Executive's CornerFrom various cultures around the globe, this issue celebrates ourhumanitarians and their relentless need to help make our world abetter place.As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered with the US IRS #84-4126150, our mission is to utilize our family of global humanitarians to solve real-life problems in the mostdisadvantaged parts of the world. Following the sustainable development goals, we are hands-on at the grassroots level to assist women, children, the hungry, thehomeless, and disadvantaged people. We also work with verified NGOs who are part of GGAF, in order to raise funds for their initiatives as they will send feedbackand pictures to showhow the funding was used and the impact it made."It was the best of times, itwas the worst of times.!"Richard DiPilla
This has been a year full of challenges for communities andnonprofits around the world. But, I would like to reflect onthe brights spots and how we have all pulled together tohelp one another.We have contributed to nonprofits to help feed the homelessincluding children in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Asia, andAfrica. No one should have to go hungry. We have alsopartnered with organizations who are focused on helpingorphans and are doing amazing work to help these childrenhave a brighter tomorrow."Hope is alive and well "and it is hope that will continueto drive us all forward, creating ways to help those in needand to also take care of our earth. We are "ONE" and eventhough we may be separated by miles, we are still one bigfamily. With hope driving us, we will continue this path andone day soon we will rid our world of child abuse, hunger,inequality, and continue to reach the UN Sustainable Goals.I also hope that we can finish out this year and continue next year with an "Attitude of Gratitude" as weall have something to be thankful for. At GGAF, we value the unique contributions made by our memberswho have been committed and started immediate action at the beginning of the pandemic to ensure thatchildren and youth succeed academically and are safe and getting their basic needs met. I feel extremely honored to know many people around the world with hearts of gold who have dedicatedtheir lives to making our world a better place. I want to wish all of you a happy holiday season and I willsee you in the New Year. PUBLISHER, THE AMBASSADORCOO & PRESIDENT, GGAFPRESIDENT & COO, GGAFExecutive's CornerGGAF is a proud partner of the UN Sustainable Development Goals Lisa JonesHope, it is the light in all of us that cannot beextinguished. It rages on to give us a glimmer of whatwe can do. Yes, hope is alive and well" -UOP
PAGE 7"The program concluded with eachparticipant planting a tree"Training Farm Workers in ZimbabweBy: Tariro Kutadza; GGA Zimbabwe
ZimThrive: A voice of hopeZimThrive: A voice of hopeGlobal initiative ZimThrive has been working closely with diaspora communities around the world since 2018to bring Zimbabweans together to encourage dialogue,collaboration and engagement.PAGE 6Submitted by: Hazel Herrington
Since the outbreak of Covid-19, numerous organisations such as ZimThrive, have been working in partnershipwith healthcare professionals, charity organisations and businesses to help communities in Zimbabwe and in thediaspora, navigate their way through the global crisis. The apolitical organisation, formed in 2017 with the aim ofencouraging thousands of Zimbabweans from all over the world to visit Zimbabwe, was initially scheduled forApril 2020. However, as a result of the pandemic, which has taken a significant toll on people andeconomies across the world, the event was postponed.Mildred Munjanganja, the founder of the organisation said the team had planned to move the “We are fully conscious of the effects the pandemic has had on the variouscommunities that we have been working with since 2019 and we have witnessed first-hand how the world’s poorest or disadvantaged are being affected.”“Communities have shown and built resilience in the last six months, but extra support is needed to help the seldom heard, isolated and excludedindividuals in our society and we wanted to play our part and be that voice.“With the situation only getting worse; we are using this time, in collaboration withsome of our partners, to help healthcare personnel, charity organisations anddisadvantaged families in Zimbabwe to sustain themselves through the economicfallout as much as possible,” she added. T H E A M B A S S A D O R I S S U E 3PAGE 7
Voice of HopePAGE 8 I S S U E 3 T H E A M B A S S A D O R
Tackling mental health and wellbeing“For decades, mental health hasbeen overlooked,misunderstood and stigmatised.Although there is moreawareness of it now,misunderstanding and stigmaare not yet things of the past andthis was one of the ways ofraising awareness andhighlighting the importance ofspeaking out and showing actsof kindness,” said Mike.PAGE 9 T H E A M B A S S A D O R
Over 1 billion children around the world are abused either sexually,physically, mentally or emotionally every year.It is up to all of us to make a difference.Please join our GGA core education programmeMy Body is My Body, and make a difference in your community.The programme is Free to use, download and share.GGA has 2 Free Courses1.Introduction to child maltreatment and safeguarding children2. Learn how to present The My Body is My Body ProgramOn the MBIMB website you will find1. Quiz2. Songs3.Tutorials4.Lesson Plans5. Children's Workbookand much more in 19 Languages.www.mybodyismybody.comGlobal Goodwill Ambassadorsand The My Body is My Body ProgrammeUnited Nations SDG
As an Ambassador for the My Body isMy Body Program, I have had theopportunity to teach my own childrenthe importance of having healthydiscussions related to their bodies, and Ihave been able to involve them in theprocess of teaching the children atVumbula Uganda Youth Home. This program is vital to teaching youth how to empower themselves and take care of each other. For our family, it was a way to discuss what hadhappened to some of the children that had come into our care within theorphanage, and support them in a fun, engaging, and non-threatening way.Growing up in the suburbs here in the US, my children had never had a reason topause and think through why a program like this would be so important.Partnering with Vumbula Uganda Youth Home and teaching the My Body isMy Body Program to the different age groups has helped open their eyes to theneeds of youth, and the importance of protecting those who are less privileged.Laura McAndrew, GGADirector of Business Development for United Vein CentersFEATURING MBIMB AMBASSADORS For my fourteen-year-old son, teaching thecourses with me meant internalizing themessage and understanding the importanceof protecting the innocence of the childrenwe partner with across the globe.
