instead, be kind toone another and see how much easier life could be.Sharon and RazielPage 87

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Impact Sierra Leone Partners with City ofGlenarden Mayor Spreading Hope toEconomically Reserved Seniors in Maryland“Care is the ingredient that keeps true friendships alive despiteseparation, distance, or time. Care gives latitude to anotherperson and gets you past the dislikes and annoyances. Quitesimply, caring sustains love.” ~Sara ChidreBy: Dr. Adama KalokohPage 88

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The seniors were greeted with smiles of hope, messages of dignity, and a mini gift basket filled withtoiletry/beauty items that we assembled as a team. For some of these heart-warming senior citizens,this was the only visit they received that day. The seniors we met expressed gratitude to the mayor andour team and even joined us for a few photos. Several of them personally testified that we made theirday special. ISL’s Seeds of Life Program made this outreach activity possible. Thanks to the generosityof so many who contributed to our August Donation Drive Day of Hope, blessing seniors needingnecessities became a reality. Additionally, we achieved the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal of Good Health and Well-Being. We look forward to spreading more hope in the US and in Africa as the Holidays approach. Handin hand, we are continuing our relationship with the Glenarden community and the mayor’s office tospread more hope. Impact Sierra Leone’s core mission is to reduce povertybut to do so with care, concern, and compassion. Duringthe month of September, we were happy to bring smilesto 16 economically reserved seniors in GlenardenMaryland. We were happy to join the City of GlenardenMayor, Honorable Cashenna A. Cross, to personally visitsome amazing senior residents, gifting them withhygiene and beauty items. We are filled with joy to giveback as a Community Partner in achieving the mayor’smission: “Moving the Mission Forward.”ISL aims to bring hope and smiles to many communities across theglobe through our acts of kindness. Together we are achieving thesustainable development goals: Reduce Poverty, Good Health and well-being, and Quality Education.Page 89

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Everyday Techniques to OvercomeAnxiety: and Mental Health Struggles

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Humans have emotions, and at different points, we allstruggle with them.As I sat on my couch one night in May of 2023, I realized thatmy new exercise routine, walking daily, was helping me in anunexpected way. The walking was helping me clear my head,process my anxiety and help me reduce day-to-day stress.Never before had I considered walking as a way to reducestress and relieve anxiety.So, the idea to put my technique out in a book to share withothers who might benefit from the idea was born.I R A B O W M A NShortly after, I realized my solution might not be thesilver bullet for everyone, so I invited some of myfriends to share tips and techniques that work forthem. This book is full of those ideas for others toread and try.This book is not intended to be a one-size-fits-allsolution. The book is written in a non-clinical way onpurpose. The goal is simple: we want to shareeveryday solutions to everyday mental challenges. Even more, it’s likely that these tips won’t work foreveryone, and that’s okay.You might not need all the tips and techniques in thisbook. It is not intended to be an exhaustive medical journal,rather a handy reference guide to those seeking forsomething they can do to make a positive impact intheir personal life.Our lives are too short to suffer through anxiety,depression, and mental health issues without theproper help and support we need. If you find a newtool that helps you in this book, we will haveaccomplished our goal.Co-AuthorsPublished ByJanet Hogon Dr. David Foster, Eric Rosen, Jim Lomot, Lisa Jones,Rick Loek, Ronito Godsi, Titia Niehorster, Shmiko Cole, and Tim BowmanForeword ByMax Kayes, LMFT, CEO

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The Ultimate Guide to Avoiding Burnout:Strategies for Humanitarian Workers inYouth EngagementHumanitarian work can be incredibly rewarding, but itcan also be incredibly challenging. Workers in thefield of youth engagement face unique challenges,from developing programs and building relationshipswith young people to ensuring their safety and well-being. These challenges can lead to an increased riskof burnout if workers don't take proactive steps tomanage stress and maintain their own well-being. Inthis article, we will explore strategies for avoidingburnout and building resilience in the field of youth engagement.Building a self-care routine is crucial for avoiding burnout in any line of work. In the field of youthengagement, it's important to prioritize time for yourself every day, even if it's just a few moments topractice mindfulness or breathwork. Some other self-care suggestions include exercising regularly,journaling, or treating yourself to a massage or other form of relaxation therapy.DEVELOP A SELF-CARE ROUTINEPRACTICE TIME MANAGEMENTHumanitarian workers in youth engagement should practice time management, which involvesplanning, prioritizing, and maximizing their time and energy. Effective time management allowshumanitarian workers in youth engagement to avoid procrastination, distraction, and overload,resulting in higher productivity, quality, and efficiency. Time management techniques include settingdeadlines, using a task list, delegating tasks, batch processing, and using technology tools.SET BOUNDARIESSetting boundaries is another key strategy for preventing burnout in youth engagement work. Thismeans saying no when you need to, avoiding overloading your schedule and setting aside time for restand relaxation. Boundaries may also involve creating healthy distance from young people in yourprograms while still maintaining a strong relationship as a mentor or role model.Page 92

