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The Ambassador: Issue 27, November 2022

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and Editors-in-ChiefChrissy SykesChrissy SykesLisaLisa A. JonesA. JonesChrissy SykesMaking a difference around the world is what the GGA Foundation and theMy Body is My Body Foundation are all about, and that is exactly what weare doing in so many countries.We are proud of our excellent Ambassadors and Volunteers who worktirelessly within the NGO's and Organisations we work with to better theircommunities, help reach the SDG Goals, and help to create the safer worldall of our children deserve.We need to be mindful that many people in our world are going throughdifficult periods at the moment, so keep up the fantastic work you are alldoing to make sure people do not go hungry or cold and making sure at alltimes that the children are safe and secure.Thank you to you all for being amazing !!Lisa JonesA huge "thank you" to our donors, patrons, advertisers and supporters. N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 2 | I S S U E 2 7We are very grateful for the fantastic work everyone is doing and the kindness you show each andevery day. All of you are making our world better by uniting people and setting inspiring examples forour children to follow as they become our future leaders. Lend a hand where needed, and remember,"we rise by lifting others." Thank you to everyone who donated toward our "fighting hunger" and MBIMB initiatives, andcongratulations on your "Founders Awards." We are continuing this through the end of the year ashunger is a worldwide crisis, and MBIMB is a critical program to keep children safe. We hope you will join us for our "GGAF Rally" on December 3rd! It will be wonderful to bring everyonetogether so you can learn more about our learning institute, The Ambassador, and our humanitarianinitiatives. Chrissy will be giving information about MBIMB, and our country leaders will also bespeaking. This is a time for us to unite as a proud GGAF and MBIMB Family.Remember to register on Chrissy's new MBIMB website at https://mbimb.orgStay strong, kind and amazing!Page 3

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THE AMBASSADOR:THE MISSING PIECE TOYOUR MARKETING STRATEGYYou get two-full pages in our global magazine for adonation of $50 toward our humanitarian initiatives. Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation is aregistered charity 501c3 and your donations aretax-deductible. (Country-specific laws apply). Page 4

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Life & Business CoachesPodcastersBook AuthorsCPAs Wealth ManagementNutrionistsTourismIT ServicesContent Writers Web Design Resume WritersRecruiters ALL BUSINESSES! LET US GET THE WORD OUTABOUT YOUR BUSINESS The Ambassador has more than 380,000 subscribers;our magazine is also shared by Richard DiPilla with 1.5million followers on LinkedIn alone. Our company pageon LinkedIn has more than 62,000 subscribers. Reach out to Lisa Jones for more CirculationPage 5

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12 GGAF Learning Institute19 My Body is My Body; Keeping Children SafeAMBASSADORAMBASSADORTHEN O V E M B E R 2 0 2 2 | I S S U E 2 62 A Note From Our PublishersChrissy Sykes & Lisa Jones12 GGAF Learning InstituteChrissy Sykes & Lisa Jones19MBIMB Around The WorldChrissy Sykes21Hope Ambassadors - Nigeria23CFCLF Teach the MBIMB ProgrammeDenis Okuru24MBIMB In SudanGhada Saleh32Mujib Hope Foundation Spreading the MBIMBProgramme In NigeriaMuniratu Jibrin38Kindness In SudanGhada Saleh39Introducing The Provisional World Children'sParliament 42Why Do We Need To Break The TabooAbout The Subject Of Child AbuseChrissy Sykes "Come Learn With US""Come Learn With US"New classes being added each weekPage 6Why we need to break theWhy we need to break the taboo about thetaboo about the subject of child abusesubject of child abuse

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AMBASSADORAMBASSADORTHEN O V E M B E R 2 0 2 2 | I S S U E 2 6Smile Community Centre Kenya Page 4450Celebrating Our GGAF UK Team97GGAF Executive Team81Impact Sierra LeoneBackpacks Of HopeCampaign68SUPPORTING EDUCATION: BOOK DONATION TO LIBRARY70BWI Visits Abule-Ishale with Primary Health Care72A Day In The Life of A Humanitariandee russell thomas77Menstruation: A Pride to Girls and YoungWomen Not a Spell!Faith Adigun Tamitayo81Pakistan Monsoon Flood SituationZeeshan Asghar81Impact Sierra Leone Backpacks Of HopeCampaignDr Adama Kalokah84Darren Hart Organises WorkshopsOn Waste ManagementDarren Hart88A Journey Through Time In Search Of ItalianCommon Roots: TurkeyDr. Arch. Franca Colozzo9212 Months Of KindnessLisa Jones"No girl must miss school because of Lack of Access to rightmenstruation, education and Sanitary Pad"Page 50

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SMUGGLED is available in all online and offline bookstores around the world. Ask your favorite bookstore.

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Does CHILD TRAFFICKING ANGER you?Does the fear in the children's eyes break your heart and bring tears to your eyes?Does the problem worry you yet leave you feeling helpless, wondering what todo?That's why I wrote the book SMUGGLED which has hit #1 BESTSELLER.Plus, this is why I offer a workshop so you can Discover the SIMPLE ONE-TWO PUNCH process to end childtrafficking. A simple process that most people and organizations know little about, thus leaving our childrenextremely vulnerable to traffickers and exploiters. Everywhere it's news of yet another child gone!Angela offers a free workshop titled, "Wisdom to SPOT & Courage to STOP" referencing scenesin the book SMUGGLED.In addition to reading this really great book, the workshop gives you in-depth insights andawareness of how child trafficking and exploitation happen and how we as regular worldcitizens can disrupt and dissipate this evil.ANGELA Karanja is a world-renowned adolescent psychologist and parentingteenagers expert, author, and founder of Raising Remarkable Angela is regularly featured on major world media. Despite coming from an extremely impoverished background and childhoodabuse in a village in Kenya, she rose like a lotus through the mud and themuck and now helps parents of teenagers raise mentally healthy and highlyeffective teenagers without losing their minds.

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https://prontocare.coGET A SECOND OPINION WITHOUTLEAVING YOUR HOME. Better Healthcare. We are bringing the heart back inmedicine. It is a beautiful story that I would like to share with the world. Hopefully,this will. Specifically, here, I mean the chronic, complicated, and seemunsolvable Healthcare crisis. I have witnessed a lot of devastation to bothmy patients and my fellow physicians. On one hand, patients are sufferingfrom increasingly uncontrollable out-of-pocket expenses as more ( cost isbeing shifted to consumer responsibility) Patients can not afford to eat,support their families because a big chunk of their earnings goes to payfor healthcare bills. This effort has picked up substantially after the World Economic Crisisstarting in 2008 when I knew then that the current Healthcare model isunsustainable, as healthcare cost is breaking the bank and forcing manypeople into bankruptcy.Also, the doctors got hit with denied, delayed, or ridiculous paymentsafter spending more than 38% of their time dealing with Insurancebureaucracy, and paperwork,!Thus I have developed a ( Direct Contracting for Healthcare Model) withcombined Internal Medicine and Cardiology services in incrediblyaffordable pricing with transparency, greatly trusted care andimpeccable credibility which qualified our program to be offered by theCity of Tampa for Non-Medicare Retirees for three consecutive years. Stay up-to-date with ProntoCare

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Stay up-to-date with ProntoCare

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Th e GGA F Le arnin g Insti tu te is d esign ed with w orkin g stude nt s andpr of essio na ls in m ind. Th at's wh y our c lasse s are ' on -dema nd " mea ni ng yo uca n take th ese a s they fi t you r own s ch edule . Ea ch clas s has a n instr uc tor w ho will i ntera ct with y ou an d answe r anyqu es tions y ou ma y have. W e've al so cr ea ted a s tuden t- centr ic lear ni ngen vi ronme nt givi ng stud en ts a wa y to di scuss t he co ur se ma te rials a nd le ar ndi ff erent i nsigh ts by i nt eract in g on th e dis cu ssion b oard. We r eal iz e that ev eryon e learn s diffe re ntly an d wit h our a m ulti- mo dal s et -up , you w il l be of fered r eadin g mater ia l, vi de os, a ss ignme nt s, di sc ussio ns ,li ve Zoom m eetin gs and mu ch mo re . Page

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Ev ery or ganiza tion i s resp o nsibl e for e nsuri n gcy bersec urity. The a b ility to pr o tect y our in format ionsy stems from i mpairm ent or even t heft i s ess e ntial tosu ccess. Imple mentin g effe c tive s ecuri t y mea s ures w illno t only offer liabi l ity p r otect i on; it will a lso i n creas eef ficien cy and produ c tivit y . Wi th our “Cybe r Secu r ity” C ourse , you w ill d i scover thefu ndame n tals o f cybe rsecur i ty as well a s the metho d sth at sho uld be imple mented to ma k e sur e yourco mpute r syste ms are prote c ted.Cyber SecurityPage 13

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Developing EmotionalIntelligenceTaking control over the emotions that shape our lives can have powerful effects.Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize and manage our emotions,behaviors, and impulses, as well as apply this knowledge to the world around us.It encourages self-awareness, internal motivation, and the exploration of diverseperspectives. Through effective and authentic communication, emotionalintelligence will create positive relationships within any organization. Emotionalintelligence is a skill that can be developed, in which these skills will help you tomaximize your personal and professional success. Course Starts: December 1, 2022Preregistration is OpenPage 14

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Open EnrollmentCourse Instructor: Lisa JonesInterview Skills for Jobseekerscourses.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgPage 15

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courses.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgPage 16

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courses.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgPage 17

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INTRODUCTION TO CHILD MALTREATMENTAND SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN With this course, we will cover:1. Why do we need to teach about child maltreatment2. Worldwide facts about maltreatment (from ISPCAN)3. How child maltreatment affects a community’s quality of life andeconomic prosperity4. Different types and signs of maltreatment5. How to react if a child discloses their abuse to you6. Basics on how to report child abuse GGAF Learning InstituteJoin over Join over Join over 2,5002,5002,500 people that people that people that have already taken this coursehave already taken this coursehave already taken this coursescan this codePage 18

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Page 19Instructor: Dee Russell-ThomasClass is Open & On-DemandWhat do you understand by "The Science of Happiness?"Have you heard this expression before? Do you believe happiness can be learned? This course will begin with the underlying aspects of the sciencebehind happiness. We will explore how we can help ourselves toappreciate what we have already, what we can acquire and what wecan build into our lives to improve both our own happiness and alsocontribute to the well-being of others. In order to achieve this, we need to commit to understanding andvaluing our strengths whilst also recognizing areas in need ofdevelopment. Join our class and set your course for Happiness.

