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The Ambassador - Issue 9

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From my point of view, a humanitarian is someone who helps those who aredisadvantaged and in need. There are many activities we can perform with verylittle or no money so always keep your heart open to helping others. Sitting with the elderly who are alone - PricelessMentoring children and adults - PricelessSharing a smile and lifting someone's day - PricelessHelping walk dogs at animal shelters - PricelessSharing your knowledge and education with someone - PricelessSharing the My Body is My Body a free child abuse prevention program -Priceless...and the list goes onWe should never get caught up in these titles as this should come from yourheart and I see so many of you shedding your "blood, sweat, and tears" to helpothers. I'm very honored to have so many brothers and sisters who are care aboutpeople, animals, the girl child, education, and sustainability, to name a few.Follow your heart and you will always be on the track of a humanitarian whospreads kindness and truly cares. We would also like to thank Chrissy Sykes and Dee Russell-Thomas for thebeautiful GGA song. Writer and arranger, Chrissy Sykes; Lyrics; Dee RussellThomasExecutive's CornerA philosophical statement was made in a group I attend several weeks ago withthe person stating "no one is a humanitarian unless they have money." Instead ofbeing considered a "Humanitarian," this person proceeded with telling everyonethey are only volunteers. If this were true, how much money does it take to become a humanitarian? Of course, I disagree with this because everyone in that group is doing wonderfulhumanitarian work. "Am I a Humanitarian?"

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MY BODY IS MY BODY 16SPOTLIGHTEXECUTIVE'S CORNER 3The Ambassador (GGAF) monthly publication of Global Goodwill Ambassadors' Foundation publishes during the first week of every month. Publisher: Lisa JonesExecutive Editor: Richard DiPillaOnline circulation: 1,144,178+ Advertising rates: Full page (8x 10) $125*Donation to GGAF initiatives, Half Page (8x5) $75.00 * Same inclusions. Ad Deadline is the 20th of each month.Contact through: placement and production of your add plus live link to your website or social media profile. GGAF has made constant care to make sure the content is accurate on the date of the publication. The views expressed in the articles reflect the author(s) opinions and are not necessarily the views of the publisher and editor. The published material, advertisements, editorials, and all other content is published in good faith. GGAF cannotguarantee and accepts no liability for any loss or damage of any kind caused by this website, publication, and errors or the accuracy of claims made by the advertisers.All content in THE AMBASSADOR may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of GGAF. Its contributors cannot accept any liability for readerdiscontent arising from the editorial features. GGAF reserves the right to accept or reject any article or material supplied for publication or to edit this material before publishing. GGAF cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to the provided materials. We accept no liability for misprints or mistakes and no responsibility can be taken forthe contents of these pages. In this publication, you might find links to the website, third-party content, and advertising. By using our website, you acknowledge and agree that GGAF cannot be held responsible and shall not be liable for the content of other websites, advertisements, and other resources. By using this site, you agree to all termsand conditions listed above. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us at PROFESSIONAL COACHING &AUTHORS 61GGA'S MAKING AN IMPACT 34THECopyright The AMBASSSADOR MAZAZINE - 2020 All Rights Reserved.https://www.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgStand With Us!PAGE 063536-3941-43404944-48531725-313120-21

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56GGA'S MAKING AN IMPACT 34PROFESSIONAL COACHING &AUTHORS 68-82GGAF FAMILY RECIPES 90KINDNESS MATTTERS 83Copyright The AMBASSSADOR MAZAZINE - 2020 All Rights Reserved.ww.globalgoodwillambassadors.org58GGAF LEARNING INSTITUTE 60-62697571737779848789GGAF FAMILY RECIPES 906-7BreNard "LaMar" Stallworth

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BreNard "LaMar" StallworthSinger, Songwriter, and Composer; Global Goodwill AmbassadorWriter and Composer of "I Wonder by "CHAINGE

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Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation believes every childdeserves a future. We will whatever it takes to ensure these younggirls grow up healthy and safe. We can’t do this important work without your support. Please donate today to ensure their tomorrow.