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Humanitarian workers in youth engagement should set realistic goals that align with their values, skills,and resources. Unrealistic goals lead to undue pressure, stress, and burnout. Realistic goals areachievable, measurable, and rewarding, leading to a sense of achievement, satisfaction, and motivation.Moreover, realistic goals allow humanitarian workers in youth engagement to prioritize and balancetheir tasks, projects, and responsibilities.SET REALISTIC GOALSMAINTAIN A SENSE OF PURPOSEHumanitarian workers in youth engagement should reflect and learn from their experiences, challenges,and achievements. Reflection involves mindfulness, self-awareness, self-assessment, and self-improvement. Reflection helps humanitarian workers in youth engagement to consolidate theirlearning, improve their skills, and enhance their creativity, innovation, and adaptability. Reflection alsohelps to prevent burnout by providing an opportunity to recharge, refocus, and renew.REFLECT AND LEARNA sense of purpose is crucial for maintaining resilience and avoiding burnout. Particularly in the field ofyouth engagement, remembering the impact you're making on young people's lives can be a powerfulmotivator. Consider keeping a gratitude journal or regularly reflecting on the positive experiencesyou've had in your work.BUILD SUPPORT NETWORKSHumanitarian workers in youth engagement should build support networks, which consist of peoplewho provide emotional, social, and professional support. Support networks include colleagues,mentors, supervisors, family, friends, and community organizations. Support networks providehumanitarian workers in youth engagement with guidance, feedback, advice, motivation, andinspiration, helping them overcome challenges, deepen their skills, and broaden their perspectives.Page 93

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Mindfulness practices like meditation or yoga can be helpful for managing stress and buildingresilience. They can also provide a sense of calm and centeredness that can help you stay focused andpositive while working with young people. Consider incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine,even if it's just a few minutes of deep breathing or a short guided meditation.Working in youth engagement can be a rewarding and fulfilling career, but it can also be challengingand stressful. To avoid burnout and maintain resilience, it's important to prioritize self-care, setboundaries, set realistic goals, practice time management, build support networks, and reflect andlearn, maintain a sense of purpose, and practice mindfulness. Remember that your own well-being iscrucial for the success of your programs and the young people you work with. By taking proactive stepsto manage stress and build resilience, you can continue to provide meaningful support and services tothe young people you engage with.CONCLUSIONPRACTICE MINDFULNESSAuthor: Jude EdiaeGGAF and CEO at GYMHAPage 94

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The Growing Significance ofCorporate Social Responsibility(CSR)In today's business landscape, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become anincreasingly important aspect of a company's operations. CSR refers to a business'scommitment to operating in an ethical and sustainable manner, taking into account itsimpact on society and the environment. CSR encompasses a range of initiatives and practices aimed at making a positivedifference in the world while also benefiting the company itself. In this article, we’ll explorethe various reasons why CSR is crucial for businesses and highlights its numerous benefits.By: Lisa A. JonesCORPORATE SOCIALRESPONSIBILITYPage 95