Vumbula Uganda Youth HomeSsenyange Robert started helping children in his village who needed food in 2017. It wasn't much but he did as much as he could to help thechildren. December 1st 2017 Robert opened the doors ofVumbula Uganda Youth Home to the children of hisvillage who did not have a home. Currently VUYH ishousing 45 children.P A G E 1 0We are focused on helping the children of VUYH grow in Mind, Body and Soul. We are helping them not only with food and shelter, but school. We want to help the children achieve their dreams.With Laura's tutoring, Robert has now passed both My Body is My Body Coursesand become a MBIMB Presenter.Ssenyange RobertVumbula Uganda Youth Home
Over the years, WVED has been working with children, mentoring them and creating safe spaces thatoperates innovative after school programs to mentor girls to advocate for themselves and make theircommunities strongerMainstreaming the My Body Is My Body Program within WVED’s girls club has been an additionalfactor towards bettering the lives of our girls. Singing the program’s songs and acting has been funamongst participants.Given that the rate of child abuse keeps increasing in Cameroon following the Anglophone crises,children have been caught in the midst of separatist fighters on one hand and the forces of law andother on the other hand. With the assistance of dynamic mentors, participants have learn that the private parts of their bodiesare special and no one has the right to touch or hurt them. They have also learned to decline helpfrom strangers and to love and respect one other.The MBIMB program has also been so enriching to these mentors who always have children at theirdisposal to guide them through the right paths. Mentors on their part have learned how to teachchildren sex education in a simple way that they can understand and without feeling uncomfortable.World Vision for Education and Development(WVED) is a (501)c non-profit organization interested increating positive impact in communities, respective toinnovations and sustainability. WVED is sensitive to changing times and uphold strongethical values, transparency, accountability andparticipation with respect to rights. Above all, WVED iscommitted to reducing poverty in rural communities. My Body Is My Body Making a difference inCameroonHelvecia TakweCoordinator at WorldVision for Education andDevelopment - WVED CameroonPAGE 14FEATURING MBIMB AMBASSADORS
Children like any other group of people have to face some challenges and it’s always important to endeavourto follow them up and encourage them to share their problems so that they can have better solutions. The MBIMB program has also assisted them to relate better with kids by listening to them more and also thatlove can be expressed through reading, writing and playing. Listening to stories from participants about how they turn down offers from bike riders has been a greatindication of practicing the MBIMB songs. Bike riders in Cameroon are always offering children free rides thatmost often than not leads to rape. But today, MBIMB songs keeps echoing in their minds when they comeacross suspicious situations and they easily overcome. FEATURING MBIMB AMBASSADORS
Add a little bit of body textOur MBIMB Ambassador for Sudan Ghada Saleh has made a special trip from The Netherlands where she lives, to Sudan where she has been visiting Schools, Universities and radio stations to share our programme.This amazing lady is travelling all over the country sharing the MBIMB Programme with teachers, parents and children.Ghada has also managed to get the programme accepted as School Curriculum for one of the cities. Thank you so much Ghada for your dedication
M Y B O D Y I S M Y B O D Y I N S U D A NW I T H G H A D A S A L E H" J U S T R E T U R N E D B A C K H O M E A F T E R V I S I T I N G O N E C I T Y A N D T H R E ES C H O O L S I N D I F F E R E N T A R E A S O F A S T A T E C A L L E D R U F F A A N D S O M EV I L L A G E S A R O U N D I T . . T H E T R I P W A S V E R Y S U C C E S S F U L T H E F E E D B A C K W A S V E R Y P O S I T I V E . . "
Children loved the songs especially the song my body is my body...Giving an MBIMB lectureat the university
Listen to the babysitter (friend or family member) Do everything they tell you to do Please be a good girl / boy I don't want to come home and find that you have not been doing what you haveWe all want our children to be well behaved when we leave them withbabysitters, family and friends, so you may tell them.... been told, and so on... We can put our children in quite a predicament if they are with an abusive person.Be careful what you say to your childbefore leaving them with anyone !!www.mybodyismybody.comChrissy Sykes
Over 90% of child sexual abuse is perpetrated by someone the childknows and trusts, and therefore it is also someone that the parentsknow and trust.The dilemma children have, is that they have been told to listen, told to begood for this person, but most times like in my case we have not preparedfor someone that may try and take advantage of us. I was 4 when mymother started leaving me with my abusive babysitter.From a child's perspective you don't want to upset your parents by notdoing what you are told, even if you know that something does not feelright. The abuser will tell you not to tell, and may say "if you do tell, yourparents will be angry with you" or they "won't love you anymore if theyknow what you have done". Abusers can be very manipulative and a young child has no chance if theyare not prepared. I am not saying that educating a child will stop all sexualabuse, but I do know your child will be better prepared if someone doestry to be abusive, and abusers do not like children that say "NO! "or "I willtell on you if you hurt me or touch my private parts." We need to tell children that we all have private parts and