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My Body is My BodyMy Body is My Body MBIMBMBIMB Around the worldAround the worldNovemberNovember 20222022 By: Chrissy SykesBy: Chrissy SykesKeeping Children SafeKeeping Children Safe21. NIGERIA - Hope Ambassadors 22. UGANDA - CFCLF 23. SUDAN - Our Program Presenters have been very busy31. NIGERIA Mujib Hope Ambassadors37. SUDAN Kindness in Sudan38. PWCP40. Int Day Of Peace41. Why we need to break the Taboo about the subject of child abuse45. Nigeria MBIMB HeroPage 20Khartoum Gems International School

Page 21 MBIMB New WebsiteMBIMB New WebsiteWebsite Designed By Luminary2Website Designed By Luminary2Page 21Join our MBIMBJoin our MBIMBCommunity to accessCommunity to accessAll our Free ResourcesAll our Free ResourcesMBIMB in 26 LanguagesMBIMB in 26 Languages

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D e s p i t e t h e a w a r e n e s s a n d s e n s i t i s a t i o n o n c h i l d a b u s e , t h e i n h u m a n e a c t i o n so f a b u s e a r e s t i l l e v i d e n t i n t h e s o c i e t y . T h i s i s m a k i n g H o p e A m b a s s a d o r s t ob e c o m e m o r e a g g r e s s i v e o n t h i s s e n s i t i s a t i o n .O n F r i d a y 2 9 t h O c t o b e r , 2 0 2 2 , t h e H o p e A m b a s s a d o r s t e a m i n B a u c h i S t a t e l e db y A m b a s s a d o r B a l a B a k o v i s i t e d t h e p u p i l s o f V u n - T o n g h a R o y a l A c a d e m yT a f a w a B a l e w a L G A , B a u c h i S t a t e t o e d u c a t e t h e m o n t h e M y B o d y i s M y B o d yP r o g r a m m e .   T h e c h i l d r e n w e r e t a u g h t t h e # M B I M B s o n g , u n d e r s t a n d t h e i rs a f e t y n e t w o r k s a n d w h a t t h e y a r e e x p e c t e d t o d o w h e n e v e r t h e y f e e l u n s u r ea b o u t s o m e t h i n g o r s o m e o n e o r u n s a f e i n t h e i r e n v i r o n m e n t .  E d u c a t i n g t h ec h i l d r e n o n t h i s s u b j e c t m a t t e r . W e w i l l c o n t i n u e t o p r e a c h t h i s m e s s a g e a n dt a k e i t t o e v e r y n o o k a n d c r a n n y u n t i l w e s e e s a n i t y r e s t o r e d t o o u r s o c i e t y .  T h a n k s t o o u r v o l u n t e e r s B a l a B a k o , P r e c i o u s P a u l , P r i s c i l l a P a u l a n dP a t i e n c e A k u b o c a r r y i n g o u t t h i s s e n s i t i s a t i o n .F o l l o w u s t o s e e m o r e o f w h a t w e d o h t t p s : / / l n k d . i n / d 7 D w T t v fV i s i t o u r w e b s i t e t o d a y : w w w . h o p e a m b a s s a d o r s . o r gHope Ambassadors team in Bauchi StatePage 22

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Centre For Children and Library FoundationMy Body is My BodyProgramme In UgandaThis week Denis Okuru initiated theMBIMB Programme with the childrenfrom the Centre For Children andLibrary Foundation.:Page 23

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Khartoum GemsKhartoum GemsInternational SchoolInternational SchoolPage 24

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Report from Ghada Saleh - Regional Directorfor MBIMB Sudan and the NetherlandsOur wonderful MBIMB team in Sudan visitedKhartoum Gems International SchoolDay coordinator: PP Intisar Salih ( CoAmbassador), with Program presenters :Awatif Alkhzeen (Co Ambassador)Sahar Ahmed , Rogaia hussein , Abdalla BangaNumber of children: 85 The programme was very well received andour Program Presenters did a fantastic jobwith the children. As you can see from thepictures the children had a positiveexperience learning about body protectionand empowerment.Thank you to all involved for your time andexpertise.With special thanks to GGAF Foundation for sponsoring the MBIMB FlyersPage 25

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On 22 October 2022, the team held anintroduction event about the childprevention program My Body Is My Body,which was supported by Agriculture bank,Ghada Saleh and some members of theprogram. The event was very successful. Attendeesfrom the child care department, police,British Council, mental health clinic,principals of some schools, and teachers.We're very happy with the informationprovided. Speakers from mental healthclinics, and child protection police assuredthe importance of such a program. The DeanIhtifal Hassan said " the children are trulyprogram presenters because they can easilyspread the words among themselves, andeach can tell the other. She also encouragesus to continue with the program to cover allof Sudan. "Children are truly theprogram presenters" Said Dean Ihtifal Hassanthe formal Dean of childand family protectionpolice.Page 27

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MBIMB Program Presenter and Co-AmbassadorHind Alfaki and Program Presenter Duaa TariqNumber of children: 361 girls, aged between 3 to 13 years old, and 195 boys aged between 6and 9 years old.Thank you so much to both of you for yourwonderful work and dedication in educatingthese children.Thank you so much to GGAF for funding theflyers through donations.556 children were taughtthe MBIMB Program inZeinab school inAlgadarif state in theWest of SudanPage 26Page 28

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155 Students with specialeducational needs anddisabilities were taughtthe My Body is MY BodyProgramme By : Awatif Alkhazeen Abdalla Banga HawaPage 26Page 29

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The event was very successful. Attendees fromthe child care department, police, BritishCouncil, mental health clinic, principals of someschools, and teachers. Everyone was very happywith the information provided. Speakers frommental health clinics, and child protection policeassured the importance of such a program. TheDean Ihtifal Hassan said " the children are trulyprogram presenters because they can easilyspread the words among themselves, and eachcan tell the other. She also encourages us tocontinue with the program to cover all of Sudan. At the end of the event, Dean Ihtifal Hassan wasHonored as the honorary ambassador of theprogram. As a result of the event, we received manyinvitations from schools to visit the school tospread education empowerment programs tothe children. The team visited 3 schools where severalstudents were 700 in different areas inKhartoum, and Omdurman cities. We alsocontinue spreading our MBIMB message outsideKhartoum, the capital of Sudan. We worked withthe ministry of education in a middle-state citycalled Madani. The program has won a chair inthe ministry, and we have to hand a full plan forthe coming months. Page 30700 ChildrenEducated with theMBIMB Programme indifferent areas ofKhartoum, andOmdurman cities

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Many thanks to the team PP / Co Amb : Intisar SalehPP/ Co Amb : Awatif Alkazeen PP / Co Amb : Omnia Emad PP / Co Amb : Rihab Mutsaim PP / Co Amb : Hiba Hassan PP : Gabas Ahmed PP : Rogia HussainPP: Abdallah Banga PP: Sahar PP: Amel Ahmed from the west of theSudan who recently start working againon the program in her city AlfollaKurdofan - west Darfour .. And many thanks to the AgriculturalBank who support us with the meetinghall for the event .. Thanks to Dr Mowai Akasha for hisspeech about child protection. Ghada Saleh GGA country childcareAmb MBIMBSudan700 Children Educatedwith the MBIMBProgramme indifferent areas ofKhartoum, andOmdurman citiesPage 31

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John HoltCommunityNuman, Adamawa StateMujib Hope Foundation visited John HoltCommunity in Numan, Adamawa State onthe 14th of October 2022, to carry out asensitisation program on Child AbusePrevention, using the "My Body is my Body"(MBIMB) educational materials by ChrissySykes. The children were enlightened on how toprotect themselves from abuse, highlightingtheir body safety rules and safety network.The activity was carried out by MHFVolunteers Gold Francis and ShunamiteVrano.Page 29 Page 32

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Concordia Junior AcademyAdamawa State,NigeriaMujib Hope Foundation is relentless in itsendeavours to educate children on thesubject of Body Safety using the My Body IsMY Body Programme.The children were educated on the dangersof child abuse, body safety rules and othersex education tips using the MBIMBeducative materials by Chrissy Skyes. The activity was carried out by MHFAdamawa State Volunteers Joy Wadiam Alimand lare Ibrahim.Page 33

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MbamoiCommunity, YolaSouth LocalGovernment Areaof AdamawaState Nigeria.Mujib Hope Foundation carried out a sensitization program on Child Abuse Prevention andAwareness and importance of women Participation in Peacebuiding for 20 women inMbamoi Community, Yola South Local Government Area of Adamawa State Nigeria.The women were educated on parental tips, the dangers of child abuse and maltreatmentand how to prevent it. They were also encouraged not to keep quiet when thier children arebullied or abused in school or other places. This was achieved using the "My Body is My Body (MBIMB)" child abuse prevention educational materials by "Chrissy Sykes''. The activity was carried out by MHF Adamawa TeamPage 29Page 34