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The Ambassador | May 2021 | Issue 9Running an orphanage takes a lot of hard work to ensure children have food andmedical care when needed. We continue to see the outstanding care you give tothe girls at your orphanage. What was the driving force that led you to start Save The Young Girls Foundation, and what keeps you going?

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The Ambassador | May 2021 | Issue 9

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This month in our "I'm Standing Up Against Campaign" we are highlighting the subject ofChild Marriage around the world.Please read the article and see if there is anything you can do in your communities to helpeducate against this practice. We need to give our children the best start in life and earlymarriage for either boys or girls is not the best for them. I can speak from experience as I wasa young bride having my first child at 17. it took me many years to catch up with myeducation as I had 4 childrento look after. New leafletsWe have some new "Body Safety" Leaflets on our website which you can download and share.If we don't have them in your community language and would like to do the translations - please contact meeither using the contact form on the website or on Linkedin.Thank you so much to Mandy Olowu from Hope Ambassadors for organising the following translations Olaoluwa Olayemi & Oluwakemi Apanisile Olayemi - YorubaMuhammad Mayhoolar M’y- HausaChisom Chukwuemeka- IgboIf you would like to take our FREE GGA Educational Courses please visit the GGA WebsiteCourse 1: INTRODUCTION TO CHILD MALTREATMENT AND SAFEGUARDING CHILDRENWith this course we will be covering:1. Why we need to teach about Maltreatment 2. Worldwide Facts about Maltreatment (from ISPCAN)3. How Child Maltreatment affects a community’s quality of life and economic prosperity4. Different Types and Signs of Maltreatment 5. How to react if a child discloses their abuse to you 6. Basics on how to report child abuseCourse 2: How to teach the My Body Is My Body Prevention ProgramThis includes tutorials on all 6 songs, with lesson plans, Children’s workbook and quizMy Body Is My Body Welcome to the My Body is My Body section of the AmbassadorAvailable in HindiFrenchYorubaIgbo HausaArabic SudaneseTamilPidgin English

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Oshi Rachel and Davina Care Foundationin Nigeria have been making an impact withthe children in their community, teaching themthe My body is My Body rules to keep safe.Thank you to all our wonderful volunteersaround the world for taking the time to make adifference to the lives of children.Thank you

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Our programme is FREE for everyone and it costs nothing to share so please share the programme information with: 1) Your social media platform 2) Schools and teachers3) Nursery Schools and Teachers4) Social Workers5) Anyone else working with children like sports and after school facilitators6) Parents7) Community functions such as parents meetings8) and of course the most important thing is to share the programme with the children in your own family WWW.MYBODYISMYBODY.COM

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INTRODUCTION TO CHILD MALTREATMENT AND SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN With this course we will be covering:1. Why we need to teach about Maltreatment2. Worldwide Facts about Maltreatment (from ISPCAN)3. How Child Maltreatment affects a community’s quality of lifeand economic prosperity4. Different Types and Signs of Maltreatment5. How to react if a child discloses their abuse to you6. Basics on how to report child abuse(Find out more on our GGA Website) WWW,MYBODYISMYBODY.COM

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Become a My Body is My Body Programme Presenter You will learn how to present all 6 songs to children and parentsYou will be given a Community Presentation to help youEach song has a lesson plan You will learn the objective of each songHow to teach the childrenHow to use the children's workbook and Quiz (Find out more on our GGA Website) WWW,MYBODYISMYBODY.COM

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Child marriage refers to any formal or informalmarriage of both girls and boys under the age of 18(although it disproportionately affects girls) is stillvery prevalent around the world. According to Girls Not Brides a child under the age of 18 is married every 3 seconds.Despite the laws set out by the Convention of the Rights Of TheChild and the Laws set out in 1948 by the United Nations inArticle 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, statingthat persons must be at “Full Age” which is considered 18 yearsold when married, and that marriage should be entered into“Freely” and with “Full Consent” countries are still not enforcingthese basic human rights for children.Child MarriagePage 24www.mybodyismybody.comBy Chrissy Sykes