nobody shouldtouch your private parts: EXCEPT FOR:a) When you are very young, your parents or carer will have to batheyou, but as you get older you will learn how to bathe yourself.b) Parents or carers may have to apply medicine to your private partsif you are sick or sore. Make sure they know that this is somethingonly parents or carers would do and if it makes them feeluncomfortable they can always be shown how to apply the medicinethemselves.c) A doctor may have to touch your private parts if you are sick or sore,but that Mommy, Daddy or your carer should always be with you if thedoctor has to touch you on your private parts.There is no other time that anyone should be touching a child's privateparts. The most important thing is that the children know it is ok to say“NO” if someone makes them feel uncomfortable or tries to make them dothings they know are wrong. Empower children by letting them know theirbodies belong to
There is no need to go into any further sexual or abuse details with young children.Please empower your children to say NO!! and tell them if anyone is looking after them andthey do anything that makes them feel uncomfortable they can say NO and they do not haveto do it. You may also want to mention to say NO if babysitters want to take pictures of themas well.Also it is wise to have the "NO SECRETS " rule - to protect children against people who maywant to take advantage. Tell children to never keep secrets only surprises (like birthdaypresents, or surprise parties etc, nice things)We only leave our children with people we trust. My parents, who were wonderful parents,left me with someone they knew and trusted - but I was not prepared and therefore suffered2 years of sexual abuse and many years of trauma that goes along with the initial abuse.Of course you want your child to behave when being looked after but we have to show themthe right time to follow the rules and the right time to question things.The My Body Is My Body Programme is a Free Programme that will give you songs andideas on how to tackle the above problems in a non threatening way, so check out ourwebsite. If you don't use our programme there are also other child abuse preventionprogrammes for children - please have a look and please prepare your child - and let'smake this a Safer World For
All about Eric BooksEric and his "STICKY UPPY" hairLearn about how Eric overcomes being bullied andlaughed at about his "STICKY UPPY" hair, and how hebecomes a trendsetter at school.This book shows children a positive way of dealing with bullying.Written by Chrissy Sykes - Creator of the My Body isMy Body Programme. 100% of all profits from thisbook will go to fund the My body is My Body children'sworkbooks throughout the world through the Global Goodwill AmbassadorsFind your copy at Amazon (links below)GermanyFranceSpainItalyJapanUKUSACanada
"GIVING BACK DURING COVID"THE AMBASSADORPAGE 23By: Pratibha BhattaraiGGA - NepalTeaching Online Classes ISSUE 4
More than 800 women and 7,000 newborns die every day from complications related to pregnancy andchildbirth, and many more experience unexpected outcomes that result in short- or long-term healthconsequences.Most of all maternal and neonatal deaths occur in developing countries, where nearly half of all mothersand newborns do not receive skilled care during and after birth due to distance, cost, and local customs.Maternal mortality is higher in women living in rural areas, girls aged between 15 to 19, and amongpoorer communities. According to UNICEF, globally 2.4 million children died in the first month of lifein2019 – approximately 6,700 neonatal deaths every day – with about a third of all neonatal deathsoccurring within the first day after birth, and close to three-quarters occurring within the first week oflife. T H E A M B A S S A D O R | I S S U E 4PAGE 26
"Alina Pelka is a GGA inPoland, dedicated to improvingthe lives of young mothers andchildren across Africa" T H E A M B A S S A D O R | I S S U E 4PAGE 27
"My Second Home"Their natural and authentic joy of life, regardless of material status, smiling faces which help me lookat my own problems from a different perspective. Generosity is “priceless”…value, just a mixture ofrespect, hospitality, friendship and support. Each sharing the little they have. Strength and readinessto face life, with the strong belief that the next day may get better. T H E A M B A S S A D O R | I S S U E 4PAGE 29
IIt By: Robina TowerGGA - USA
T H E A M B A S S A D O R | P A G E 3 1
And then it was Christmas Eve."Then we all sat down to Christmas dinner"T H E A M B A S S A D O R | P A G E 3 2
T H E A M B A S S A D O R | P A G E 3 3
"My First White Christmas"FootnoteT H E A M B A S S A D O R | P A G E 3 4
"To all our friends around the globe, please continue to support ou missionand donate towards our cause. United We Stand and Together We Rise." - Adama Kalokoh, GGA USA
NigeriaNigeriaNigeriaWe at Advocacy for Widows Empowerment Foundation have collaborated with partnerfoundations like CEE HOPE NIGERIA before, during the lockdown and after easing of thelockdown to mentor widows, their children, women and youths in communities aroundLagos state Nigeria on micro business management, the use and importance of beingcomputer literate and getting a skills acquisition.In a recent development, some of our members (widows) and heir children starred in anupcoming movie titled THE WIDOWS SON directed by our founder Willie Workman Ogawho is also a filmmaker. According to him he wanted the widows to tell their storiesthrough the lens of a camera. From next year we intend to start an additional projectcalled WIDOWS IN POLITICS which will encourage their participation and enlightenmentas added voices to Governance in Nigeria.T H E A M B A S S A D O R | P A G E 3 9
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Time togive back.