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To everyone who has donated toGGAF for MBIMB Leaflets. As youcan see these flyers are making abig difference.They are also taken home whereparents can see what is beingtaught to the children. Together we can create a Safer World For Children Please click here to donate

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Add a little bit of body textPage 37

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Let the world see the kindness of children... Here are some heartwarming pictures of Sudanese school children from Khartoum taking turns tomake sure their classmate gets to school every day by pushing her down the road. Building teamwork, responsibility and caring for others...well done !!Images provided with thanks by Ghada SalehPage 38

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Hello! My name is Aaron Castelino from North Carolina, U.S.A., and I am currently thedeputy prime minister of the Provisional World Children’s Parliament (PWCP). As an active member of the PWCP, I hope to continue to participate in more meetings andexpand our network so that as a team, we can eventually contribute to making a positiveimpact on our society. I also hope that we can eventually be represented in the UnitedNations at some point, as this would continue to work towards a better society overall.Currently, we’re working on setting up a fundraiser to start a children’s parliament in Kenya,specifically associated with the Kibera community. We’re planning to host an in-personevent in late November to announce our fundraiser and intentions, as we believe this woulddefinitely make a positive difference in that community. We hope we can meet ourfundraiser goal so that we can make this possible. Ever since the founding of the PWCP in 2020, I believe that my team and I have achievedseveral goals and are continuing to achieve more. So far, I’ve been involved in more localactivities to make positive changes at a smaller scale, including a food drive and an eventdesigned to spread awareness about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Inaddition, in both the local and international scale, I was a part of an event commemoratingWorld Health Day in 2021, where we, as members of the PWCP organized several paneldiscussions from each of our areas and compiled recommendations for the benefit of ourcommunity. We’ve also hosted several other events commemorating special days on the UNcalendar, and hope to plan out more of these in the near future. GGAF and MBIMB Foundation are proud to be working with theProvisional World Children's Parliament -find out about this amazinggroup of young people changing the world.Who are we?We are the Youth Voice & Participation element of the work delivered by many parliaments from different places in theworld. We are responsible for linking young people together internationally to get involved in politics and communitywork, share ideas and opinions, and collaborate together on campaigns as youth activists.We work with young people from a variety of different countries. We are currently centred around the United States, theUnited Kingdom, Africa (Ghana, Cameroon, and Tanzania), and India. We have young people from an array of differentbackgrounds, including parliament members, fundraising leaders, elected youth representatives, school counselors, andmore. We welcome any young person who is passionate about their community, excellent at teamwork, optimistic and haslimitless potential in a network like ours.SociocracySociocracy is a system of governance that seeks to create harmonious social environments and productive organizations. Recognisable characteristics of sociocracy include testing for consent as opposed to majority voting (to make sureeveryone’s voice is heard), discussion by people who know each other, and operating in circle groups with distinguishedcircle responsibilities. We use Sociocratic methods in our work to help us make sure everyone’s voice is heard and to increase our productivitywhen working in groups.Page 39By John Buck and Swarnalakshmi Raviand Aaron Castelino

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We anticipate changing the Provisional World Children’s Parliament to the World Children’s Parliamentwhen we have children from 20 countries involved, and we feel we can get tentative recognition from theUnited Nations. By the time we have reached 20 countries, we will have learned how to address manychallenges ranging from different languages, to technical infrastructure (eg, adequate means for childrenfrom less developed countries to participate in meetings with something better than flip phones), totimezone challenges, to helping children fit PWCP work into their busy school schedules. PWCP had its first meeting on July 12, 2020. The meeting grew out of a series of conversations by personsfrom the UK, India, USA, Chile, Nigeria, and Portugal concerning how to expand the children’s parliamentinitiative started in India to world-wide. There were already nascent children’s parliament systems in Indiaand Nigeria. There were individual children’s parliaments in other countries largely because of a trip madeby Edwin John (of India) aimed at teaching other countries about children’s parliaments. It was felt that forchildren to truly have their voices heard (as envisioned by the United Nations Convention on the Rights ofthe Child (UNCRC) there needed to be a widely recognized and accepted world children’s parliament. Children from the following countries have participated in the PWCP: South Africa, Nigeria, Cameroon,India, Greece, Ukraine, UK, Chile, USA. The membership of the PWCP is constantly evolving as childrengraduate by turning 18 or return. For example, the representative from Chile went off to college inSingapore but has now returned as an adult ally to the PWCP. We are currently actively working to addchildren from Belize, Kenya, and Syria. Our way forward is to build funding support (as we are currently doing in our effort to fund training forKenya), to deepen the number of levels of children’s parliaments in currently participating countries so thatthere is an upward voice in selecting child representatives to country level parliaments, to find funding thatwill enable us to hire administrative support, and to expand the number of countries participating. Page 40

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In Commemorationof the InternationalDay of PeaceINTERVENTION PROGRAMFollowing the recent needs assessmentcarried out at Nassarawo Demsa and CentralPrimary School, Mujib Hope Foundationreceived donations of scholastic materials;school bags, notebooks, crayons and rulersfrom Education in Emergency WorkingGroup Adamawa State, and made apresentation of the items received to thestudents on 24th October 2022.A spelling competition was organized forstudents in various classes, and the bestperformers in each class were presentedwith the learning materials. Theheadteacher, staff and students of theschools appreciated the love and supportfrom Mujib Hope Foundation. According tothe head teacher, this will encourage thepupils to read and put in their best in theirstudies. The school management requestedthat more interventions be made to supportthe school in the future, we will continue toput in the effort to meet their needs andthat of other schools with similar needs.The intervention was carried out by MHFVolunteers Gold Francis, Shunamite Vranoand Thomas Johnson.Page 41

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WHY WE NEED TO BREAKTHE TABOO ABOUT THESUBJECT OF CHILD ABUSEAll around theworld childrenare beingabused everyminute of everyday....The facts are that over 1 Billion Children are abused everyyear. This is a staggering amount of children and yet manypeople do not think it is happening in their communities.We have to educate communities that child abuse ishappening in every community in every country in theworld.Page 42By Chrissy Sykes

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WHY WE NEED TO BREAK THETABOO ABOUT THE SUBJECTOF CHILD ABUSEPage 43Looking at the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in England and Wales, there were somevery eye-opening statistics. Read the FULL REPORTAccording to the "Truth Project", the most common age at which adult victims and survivors of childsexual abuse shared their experiences was 50 - 59 years of age. Keeping these secrets for so manyyears and never being able to deal with them is detrimental to a person's life. I was 32 when I told aboutmy abuse for the first time. I had gone through several years of self-destructive behaviour, which is why I am so passionate aboutteaching the My Body is My Body Programme to enable children, parents and teachers to discuss thesubject of body protection.

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WHY WE NEED TO BREAKTHE TABOO ABOUT THESUBJECT OF CHILD ABUSEPage 44The sexual abuse statistics from the "Truth Project"showed the following statistics: Age when the sexual abuse started1 - 3 years.......................12%4 - 7 years.......................35%8 - 11 years.....................32%12 - 15 years...................18%16 - 17 years.....................2% Relationship with the victim Family Member..............................47%Other Relationship.........................26%Another Child (Not Related)..........14%Teacher Or educational Staff........12%Other Professionals........................1% Where the Sexual Abuse took place: Family Home..............................42%Schools......................................15%Religious Institutions...................6%Residential care homes..............6%Other Institutions.........................3%Others.........................................8%The impact of sexual abuse on survivorsThere are many long-term effects associated with child sexual abuse and most of the people involved inthis report (around 88%) reported depression and an impact on their mental health.53% of people said that it affected their relationships with trust and intimacy being at the forefront of theproblem experienced.In relation to education and employment over 40% experienced academic difficulties. We know thattrauma can certainly affect the learning capabilities of a child and again I would like to emphasise theimportance of bringing this subject to the fore with your children to let them know it is ok to talk to youabout anything that is bothering them. Statistics in this report show that 67% of the children did not tell anyone about the abuse when it washappening most told after it had ended. 10% of people told for the first time when taking part in the"Truth Project"

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WHY WE NEED TO BREAKTHE TABOO ABOUT THESUBJECT OF CHILD ABUSEPage 45According to the statistics of the "Truth Project," around 79% ofchildren are sexually abusedbefore the age of 11with 47% of the children sexuallyabused under the age of 7.These statistics show why we need school and homeprogrammes to ensure children have the knowledgeto protect themselves and the security they know towhom they can talk if they have any problems.I know many people talk about "Good Touch" and"Bad Touch", but I believe this can confuse a child.Instead, we are better explaining that nobody shouldbe touching their private parts at any time, with a fewexceptions.1. When you are young, your mommy, daddy, or theperson who looks after you will have to wash yourprivate parts (because you will be too young to do itfor yourself), but you will soon learn how to washyour own body. 2. If your private parts are sore, mommy or daddy oryour caretaker might have to put medicine there, butif you are uncomfortable with this, you can ask to putthe medicine on yourself. 3. If you are sick or sore, the doctor might have totouch your private parts, but a parent or someonewho cares for you will always be with you. No one else should ever be touching your privateparts! Never let anyone take a photo of your private parts. Ifsomeone tries to touch your private parts, say NOand tell a safe adult.If we are going to protect our children, we aregoing to have to find ways to engage with them.Child abuse flourishes in secrecy and allows theabuser to control the child. This is why we need toteach children NOT to keep secrets. However,teaching about good and bad secrets can bedifficult to explain – so keep it simple and have a“No Secret Rule” in your family.To find out more about the My Body is My BodyFree Resources, please register on our website at

