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The Ambassador - Issue 5

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Executive's CornerFrom various cultures around the globe, this issue celebrates ourhumanitarians and their relentless need to help make our world abetter place.As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered with the US IRS #84-4126150, our mission is to utilize our family of global humanitarians to solve real-life problems in the mostdisadvantaged parts of the world. Following the sustainable development goals, we are hands-on at the grassroots level to assist women, children, the hungry, thehomeless, and disadvantaged people. We also work with verified NGOs who are part of GGAF, in order to raise funds for their initiatives as they will send feedbackand pictures to showhow the funding was used and the impact it made."Never underestimate thepower of the human spirit"Richard DiPilla

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Executive's CornerPUBLISHER, THE AMBASSADORPRESIDENT & COO, GGAFGGAF is a proud partner of the UN Sustainable Development Goals Lisa JonesGGA wishes you, your family, friends, and community an abundance of love, joy, and all that you hope for! Happy New Year 2021

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https://www.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgAMBASSADORAMBASSADORThe Ambassador (GGAF) monthly publication of Global Goodwill Ambassadors' Foundation publishes during the first week of every month. Publisher: Lisa JonesExecutive Editor: Richard DiPillaOnline circulation: 1,144,178+ Advertising rates: Full page (8x 10) $125*Donation to GGAF initiatives, Half Page (8x5) $75.00 * Same inclusions. Ad Deadline is the 20th of each month.Contact through: placement and production of your add plus live link to your website or social media profile. GGAF has made constant care to make sure the content is accurate on the date of the publication. The views expressed in the articles reflect the author(s) opinions and are not necessarily the views of the publisher and editor. The published material, advertisements, editorials, and all other content is published in good faith.GGAF cannot guarantee and accepts no liability for any loss or damage of any kind caused by this website, publication, and errors or the accuracy of claims made by the advertisers.All content in THE AMBASSADOR may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of GGAF. Its contributors cannotaccept any liability for reader discontent arising from the editorial features. GGAF reserves the right to accept or reject any article or material supplied for publication or to edit this material before publishing. GGAF cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to the provided materials. We accept no liability for misprints ormistakes and no responsibility can be taken for the contents of these pages. In this publication, you might find links to the website, third-party content, and advertising. By using our website, you acknowledge and agree that GGAF cannot be held responsible and shall not be liable for the content of other websites,advertisements, and other resources. By using this site, you agree to all terms and conditions listed above. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us at THE AMBASSADORNoah' s Ark: Conservation ProjectDonation of PPE to Frontline WorkersTABLE OF CONTENTSGavin McCormickCover StoryGGA UK Making a DifferenceMBIMB HighlightsChrissy SykesTHECopyright The AMBASSSADOR MAZAZINE - 2020 All Rights Reserved.A December to RememberOrphan House VistAFIDIKeeping the FaithA Holiday Miracle In MalawiSports for Solar InitiatiativeGift Global Initiative" I AM Sinke"The Education of Nigerian ChildrenI AM Gemma"PAGE 4GGA Holiday VideoGGAF Learning InstituteGGA Wedding in NepalLumbie MlamboGGAF Recipes

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ALL CHILDREN HAVE THE RIGHT TO AN EDUCATIONBy: Yetunde Adeseluka, GGA Nigeria"Education is the right ofevery Nigerian child andshould not be gottenthrough pain and suffering."

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What's your favorite color and favorite food?If you could be a super-hero inour world today, who would itbe and why?What do you do to relax?Tell us something interesting about yourself that no one knows about you.What song would you sing at karoake?

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GGA UK Making A DifferenceGGA UK Making A Difference "One Small Act At A Time""One Small Act At A Time"12Months of Kindness initiative,‘Reverse Advent’PAGE 10By: Gemma Smith - GGA UK Chair T H E A M B A S S A D O R12 Months of Kindness InitiativeReverse AdventGemmaGemmaGemma