H.E. Denisa GokoviGGA- AlbaniaT H E A M B A S S A D O R | D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0 P A G E 4 2
Leading Light of Greatness.T H E A M B A S S A D O R | P A G E 4 4
T H E A M B A S S A D O R | I S S U E 4PAGE 29P A G E 4 4
Daily InspirationsDaily InspirationsDaily InspirationsBook 3Book 3Book 3B Y : T E S S M A R T I NG G A - A U S T R A L I A
EMPOWERED WOMENEMPOWER WOMENBy: Dr. Ruby Bakshi KhurdiVP of Women's Empowerment, GGA"I stand here to Salute each and every wonderful woman in the world who isborn a daughter, becomes a sister, gets married to become a wife and finallybecomes a Mother - who gives birth to a newlife! The cycle goes on & on."T H E A M B A S S A D O R | D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0First of all, the definition of “wo” is the female and “man” is the male. She is different from a man atomically,physiologically and biologically. Women are the pillars of economy of the world - they buy precious ornaments ingold, silver, platinum, etc which brings livelihood to millions. They are the contributors of health care, which is oneof the largest and fastest growing industries in the world by providing services. They contribute to the entertainment world, which is the second largest growing industry. They also add revenue to the cosmeticsindustry, which is the third fastest growing industry.P A G E 4 6
As the founder of InterculturELLEs Réseau Des Femmes I feel very fortunate I am able to help women bothlocally and globally to thrive! When I arrived in Switzerland I felt very lonely & lost without my family. I wasstruggling with language & cultural issues…I was longing for a community that would help me to connect in aforeign country. As an Academic Dean of a girls College, my schedule was very hectic with teaching andmanagement responsibilities. Gradually I started attending seminars, conferences, training sessions where Imet more like-minded people…my quest for healthy women networks started bearing good results.Today I am wearing different hats as Vice President, Ambassador, Board of Director, Spokesperson, Chair-person to various International organizations as Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation, All Ladies League,Women Economic Forum, Female Wave Of Change, Willow Thrive etc. My sole mission is to create an Impactwith my Voice - Become the voice of women who are afraid to speak…offer them a platform to connect, survive& support! As a dynamic team we have conducted various workshops on Sustainability, Healthy living, Culturalfestivals, Yoga, Women Empowerment, Dance, Emotional Intelligence and Leadership. Even during pandemic,we did not take a backseat - we just keptgoing helping others survive in crisis…Saying “Covid19 is about socialdistancing and not emotional distancing.”I stand here to Salute each and every oSalute each & every wonderful womanin the world who is born a daughter, becomes a sister, gets married tobecome a wife and finally becomes a Mother - who gives birth to a new life!The cycle goes on and the present scenario women have proven theyare equal to men; they are making meaningful contributions towards theprogress of the nation. You may ask - then why do we need to empowerwomen? The answer is quite simple - just think about a plant, from the dayyou receive it, you water it regularly hoping it keeps growing, flourishing and strengthening its roots. Likewise, we women need re-assurance from ourmeaningful networks to build our self- confidence and evolve with grace."Behind Every Woman is a Tribe of Other Successful Women"By: Dr. Ruby Bakshi KhurdiVP of Women's Empowerment, GGA"Behind every successful Man is a Woman""I connected with thousands of peoplevirtually with my 3-E Theory - Educate,Empathize and Empower every singleday.T H E A M B A S S A D O R | D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0Connect and Collaborate to createstrong networks of sisterhood!"P A G E 4 7
The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better andmore sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face,including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation,peace and justice. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals,were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call toaction to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation hasproudly joined forces with the UN SustainableDevelopment Goals -Partners PlatformCLICK THE LINK BELOW TO CHECK OUT OUR GGA FOUNDATION AND TOP INITIATIVE ON THE UN PAGE.T H E A M B A S S A D O R • - P A G E 4 8
H O P E A M B A S S A D O R SV V F C a m p a i g n i n N i g e r i aThe United Nations Population Fund labeled VVF as one of the most SERIOUS ANDTRAGIC childbirth injuries. Approximately 1-2 million women are currently in needof fistula repair globally and Nigeria accounts for the highest prevalence of fistula inthe world."Serious and Tragic"
HOPE AMBASSADORS intends to establish a revolving fund toincreasethe knowledge and awareness of #VVF as this is aproblem that can be prevented with good family planning andaccess to timely and skilled maternity care.P A G E 5 1
WRITTEN BY: FRANCA COLOZZOGGA - ITALY DIRECTORINSPAD PEACE AMBASSADOR & CEO - INCUNITED ARAB EMIRATESTHE AMBASSADOR | DECEMBER 2020Thousand and One Nights: A Dream in the Desert"Writing about Dubai and the Emirates is generally like writing about a dream made possible in the desert by the tenacity and will of men. The United Arab Emirates is a federation of seven emirates along the east coast of the Arabian Peninsula."