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One of the key reasons why CSR is important for businesses is its ability to attract and retain top talent. Intoday's competitive job market, employees are increasingly seeking out employers that align with theirvalues and are committed to making a positive impact. A strong CSR strategy can demonstrate acompany's compassion and dedication to treating all stakeholders, including employees, well. This, in turn,can help attract a talented and motivated workforce.Furthermore, CSR efforts can create a more positive work environment and foster employee engagement.By promoting volunteering, employee involvement in community initiatives, and positive social impactprojects, businesses can enhance employee satisfaction and create a sense of purpose among theirworkforce.Many employees seek opportunities to contribute to their communities and make a positive impact. This iswhere CSR, or Corporate Social Responsibility, plays a crucial role. By implementing CSR initiatives,companies can provide their employees meaningful ways to engage in community service and addresssocial and environmental issues. CSR programs benefit the communities in which they operate and foster asense of purpose and fulfillment among employees. From volunteering at local nonprofit organizations toparticipating in environmental clean-up drives, CSR allows employees to channel their passion for socialchange and be part of something bigger than themselves. Moreover, by aligning their business objectiveswith societal needs, companies can build stronger relationships with customers and stakeholders,enhancing their reputation and driving long-term success.Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has gainedsignificant traction in recent years as businessesrecognize their role in addressing social andenvironmental challenges. CSR goes beyond merephilanthropy and encompasses the integration ofethical, social, and environmental considerations intoa company's core strategies and operations. Bytaking responsibility for their impact on society,businesses can contribute to positive change whilealso reaping numerous benefits.Attracting and Retaining EmployeesSocialSocial

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Contrary to the misconception that CSR is a drain on resources, numerous studies have shown thatcompanies that prioritize CSR outperform their competitors in terms of financial returns. By integrating CSRinto their business strategies, companies can identify new market opportunities, reduce costs, andenhance operational efficiency.For instance, adopting sustainable practices can lead to energy and resource savings, reducing operational expenses. Furthermore, companies that prioritize CSR are often better equipped to navigate regulatory changes and mitigate reputational risks, which can have a positive impact on their financial performance.Enhancing BrandReputation andCustomer LoyaltyCSR initiatives can help businesses build trust and loyalty among their customers. Consumers are morelikely to support companies that are committed to social and environmental causes. By aligning theirvalues with those of their target audience, companies can develop a strong connection with customersand foster long-term loyalty.When brands involve their customers in co-creation activitiesand are trusted, they can more easily translate their CSRpractices into greater customer loyalty.When customers perceive this, their loyalty to the brand islikely to increase, as they tend to reward those brands thatdemonstrate to be beneficial to society and the planet.-Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.To foster loyalty and strengthen customer relationships, an organization's leadership team must share andembody the same values, ensuring that these values are communicated consistently throughout the entirecompany.Improving Business Performance and Financial ReturnsA company's brand reputation is crucial intoday's consumer-driven market. Consumersare increasingly conscious about the socialand environmental impact of the productsand services they purchase. By incorporatingCSR into their business practices, companiescan enhance their brand reputation anddifferentiate themselves from competitors.

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Companies face various risks in a rapidly changing business landscape, including reputational, regulatory,and operational risks. CSR can help businesses mitigate these risks and build resilience.By actively engaging with stakeholders and addressing their concerns, companies can prevent potentialreputational damage. Moreover, by adopting sustainable and responsible practices, businesses can stayahead of regulatory changes and avoid potential legal and compliance issues.CSR can be a catalyst for innovation within a company. By incorporating social and environmentalconsiderations into their innovation processes, businesses can identify new opportunities, developsustainable products and services, and differentiate themselves in the market.CSR initiatives often require creative problem-solving and thinking outside the box. This can lead to thedevelopment of innovative solutions that not only address societal and environmental challenges but alsodrive business growth and competitiveness.Effective stakeholder engagement is vital for the long-term success of any business. CSR provides aframework for companies to engage with their stakeholders in a meaningful and collaborative manner.By actively listening to and addressing the concerns of stakeholders, companies can build trust, strengthenrelationships, and create a positive reputation. This can lead to enhanced collaboration, better decision-making, and increased support from stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, andcommunities.Mitigating Risks and Building ResilienceFostering Innovation and DifferentiationStrengthening Stakeholder RelationshipsContributing to Sustainable Development GoalsThe United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a global framework for addressingsome of the world's most pressing challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change, andenvironmental degradation. CSR allows companies to contribute to these goals and play a role in creating amore sustainable and equitable world.By aligning their CSR initiatives with the SDGs, companies can demonstrate their commitment to addressingthese global challenges and contribute to the broader sustainable development agenda.CSR promotes ethical conduct and good governance within companies. By adopting responsible businesspractices, companies can ensure transparency, accountability, and integrity in their operations.CSR initiatives often involve adhering to ethical standards, promoting diversity and inclusion, and ensuringfair labor practices. By prioritizing these principles, companies can create a positive work culture, preventethical misconduct, and build trust among stakeholders.Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is of paramount importance in today's business landscape.Companies that embrace CSR can attract and retain top talent, enhance their brand reputation,improve financial performance, mitigate risks, foster innovation, strengthen stakeholder relationships,contribute to sustainable development goals, and promote ethical conduct. By integrating CSR intotheir core strategies and operations, companies can make a positive impact on society and theenvironment .