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Over 1 billion children around the world are abused either sexually,physically, mentally or emotionally every year.It is up to all of us to make a difference.Please join our GGA core education programmeMy Body is My Body, and make a difference in your community.The programme is Free to use, download and share.GGA has 2 Free Courses1.Introduction to child maltreatment and safeguarding children2. Learn how to present The My Body is My Body ProgramOn the MBIMB website you will find1. Quiz2. Songs3.Tutorials4.Lesson Plans5. Children's Workbookand much more in 19 Languages.www.mybodyismybody.comGlobal Goodwill Ambassadorsand The My Body is My Body ProgrammeUnited Nations SDG

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This is been a difficult year for most of us. Not being able to be with our families and to be able to hugour children has been so hard. I personally have learned so much through this time, and have enjoyedsharing the MBIMB programme through different platforms. I’ve had the great privilege of getting toknow so many more of you face-to-face, which has been an wonderful experience. It has also beenexciting to get to know about the great humanitarian work you are doing around the world.Over 500 of you have taken the My Body Is My Body course one and we’ve had around 100 people takethe presenter course which is fantastic, and it has far exceeded my expectations, so thank you all somuch.I know we’re not out of the woods yet and I think we still have got a fairly difficult 2021 to get through,but I know with the wonderful team that we have, and with the backing of our Global GoodwillAmbassador‘s Foundation we will get through this and we will emerge much stronger on the other side. I would like to encourage you all to keep sharing the My Body Is My Body Programme in yourcommunities. We know from feedback that we are making a real difference, and we will continue tokeep this program free of charge for everyone so that we can share it with as many parents teachersand children around the world as we can.Thank you for helping us to create a Safer World For Children!! On behalf of the My Body Is MyBody programme, I would like tosay thank you so much to ourwonderful ambassadors andvolunteers for all your amazingwork and support during 2020.Wishing you all a safe and happy 2021.Best WishesChrissyChrissy SykesGGAF Vice President of Child Welfare

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Firstly, the animation and songs have registered in the heart of our children andthe tracing of body parts made it easy for them to understand. We don’t need toexplain too much the children just look at the pictures and grasp with ease alsowhen teaching children who struggle to communicate, the pictures are theattraction.Secondly, the parents we have come in contact with so far have been keen onour teachings and also demand for the MBIMB videos to play regularly and keeptheir minds refreshed. We have never been turned down by any parent rathersome of them will always call us aside and complain of abuse cases happeningin their homes and how they can handle it. Prior to having contact with theMBIMB network, teaching children was not as interesting and easy as it is now. Davina Care foundation (DCF) prevents Child Abuse throughsensitization program in schools andcommunities. We are moved with passionto protect our children considering theincessant rate of abuse on children andour strategies have worked so far and it’sstill working.Since I became an Ambassador of the MyBody is My Body network( MBIMB), I have used the knowledge and materialsto the best of my ability and we havenoticed tremendous enthusiasm fromparents and children.FEATURING MBIMB AMBASSADORSOshi Rachel Davina Care

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For instance, we always look for boards to write and draw images to be able to explain better, we also go online searching for songs or videos that can make our work easier but right now this is the best experience. MBIMB ways of spreading the good news is the best especially when dealing with children. Whenever I get to a place I have visited before I hear children addressing me asmy Body is My Body woman, that goes a long way to show me that our messagehas gone far and is still spreading.

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‘Discover the Superhero in you a personal leadership virtual 7 day bootcamp was started with thisintent. The 7 day journey focuses on nurturing Personal leadership for young emerging leaders aged7 years to 19 years. It is believed it is never late to start, we at Discover the superhero in you believe itis never early to start. The founder of Discover the Superhero in you , Puja Talesara Bhandari is apersonal leadership coach based on her personal life experience and coaching in corporate sherealised , one needs to strengthen their Personal leadership muscle . This needs to start early as ourbeliefs, fears, habits form in continuum .Personal leadership is expression of life; it is an alignment of body, mind and soul. Before we lead we need to learn to lead ourselves. The journey was strengthened by Chrissy Sykes through her program ‘How to navigate peerpressure’. The programme is being delivered to 150 + learners across geographies like Singapore,India, Middleeast , Nepal and Eithopia , Srilanka and Bangladesh to name a few.The module delivered by Chrissy is an integral part of the programme and is being received well bynot only our learners but also by their Parents. The session is highly interactive and it helps childrenwith practical easy to implement tips to navigate through Peer Pressure. As a parent one may notunderstand how to navigate /equip our children to sail through this tide. Chrissy patiently weaves inthe session with her wisdom and her personal experience. Her patience, mindfulness, wisdom andpowerful module delivery is immensely appreciated by learners.“Children must be taught how to think and notwhat to think” – by Margaret Mead. This is such a powerful quote and needs to be practisedby parents and educators deeply as we nurture ourfuture generation, the young emerging leaders.A ray of hope in buildingour Children’s realSuperpowerPuja Talesara BhandariPersonal Leadership CoachPAGE 16FEATURING MBIMB