TEACHERS' TALESBY: DR. RUBY BAKSHI KHURDIVirtual Learning Environment is the new normal in the educationindustry; as Does it engage the learners? c!WATCH THINK DIG DEEPER DISCUSS - CONCLUSIONHow do I create lessons on this platform? Does it offer variety in learning? P A G E 5 4
GGAF UK Team led by Gemma Smith, Chair of UKSTART DATE: MONDAY, JANUARY 4TH, 2021Instructor: Senela JayasuriyaGGA - Sri LankaRegistration is now open for November classesInstructor: Dr. Bindu BabuRegistration is now open
‘Leadership Skills for High Performance’. JayasuriyaGlobal Course InstructorGGA Learning InstituteAward Winning Speaker & Certified CoachP A G E 5 7
Message toAll FutureLeadersJolyne Jelimo; VP and Chair of KenyaGlobal Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation
Congratulations Graduates!GGA Youth Global ChangeLeaders 2020: Cohort 2Program Instructor: Jolyne JelimoMenteesMentorsCommittee Team
Global Goodwill Ambassador Leadership Program Cohort 2 is a life transforming platform that has made me realize my true purpose. The value I have received from this training has really helped in building my organization structure positively. The training has helped in building my leadership skills. This Cohort, is one of its kind, the experience is awesome. The program has been so impactful. Being mentored by great intelligent leaders and professional have been the best opportunity. Lessons learned from this cohort has really changed my leadership skills and has helped in the developmental stage of my organization. What I like most about this cohort, is the way the leader of this program carries everyone along,no matter your country, there is no bias or tribalism. Everyone is treated right and equal, andthere is proper communication between the Leader, Mentors andmentee. Through the training received from this cohort, I now know how to work with team perfectly,giving them the opportunity to give their suggestions and ideas. Before now, I was usingmicromanagement style with my team, but after a training session from one of our mentors(Mentor Archana), I was able to understand that team should not be micromanagement, butautonomous. If not for GGA cohort 2 training, I wouldn’t have known so much about effective team building. Irecommend this program to anyone who wants to be a better leader tomorrow.Julemine LaurentHaitiUwakmfon AlfredNigeriaI would like to congratulate you on this great initiative. Being a young Haitian,leader and change maker in my community, this cohort filled my voids andfilled my basket while bringing what my professional career will need. I amvery happy to participate with you. I will be able to make the retransmissionafter this formation. Sincerely you made the experts available to learners. This training will be for the benefit of my young organization. I will share it afterwards with those who did not have the opportunity to participate. Itstrengthens my sense of leadership. You are formidable, GGA, Network ofstrong leaders."Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they aremade just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal." —Vince Lombardi
Jiregna Tadese Terfa Ethiopia "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” –Eleanor Roosevelt, former first lady of the United States"
GGA NIGERIA"PLANTINGSMILES" ONFAMLIES IN NEEDLP R E P A R E D B YJoseph WIlliamsAdam HamesP R E S E N T E D B YOphelia WigginsT H E A M B A S S A D O R | D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0P A G E 6 5
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½Mobility Assistance Dogs Autism Service DogsPsychiatric Service DogsTherapy DogsRescue DogsService DogsGuide Dogs - Seeing Eye DogsBy: Sharon BingertGGA - USA Chair; VP of Training & Developmentt"Adopt! Don't Shop!"“If I had one wish for Animals, it would be to Save and Love them All. ADOPT DON’T SHOP."“Special Place in My Heart”."My one wish for animals would be to save and lovethem all!"FriskieRazzie BeforeAfterDogs add value to the lives of people in many ways. "Assistance Dogs" are helpful topeople with disabilities and also bring comfort to those who are alone. THE AMBASSADOR | DECEMBER 2020
Current USA Statistics of Shelters being crowded in the USA are as follows taken from the website:6.5 million 3.3 million are dogs and 3.2 million are cats.Shelters, Rescues, and Private Homes.Adopt a pet from a shelter, rescue, or private owner“humanesociety SPCAWhere and How Can You Adopt Animals?SheltersAdopting from a Rescuewww.adoptapet.comTHE AMBASSADOR | DECEMBER 2020
Shelter vs Rescue AdoptionWhat is a kill shelter?How many animals are abused each year?Animal shelters are in need of volunteersTHE AMBASSADOR | DECEMBER 2020
Help sheltered and stray animals find a home as shelters are running out ofsupplies, including food. The weather is turning cold. Let's not let these beautiful animals sufferthrough a harsh winter. Your gift today could save a life and bring joy to theirfuture family. To help, please visit our website" Save Sheltered andStray Animals
Today’s global environment is characterized by regional instability, failed states, increased weapons proliferation,and global terrorism and requires greater global leadership. Moreover, as technological and economic integrationpermeate international relations, “The nation-state is being so weakened by the political and socioeconomic factorsunderpinning globalism that it may be doomed as an institution” (Hames, 2007, p. 130). In fact, Kanter (2010) states,“The era of globalization is characterized by frequent, rapid, and sometimes unpredictable change, both done byleaders and done to them by the events in the external world” (p. 8). That said, the era of globalization requiresleaders to change their approach to leadership through the global mindset of developing alliances and coalitions tosolve domestic problems within the international system. Researchers argue that with globalization, an increase of violent extremist organizations, political and socialdiscourse, and ethnic tension “leaders are exposed to many