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My name is Bala Bako BD and a Volunteer with Hope Ambassadors and Childcare Organisation in Bauchi Nigeria.I would like to begin by thanking Hope Ambassadors for giving me the privilege to serve. One thing I believed in, is that “service to humanity is service to God” through Hope Ambassadors and ChildcareOrganization I have built a small team going out to schools in Bauchi State, North East Nigeria, to teach children about MBIMB. This is in spite of the risk of the Boko Haram insurgency in the region which has renderedmany children orphans and women widows. The primary objective is toensure that children acquire sufficient knowledge to protect themselvesphysically, psychologically, and emotionally.I have thus far reached over 5,000 children in schools and communities. I believe the number will increase tremendously with my new action oftraining teachers who will in turn go to train more children in their schoolsand wards.It has been a very fulfilling experience and I have never regretted knowingand working with Hope Ambassadors and coming in contact with MBIMB.B A L A B A K O B DMBIMB HeroPage 46

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HOW TO REACTHOW TO REACT IF A CHILD DISCLOSESIF A CHILD DISCLOSESTHEIR ABUSE TO YOUTHEIR ABUSE TO YOURemain calm and do not force the childto give information. It is very importantthat a child tells you about their abusein their own words. Please do not showemotions like anger or disbelief. If you ask any questions, keep them very simple. Do not confront the abuser -This may make the situation worse -Please leave this to the professionals. Report the Abuse To The AuthoritiesPlease report any abuse immediately to your local child abuse prevention representative, NGO or Police Station A child may only disclose a smallportion of information at a time untilthey see your reaction is calm andsupportive. Give them time and don’tpush for information. Comfort the child and thank them forsharing with you. Please remember that it is difficultfor children to tell about their abuseand it needs to be a positive andsupportive experience. Tell the child:*Thank you for telling me*I believe you*It is not your fault Please tell the child that youare going to write down whatthey are telling you and thatyou will be sharing it withsomeone else that can helpthem. It is important to writeeverything down in the "child’swords" and report it as soon aspossible. Page

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Page 48Study findsStudy findsregular excerciseregular excercisehelps older peoplehelps older peopleboost theirboost their mental agilitymental agility

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Research from the University ofCalgary says that 6 months of aerobicexercise can boost brain health and isreally important for people that maybe at risk of Alzheimers. It is suggested that older people domoderate exercise 4 days a week.Page 49Study findsStudy findsregular excerciseregular excercisehelps olderhelps olderpeople boost theirpeople boost their mental agilitymental agilityBecause exercise helps pumpblood to some brain regions, it canhelp with verbal skills and memorysharpness.As we age, we can lose physicalagility and mental capacity, butexercise does help the benefits canbe immense.The report shows that this findingcan be significant in helping peopleat risk of Alzheimer's.Exercise can also help with bonehealth, lower the risk of heartattacks and strokes and also helpwith depression.Before starting an exerciseprogram — even those designed forseniors, such as the one below —make sure your doctor clears youto participate in physical activity. Click Here for a link to someseated exercises By: Chrissy Sykes

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My Humanitarian work - a quick overview– I raise awareness for mental health “ending stigma, saving lives”this is through my own lived experience to help prevent other lives from being impacted. Completingpresentations to 150 military instructors. Media interviews and Posts. Working closely with the Battle BuddyRV1 mental health group, My Body is my Body programme and The Young at Heart campaign which arephenomenal and highly recommended safeguarding awareness programmes. As a frontline Housing Officer,I support Veterans who are homeless to regain quality of life by working in a holistic framework, within agreat team at Riverside Group. I am an Armed Forces Service Champion accredited by the NHS. AFacilitator with Help for Heroes Veterans wellness course in partnership with the Recovery colleges. I workclosely with the Veterans IHub/ breakfast club within the Community and complete local, national, andworldwide projects. Building the UN Sustainable development goals 2030 which myself and the GGAF arefully committed to.Being part of the Global Goodwill Ambassador Foundation is an honour and a privilege. Gifting time,compassion, energy, and resources forward to those in need is a blessing everyone can do.My best friend Teddy my little side kick is a humanitarian he works with me daily, especially with veterans.Every life deserves a quality life. Together Everyone Achieves More. By helping others, we help ourselves. am Carol Harte, Co-Chair for the GGAF UK Team who may I say are the most amazing humanitarians andknowledgeable team with their own unique style and flair.The same goes for my brothers and sisters across the GGAF world. GGAF is volunteer-based as we believe in sending our donations to those in need. We also work closely withnon-profits / NGOs. Our GGAF mission - Building Human Bridges“We Love, We Care, We Share” and we collaborate across the world GGAF platform to achieve our missionfor a better, fairer world for all walks of life. I started my amazing journey with the GGAF in 2018 and never looked back. My daily humanitarian time isdedicated to leaving my own legacy. I feel it is extremely important as a human to take responsibility to helpthe planet and future generations preserve and continue growing as a human race with kindness being topon the list for human interaction.GGAF UKGGAF UKGGAF UKCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMCarol HartePage 51

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Linda Sage is a criminal psychologist, speaker, writer and broadcaster who now lives in Leeds,England. Linda has spent over 40 years with the most heinous criminals in the UK’s recent history,serial killers, sex offenders, murderers and psychopaths were her daily companions. She has livedand worked in many places throughout Europe, the Middle East, USA, Canada and Spain.Linda's recent work with secondary schools & colleges with the need for better awareness of mentalhealth and teen suicide prevention. Linda also is a guest lecturer for 6th Forms, Colleges andUniversities on their Social Sciences, Psychology and Criminology courses, providing hands-oninsights, knowledge and experience into the minds of the most heinous criminals.Helping the next generation of professionals to be better equipped to work with perpetrators andfind ways to reduce reoffending and violent crimes. In a time when perpetrators are gettingyounger, violent crime is on the rise and sentences are getting longer more psychological resourcesneed to be in place for the victims, families, communities and perpetrators.Poor psychological and emotional awareness, anti-social behaviour and lower academic abilities arekey factors to a high percentage of prisoners, reversing these will have a marked influence inchanging lives for the future.Linda now works virtually and in person to help connect with as many people as possible.GGAF UKGGAF UKGGAF UKCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMLinda SagePage 52

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James is the Editor of World Care News which distributes items on nursing and care homes regardinginnovations in care or bad practice including abuse. The WCN mission not only celebrates the best of carearound the globe but also draws attention to the veil of respectability that hides potential dangers tovulnerable elderly people in care. Care Home owners, managers and investors are lulled into a false senseof security and need to be constantly reminded of their vulnerability. That is because staff can easily believethat they can never be found out. A culture of abuse can be embedded before the care homeownersdiscover a resident has been abused. World Care News is also published on LinkedIn as a regular post.There are six to eight thousand views per monthFree consultancy - Mentoring Registered Nursing & Care Home Managers & Leaders towards continuingquality improvement. Advising new providers and registered responsible individuals on how to optimiseservice quality and inspection outcomes with the intention of improving the lives of residents in care andemployment standards of carers and financial stability. Advises on designing effective registrable new carehome layouts.Designed and created the website as the home of W.I.S.E. World Institute of SocietiesElders. The website currently has three functions. The W.I.S.E. Journal was designed to elevate the status and respect for the older generation. Each entryshows two photos, one when young and the other in old age, together with their life story, their favouritesong and a statement to the younger generation.The learning centre to provide innovative teaching resources to educate young people on how age isexploited, and abused and the conditions that affect the quality of life through ignorance or indifference.GGAF UKGGAF UKGGAF UKCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMJames Cullan

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Hello, my name is dee and I am a UK global goodwill ambassador. I am surrounded by some incrediblefellow ambassadors who all bring to the table a wide range of skills, expertise, passions and humanitarianworks. I am privileged to be a part of this team and to be a small cog in the big wheel of the Global GoodwillAmbassador Foundation. I have written numerous articles for the Ambassador magazine and have beenhumbled that they have been published. I am always inspired by the works of my fellow colleagues and when I find the time to scroll throughLinkedIn, I always find someone, somewhere in the world has written an article or posted a comment, orshared some photographs that depict their humanitarian work. These posts really spur me on, especiallywhen a long way from home and life is challenging. I am so fortunate to be able to combine my career with my humanitarian beliefs. To be able to work acrosscultures, around the world sharing ideas, developing educational competencies, training, advising,enhancing opportunities, equalities and well-being is the best work I can imagine. To then be able to link thatwith personal values, one’s own dreams and aspirations is very special. All my life I have committed to working with the more vulnerable in our society. This includes helping disaffected young people, different communities who are disrespected, misunderstood or disadvantaged byour misconceptions and prejudices, asylum seekers and refugees, travellers and Eastern European Romacommunities, students who are excluded from schools, children at risk, the homeless, victims of domesticviolence, single parents and those with mental health, anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts. What is clear from this list is that we are surrounded by so many people who need support, kindness, alistening ear, practical assistance, fairness and maybe just a welcoming smile of acceptance. At the end ofthe day, I am just an ordinary person trying to lead a purposeful life alongside some truly extra-ordinary like-minded colleagues. I am grateful for this GGAF platform that strives to spread kindness and brings us alltogether. And… to those who rarely share their humanitarian works… I send you thanks and want you toknow your discreet but impactful work is valued. GGAF UKGGAF UKGGAF UKCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMdee russell thomasPage 54

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Salma has delivered many workshops on a Humanitarian level; one example would be where sherecited her first book ‘Bollywood Princess’ as well as her third book ‘Greedy Gertie’ to over 30children and she delivered a free dance workshop for children who would not normally access suchprovisions. Salma has worked with Longroyde Primary School in Brighouse where she offered hertime free of charge and listened to children read school books. This enabled the class teachers tofocus on their teaching and learning sessions and help improve on the reading skills of children atthe school. Salma mentored her 8-year-old daughter who wanted to become an author. Salma worked withAmber over the course of 6 months, and within this time Amber managed to create 11 beautifulpoems and produce her book which Amber now recites to other children at her school and othersettings. In addition to this Salma has asked illustrators to create colouring worksheets for the children sheworks with to enhance their learning experiences at a cost to herself but non to the communitiesshe works with. She has also created and developed teaching and learning resources for childrenwith additional needs which she utilises when working within educational institutions. RecentlySalma has focused on researching into creating poems and illustrations working with SEND childrenand families and schools.GGAF UKGGAF UKGGAF UKCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMSalma ZamanPage 55