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90% of births to adolescents take placewithin the context of marriage.Complications arising from pregnancy andchildbirth are among the leading causes ofdeath in girls aged 15-19.Girls who marry before age 15 are 50%more likely to suffer from intimate partnerviolence than those who marry later.Girls are most likely to have undergoneboth female genital mutilation/cutting(FGM/C) and child marriage in Sudan (53%),Somaliland (52%), Sierra Leone (37%),Burkina Faso (39%), and Ethiopia (36%)KEY Facts * Page 25Child *Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) describes any procedure thatintentionally alters female genital organs for non-medical reasons (Source: theWorld Health Organisation, WHO). It has no health benefits for girls. It can causesevere bleeding, problems urinating, and later cysts, infections, as well ascomplications in childbirth and increased risk of new-born deaths. *Source Girls Not Brides*

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Child marriage is rooted in gender inequality as inmany communities it is still thought that girls areinferior to boys. It is a global problem as it happensacross different countries, religions and cultures. Child marriage has long-term consequences ongirls, including social isolation, domestic violenceand complications in childbirth, as a result of achild’s underdeveloped body. Child brides also havea higher risk of contracting HIV, sexuallytransmitted diseases, cervical cancer, malaria,death during childbirth, and obstetric fistulas. Psychosocial disadvantage 1. The loss of adolescence, 2. Forced sexual relations, 3. Denial of freedom and personal development Early marriage has profound psychosocial andemotional consequences for the child. Child MarriageBabies born from girls that are not fully developed are also at greater risk forpremature birth. This means that countries that allow child marriage arecommitting human rights violations. In Yemen, India, Afghanistan and Somalia girls as young as 10 are beingforced to marry men. Sometimes these men are much older than the girls.Page

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Poverty is one of the things that drives child marriage.Girls from poor families are more likely to be marriedearly than their richer peers. In Nigeria, 40% of thepoorest girls are married by 15 compared to 3% of therichest. · India has the highest number of childmarriages of any country, partly owing to the large sizeof its population, with 47% of girls married under 18 – around 24.6 million In order to make changes we have to educatecommunities about the disadvantages of earlymarriage. Girls need a chance to be educated, to thriveand achieve. By forcing girls to marry much older menwe are robbing them of their freedom.Page 27*Girls from poor families are more likely to be married early than their richerpeers. In Nigeria, 40% of the poorest girls are married by 15 compared to3% of the richest*India has the highest number of child marriages of any country, partlyowing to the large size of its population, with 47% of girls married under 18 –around 24.6 millionEven In the USA as of 2019, there was no statutory minimum age in 13 states.*Understanding State Statutes on Minimum Marriage Age and Exceptions Compiled by the Tahirih Justice Center (July 2019).Child

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Page 28Examples of Early Marriage (Unicef)Rajasthan, India: The custom survives of giving very small children away inmarriage. On the auspicious day of Akha Teej, the mass solemnization ofmarriages between young boys and girls is performed. From the parents’point of view, this is the tried and tested way of organizing the passing on ofproperty and wealth within the family.1 A small but significant proportion ofthe children involved are under age 10, and some are mere toddlers of twoor three-years-old.Niger: A recent study by UNICEF in six West African countries, 2 showedthat 44 per cent of 20-24 year old women in Niger were married under theage of 15. The need to follow tradition, reinforce ties among or betweencommunities, and protect girls from out-of-wedlock pregnancy were themain reasons given. In the communities studied, all decisions on the timingof marriage and the choice of spouse are made by the fathers.Bangladesh: Many Bangladeshi girls are married soon after puberty, partlyto free their parents from an economic burden and partly to protect thegirls’ sexual purity. Where a girl’s family is very poor or she has lost herparents, she may be married as a third or fourth wife to a much older man,to fulfil the role of sexual and domestic servant.Albania: Families in rural areas, reduced to abject poverty by the post-Communist transition, encourage their daughters to marry early in order tocatch potential husbands before they migrate to the cities in search of work,and to avoid the threat of kidnapping on the way to school.3 Child