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The statistics shows that Peer pressure can also be negative and if not addressed appropriately it can lead to fatal consequences. Unfortunately this vital topic is addressed only when we find our children being stuck in various form of undesirable activities or when their self-confidence is completelycrushed.This is a very pertinent topic and it can’t be certainly overlooked, if we want our Children to bring in theirwhole self and exercise their real power in being the best version of self. We are so grateful to Chrissy’s ,for her continuous and unconditional support in helping children Discover their real Superhero powerand nurture them in being their Unique self. Discover the Superhero in you is a 3 phase journey : Jump starters , Navigator and Accelerator . In 2021we are eagerly looking to forward to integrate Chrissy’s module on how to build Digital Consciousness inour Navigator phase also.Thank you so much Chrissy. For being our immensely valued core thoughtleader and imparting wisdom nuggets consistently to our learners and their Parents. I am grateful to you!! Looking forward to strengthening the journey with you !

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One of my greatest journeys has been representing the My Body Is My Programme inNamibia, we have presented the programme to over 1400 children from various groupsand backgrounds. What is amazing about the this programme is that we do not onlyempower children with what to do when they are in danger ,but we also open up trust anddiscussions with them. We have had children coming forward and sharing their ordealswith us. We then advocate for in service delivery with other institutions dealing with traumacounselling to assist the children to heal. Our goal is that children should feel safe at home,in school and in their communities. Presenting this programme to the children brings muchfulfilment to me being that I had my own experiences with two very close uncles who triedto take changes with me as a child. Remembering this at my age, I cannot imagine thememories children had to carry with them for the rest of the their lives who actually didexperience abuse and rape. MakeANoise Community Safety and Crime Prevention is a Voice Against Child Abuse. We believe that if children can bemade aware of the various forms ofabuse they will be inspired to startspeaking out and more children willstart to report thus getting thenecessary help to deal with theirordeals and becoming resilient adults.Emmarencia Van WykMakeANoise Community Safety and Crime PreventionFEATURING MBIMB

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Mamta Godiyal saw that things need to bechanged and improved. Apart from her busyschedule, she saw a vision to bring change inour society. To actualize her vision ofspreading humanity, she made a Team. Thisteam consists of like-minded people likeMamta. They call themselves "MG Warriors". She started with few people who trulysupported her with the same spirit. But today,the group has become stronger with acommunity of almost 650 members, frommore than 15 states of India. Her work duringCovid-19 was appreciated globally. And forthis, she was invited to many media houses,universities, corporates etc to spread thepositivity and awareness. "MG Warriors" hasuplifted the lives of more than 10,400 peopleby running free literacy programs, blankets,food, health drinks, safety kits, clothes,sponsoring education & hygiene absorbentsetc till date and the same is still going on. Herwork was published in newspapers, magazinesand Radio Channels.They are now spreading their wings globally aswell by tying up with international NGOsworking against Child Abuse. This initiative has helped many children gain insights about self-protection and what is good and bad. There isa lot more to be served on the plate soon byMG Warriors.Thank you so much to Mamta and her MG Warriors for recording theMy Body Is My Body Songs in Hindi for our programme and also forpresenting the MBIMB Programme to many, many children. We thank you all for your dedication to create A Safer World For Children.Kavita Thapliyal Raturi - If you have got a problemPreeyanka ChandranSay no to secretsMamta Godiyal What If, If it don't feel rightClick here to visit the Hindi Website and videos

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A Holiday Miracle in Malawi

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Thanks, GGA, with your support Iwas able to see a great sign thisweekend that life can change anda new beginning can start! I sawsmiles on the faces of our friendson the street! The laughter and joy!It’s sad that now it's raining inMalawi and they Children don'thave a place to sleep! Rather theyfind refuge to sleep outsideshops. With my capacity, I cannotmanage to find them a house!