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H. E. Count William K. Mackie is a native of Aberdeen Scotland and a Veteran of both the Royal Navy andthe British Army. William tried his hand at Politics and stand-up comedy, before finally becoming a preacher.William is a former Member of both the British Society of Criminology and the Centre for Crime and JusticeStudies both based at Kings College, London. And from there he became an Author, a Broadcaster, and aCovenanter. Becoming a Humanitarian was never on his radar, and he stumbled into it after deciding that Politicians andin some cases Church leaders seemed to have their own agendas. So, he started writing books and broadcasting, firstly on Blog Talk Radio and then via YouTube until theyshut him down. He started to take note of what was happening in the world, who was being suppressed andby whom. When the Covid lockdown started in March 2020, he was on vacation in Beaumont, Texas, with his wifeHeather. Their 3-week stay lasted 18 weeks, and during their extended stay in Texas, they witnessed manythings that got under his skin. Being in America when George Floyd was murdered, he witnessed BlackLives Matter raise up to new heights of violence and destruction. BLM it would seem was in his viewhighjacked by thugs and law breakers, just to be able to destroy local communities. Not just in America, backhome in the UK statues were being torn down, shops were being looted. So, he sat down and started toresearch for his latest book “Man’s Inhumanity to Man,” which he wrote to promote the need for theInternational Human Rights Commission - IHRC as Supranational Intergovernmental Organization.GGAF UKGGAF UKGGAF UKCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMWilliam Mackie

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I am a volunteer trustee for the Noah's Ark Children's Hospital charity, a volunteer ambassador for Ty Hafan,the family hospice for life-limited children and a volunteer ambassador for Cerebral Palsy Cymru, a therapycentre for children and families who live with cerebral palsy.As a Noah's Ark charity trustee of over 22 years, I along with fellow trustees I am tasked with raising £1.2mannually to help equip the hospital with the latest and most efficient paediatric medical equipment that theNHS is unable to afford. The charity has raised over £25m to date. It funds a play specialist team as well asspecialist equipment.Before the launch of the charity 22 years ago, Wales was the only country in Europe without a dedicatedchildren's hospital. It is now arguably one of the most modern children's hospitals in Europe, treating over70,000 inpatients and outpatients a year. I am proud and privileged to be a part of this charity from theoutset.As an ambassador for Ty Hafan for the past 13 years, I represent the charity at fundraising events,speeches, cheque collections etc. It is an amazing charity. Set up in 1999, its provides free palliative care,respite and end-of-life provision for children with a life-limiting condition who are not expected to live beyondthe age of 18 years old, free of charge throughout the majority of Wales. It currently looks after 270 childrenand over 1,193 children since 1999.As an ambassador for Cerebral Palsy Cymru for the last 10 years or so, my duties are similar to the above,although I have also been involved in the rebranding and assistance with the charity relocation to a muchlarger more suitable office and therapy centre.I am so proud and privileged to be part of these amazing charities. As well as supporting 3 cancer charities,my wife and I also sponsor some children's education in China via Plan.GGAF UKGGAF UKGGAF UKCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMLindsay Hugh DoylePage 57

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My name is Isatu Conteh and am 28 years old, soon to be a graduate of the University of Suffolk with adegree in BA Business Studies. ICON FOUNDATION was founded in the year 2016 and since then it hasbeen in operation by empowering, educating and supporting adults & children with disabilities in SierraLeone and Liberia. Icon Foundation has been surviving all these years with the help and support of Friends,Families, Colleagues, monthly contributions of the founder/CEO and volunteers.Icon Foundation's main aim is to help transform the lives of persons with disabilities across Sierra Leone,Liberia and west Africa at large by empowering, educating, motivating, and supporting, in other for personswith disabilities to gain their confidence, and independence and to be treated rights just like any other humanin west Africa.Icon foundation's mission is focused on making the maximum positive efforts for our communities. Ourmembers and volunteers provide momentum that helps us affect change by using data drive models andsolutions that make a long-lasting difference in persons with disabilities.In 2017, out of our monthly contributions and the support of friends and family members we always received,we started an educational beneficiary scheme in Sierra Leone that includes 10 children wherein we decidedto be supporting differently abled children from age 5 to 18 who are willing to go back to school by paying uptheir yearly school fees and monthly feeding until the government brought the free education scheme insierra leone. Now we only support the children with extra classes, buy school materials and feeding chargesthanks to the sierra leone government for bringing free education.At ICON FOUNDATION we focused on empowering, educating, and supporting adults and children withdisabilities by helping them achieve their goals in life. We encourage everyone out there who has thepassion and courage for helping others to please join hands with us in giving persons with disabilities ameaningful life just like anyone else. You can contact us by our email: or on our social media pages: IG, Facebook or twitter for: Iconfoundation with this symbol picture: GGAF UKGGAF UKGGAF UKCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMIsatu Tutu ContehPage 58

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My journey from an Immigrant to a Mayor has been remarkable and this has been the Cornerstone of mypersonal dedication and commitment to Humanity and Human Rights. I believe in compassion and transparency with a strong commitment to ethos that crosses all divide andreflect an example of ‘Best practice’. I used my Mayorship to celebrate the amazing works of the VoluntarySector and the Frontline services and to harness support for global organisations that work tirelessly tosupport the less fortunate in our family of Communities. I am a seasoned Campaigner on Justice and HumanRights issues. I have had the unique opportunity to share Platform with Princess Royal on Save TheChildren's high-profile events. Being part of the Global Goodwill Ambassador (GGA) family has beeninspiring and enabling. It is also great to see how GGA members, both in the UK and Worldwide showpassionate Commitment to Humanitarianism. GGAF UKGGAF UKGGAF UKCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMDr. Gbola AdelekePage 59

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Since 2006 The Zebra Partnership, Carol Ann Whitehead FRSA, CMgr, CCMI has been a mentor and since2011 she has supported community organisations and charities with their initiatives. The SustainableDevelopment Goals were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and the ideas laid out in theUN Charter 77 years ago are as relevant today as ever.2022 is the 25th anniversary of WIN, a leadership organization based in Lausanne, Switzerland founded in 1997in Milan by Norwegian social entrepreneur and pioneer, Kristin Engvig, the U.K. recipient of the award was CarolAnn - Double mentor of the year winner she has mentored young women and men to the full potential.Especially young people suffering post-pandemic. Supported overseas education programmes and an advocate for equality, diversity, inclusion and belonging- shelent her support to many female-focused campaigns and initiatives.She has delivered ‘Improving Wiki Diversity’ lectures at the United Nations Youth Association (UNYA) inDenmark, mentored the team to host their own Wikieditathon event and coached them through in addition tohosting a UNYA intern from Slovakia to come over to the U.K.Carol Ann supported the unique project with Bitesize Mentoring, founded by two young Yorkshire women -‘Claudia and Caitlin Build a School’ at Akumoah Achampo Special Unit Nkawkaw GhanaHer ‘Afternoon Tea with the SDG’ events since 2019 have helped many people to understand the SustainableDevelopment Goals and where they can support and align their campaign #sdg17She has also supported fellow GGA and Lead on Elder Care, James Cullen, endorsing the informationillustrations educating on Elder Abuse.Women of Colour in Policing - WoCiP - Phase one campaign management and support #sdg5 #sdg10 #sdg16One of the many initiatives Carol Ann supports is GM4Women2028 the brainchild of Prof Helen Pankhurst CBE.Prof Helen was at the WIN Conference when Carol Ann and two days late at the GM4Women2028 SummerEvent supporting with a pop up Zebra TV studio for interviews.GGAF UKGGAF UKGGAF UKCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMCarol Ann WhiteheadPage 60

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Anjana Nathwani is UK based GGAF member. She was attracted to humanitarian work and the plight ofhuman existence in her teens and has since then continued her quest through projects involving medical care,support for visually impaired young people and citizenship programmes for University students.A significant part of Anjana’s professional work has been in the arena of human rights, diversity and inclusion. She has worked with reputable clients at strategic levels on building inclusive cultures and this spans fourcontinents, 100 nationalities and 150 organisational clients. Anjana has worked with over 2,500 leaders.For Anjana, her humanitarian work and professionalism feed off one another. In recent years she has extendedher capabilities to mentoring women entrepreneurs through the Cherie Blair Foundation. A strong advocate forthe empowerment of women as influencers, she served on the board of Beyond Diversity and her passion forcreating opportunities for young people led her to be an Advisory Board Member for Steering to GreatFoundation based in Nigeria.As a two-time Cancer Thriver, she has contributed to Yes to Life charity through their blog series andworkshops. During the pandemic, she ran workshops on Mindfulness and Happiness for 500 people. Hermotivation for wanting to contribute to building better societies led her to the United Nations this year for aconference on the role of women in all facets of life and how this can be encouraged. As 2022 comes to a close, Anjana has fine-tuned her focus to three key areas:Digital Empowerment of Women, Coaching and Mentoring young people, Reducing Hunger.Anjana is a part of the Unleashed Women community linked to the Hunger project in the UK.She is looking forward to 2023 with plans now in place to work more extensively on the above projects.CELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMAnjana NathwaniGGAF UKGGAF UKGGAF UKPage 61