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Estimates of future trends: According to the United NationsChildren’s Fund, the total number of women married inchildhood will grow from more than 700 million today toaround 950 million by 2030. By 2050 this number would reach1.2 billion.Child marriage among boysBoys do not face the same risks and consequences due tobiological and social differences, the practice is nonetheless arights violation for children of both sexes. Child grooms are forced to take on adult responsibilities forwhich they may not be prepared. He may be faced with earlyfatherhood and may be pressured into providing for the newfamily. This is almost certainly affect his education as well.Globally, over 115 million boys were married before age 18. Page 29What can we do?We have to challenge traditional narratives from within local communities,engaging the support of community leaders. Changes can be made byeducating and raising awareness about the detriment of child marriage andthe importance of prioritising girls’ education. We need to show what adifference this could make to the economy of the community by havinghealthier, more educated children.By reducing child marriage we can improve the health of millions ofyoung girls and boys around the world.Child

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20 Countries with the highest prevalence rates of child marriage 76% Niger 68% Central African Republic 67% Chad 59% Bangladesh 54% Mali 53% Mozambique 52% Burkina Faso 52% South Sudan 47% Guinea 45% Somalia 43% Nigeria 42% Malawi 41% Eritrea 40% Ethiopia 40% Madagascar 40% Nepal 34% Uganda 37% Democratic Republic of the Congo 37% Mauritania 39% Sierra LeonePage 30Child

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Page 21Bullyingwww.mybodyismybody.comJoin our "I'm Standing Up"against Bullying CampaignFind out more on the GGAF Website

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Many countries in our world are sufferingfrom COVID-19. There are many ways you can help including:

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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) for Everyone

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and Childcare OrganizationIn the pursuit of fighting poverty in our society, Hope Ambassadorsand Childcare Organization has been taking drastic steps towinning this fight by empowering women especially widows andphysically challenged women.One of the Ambassadors, Munirat Jibrin recently came up with thestory of Tani Audu, a middle-aged widow and amputee, whosurvives by making donuts and a locally-made refreshing drinkmade called ‘zobo’. These she sells to children in front of a schoolin Kaduna.Life, to say the least, has been really harsh and hectic for Taniespecially in the face of a debilitating pandemic and an economythat is on a free downward spiral.OPE AMBASSADORS has, through the Northern Nigeria RegionalCoordinator, Munirat Jibrin, lent a helping hand. This is to alleviatethe hardship this hardworking but physically challenged lady ispassing through.Tani has been fending for herself by hustling in the harsh elementsof sun, dust and rain for over 20 years eversince the death of herpartner and the accident that maimed her for life.She detests the idea of resorting to Street Begging for survival.Hence the constant struggle to seek a living via a honest means.We can all help lift this determined lady out of penury and give hera life of hope, dignity and decency.

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and Childcare OrganizationRural dwellers find life so difficult, especially the unskilled widows,orphans and indigents. Many are desperate to start a business tomake ends meet, get a better school for education but lack offinancial strength to fulfil this has made many forego their dreams. Hope Ambassadors and Childcare Organization looks beyondgiving foods or money to these set of people and startedempowering them with materials that would be used to start theirdesired businesses.At Obosi in Anambra State of Nigeria, 50 women were empoweredwith grinding machines and Food Coolers in order to start makinga living either to boost or commence business in the foodsubsector On this occasion, 5 orphans from the local primary school alsoreceived scholarships to continue their studies to secondaryschool level. T-shirts and school bags were also distributed toabout 200 pupils and 100 women in the same community.It was a grand occasion and a great a relief to the people of thecommunity. The message of hope was a resounding success!Page 38