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The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and moresustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, includingpoverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, wereadopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action toend poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation hasproudly joined forces with the UN SustainableDevelopment Goals -Partners PlatformHTTPS://SUSTAINABLEDEVELOPMENT.UN.ORG/PARTNERSHIP/?P=36228CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO CHECK OUT OUR GGA FOUNDATION AND TOP INITIATIVE ON THE UN PAGE.Page 103

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Ira BowmanProfessionally Ira is a marketing and sales expert,photographer, graphics designer, website builder,philanthropy owner, Search Engine Optimization contentwriter, TEDx speaker, and credentialed member of thepress. Ira has built a large social media following with over200,000 followers LinkedIn and over 100,000 followers onInstagram.. Ira Bowman holds a Bachelor of Science degree fromLiberty University where he graduated with a 3.916 GPA inInterdisciplinary Studies, with a concentration in Businessand Religion. This says a lot about who Ira is, as he hasmany interests, and he strives to do things with excellence.Over his 25-year career to date, Ira has worked in therestaurant, e-commerce, print, and marketing industries.The majority of Ira’s career has been spent in a sales role inthe print and graphics industry helping small and medium-sized businesses gain market share and increase sales.Since June 2020, with the launch of Ira’s business,Bowman Digital Media, Ira has focused on helpingincrease visibility for his clients on social media andincreasing website traffic. The internet has become themain source of commerce and visibility is important toincrease sales.Lisa A. Jones I'm Lisa Jones, the CEO of Specialized Resume Services,and I'm here to share my wealth of knowledge with you. With over 16 years of experience writing job seekerdocuments, I've crafted countless resumes, academic CVs,LinkedIn profiles, and job search strategies that havehelped individuals like you secure their dream jobs.As the CEO of Specialized Resume Services, I takeimmense pride in my ability to create compelling contentthat not only catches the attention of hiring managers butalso showcases your unique skills and qualifications in thebest possible light. But it's not just about the words on paper or screen. It'sabout understanding your needs and aspirations andshowing you how to tailor your documents accordingly. Throughout my career, I've honed my skills in copywriting,content writing, and all forms of digital marketing. Thismeans that not only will your documents be SEO-optimized, but they will also be conversation-optimized,ensuring that you stand out from the competition andleave a lasting impression. With my expertise and your ambition, we'll ensure that younot only land the job of your dreams but also exceed yourexpectations. Let's get started!LAND YOUR DREAM JOB WITH PROVEN TIPS FOR JOBSEEKERSWelcome to our brand-new section, "Helpful Tips for Jobseekers," specially designed to be yourultimate resource for jobseeker tips and strategies. In a rapidly evolving job market, securing yourdream position requires a blend of knowledge, skills, and insight. In this section, we'll delve deepinto the world of job searching, offering expert advice on resume crafting, interview preparation,networking, and professional development. Whether you're just starting your career journey orlooking to take your current one to the next level, our collection of articles, advice, and successstories will be your go-to guide for achieving your career aspirations. So, stay tuned each monthand get ready to transform your job search experience and propel your career forward with ourbrand-new section, "Helpful Tips for Jobseekers."By: Lisa Jones & Ira BowmanPage 102