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My name is Nikki Mattocks and I am a 25-year-old disabled LGBTQ young (ish) activist who has advocated forpeople with mental health issues since I was 16. I started by joining societies at my college as well as beingelected welfare officer on the student union. I first shared my experiences with mental health, complex trauma, distress and hearing voices at a local socialjustice meeting. From that point on I knew this was something I was extremely passionate about. Gradually Ibegan to do more and more activism work, such as national TV appearances, meeting politicians and goinginto schools to share my story and encourage others to talk about their mental health and trauma. One of my most proud achievements to date was founding, directing and facilitating a multiple award-winningpeer support group for mostly young LGBT humans. This group was a (weekly) safe space where people couldcome and talk about anything that was going on for them, without fear of judgement or shame. Other humanitarian work has included giving presentations for big organizations such as the royal college ofpsychiatrists, representing euro youth mental health at the European Parliament and the world healthorganization, and meeting HRH kate and William, to raise awareness of mental health challenges young peopleface. The reason I began doing this work was that I have experienced a range of different ‘mental illnesses in my lifeand over the last ten years have had over 15 psychiatric admissions due to the effect of trauma and psychosis. My main passion currently is working to create inclusive and compassionate policies in the UK mental healthsystem and beyond, as well as speaking about how much adverse childhood experiences can affect quality oflife in adulthood. CELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMNikki MattocksGGAF UKGGAF UKGGAF UKPage 62

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My name is Chrissy Sykes and I am the Founder of the My Body is My Body Foundation. I am the President ofChild Welfare for Global Goodwill Ambassadors. Co-Founder and Provost GGAF Learning Institute with LisaJones, and together Lisa and I are also the Editors and Publishers of this wonderful magazine "TheAmbassador". I became a Global Goodwill Ambassador through my work with the My Body is My Body Programme. LisaJones and Richard Di Pilla were very interested in the work that I was doing and adopted the MBIMBProgramme as the Core Educational Programme for the GGA Foundation, for which I am absolutely thrilled.I know that through the GGA Foundation I have reached so many wonderful people and worked in so manycountries because of fellow GGAs. Many of my UK Team are supporters of the programme and have helpedtremendously over the years to help spread our message that protecting children in every community is apriority.MBIMB is a worldwide musical child safety program successfully presented to over 2 million children worldwide,MBIMB is an internationally acclaimed musical body safety program being used in over 60 countries. We havefound that the earlier we can teach children about the subject of “Body Safety” the better.Our MissionTo stop child abuse by offering a free, positive, non-threatening program and courses to communities, parentsand children in order to educate and empower both adults and children in the subject of abuse prevention.Join the My Body movementMy Body is My Body relies on global volunteers and partners to present the program to children, share it withthe community, and outreach with other organizations so we can reach even more children. Please contact usif you have any questions about how to get involved.This year I was very proud to receive the The Global Presence Humanitarian Award for 2022.GGAF UKGGAF UKGGAF UKCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMCELEBRATING OUR GGAF UK TEAMChrissy Sykes

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GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE WEEK (GCCW) PAKISTAN RED CRESCENT Mr.Ziaullah Khan and Surrani of Global Goodwill Ambassadors (GGA) Pakistan shared that Every year GlobalClimate Change Week (GCCW) is celebrated around the world in the 3rd Week of October, GCCW provides aweeklong focus on voluntary activities aimed at raising awareness, inspiring behavioral change, and drivingpolitical transformation about climate policy.Pakistan Red Crescent in collaboration with Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (GRC) organized a cycle rally duringGlobal Climate Change Week to give awareness of environment-friendly means of transportation & to informpeople how emissions from our transport system are dangerous for our climate. We can use a cycle instead offuel-consuming and transport, as the cycle doesn't emit.Chairman PRCS Sardar Shahid Ahmed Laghari acknowledged the action and appreciated the volunteers fortheir efforts to raise awareness about Global Climate Change.By: Ziaullah KhanGGAF: PakistanPage 66

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The smallest act of kindness is worth more than thegrandest intention". - Oscar Wilde On 1st November 2022, *Windsor CareFoundation* , established by WindsorShelters as a social initiative, visited at*Shrilochan Baal Vikas Kendra'.* Mr.Mahesh Rathi visited the home forcovid orphaned children and fulfilledthe grocery requirements. (Grains,Pulses, Oils, Biscuits, Salt-Sugar, dailyneeds Cleaning supplies) fomonth. Team Windsor Social activity at Pune, India by Mahesh RathiOn 1st November 2022, *Windsor Care Foundation* , established by Windsor Shelters as a social initiative,visited at *Shrilochan Baal Vikas Kendra'.* Mr. Mahesh Rathi visited the home for covid orphaned children andfulfilled the grocery requirements. (Grains, Pulses, Oils, Biscuits, Salt-Sugar, daily needs (Cleaning supplies) fomonth. By: Mahesh RathiTeam RathiGGAF - IndiaPage 67

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As an education and leadership foundation, La Roche Leadership Foundation is passionate about access toeducational resources, especially for vulnerable children and young people. As a result, we do whatever we can tosupport libraries. We have refurbished several libraries in primary and secondary schools and even have three freelibraries ourselves. Access to free libraries is imperative if education is to be encouraged and right now, we need tobe encouraging learners as much as we can. Education, both formal and technical is not a privilege, it is a right.We also run an annual library tour around Lagos State. This is to assess first hand the state of our libraries, donatebooks and generate data that can be used to plan. We visit over 30 private and public libraries for the duration ofour tour, which is in two parts, each lasting 4 weeks. In order to upscale and increase our impact, we not only donate books to libraries across our state, wealso support libraries outside our state. One of such libraries is founded and maintained by Mr.Nurudeen Bakare, who is a social entrepreneur, business owner and Humanitarian. To assist him in hishumanitarian journey, we donated books to his library situate at Ibadan. Huge thanks to Nurudeen for the great work he is doing providing bursaries and support services tostudents in Oyo state, through his outreach initiative. Everyone can do their part to make educationbetter and accessible to all. Education is a right and a society that wants development must take itseriously. Let’s do what we can to ensure we get children and young people educated. SUPPORTING EDUCATION: BOOK DONATION TO LIBRARYBy: Marina OsobaPage 68

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“Breast cancer treatment can be highly effective, especially when the disease isidentified early. Treatment of breast cancer often consists of a combination of surgicalremoval, radiation therapy, and medication (hormonal therapy, chemotherapy, and/ortargeted biological therapy) to treat microscopic cancer that has spread from the breasttumor through the blood. Such treatment, can prevent cancer growth and spread,thereby saving lives.In 2020, there were 2.3 million women diagnosed with breast cancer and 685 000deaths globally. As of the end of 2020, there were 7.8 million women alive who werediagnosed with breast cancer in the past 5 years, making it the world’s most prevalentcancer. There are more lost disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) by women to breastcancer globally than any other type of cancer. Breast cancer occurs in every country ofthe world in women at any age after puberty but with increasing rates in later life. “Wellbeing is fundamental to our health and overall happiness. Having a strong and well-adapted sense of well-beingcan help us overcome difficulties and help us achieve our goals in life3. Research has shown that a greater sense ofwellbeing relates to increased physical benefits, such as lower incidences of cardiovascular disease, stroke, andsleeping problems, and with increased productivity and creativeness in both employment and personal lives” - AIMEEMAKEHAMThe impact of good health extends far beyond the well-being of individuals: it contributes to the development andeconomic success of Ghana. In this respect, lack of Breast Care presents a serious challenge to both the individual(Female) and society at large. In other to improve the well-being of women a collective action from various stakeholdersand a member of the Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation in Ghana undertook two separate events to mark thisyear’s Pink October Breast Care and Awareness Drive. GGAF GHANA HOLDS BREAST CANCER EDUCATION AND FREE SCREENING Breast cancer is not a transmissible or infectious disease. Unlike some cancers that haveinfection-related causes, such as human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and cervicalcancer, there are no known viral or bacterial infections linked to the development ofbreast cancer.Approximately half of the breast cancers develop in women who have no identifiable breast cancer risk factor other thangender (female) and age (over 40 years). Certain factors increase the risk of breast cancer including increasing age,obesity, harmful use of alcohol, family history of breast cancer, history of radiation exposure, reproductive history (such asage that menstrual periods began and age at first pregnancy), tobacco use and postmenopausal hormone therapy”(Source – World Health Organization )Mrs. Susan Malik, a stage three survivor of Breast Cancer for 3 years shared her survivor journey with her presentationoutlining the causes, available treatment, and management of the disease at the rear stages, she also advised thatWomen must at least visit the medical centre for often checks since early detection actually saves a life. In Ghana, breastcancer accounted for 31.8% of cancer incidence indicated by as published by the Ghana Health Services. On the Screening day, about 230 mostly women came to be checked for free by our medical volunteers for thedeadly disease and only two of these women had Lumps in their breasts for which they were referred to a medicalcentre for further assessment. Various participants were happy about the opportunity. By: Amb Bernard Bonarparte GGAF GhanaPage 69

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God did it again at our Abule-Ishale Community Outreach on Saturday, October 8, 2022, as we tookour monthly Medical/Food Outreach to this community, to help alleviate the sufferings of folks livingthere, most of whom had different kinds of medical challenges.The situation in this community, as it is now, in many other communities across Nigeria isexacerbated by the current economic challenges, which has left many families lacking basic needslike food, medical care, and others basic needs.We also noticed that many of the beneficiaries in this particular community had diverse skin diseases,especially the kids. We had limited skin-related medication and so could not fully attend to them all,and we are hoping to be able to get back to the same community as soon as we can arrange it.All in all, we were able to help many of the community members as well as others who came fromneighboring communities with tests, and treatment for diverse medical conditions, including eyetests, treatment, and reading glasses.We were also able to reach out to a number of widows with some foodstuff. May God visit, bless andreward everyone He used to make it possible. Join us, and give Him praise for the lives impacted andsouls delivered!BWI Visits Abule-Ishale with Primary Health CarePage 70