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I G N I T I N G G R E A T E R P A S S I O N W I T HM U S I C F O R W A T E R B y T e a m J B D o n d o l oJB Dondolo’s Music for Water campaignlaunched is inaugural competition in 2020. Wehelped the Navajo Nation (AZ) householdsduring COVID-19 with 200 hand sanitizers andsigned on 5 musicians for a one-timedistribution deal with an international recordlabel Grand Mountain International Records togive them visibility and advance theirhumanitarian songs while serving asambassadors to help fight for clean water andsanitation. JB Dondolo awarded its song of the year LiveLove by Shawna Linzy to ignite a greaterawareness of the importance of clean wateraround the globe. Shawna Linzy is an Arkansas-native actress and musical artist, known forBlind Trauma (2021), My Sweet Buttercup (2020)and Glory News (2018). She has appeared inaward winning films and her original music hasbeen featured in film and podcasts. Shawna received a full four-year vocal tuitionscholarship to attend Arkansas Tech Universitywhere she studied and obtained her Bachelor ofArts degree in Journalism/Public Relations. Anactive member of the university choir, she was afeatured vocalist resulting in her attainment ofnumerous competitions including: MissArkansas Tech University and Miss LakeDardanelle winning both pageants and talentand interview portions. Consequently, sherepresented her university and the River Valleyregion as an official contestant in the MissArkansas Pageant, a caveat to The Miss AmericaPageant.J O D O N D O L O A W A R D E D I T S S O N G O F T H E Y E A R ," L I V E B Y L I V E " B Y S H A W N A L I N Z YShawna has since written lyrics to andperformed the song “Jesus” which reached#1 on an online global music platform. Shehas performed at numerous engagementsincluding an event attended by former VicePresident of the United States (nowPresident) Joe Biden. She recently releasednew music including the inspirational single“Let’s Ride 2” and the single “Silent Night”from her upcoming collaborative Christmasalbum. Shawna now resides in Texas, homestate to JB Dondolo, Inc. with her husband,Tim.Page 40

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Scope for ChangeEducation today is no longer a luxury but a necessity in life. However, the unaffordable school fees, makes it challenging for the economically weak to get basic and foundational education. Scope for Change provides aid and assistance to the families andchildren who are financially struggling to make ends meet. The NGO strives towards thebetterment of the Indian Education System holistically.COVID -19 pandemic has challenged our communities in many ways. Our children havebeen impacted to a greater degree due to school closure. While many private schools havethe tools/ technology to run on-line classes, the government schools and otherunderprivileged schools have been unable to adjust to the situation and have suffered togreater extent. Our Book Donation Drive aims to provide the under-privileged childrenwith the resources they require to get quality education. By providing these children withthese resources especially books we can give them a whole new possibility of life with theconstant help and support of our donors. With one more step towards the change, “Scope of Change” wishes to extend the warmestappreciation with immense gratitude and good wishes to all whodonated & to be part ofthis change. We are very gratefulthat we could donate 1039 Books to the Aroh Foundation on 8th April 2021. AROH Foundationis an Indian social initiative that was founded in 2001 by Neelam Gupta. It is an organization working for underprivileged communitiesthrough sustainable development. We understand the vital roles books play in enhancing the quality of education and impacting kids.www.globalgoodwillambassadors.comBOOK DONATION: AROH FOUNDATIONBy: Perminder Singh MalikGGA - India Page 41

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A N E W B E G I N N I N G"Pearls don’t lie on the seashore. If you want one, you mustdive for it.” – Chinese proverb.The Ambassador | May 2021 | Issue 9By: Perminder Singh Malik GGA - India

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Cwww.globalgoodwillambassadors.comScope of Change "We at Scope of Change activelysearch for innovative ideas tocreate an impact on thecommunity we live in and we hopeis you join us in this journey. "The Ambassador | May 2021 | Issue 9Page 43

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CHARITY DONATIONFOUNDATIONTerry Bitar - Founder of Charity DonationGGA - USAPage 44

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The Ambassador | May 2021 | Issue 9

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“Dedication, Motivation, and a lot of Flexibility” was the motto ofCharity Donation foundation, and it is this motto that continues toguide Terry Bitar and Charity Donation Foundation’s path in molding astronger, more stable, more sustainable Lebanon, for Lebanese of allstripes and strides."