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The Importance of Choosing the Right Resume FormatThe resume format you choose plays a vital role in presenting your qualifications in the most effective way. Itdetermines how your information is organized, what details are highlighted, and how easily a recruiter or hiringmanager can extract relevant information. The right resume format can help you stand out from the competition andemphasize your strengths.The Chronological Resume FormatThe chronological resume format, also known as the reverse-chronological format, is the most commonly usedformat. It presents your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job. This formatis ideal if you have a consistent work history with no significant employment gaps.One of the advantages of the chronological resume format is its simplicity. It allows recruiters to quickly scan yourwork history and see your career progression. Additionally, this format is preferred by applicant tracking systems(ATS), which are used by many companies to screen resumes electronically.However, the chronological format may not be suitable for everyone. If you have employment gaps or are looking tochange careers, a different format might better highlight your skills and qualifications.The Functional Resume FormatThe functional resume format focuses on your skills and abilities rather than your work history. It is an excellent choiceif you have limited work experience, are a recent graduate, or are changing careers. Instead of listing your workhistory in chronological order, the functional format highlights your relevant skills and achievements.One of the main advantages of the functional resume format is its flexibility. It allows you to emphasize the skills thatare most relevant to the job you are applying for, even if they were acquired in different roles or industries. This formatis particularly useful if you want to showcase transferable skills or if you have gaps in your work history. If you are anew graduate or changing careers and going for an entry-level job, this format would work best to show yourskills/transferrable skills.However, some hiring managers and recruiters may view the functional format with skepticism, as it does not providea clear timeline of your work experience. It is important to weigh the potential advantages and disadvantages of thisformat based on your specific circumstances.Unlocking the Secrets of Resume FormatsCrafting a winning resume is a crucial step in your career journey. A well-organized and visually appealing resumecan make a lasting impression on potential employers, increasing your chances of landing your dream job. But withvarious resume formats available, how do you choose the perfect one for your unique circumstances? In this article,we will explore the different resume formats, their pros and cons, and provide you with expert tips on selecting thebest format to showcase your skills and experience.Choosing the Perfect Format for Your Career JourneyBy: Lisa JonesPage 103

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How to Choose the Best Resume Format for Your Career JourneySelecting the best resume format requires careful consideration of your unique circumstances and goals. Here aresome factors to consider when making this important decision:Your Work History: If you have a consistent work history with no significant employment gaps, the chronologicalformat may be the most suitable choice. It allows you to showcase your career progression effectively.Your Skills and Achievements: If you want to emphasize your skills and achievements rather than your work history,the functional format may be the way to go. This format is particularly beneficial if you have transferable skills or arechanging careers.Combining Skills and Work History: If you want to strike a balance between highlighting your skills and providing achronological work history, the combination format is worth considering. It allows you to showcase relevant skillswhile also demonstrating continuity in your career journey.Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Carefully evaluate your circumstances and choose the format thatbest showcases your qualifications.Tips for Formatting Your Resume EffectivelyRegardless of the format you choose, there are general guidelines you should follow to ensure your resume is well-formatted and visually appealing. Consider the following tips:Use a Clean and Professional Design: Opt for a clean and professional design that is easy to read. Choose a legiblefont, use bullet points for clarity, and maintain consistent formatting.Tailor Your Resume to the Job: Customize your resume for each job application. Highlight the skills and experiencesmost relevant to the position you are applying for. The job posting will help you and should be a critical source usedto form and “tweak” your resume.Keep it Concise: Avoid lengthy paragraphs and unnecessary details. Use concise bullet points to convey informationeffectively. I use paragraphs no longer than five lines deep and bullet points that are no longer than two lines deep. Quantify Your Achievements: Whenever possible, quantify your achievements to provide concrete evidence of yourskills and accomplishments. Use numbers, percentages, or dollar amounts to demonstrate the impact you made inprevious roles.Proofread and Edit: Always proofread your resume for grammar and spelling errors. Ask someone else to review it aswell to ensure it is error-free.By following these tips, you can ensure your resume is well-organized and visually appealing, increasing yourchances of catching the attention of potential employers.Common Resume Format Mistakes to AvoidWhile formatting your resume, it is essential to steer clear of common mistakesthat can undermine your chances of success. Page 104

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Here are some errors to avoid:Using an Unprofessional Email Address: Ensure your email address is professional and appropriate for jobapplications. Avoid using unprofessional or personal email addresses.Including Irrelevant Information: Keep your resume focused on relevant information. Exclude details that are notdirectly related to the job you are applying for.Neglecting Keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords from the job description/posting to increase your resume'schances of passing through ATS and catching the attention of recruiters.Using an Inconsistent Format: Maintain a consistent format throughout your resume. Use the same font, bullet points,and formatting style to create a cohesive document.Neglecting White Space: Avoid cramming too much information onto one page. Use white space strategically toimprove readability and make your resume visually appealing.By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure your resume stands out for all the right reasons andmaximizes your chances of success.Choosing the perfect resume format is a crucial step in your career journey. By understanding the advantagesand disadvantages of each format, considering your unique circumstances, and following effective formattingtips, you can create a compelling resume that highlights your skills and experiences. Remember, your resume is areflection of your professional brand, so invest time and effort into crafting a document that sets you apart fromthe competition.Now armed with the knowledge of resume formats, it's time to embark on your journey towards career success.Take the first step by choosing the format that best suits your qualifications and start creating a resume thatopens doors to new opportunities. Page 105