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DEE RUSSELL THOMASA Day In The LifeA Day In The Life Of A HumanitarianOf A HumanitarianPage 72

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When asked to write an article on a day in the life of a humanitarian from my own perspective I wonderedwhether it really ought to be a life in the day of a humanitarian! I feel, like many people, our days are filledwith a range of activities and efforts to enhance the lives of others whilst also endeavouring to improve ourown. By improving I do not mean materially rather, it is the lifelong journey of trying to improve oneselfemotionally, mentally, and socially and just trying to be, day by day, a better person. I am a great advocateof “life-long learning” and I am continually taking courses to further develop my understanding. Overlockdown, I took certificated courses from Harvard, Yale, Cambridge, Santa Cruz, British Sign Language,and I am still enrolling in the courses offered by the GGAF Learning Institute. ( I highly recommend thelatter!) I still have much to learn, much to improve upon as well as knowing I have much to be grateful for inmy varied life.I first began charitable work when I was still a schoolgirl. It began as a volunteer with the elderly and laterwhilst studying at college I enrolled in the Community Voluntary Service (CVS). My first teaching post tookme to the South of England where I joined the Hampshire Literacy Bureau and in the evenings, Ivolunteered to teach Bangladeshi women who had no English and were isolated in their homes. Later I tookon many roles in the voluntary sector. These included being a committee member of the dyslexicassociation, taking on the role as a Samaritan and supporting those struggling with life, being appointed aJustice of the Peace and sitting as a magistrate regularly, being elected as the chair of our parish council,and being a trustee of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.I am also the only white person to be appointed as a board director of the Gloucestershire AfricanCaribbean Association. I am fully aware of what a privilege and honour that has been. I have supportednumerous supplementary schools to develop their first languages. These include the Chinese communitycentre, the Bangladeshi, Urdu, Arabic, Gujarati, Polish and other Eastern European languages and cultures.I have been so fortunate that my paid work has dove-tailed with my voluntary interests and therefore mydays, my months and my years have been “a way of life” with each facet complimenting the other. So,whilst I was able to provide financial support to the many different communities….Page 73

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I prefer the term “our global majorities” (as penned by Dr Rosemary Campbell OBE) rather than theterm ethnic minorities… I have also been able to offer additional personal support in the evenings andweekends. We have held social family events, aspirational activities held at the university, communitysharing and occasions to celebrate diversity whist valuing our commonalities. I actively supportBreast Cancer Awareness, Action against Domestic Violence, Suicide Prevention and all groupsfighting prevailing prejudices. I will not be that person who said and did nothing when witnessingunfairness.Having been the Head of The Race Equality and Diversity Service I have come across may injusticesand too many inequalities and yet also I have been blessed with kindness, generous hospitality andlasting friendships. I believe in one overall race… the human race but I also value our differences, ouruniqueness and our beautiful diversity. Each day of my life is different and presents challenges, successes, doubts and hopes. Sometimes Iam working with my refugee group in my home town, we meet each week and support men, womenand children from Iran, Iraq, The Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Afghanistan and other war-torn countries.I first began this humanitarian work many, many years ago with Vietnamese families. We have hostedasylum seeker children from the Balkan wars and now they are grown women with their own familiesbut they still call me “Mom”.Later, I worked closely with Rwandan andBurundian children who had escaped the atrocitiesoccurring in their homeland. These youngsters fledfrom genocide and had nothing but the clothesthey were standing in. I am so very proud of allthey are now achieving. Some days, I meet up withmy predominantly Muslim all women “She Spoke“Poetry group… now run by one of my ex-students…what a wonderful turnaround! Weperform at different venues and our work hasrecently been displayed in Gloucester Cathedral.We share our feelings and our fears and wesupport those struggling around us. I also belongto a “New Bohemians” poetry group and I havewritten poetry to assist the wonderful work ofChrissy Sykes, “My Body is My Body “programme.This is an area dear to my heart having worked withtoo many youngsters who have suffered abuse andalso having witnessed the long-term damage thatis carried into adulthood. (I have a Masters inGuidance and Counselling specialising in eatingdisorders and self-harm, another degree inexogenous and endogenous depression andsuicide and further research entitled “Breaking theSilence” was based on creating safe spaces inschools that would encourage disclosure andsubsequent help.) Page 74

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I am truly proud to be a part of the MBIMB team and to be the UK Child Welfare Ambassador. I amin awe and totally inspired by the ongoing work of other MBIMB ambassadors. To be surrounded bythese dedicated humanitarians is humbling beyond measure.So, what else happens in my days.? Well, as I write this, I am sitting in a hotel somewhere in theUnited Arabic Emirates. I have been working out here for many years …usually between the monthsof September and March. The roles are varied but this time I have been asked to pilot a well-beingprogramme alongside inclusion which is very interesting and, once again, links in with my ownphilosophy on the inclusion of all children with special needs, the enhancement of those withparticular gifts and talents and the importance of care, support and enhancing well-being for all. Ishall soon be moving on to Malawi where I hope to continue my professional work and also extendmy voluntary contributions. Back home in England, I continue my work as a Deputy Lieutenant of Gloucestershire (appointedby our late Queen Elizabeth and now serving King Charles). I have numerous duties includingdelivering the Citizenship Ceremonies for those becoming British Citizens. I still find time to dovoluntary work at the NHS vaccination centre and am also a volunteer responder to those who areisolated, lonely, in need of shopping, picking up prescriptions etc. I continue to carry out the“Twelve Months of Kindness” activities which were developed through the UK GGAF and am now inthe process of marking the first batch of assignments from those who have just started myLearning Institute course on “The Science of Happiness”.In my own residential area, the “Bless You” group I initiated during lockdown continues to flourishand we maintain a strong supportive link across the neighbourhood. I have recently promoted theneed for helping people as we move towards the winter months knowing our fuel bills areincreasing and people are having to choose between “Eat or Heat”. This is just not acceptable and Iam campaigning for changes but also providing warmth boxes and places to sit and have a hotdrink for those in need. As Mother Theresa once said when I was doing voluntary work in one of herhomes for the destitute and dying in Calcutta (Kolkata) “You do not need to come here when youhave homeless and vulnerable on your own doorstep!”. She was wise and it is true, there are peoplein need in all countries it is just that some problems are less transparent than others. I have heededher words but I do like to try and “sprinkle a little kindness” in both my own homeland and alsooverseas. I like to pack as much as I can into each day. I like to seize the moment. I like to challengemyself so that when my time comes, I can say “I am glad I did…. rather than “I wish I had done….”I am chronologically an older woman, I am mentally young at heart and the day I think I have nomore to learn is the day I shall have lost all sense of love, understanding, self-awareness andwisdom. I hope that day is a long time coming!I try to be a humanitarian in my thoughts and my actions but I am surrounded by others who do afar better job and I continually learn from the achievements of those around me. It is they whoremind me of what a true humanitarian is. It is YOU! Thank you all!Page 75

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If OnlyBy: dee russell-thomasIf only I had valued more the love my mother held in storefor all her many offspring born, she weathered each and every stormIf only I had said goodbye when brother left but now, I cryas policeman calls to say he’s dead-at seventeen - with stuff unsaid.If only I had recognised the haunted look in parents’ eyeswhen trying hard to please us all yet longing for the late son, Paul.If only I had seen the pain of playmates left from joining gamesI should have offered welcome hand instead of burying head in sand.If only I had tried to be a kinder softer sort of meInstead of wearing barrier masks that saw me through some scary tasks.If only I had learnt to love this body made from God aboveBut demons taught me to despise my ugly face and thunder thighs.If only I had realised acceptance helps us to be wiseThat endless diets will make us ill- reflection is a bitter pill.If only I knew more back then, I’d pick me up and try againI’d treat each day as if my last; I’d take this moment not the past.If only I had worried less and learnt to deal with all my stress.Acknowledging it’s in the mind, and key to life is being kind.If only I had been less cruel when having laughs and playing the fool.I’d reach for those in need of care; I’d empathise and learn to share.If only I had given in with futile battles I sought to win.I’d choose my fights with rational cause; I’d never seek to gain applause.If only I had seen the truth instead of faking carefree youthand seeking dreams that mattered not to focus on my given lot.If only I had thanked the folk who said “I could” and gave me hope.Who taught me how to love myself, who healed my soul restoring health.If only in my travels afar I’d sought to follow my inner star.Instead of notching countries seen, I’d focus on my self-esteem.If only as a mum of three, I’d savoured all their infancy.Instead of yearning the next stage; I’d love each quirk of every age.If only working life had been more balanced than it often seemed.Knowing there’s more than progressing career; that family and friends are preciously dear.If only moments we all now treasure were valued THEN in equal measure.Instead, our photos just indicate the times to catch before too late.If only, like Solomon, I was as wise - I’d pass on my truths and extinguish all lies.I’d preach for acceptance across this fair land and hope that my children would all understand.That a life of “If onlys” is a life of remorse and it’s never too late to adjust your own course.So, when you are ending your time on this earth “If onlys” become “Glad I’ve done things of worth”.Page 76

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Menstruation: A Pride to Girlsand Young Women Not a Spell!"No girl must miss school because of Lack ofAccess to right menstruation, education andSanitary Pad" By: Adigun TemitayoGGAF Country Leader of Nigeria and Vice President of Africa Project Management & DevelopmentPage 77