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SEEDS OF LIFE INITIATIVE INRURAL SIERRA LEONE!The Ambassador | May 2021 | Issue 9Page 49

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The Ambassador | May 2021 | Issue 50

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United We Stand andTogether We Rise! Ambassador | May 2021 | I Page 80Page 51

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Now, I’m interested in these actions to contribute to state-building and to lasting peace in Eastern DRC. Butit will be only possible if I am helped.About the Author: The Ambassador | May 2021 | Issue 9Page 55

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Page 56To Watch the Interview with Chrissy Skykes, please Previous Interviews:

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Global Goodwill AmbassadorsMaking An ImpactSpotlight this month: Chrissy SykesBy: Dr Ruby Bakshi KhurdiVP of Women's Empwerment, GGAFPage 57

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Gavin McCormack‘Modelling behaviour is the greatest way of guiding our children towardstheir goals.’If we want them to be great readers who enjoy literature and the beauty thatthe written word provides? - read alongside then. If we want our children to show empathy towards other living beings? -demonstrate that by caring for the whole world around you. If our hope is that our children will be open with their emotions and embracethe fact that both happiness and sadness and natural feelings? - show yourenations and openly talk about feelings! If you want your children to show grit and determination with whatever theirheart tells them to do next - don’t you ever give up on what you believe isright either! We are the greatest teachers to our youngest generation, but it’s not aboutwhat we say, it’s about what we do!‘Model the behaviour you wish to view in your child.’Gavin's Contact InformationGavin McCormack:School Principal at Farmhouse Montessori School, AustraliaPrincipal/Founder: Butwal Montessori Training Center, NepalCo-Founder: Education Influence, AustraliaGGA - Australia School Principal of the Year finalists 2020 - TEDX Speaker - 6-12 Montessori Teacher - Australian LinkedInTop Voice 2020 - Author Gavin’s blog can be found at Influence www.educationinfluence.comLinkedIn Profile: 58

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GGAF Learning InstitutePage 60Online Classes: Asynchronous andSynchronous LearningLMSZoomSocial MediaPlatformsCertificatesAudio & VisualMultimediaLibrary of more than1500 courses

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Understand the components of critical thinkingUtilize non-linear thinkingUse logical thinkingRecognize what it means to be a critical thinkerEvaluate information using critical thinking skillsIdentify the benefits of critical thinkingRevise perspective, when necessaryComprehend problem solving abilitiesWe live in a knowledge based society, and the more critical you think the better yourknowledge will be. Critical Thinking provides you with the skills to analyze andevaluate information so that you are able to obtain the greatest amount of knowledgefrom it. It provides the best chance of making the correct decision, and minimizesdamages if a mistake does occur. Critical Thinking will lead to being a more rational and disciplined thinker. It will reduceyour prejudice and bias which will provide you a better understanding of yourenvironment. This workshop will provide you the skills to evaluate, identify, anddistinguish between relevant and irrelevant information. It will lead you to be moreproductive in your career, and provide a great skill in your everyday life.Workshop Objectives:GGAF LearningInstituteCritical Thinking Skills CourseStarting in JuneThis course has 12 modules with the duration of the course lasting two months. Classeswill be taught via LMS, Zoom, and Written Material. You will receive a certificate uponcompletion of the course.Page 61

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GGAF LearningInstitutePage 62Here the structure of the course:Content: SDGs clusters, Each SDG explained, Case studies and expertsDuration: 4 months,Mode: at least 5 zoom meetings + video lessonsCertificate: YesCharge: The first edition is freeOrganisers: Long Term Economy Org and Global Goodwill Ambassadors FoundationUnderstanding and Clustering SDGsBy Dario RuggieroGGA European Continental Chair and Italy chair; Founder of Long TermEconomy(This course has started)

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A donation of $25 can give a comprehensiveclass to help get someone in need get aneducation and have a chance at a better life.YOURDONATION CANTAKE HER FROMTHE STREETS TO THECLASSROOMWWW.GLOBALGOODWILLAMBASSADORS.ORG/DONATE Donate to:

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The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better andmore sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face,including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation,peace and justice. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals,were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call toaction to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation hasproudly joined forces with the UN SustainableDevelopment Goals -Partners PlatformCLICK THE LINK BELOW TO CHECK OUT OUR GGA FOUNDATION AND TOP INITIATIVE ON THE UN PAGE.Page 65

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GGAF is happy to bring you some ofthe top coaches and authors in theindustry. Read about each of these wonderfulpeople in the following pages.