complex challenges and what we know about leadershiptheory and development may no longer be effective in this global context” (Story, 2011, p. 375). Hence, theemergence of globalization has challenged the mental models of leadership practices. Conflict resolution and peaceworkers must lead events that not only address the fundamental causes of conflict but also create organizationalstructures responding to stabilization and reconstruction requirements. That said, researchers argue “leadershiptoday is profoundly different from what it was yesterday” (Hames, 2007, p. 9). Non-state and state leaders areresponsible for not only initiating but also the cessation of conflict. Therefore, it will take actors with the courageousleadership to create the conditions for human security, economic and infrastructure development, governance, andthe rule of law in a post-conflict environment.One of the toughest challenges for glocalized leaders is implementing a consolidated conflict resolution and peacedevelopment activity in a post war-torn country. For example, leading the development of conflict resolution andpeace activities in a volatile, uncertain, and ambiguous political, socio-economic, and ideological environmentrequires adaptive leadership and donor support for nongovernment and civil society organization. Therefore, theexpectation management of donors supporting and resourcing the activities of nongovernmental and civil societyorganizations must design and implement a ‘tailored approach’ to the conditions on the ground. Instead, leaders ofthese organizations frequently execute a cookie cutter’ approach in planning and implementing stabilization andreconciliation as well as other confidence-building measures to satisfy donor expectations. Therefore, leaders ofpeace development organizations need to assist donors in understanding the operational complexity and fluidity ofimplementing humanitarian assistance as well as reconstructing economic, legal, and political institutions in anambiguous environment. That said, understanding the triad of leadership, conflict resolution, and peacedevelopment would be that cross-sectoral conflict work and peacekeeping necessitates leadership competences suchas intercultural sensitivity and awareness, emotional intelligence, relational and social competences in ahighly contextual multifaceted environment is unexplored.Peace LeadersPart 1By: Dr. Andrew H. Campbell
Support 28 Young Orphaned GirlsYour donation of $22.00 feeds theentire orphanage three meal per
Regularly update school safety plans.Make staff, students and parents aware of all safety policies.Provide teacher safety training. Organize a school safety team.Create a complete emergency resplonse plan.Use these five suggestions to give teachers, parents, and students confidence in your school's safety:By: Ziaullah Khan Surrani, GGA - PakistanSchool Safety Officer Pakistan Red Crescent BannuSCHOOL SAFETYGGA in Pakistan Promoting SafeLearning Environments forStudents, Teachers, and School StaffTHE AMBASSADOR | DECEMBER 2020 PAGE 77 Five Safety Tips
By: Malabika Saikia, Founder & Director Kishma Venture; Founder Mon Pokhila; Global Goodwill Ambassador (India) & DF-FIGHRMy Journey in Becoming aGlobal Goodwill Ambassador"I am very thankful to Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation!"PAGE 78
Uplifting Through the Use of TechnologyGGA Trinidad and Tobago
eing together is important, now more than ever. When I had a choice to return to my academic teachingposition, online or in person, the choice was not difficult, I taught my classes in person. What I’ve learnedwas that my choice impacted my students in a positive way. Quality education always takes priority but Ifound that extending grace, kindness, and compassion is equally important. My priority was to make mystudents smile and I found that those smiles were passed on to others, by my students. “I am so thankful for all reasons that make me smile. Getting the opportunity to get an education and have anamazing supportive community is what has kept me smiling this past semester!” -Briana “I smile because our teacher is a firm believe in holding in person class and that shows that she actually cares for herstudents.” – Andrew “Professor Pentz’s class makes me smile because she allows us to talk about issues that matter to us.”-Carter :Many reasons to smile. 10 -minute meetings made me feel important and that you were trying to get me. Youalways listened to our worries and concerns. I couldn’t wait to come to class in the morning. This class has reflectedpositive on me and I will forever hold the memories. I’m so grateful for this opportunity. “- Shiann “The thing that makes me smile about dance is that it’s always a judgment free zone. I never have to hide who I reallyam, and I can show my true self through dance with you.” Nadia “Dancing with Mrs. Julie always makes me smile because no matter how bad of a day you had, she always managesto brighten it and make you feel loved. “– Riley “Dance is something that can be enjoyed by everyone, no matter age, gender, color, background, or situation. It’salways brought a smile to my face. Miss Julie reminds me of this every time I’m with her. She reminds me that evenin hard and unprecedented times dance will always be there to bring a smile to your face.” - Hannah “Tap Dance has always made me smile and Julie has given me to opportunity to make someone else smile with myfeet.” – Elizabeth #GGASmiles: Be The Cause of a Smile#GGASmiles should be practiced every day. A smile is free. Sending a hand written note will turn a person’s day around. A random act of kindness will have a long-lasting impact.Be the Cause of a Smile!By: Julie L.Pentz , Professor of DanceGlobal Goodwill Ambassador - USA
TWELVE MONTHS OF KINDNESSA year in the life of UK Global Goodwill Ambassadors
DeePebbles of HopeGemma
Carol ChrissyMohammed
GGAF FamilyGGAF FamilyRecipesRecipesTH E AM BA SS AD OR | D EC EM B E R 2 0 2 0"Thank you to every around the world whoshared their family recipes with us."