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I will always remember thisSaturday morning! I had toprepare as early as 5:40 am tomake an appointment forSaturday afternoon otherwise it'simpossible to meet them duringthe day because they have to goaround looking for food andother needs just to survive. Wehad a wonderful morning havingbreakfast together. It's not easyfor them to afford breakfast andsit together. It was amazing."All Thanks to GGA!""This dream is possible, only Love canchange the world."

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We at Advocacy for Widows Empowerment Foundation have collaborated with partnerFive years ago, Gavin embarked on a journey of giving back. He decided that as a teacherand principal, his journey in life was not just confined to the classroom. He had more togive, “A lot of energy, passion, and determination can go a long way.” He says. On a trip to the Himalayas in 2016, he met a young Nepalese man by the name of AnandDevkota, he was man who wanted to change the face of education in his country. Being aMontessori trained teacher himself, Gavin suggested that they open a Montessori training center in Kathmandu.Before long it was open. Trainee teachers started to register and classes began. Soon it was full. Word of mouth had spread that there was an affordable teacher training center situated in ‘tiger market’ in kTM’s bustling city center and the trainer and honorary founding principle was an Australian man - Gavin McCormack.As a Global Goodwill Ambassador Gavin McCormack sets the bar high for anyone wanting to make a difference in the world!

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The world is in trouble; the future is in the hands of every student in everyclassroom in the world and it is our job to show them the way. It is our job togive them not just the knowledge and academics that traditional educationis known for, but also the skills to use that knowledge is a fair and just way toserve the entire world."

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Time togive back.

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Daily InspirationsDaily InspirationsDaily InspirationsBook 3Book 3Book 3B Y : T E S S M A R T I NG G A - A U S T R A L I A

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Inspirational Quotes, VersesInspirational Quotes, VersesInspirational Quotes, VersesBook 2Book 2Book 2

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The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better andmore sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face,including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation,peace and justice. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals,were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call toaction to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation hasproudly joined forces with the UN SustainableDevelopment Goals -Partners PlatformCLICK THE LINK BELOW TO CHECK OUT OUR GGA FOUNDATION AND TOP INITIATIVE ON THE UN PAGE.T H E A M B A S S A D O R • - P A G E 3 4

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S c o p e f o r C h a n g e & W o m e n f o r I n d i a F o u n d a t i o n a l o n g w i t h Y o u n g I n d i a n ’ s D e l h i C h a p t e rP R E S E N T E D B YOphelia WigginsDONATION OF MASKSTO FRONTLINEWORKERS DURINGCOVIDT H E A M B A S S A D O R | J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 1P A G E 3 5"Coming together is a beginning, staying together isprogress, and working together is success." – Henry Ford

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Page 37 Prinsloo Curson said” The animalkingdom is at crisis point. Climate change,overdevelopment, farming, ocean plastic,big game hunting and poaching aredriving thousands of species off the face ofthe planet. We owe it to future generationsto preserve the natural world or ourchildren will be left fighting the horrificconsequences of climate change tosurvive”.WWF (World Wildlife Fund) reported in 2018, that humans have already wiped out 60% ofEarth’s animals since 1970. If humanity continues with overdevelopment, poaching andhunting, polluting the oceans and affecting climate change, the natural world will be gonecompletely in 20 years.The Noah’s Ark team (Back L-R) Kgaugelo, Thobekile, Richard, Hein, Christine, (front L-R) Brett,Omee, Peta)

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always been ignoredOrphans.ORPHAN HOUSE VISIT:BAHAWALPUR, PAKISTANBy: Shahzaib Naeem

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To spread hope, love, happiness and joy.To help and protect those who need it.The Heart of the HolidaysTitia Niehorster, GGA - Netherlands

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Global Goodwill Ambassadors from around the world send their holiday wishes• H A P P Y H O L I D A Y S •Enjoy Our GGA Holiday Video

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GIFT GLOBAL ADDS TENNIS SUPER STAR NICK KYRGIOS TO ITS SPORTS FORSOLAR INITIATIVEKeith Kirkwood (Chairman, GIFT), Manna Dabholkar (CEO, GIFT) and Nick Kyrgios (Founder NK Foundation) to Team up for Sports for Solar