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SKILLS SUMMARYPodcast Host: The CouragepreneurCONTACTAWARDS RECEIVEDOffice: 6106/10 Sturdee Pde,Dee Why, NSW and Lifestyle CoachDynamic SpeakerHealth & Wellness AmbassadorBusiness Owner2020 Westfield Local Heroes Nominee2019 Global Goodwill Ambassador /Making Meditation Mainstream BeachCrew Leader2018 HBWN Hastings Heroine Nominee2016 National Peace Ambassador2013 & 2012 NSW DPI Hidden TreasuresHonour Roll2012 HBWN New Business Woman of the year WinnerCommonwealth Bank Greater PortMacquarie Business Awards Nominee2011 Bravehearts Mid North CoastFounder2021 LinkedIn Rising Star

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Pix works with spiritual, entrepreneurial professionals (specialising in working with Gen X adult survivors of child sexual abuse) who want to overcome their abuse, adversity, tragedy or trauma to uncover their passions and potential to COURAGEOUSLY live a life of purpose and power.YOU WILL:✔ Learn The 7 Steps to a COURAGEOUS U;✔ Grow personally and professionally;✔ Attract heartfelt connections and prospects;✔ Develop your own tribe; Learn 'The Pix Factor’ Strategy to win – Courage | Connect | Communicate✔ Develop high-value strategic relationships and partnerships for mutual benefit;✔ Be, Do, Have and Give more; and✔ Uncover your COURAGE Muscle to Live Life, Love Life and Be Their Best Resilient Self.HOW PIX CAN HELP:With her help, you'll discover everything you need to know to become the boss of your own time to successfully set and achieve short andlong term personal and professional goals.Pix offers 1-1 coaching sessions as well as group coaching sessions. Option #1: One-on-One customised individual step-by-step training covering all of the above specialist strategies; and Option #2: Group online training to enable you to develop and gain peer support along your journey.LET'S TALK ► If you'd like to find out exactly how you could Be, Do, Have, and Give more (with a whole lotta fun along the way!), just contactPix via: LinkedIn: Email: WhatsApp: + 61 418 211 738 (AEDT - Sydney) Book a complimentary COURAGE Checkin Chat: Click to learn more: SPECIALITIES: • COURAGE Expert• SEMP Health and Wellness Consultant (SEMP – Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, Physical)• Personal Development • Confidence and Resilience Coaching• Online SpeakingHER STORYBeing only 2lb 2oz (< 1kg) at birth I was (and am!) a little fighter. After surviving child sexual abuse (by a non-family member), three near fatalcar accidents, falling down a cellar (yes I was sober - I was working!!), an earthquake, depression, divorce, a shooting, facing bankruptcy,nursing my beloved late Dad and Mum, sadly experiencing suicide of a family member, a flood, I have NEVER been more passionate aboutLOVING LIFE and LIVING LIFE. Pix always looks forward to helping people explode their personal and professional success so that they too can….have the COURAGE to LiveLife, Love Life and Be Their Best RESILIENT Self.Here's to your success!Much love and big Aussie hugs.

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www.winsorjenkins.comABOUT Winsor Jenkins WINSOR JENKNINS & ASSOCIATESPage 72

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Game of TeamsGame of TeamsTo order a copy of Game of Teams onAmazon, go to: Game of Teams Page 73

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Growing up, my dad would take a pen and a yellowlegal pad and scribble poetry on the page in front ofhim. He used poetry to celebrate momentousoccasions like birthdays, graduations, oranniversaries. These poems told the story of therecipient’s life up until that point in time. Hebeautifully highlighted the joys of their lives in just afew simple verses. This was the first time I saw adepiction of the human experience told through thelens of creative storytelling. "Words With the Author"

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Keynote Speaking

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“pay it forward.” Connect to Clients Consulting, LLC LinkedIn Training & Consulting Debra Mathias(614) 563-7840