T ab bo ulehP A G E 8 9Lebanese and Syrian Salad
Sweet Potato PieP A G E 8 9By: Catherine (Cathy) CampbellTraditional American
1.Heat your oven to 220C or 200C fan.2. Add just around a tsp of oil to each of the holes in the muffin tin. 3.Place your tin in the oven for 10-15 minutes until the oil is super hot, basically spitting! 4. Whilst your oil is heating, beat/whisk your 6 eggs into your cornflour in a big mixing bowl. 5. Once thoroughly combined, gradually add your milk a little at a time. Mix together - I use a non-electric whisk for this but you could use a electric hand mixer if you like. 6. Pour your Yorkshire pudding batter into a jug so it's easier to pour into each hole. 7. Next you need to be quick! Remove your muffin tray from the oven and immediately fill each holewith your mixture until just under 3/4 full (for really big yorkies or under half full for more modest butequally epic yorkies!). They should sizzle a little. Be very quick here and get them back in the oven asap!8. Place back in the oven and cook, still on 220C (200C fan) for around 15-20 minutes until golden andrisen. (NEVER open the oven door during their bake, this will ruin them!) 9. Remove from your oven once cooked and serve up with a delicious roast dinner (lots of gravy!). 10. Enjoy!Yorkshire Puddings (Gluten Free)Finding the perfect Gluten Free Recipe for Yorkshire Puddings has been a hardjourney - but I am so happy to share this simple effective recipe - it is fantastic !!The first Yorkshire pudding recipe on record dates back to 1737 and for those ofyou not in the UK, it is not actually a pudding. We have it with our roast meat,potatoes and gravy.DirectionsTraditional English CHRISSY SYKESGGA - UKIngredients200g cornflour6 eggs300ml milk 50ml cooking oil, to pour into each muffin tinSource:
Whisk the egg yolks and sugar together in a medium bowl until light and cream.In a saucepan over medium-high heat, combine the cream, milk, nutmeg, and salt. Add a big spoonful of the hot milk to the egg mixture, whisking vigorously. Repeat, adding a bigspoonful at a time, to temper the eggs.Once most of the hot milk has been added to the eggs, pour the mixture back into theWhisk constantly for just a few minutes, until mixture is just slightly thickened (or until it reachesabout 160 degrees F on a thermometer). It will thicken more as it cools.Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla. Pour the eggnog into a pitcher or other container andRefrigerate until chilled. It will thicken as it cools. If you want a thinner, completely smoothconsistency, you can add the entire mixture to a blender with 1 or 2 tablespoons of milk and blenduntil smooth.Serve with a sprinkle of cinnamon, and fresh whipped cream, if desired.Store homemade eggnog in the fridge for up to one week.INSTRUCTIONSStir often until mixture reaches a bare simmer. saucepan on the stove. cover with plastic wrap.HomemadeEggnogINGREDIENTS6 large egg yolks 1/2 cup granulated sugar1 cup heavy whipping cream2 cups milk 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmegpinch of salt1/4 teaspoon vanilla extractground cinnamon , for toppingThis eggnog recipe is thick, sweet, creamy andsmooth, with the perfect flavor. Submitted by: Lisa JonesRecipe via @TastesBetterFromScratchTraditional USA Holiday BeverageIf you would like to add alcohol to your eggnog, choosea drink with a high alcohol concentration to helpcounterbalance the sweetness of the eggnog. Commonchoices of alcohol to add to eggnog include brandy, rum,bourbon or whisky.
Injera with Gommen and Dinnich WotInjera (Flatbread) Ingredients1 kg Teff Flour1/2 kg Sorghum Flour2 teaspoons yeast (Ersho)Mix with 1/2 liter hot water 3Mix with 1-2 liters cold waterLet sit for two days30 minutes before bakingUse a medium pan on warm stoveBake Injeria within 180-220 C temp One minute for each InjeraDirectionsTraditional Ethiopian JIREGNA TADESE TERFAGGA - ETHIOPIAGommen Ingredients3 onions3 teaspoons oil1/4 garlic660 g grünkohlDirectionsMedium pot 150-180C on stoveFry onions, garlic, & oil for 10 minutesAdd grünkohl and fry for 20 minutesAdd red chili, butter, salt and wait fortwo minutes Total time: 30-35 minutes2 red chili peppers1 teaspoons butter1/2 teaspoons saltDinnich Wot Ingredients3 onions3 teaspoons oil1 tomato1/4 Garlic2 teaspoons red chili pepper powder(Berbere)Rosemary1/4 liter water5 potatoes1 teaspoon butter1/2 teaspoons saltDirectionsMedium pot 1at 150-180c on stoveFry onions, oil, chopped tomato (diced)Add sliced potatoes, 1/4 liter waterFinally, add rosemary, butter, salt andwait for 2 miutesfor 10 minuteswait 30 minutes. Total time: 50-55 minutes