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AFIDI: AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR THEDEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTURERedesigning Africa’s Industry, Technology &Infrastructure NeedsDr. Bentenbi CHAIB DRAA TANI Dr. Carl OshodiDigital Infrastructure/Senior partner AFIDI Vice President of Chamber of Commerce, NigeriaGlobal Goodwill Ambassador/ Africa Continent Chair CEO & Founder of Africa Industrialization Group

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"KEEPING THE FAITH"Anthony Acampora, GG A - USABanyan Treatment Cen tresDirector of Faith i n Recovery & ChaplainEric OakesBanyan Treatment Cent r esCOO & Sr. Vice Presid e nt

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TEACHERS' TALESBY: DR. RUBY BA KSHI KH URDIHow do we practice Mindfulness in the classroom?Do the learners see the benefit? PracticingMindfulnessP A G E 5 2

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GGAF UK Team led by Gemma Smith, Chair of UKSTART DATE: MONDAY, JANUARY 4TH, 2021Instructor: Dr. Bindu BabuRegistration is now open

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To lead others well, we must help them to reachtheir potential. That meansbeing on their side,encouraging them, givingthem power, and helpingthem to succeed."- John C. MaxwellLeadership

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My name is Benjamin Kofi Quansah, from Ghana. I am a leadership expert certified and licensed by the JohnMaxwell Team to bring to the world proven leadership strategies and practices on behalf of John C. Maxwell, theworld’s number leadership expert. As ohn Maxwell Certified Coach and Trainer, I provide training, mentoring, andcoaching in the area of personal growth and leadership. I love working with the youth, building their capacity for actionIn November and December 2020, I had the opportunity to mentor, coach, and teach at the Global GoodwillAmbassadors Foundation YouthmLeadership Program. I enjoyed every moment I spent with the youth leaders. Theyouth are the best that we have. They represent the next generation of global leaders.Teaching youth leadership courses is something I’m really passionate about. It affords me the opportunity toidentify with the youth and relate with them in a way that increases my influence with them. It enables me to see thevalue in them and drives me to want to add more value to them. When I add value to them through teaching,mentoring, and coaching, I add value to myself as well. I feel fulfilled knowing that I’m contributing to developing the next generation of global leaders.For me, it’s the best investment of my time. I thank the Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation for giving me theopportunity to make animpact on youth leadership.Josh DanielGGA Chair/VP of NigeriaBenjamin Kofi QuansahGGA -Ghanateaching youth leadership courses to me means believing in the powerand potential of youth to create solutions to the most pressing challengesof our time. Driven personally by this belief, I volunteered to teach GGAyouth leadership course to create positive change towards moreinclusive, fair and sustainable communities, by providing skillsdevelopment, capacity building, mentoring, and counselling and be agood role model to emulate. I am happy to be part of GGA youth leadership courses because thesecourses are designed to help new and aspiring leaders unleash thepotential in themselves and others and cultivate high-performing teamsand training young people to be change agents in their communities.

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During COVID-19, JB Dondolo, Inc., which Lumbie Mlambo founded, launched the Musicfor Water Competition to aid the Navajo Nation in Arizona with hand sanitizers. TheNavajo Nation lacks access to clean water. Together with Disinfect & Shield, theorganization was able to deliver 200 hand sanitizer bottles to the Navajo Nation. Whenapplied, the sanitizers last for 8-hours a day. The Music for Water was also anopportunity to find a water-inspired song from musicians amateurs and experienced)internationally. 5 contestants won a one-time distribution deal with Grand MountainInternational Records, the record label company that donated its services to help withthe Music for Water Competition. Also, the #1 song becomes JB Dondolo’s theme songfor one year.In addition to the efforts during COVID-19, JB Dondolo hosted the Voices for WaterAwards to honor extraordinary water changemakers who “significantly” advanced theorganization’s mission to provide access to clean water and to recognize others whomade an impact in their communities. Also, the organization awarded the PresidentialVolunteer Service Awards (PVSAs) to volunteers who spent a lot of their time helpingcommunities in need.JB Dondolo is proud to have installed a clean water system in Igusi Clinic, Zimbabwe.The clinic is located in an impoverished and underserved remote, rural area with noeasy access to it. Igusi Clinic serves a community of 20,000 people. The installation ofthe water system is something JB Dondolo does not take lightly. This effort reducesinfant mortality and improves the lives of expecting mothers and all the patients.In 2019, Lumbie Mlambo accepted the UN Global Leadership Award presented by theDallas Chapter of the United Nations Association of the United States of America. Theaward honored the work the organization completed towards the UN’s SustainableDevelopment Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation through installing a filtration systemat a medical clinic in Zimbabwe.