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Beginning with my own three daughters, I have worked with organizations that focus on our youth. This includes theCampfire Program (formerly Campfire Girls), the Boy Scouts Explorers Program, Junior Achievement's Business andCareer Readiness Program aimed at Middle School students, and the Tutoring and Summer Vacation Bible SchoolPrograms at my church. I have also worked as a Substitute Teacher for the Birmingham and Leeds City SchoolsSystems and the Holy Family Cristo Rey Catholic High School in Birmingham, Al, where I live. My experiences in each of these programs have helped reinforce my love and appreciation for our youngones' authenticity. When we show them how much we care about and support them, their responses arepriceless. We need to continue to advocate for and work with our youth. My experiences with our youth-ledme to write the book 'Change Your Mindset/Save Your Child: Saving Our Children by Healing Ourselves.' Most of my work life has been in the Corporate arena, where I completed my BS degree in BusinessManagement while working. My work roles included Computer Programmer Analyst, Senior BusinessAnalyst, Project Manager, and Quality Consultant before my retirement. As a Quality Consultant, I alsoworked with the Michigan State version of the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award Program as anExaminer and Site Visit Team Member and Leader. During that time, my love of training and consultinggrew. In my post-retirement life, I have worked as an Independent Trainer and Consultant. I currently work for ImagineLearning as a Professional Development Specialist. Imagine Learning is a developer of award-winning digitallanguage, literacy, and math programs used by K-12 students in school districts across the nation and the world. Iprovide training and support to the school districts' administrators and staff across Alabama that use these programs. Change Your Mindset / Save Your Child: Saving Our Children By Healing Ourselves"My love and concern forthe care and protection ofour youth has been a majordriver in the kinds ofactivities I have engaged infor my entire adult life."

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Change Your Mindset / Save Your Child: Saving Our Children By Healing Ourselves

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Kindness MattersGLOBAL GOODWILL AMBASSADORS FOUNDATIONGlobalGoodwillAmbassadorsFoundation

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Our GGAF family has put together Motivational cards to help youignite your personal brilliance and inspire you to keep movingforward when faced with adversities. “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya AngelouPage 84

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12 Months of Kindnessinitiative.The Twelve Months of KindnessBy: Gemma SmithGGAF - UK ChairThe Quest for AnswersPage 86

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The Twelve Months of KindnessBy: Dee Russell-Thomas UK GGA Director By: Dee Russell-Thomas UK GGA Director Page 88

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GGAF FamilyRecipesFrom Around the Worldo

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DIRECTIONSQuiche LorraineA light custard with lots of bacon in abuttery crust. Easy dish to make and thecrust can be made from scratch or use aprepared frozen pie crust.Page 91

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Page 93Quick & Easy10 min Prep + ChillMakes six servings

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“But I just want to play with my dolls” she imploredAs they led her along by the hand.“But why do I have to be nice to this man?I’m scared and I don’t understand.”“Where are we going?” she pleaded to knowAs they bundled her into the car.“Will we get back for dinner?” she cautiously asked“We seem to be going so far!”“I don’t like him Daddy; he looks very oldAnd he’s touching me ‘though he’s a stranger.Where are you going? I want to come tooPlease help me: I think I’m in danger.Why have you left me and what did I do\ To make you just give me away?I promise to be a good girl if you justPlease tell me I don’t have to stay.It’s dark and I’m scared and I’m here so aloneWith a man who is sweaty and baldHe says I am his now my family has goneI must listen and do as I’m told.The bed is quite hard and his skin is so roughI am trying to hide on the ceilingIf I keep very still and don’t utter a wordI can numb myself out of all feeling.This marriage was forced and the force was profoundMy life has been taken awayI said that “I do” when I really meant “don’t”But no matter, I still had to stay.I wanted my mummy; I wanted my lifeI now need to find my lost yearsI must try to forget all the things that he didCan you take away some of my fears?And this is the life of the girls who are taken;Prevented from being a childWe need to stand up and we need to protect themFrom being so cruelly defiled.“She said, “I do” ; she meant, “I don’t”(I’m standing up against child marriage) By Dee G. Russell ThomasPage 97

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For more information - check the GGA Website#imstandingup#breakthesilence#MBIMB#GGA#imstandingup#breakthesilence#MBIMB#GGAMay 2021 We are standing up against Child MarriagePlease Join our GGA #imstandingup campaign