Family Recipe B Y : F E L I CI A K I S S L I N GThis recipe has two parts: The Meringue Crustand a Whipped Chocolate FillingINGREDIENTS for Meringue Crust3 egg whites1/8 teaspoon of salt1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar1/2 teaspoon of vanilla 3/4 cups of granulated sugarINGREDIENTS for Chocolate Filling3/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips1/4 cup hot water1 teaspoon vanilla1/8 teaspoon salt1 cup heavy creamDirectionsMeringue Crust:Combine egg whites, salt, cream of tartar,and Vanilla. Beat stiff. Gradually add sugar, beating until verystiff and sugar is mostly dissolved. Spread in a well greased 9 inch pie pan. Build up on sides.Bake at 275 degrees Fahrenheit for 1 hour. Cool, and fill with chocolate filling.Chocolate Filling:In a double boiler, melt chocolate pieces intop over boiling water. Add hot water,vanilla, and salt.Stir completely until smooth. Cool. In aseparate bowl, whip heavy cream. Foldcream into chocolate mix. fill meringue crustshell.Chill overnight.Directions
ISubmitted by: Dario Ruggerio; Co-Chair of Italy, GGAEuropean Continental ChairTHE LEGEND OFTHE LEGEND OFPIZZAPIZZA MARGHERITAMARGHERITATraditional Italian
By: Adama KalokohGGA - USAJollof Rice With Stew3 pounds King Fish, Beef for Stew or 3 Onions, chopped2 Green peppers, chopped2 Green onions choppedI/2 eggplant chopped1 Red and yellow pepper chopped6 white potatoes 2 tbsp garlic powder2 tbsp salt1 tbsp paprika1 tbsp parsleyChicken breast1 bag Jasmine rice1 tbsp accent1tbsp Adobe seasoning1 tbsp onion powderSprinkle of Italian season2 chicken bouillon cubesSprinkle Hot pepper (optional)1 cup vegetable oil2 tbsp tomato paste1 Small can tomato paste1/2 can fire roasted diced tomatoes1 container chicken broth4 bay leavesDirectionsStep 1.Step 2.Step 3.Step 4.Step 5.Step 6.Step 7.Step 8Step 9. Step 10Step11Step 12Step 13.Step 14.Step 15.Step 16tep 17.Step 18Step 19.Ingredients
IMake the Masala Powder: Take a small bowl and add the chilli powder, coriander powder,jeera powder ( cumin seed powder) and haldi ( turmeric powder). Mix together and keep ready for use.Soak cashew nuts overnight. Drain just before cooking and keep aside. Heat 1 tbsp. coconut oil in a deeppan and add the mustard. When it spurts, lower heat to medium and add the curry leaves, followed bythe onions. Fry to a golden brown. Add the Masala Powder, peas and cashew nuts and stir fry a minuteor till all the water evaporates. Add salt to taste. Stir in the grated coconut and mix well. Serve hot withrice or chappathis. Absolutely delicious. Served at weddings, feasts and special occasions.NB: 1*. The peas are my twist on this decadent experience which is made with tender cashewnuts alone.2. If Curry leaves are unavailable add some chopped coriander after you finish cooking the dish andserve hot. 3. Kundapur is a small town by the Arabian Sea in South India in the State of Karnataka. It belongs toMangalore District which was influenced by the Portuguese and German missionaries and has a verymixed culture.250 gms cashew nuts (or tender cashew nuts availableduring April/May)1 large onion, sliced1/2 cup frozen peas*1/4 cup grated coconut1/2 tsp chilli powder1/2 tsp coriander powder1/2 tsp jeera (cumin seed powder)1/4 tsp haldi (tumeric powder)salt to tast1/2 tsp mustard seed3 springs curry leavesIngredients
Once school was done and examinations wrestled with it was time for my syblings and I to pack our bagsand go by the night train from Bangalore to Shimoga where my uncle Sam would meet us and drive usthrough the Ghats to my grandparents home “Grace Villa” in Kundapur, South India. All twelve of uscousins met there every April/May and looked forward to six wonderful weeks of fun and food. Mygrandmother who pampered us, kept a well stocked larder. The summer holidays was the highlight ofour little lives as we could roam the garden and neighbourhood at will, stopping only to eat RangoonCherries, raw mangoes with salt and chilli powder or drink the sweet coconut water and devour itsdelicious white flesh. We were always hungry and looked forward to our grandmother or Ajjamma as wefondly called her to announce that it was time to eat.Cashew fruit trees grew in abundance in Kundapur and the surrounding areas and the green nuts, available only during summer were a gourmet’s delight. Local women would patiently crack the green shell and extract the creamy kernel. You had to be an expert at doing this as the juice from the outer covering was acidic and could burn the skin. We would watch in fascination as the women skillfully extracted the nuts and then went around to the various houses trying to find customers for these delectable morsels. This particular recipe brings back fond memories of raids on the larder where Ajjamma hid them from us. The summer holidays were never quite complete without this delicious dish and it is a traditional recipe handed down in the family for generations…from mother to daughter. I use cashew nuts for this recipe as the kernels are not available in Kuala Lumpur. This is a great favourite with family and friends and keeps alive the spirit of cooking. Though decadent, it is truly a connoisseur’s dream.
From our family to yours, we wish you a joyful and peaceful holiday season. May 2021 bring you everything you hope for.