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Support 28 Young Orphaned GirlsYour donation of $22.00 feeds theentire orphanage three meal per

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GGAF Extends Kindness to the Nursesto the Waynesboro Manor and Assisted Living Home for the Elderly.This Elder Home has done a fantastic job atkeeping patients safe curing COVID-19. Thenurses have worked many extra shifts due to ashortage of staff. The 28 patients here range from 50 to 100 yearsold with full-time needs or assisted living needsThey have been very careful by shutting down thehome to any visitors as COVID started. The nursesare going the extra step by doing their best tokeep the patients upbeat as they do miss theirfamilies. These homes are essential to the elderly as thesethey serve as the residents for the elderly whenthey are no longer able to live by themselves The Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation plans to continue to support the frontlineworkers and first responders with acts of kindness.It is with your kind hearts and generosity that we are able to continue to share love with theseunsung hereos. If you would like to be part of giving back and saying "thank you" pleaseconsider making a donation of $15.00 USA, to buy lunch for these hard workers. The cardswill be sent in your name as well as the Global Goodwill Ambassadors.Please send your gift to:By: Lisa A. Jones, GGAF President & COOGlobal Goodwill Ambassador - USA

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Congratulations,Sumitra and Ananda!Global Goodwill Ambassadors inNepal unite in love andmarraiage on December 11, 2020.

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theT H E P O W E R O F L O V E

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GLOBAL GOODWILL AMBASSADORS FOUNDATION ishonored to be recognized as a leading nonprofit in the fightagainst COVID-19. As always we looked at every aspect thatdetrimentally affects society around the world. Thank you to the EYS staff, Jasmina Siderovski, for thisrecognition.T H E A M B A S S A D O R - J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 1

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*Eating Black Eyed Peas on NewsYear Day Brings Good Luck inthe New Year. When served withgreens, the peas represent coinsand the greens paper money. P A G E 8 9Black Eyed Peas Recipe

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P A G E 6 7Creamy Mac and Cheese Cassaroles"Comfort Food"When the weather iscold in the US, Macand Cheese is comfortfood that's easy tomake and warmsinside and out.Homemade Mac and Cheese Casserole

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Preheat oven to 350 degrees and bake potatoes for about an hour or until fork tender.Remove potatoes from the oven and cool.While potatoes are cooling, cook and crumble bacon. Slice potatoes lengthwise and spoon out the inside. Leave about 1/4 inch around theentire shell.Mix together potato insides, sour cream, butter, milk, salt, pepper, 1/2 of the greenonions and 1/2 of the cheese.Fill the potato shells with the mixture and top with bacon and remaining cheese.Bake potatoes for 15-20 minutes and sprinkle with remaining green onions.INSTRUCTIONSTwice Baked PotatoesINGREDIENTS6 large baking potatoes8 slices of bacon or use bacon bits1 cup sour cream4 to 1/2 cup milk 1/2 teaspoon salt; 1/2 teaspoonpepper1 cup shredded cheddar cheese8 green onions, sliced, dividedSubmitted by: Lisa JonesWant to plan ahead? Twice baked potatoes can bemade the night before and stored in the fridge soall you have to do is pop them in the oven whenyou’re ready. Serve with extra sour cream or trywith salsa.

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G R E E N S A L A DBENISEED SOUP (AFRICAN SESAME SEED)SUBMITTED BY: OYIZA OLUWABUNMINIGERIATraditiona African Soup - Nigeria Page 94Makes 3 servingsPreparation time: 10 minutes Cook time: 20 minutesINGREDIENTS DIRECTIONSServe and Enjoy

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