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5 TIPS TO FINDINGA JOB IN A FOREIGNCOUNTRYBy: Ira BowmanMoving to a new country to start a new job can be an exciting and rewarding experience. I’ve talked aboutthis in blogs on ProjectHelpYouGrow a few different times over the past few years. It’s a challenge forjobseekers, without question but it is not impossible. However, please be prepared for the additionalchallenges that come with job searching in a foreign country. Keep in mind that hiring someone from outside the local area includes great risk with respect to cultural fit,language barriers, additional expenses, and red tape can be required. Does that mean it’s impossible? No,you certainly can find a job if you follow an intelligent strategy and are willing to put in extra effort to makeit happen. If you’re determined to land a job in a foreign country, keep reading, as I share a lot of insightthat can help you get the job you’re looking for.Page 106

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The Five Tips We Cover Include:Being flexible with location.Taking a step back to a lower position.Starting at a multinational company located in your country.Networking online and in person in the country you want to move to.Ensure your CV / Resume is formatted to the local preferences. Flexible With Your LocationLower cost of living. Smaller cities and less well-known areas typically have a lower cost of living thanbig cities. This means that your salary will go further, and you'll be able to save more money.Less competition. There is typically less competition for jobs in smaller cities and less well-known areas.This means that you'll have a better chance of getting your foot in the door.More friendly and welcoming communities. Smaller cities and less well-known areas often have a morefriendly and welcoming atmosphere than big cities. This can make it easier to settle in and feel at home.Opportunities to learn about the local culture. Living in a smaller city or less well-known area gives youthe opportunity to learn more about the local culture and way of life. This can be a rewardingexperience, and it can also help you to integrate into the community.If you're serious about finding a job in a foreign country, it's important to be flexible with your location. Don'tlimit yourself to the biggest cities or the most popular tourist destinations. There may be great jobopportunities in smaller cities or less well-known areas.Here are 4 reasons why you should consider looking for a job in a smaller city or less well-known areaof a foreign country: a job in a foreign country can be challenging, but it's definitely possible. By being flexible with yourlocation and networking with people, you can increase your chances of success.Take a Step Back to a Lower PositionGain experience in the local job market. Working in a lower-level position can give you the opportunityto gain experience in the local job market and learn about the local business culture. This can make youmore competitive for higher-level positions in the future.1)Build a network of contacts. Working in a lower-level position can also help you to build a network ofcontacts in your field. This can be helpful when you're looking for a job in your desired field, as you maybe able to get referrals from your current colleagues or supervisors.1)Improve your language skills. If you're not fluent in the local language, working in a lower-levelposition can give you the opportunity to improve your language skills. This can make you moreattractive to potential employers and give you a better chance of getting a job in your desired field.If you're struggling to find a job in your desired field, consider taking a step back to a lower position. Thiscould be a great way to gain experience and build a network in the country you're looking to move to.Here are 3 benefits of taking a step back to a lower position when you're struggling to find a job in yourdesired field in a foreign country:1.2.3.Page 107

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Apply at multinational companies in your country to transfer after you're hired. Many multinationalcompanies have offices in multiple countries. If you work for a multinational company in your home country,you may be able to transfer to one of their international offices after you're hired. This can be a great way tomove to a new country without having to worry about finding a job first.3 benefits of transferring to an international office of a multinational company:Network Online and In Person In the Country You Want to Move ToIt is a relatively easy way to move to a new country. When you transfer to an international office of amultinational company, your employer will take care of all the necessary paperwork and logistics. Thiscan save you a lot of time and hassle.You will already have a job lined up. When you transfer to an international office of a multinationalcompany, you will already have a job lined up. This can give you peace of mind and allow you to focuson other aspects of moving to a new country, such as finding a place to live and learning the locallanguage.You will have the support of your employer. When you transfer to an international office of amultinational company, you will have the support of your employer. This can be helpful if you need helpadjusting to your new life in a new country.1.2.3.Reach out to people you know who live or work in the country you're interested in moving to. This couldinclude friends, family, former colleagues, or even people you've met online. Let them know that you'relooking for a job in their country and ask if they know of any opportunities or if they can put you in touchwith anyone who might be able to help.Attend industry events and meetups. This is a great way to meet people in your field and learn about jobopportunities. Many cities have industry-specific events and meetups, so it should be easy to findsomething that interests you.Connect with people on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a great platform for networking with people in your fieldand in the country you're interested in moving to. You can search for people by company, industry, andlocation. You can also join LinkedIn groups that are relevant to your field and interests.Networking is a great way to find job opportunities in any country, but it's especially important when you'rejob searching abroad. Reach out to people you know who live or work in the country you're interested inmoving to. Attend industry events and meetups. And don't forget to connect with people on LinkedIn.Here are 3 tips on how to network effectively when you're looking for a job in a foreign country:1.2.3.When you're networking, it's important to be genuine and helpful. Don't just go up to people and ask themfor a job. Instead, focus on getting to know them and building relationships. Be helpful by offering to answertheir questions or connect them with people you know. The more you help others, the more likely they are tohelp you in return.Ensure your CV / Resume and Cover Letter Are Formatted to the Local PreferencesWhen you're job searching in a foreign country, it's important to format your CV and cover letter to meet thelocal preferences. This includes using the correct font, layout, and language. You should also tailor yourresume and cover letter to each specific job you apply for.Page 108

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Apply at multinational companies in your country to transfer after you're hired. Many multinationalcompanies have offices in multiple countries. If you work for a multinational company in your home country,you may be able to transfer to one of their international offices after you're hired. This can be a great way tomove to a new country without having to worry about finding a job first.Use the correct font. Different countries have different preferences when it comes to fonts. For example,in some countries, it is common to use a serif font such as Times New Roman or Garamond for CVs andcover letters. In other countries, it is more common to use a sans-serif font such as Arial or Calibri. It isimportant to research the local preferences and use the appropriate font for your CV and cover letter.Use the correct layout. The layout of your CV and cover letter should also be tailored to the localpreferences. For example, in some countries, it is common to include a photo on your CV. In othercountries, it is not considered appropriate to include a photo on your CV. It is important to research thelocal preferences and use the appropriate layout for your CV and cover letter.Use the correct language. Of course, you should write your CV and cover letter in the local language. Ifyou are not fluent in the local language, you can have your CV and cover letter translated by aprofessional translator.Tailor your CV and cover letter to each specific job you apply for. Your CV and cover letter should betailored to each specific job you apply for. Highlight the skills and experience that are most relevant tothe job you are applying for. You should also explain why you are interested in the specific job and whyyou are a good fit for the company.Here are 4 tips on how to format your CV and cover letter to meet the localpreferences when you're job searching in a foreign country: Bonus Tips That Can Also Be Very Helpful:Learn the local language. Even if you're bilingual, learning the local language will show potentialemployers that you're serious about moving to their country and working there.Research the job market. What are the in-demand jobs in the country you're interested in? What are thesalary expectations? The more you know about the job market, the better prepared you'll be to find ajob.Get a work visa. Before you can start working in a foreign country, you'll need to get a work visa. Therequirements for work visas vary from country to country, so it's important to research the process earlyon.1.2.3.Finding a job in a foreign country can be challenging, but it's definitely possible. By following the tips above,you can increase your chances of success. Remember at the end of the day, you don’t need everyone tohire you, you just need one good company to see your value and give you the chance.Learn more about Ira Bowman on his media kit on Bowman Digital Media. Stay tuned for many futurearticles as we help provide helpful tips on a variety of topics to help jobseekers be more successful in theirefforts to land the job of their dreams, no matter where it is they want to work.Page 109

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5 0 1 c 3 N o n p r o f i tmay 2020Global GoodwillAmbassadorsFoundationWWW.GLOBALGOODWILLAMBASSADORS.ORG/THE-AMBASSADORS I G N U P F O R Y O U R F R E E M O N T H L YS U B S C R I P T I O N T O " T H E A M B A S S A D O R " M A G A Z I N EF E A T U R I N G