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Menstruation is a pride for girls, and when a girl sees her period for the first time, it is a distinct step intowomanhood Menstruation is one of the vital processes of a woman's body, which deserves utmost cautionand self-care.GGAF Nigeria chapter takes proactive action in alignment with our annual social impact project to createmore awareness and sensitization about menstruation education, menstrual care, and hygiene, including thedistribution of re-useable sanitary pads as part of our team contributions to sustainable development goals,which is also the global goals vision 2030 of the united nation.Our team impacted many girls at The African Church Model College, Lagos, Nigeria, including their teachersin attendance, through menstruation awareness and sensitization.The Project was tagged Menstrual Education and Hygiene Project to educate the girls and young womenabout puberty before it starts, and this doesn’t single out early menstruators, it's common that most girls aremissing school because they can’t afford to buy sanitary Pad this are some factors impacting menstrual healthand hygiene and this includes Gender inequality, discriminatory social norms, cultural taboos, poverty andlack of basic services like toilets and sanitary products can all cause menstrual health and hygiene needs togo unmet and because of social taboo and gender stereotypes that stigmatize menstruation as dirty, manypeople experience menstruation with shame and without access to the resources needed to manage theirmenstrual health safely and for us menstruation is a human rights issue and looking at various challengeswomen and adolescent girls face, it is evident that promoting menstrual hygiene management (MHM) is notonly a sanitation matter; it is also an important step towards safeguarding the dignity, bodily integrity andoverall life opportunities of women and girls. We needed more support and awareness on conversation and action around menstruation to have accurate,pragmatic, and age-appropriate information, including all channels from the communities to schools toreligious spaces to create awareness about menarche and social support, including providing moral supportto girls and spreading knowledge to other sectors of the population so that menstruating girls are not treatedas outcasts, and it’s so sad that More than one-third of young women in a nationwide survey said they missedat least one class in the past three months due to menstrual symptoms, including pain and fatigue anddiscrimination and lack of access to sanitary pads and good WASH facilities in their schools and this is a callfor more public and private participation to support girls to have a stressless menstruation period without fearof access to sanitary pad and WASH facilities.Page 78

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Menstruation is a pride for girls, and when a girl sees her period for the first time, it is a distinct step intowomanhood Menstruation is one of the vital processes of a woman's body, which deserves utmost cautionand self-care.GGAF Nigeria chapter takes proactive action in alignment with our annual social impact project to createmore awareness and sensitization about menstruation education, menstrual care, and hygiene, including thedistribution of re-useable sanitary pads as part of our team contributions to sustainable development goals,which is also the global goals vision 2030 of the united nation.Our team impacted many girls at The African Church Model College, Lagos, Nigeria, including their teachersin attendance, through menstruation awareness and sensitization.The supply chain and inflation are now affecting menstrual products, which means your brand of tamponsand pads might be harder to find, and for us, we are encouraging the use of reusable sanitary pads withproper hygiene care before and after.Providing the right support to girls is our priority as a team at Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation(GGAF) Nigeria because every girl deserves access to sanitary pads and menstruation education towards theright menstrual care and hygiene.Thanks to all our facilitators, Favor Bamidele Ojo-Omoniyi, Sowemimo Omobolajoke, MandyOlowu, Marina Osoba Olaoluwa Olayemi, andhonor to have one of our Global Board memberspresent at the event in person of Taiwo OLOWUand everyone who supported the impactexperienced. Page 79

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Lastly, we make them know that Menstruation is not a cause but a pride to women and girls, likewise use oftissue paper, and detergent was discouraged when washing their private part.Having honest conversations about menstruating is one of the fastest ways to dismantle the societal stigmaplaced on it. By opening up a dialogue about our bodies, how we feel during our periods, and the challengesface, we're able to create a sense of solidarity among people with periods, and it’s very important to get morepublic-private participation to support accessible sanitary Pad and WASH facilities in school to help girlsduring their menstruation period.It's also important for Every adolescent school girl to have access to a separate toilet with private space forcleaning, and washing. This includes access to adequate and sustained water supply and soap.Menstruation is normal and natural for every girl and womanStigmatization is abnormal and artificial; it doesn't promote equalityNo more tissue paper; choose re-useable sanitary PadAll girls and women deserve the right knowledge and support.Team GGAF NigeriaTeam GGAF NigeriaTeam GGAF NigeriaPage 80

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With the objective of saving a life, we went ahead toorganize this event. According to the statistics from theKenya National Blood Transfusion Service (KNBTS) reportreleased in February 2018, every 10 minutes there is apatient who needs a unit of blood to save their life. Thereport further states that at least 1,100 patients need bloodevery day. These patients include mothers and their newborns, pregnant women, accident victims, thoseundergoing surgery as well as hemophiliacs, cancer, andkidney patients.Since the blood can’t be made or manufactured, thesepatients depend on blood donors for their very lives. Weencourage people of goodwill to always donate bloodwhenever they can. You should not wait until someoneclose to calls for blood, make it your habit to always toucha life. The practice was successful; several screenings weredone, Free counseling services were offered, and 74people volunteered to donate blood.On 08/10/2022, We Organized aFree Screening, Free Counselingand A Blood Donation Exercise InStarehe Constituency-Nairobi By: Darren HartDarren Hart FoundationGGAF- KenyaPage 82

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The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better andmore sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face,including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation,peace and justice. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals,were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call toaction to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation hasproudly joined forces with the UN SustainableDevelopment Goals -Partners PlatformHTTPS://SUSTAINABLEDEVELOPMENT.UN.ORG/PARTNERSHIP/?P=36228CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO CHECK OUT OUR GGA FOUNDATION AND TOP INITIATIVE ON THE UN PAGE.Page 83

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Darren Hart Organizes WorkshopsDarren HartDarren Hart FoundationGGAF - KenyaOn 19/10/2023, Darren Hart organized aWorkshop on WasteManagement and DiscussionOn Early Pregnancies inLang’ata Mugumoini Ward-Nairobi.Page 84

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THE WORKSHOP WAS SUCCESSFUL! The Agenda was to discuss how to make Langata sustainably clean again and also, wediscussed the opportunities the Sustainable Waste Management Act can provide for groupswho work in waste management in the community. It was agreed in the discussions that weneed to conduct intensive environmental awareness campaigns for the community. The second discussion was on the early pregnancies experienced in the area. Most school girlsare increasingly leaving school after they become pregnant. This problem was discussed and itwas clear the girls in this area need to be empowered and taught self-awareness. However, thelack of sanitary items contributes to this problem. It was noted that girls in this area have lowawareness of hygienic practices and lack appropriate materials for menstrual hygiene management. Page 85

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22-10-2022 - In Italy, the Organization “Pane dal Cielo” (Bread from the Sky), with the help of our Italian GGAFDaniela Spiridon, has organized a day dedicated to the homeless in the town of Brescia in Italy. More than 10volunteers have helped distribute food (about 200 meals) to the homeless. It was a great initiative with the aimto raise awareness about the importance of not leaving these people alone. Loneliness is the worst illness inthe world. The CEO of the organization, Angela Broglia, knows that that day is not enough and she has promised toorganize more and more days to help the homeless. However, it is also important that every person is notindifferent to these ill-fated people.DARIO RUGGIERO - GGAF ITALY AND GGAF EUROPEAN LEADERSHIP; LONG-TERM ECONOMY FOUNDERDANIELA SPIRIDON – GGAF ITALY; VOLUNTEER FOR HOMELESS WOMEN HOMELESS DAYThe best part of the day The best part of the day, according to Angela Broglia, is watching the homeless enjoy it. You could see the happiness intheir eyes. It is difficult to explain the deep joy you feel when you share food with needy people and when you sharehugs and hands with them. Dancing with them in the evening was fantastic.There is a song in Italy… There is a song made by Umberto Tozzi (Italian singer) titled “Gli altri siamo Noi” (The others are Us). We often forget thisimportant concept, especially when we have shelter, a bed, and a fridge full of food. “Love is welcoming withoutjudgment, it is empathy and compassion”.Thanks to all…Thanks to all the angels in the world that take care of the people who need help. All people have the right to be happyand enjoy it. Every one of us can help achieve this great objective.With this mission, we are helping achieve SDG 1 (Nopoverty) and SDG 2 (Zero hunger). But let’s rememberthat other SDGs are involved: SDG 3 (Health and well-being), SDG 5 (Gender inequality), and SDG 10(Reduced inequality) GGAF Learning InstitutePage 86

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The first impression that already makes us change our minds about Turkey is Atatürk airport, very modern and efficient. Itis not the only one; there is another international one, "Sabiha Gökçen", located in the Pendik district (Asia).Disembarking from the plane, we are faced with the first formalities. Before, in fact, a sort of Visa was paid in the passport.Now, however, we Italians have a preferential lane thanks to the good diplomatic relations between Italy and Turkey: weno longer pay for the Visa and we can travel both with a passport and with an identity card valid for expatriation.Really a pleasant surprise! Now, however, we must face the city. Taxis are waiting for us outside, as polished and moderncars. We go up, greeted by a smile, and provide the coordinates of our hotel. An eye on the meter to see if everything isokay so we won't have any surprises later ...The asphalt ribbon runs fast and winds - once you pass a roundabout withfountains, jets of water, and flowers in a fast-flowing road, between greenery and flower beds, until the view of the Sea ofMarmara blinds us with its dazzling expanse of blue, scattered here and there with ships at anchor, waiting to cross theBosphorus. We feel as if we are walking back in time, in the history of a sumptuous past which, as we approach the oldbeating heart, begins to reveal itself in the ancient walls, ruined or restored, or in the mosques that slowly peep out in themidst of Byzantine ruins and churches. As tourists, we are fascinated by wandering around the city. By: Dr. Arch. FRANCA COLOZZOFrom my personal seven-year experience as a secondedlecturer in Istanbul (Turkey,) detached there by the ItalianMinistry of Foreign Affairs, here is a brief review of my firstimpact.I will tell you some episodes that may help you if you everwant to take a trip to that country where archeology speaksof ancient civilizations from the Hittites to the Greeks andRomans, from the Byzantines to the Ottomans.Beyond the Istanbul Spice MarketAfter crossing the spice market area and the Galata bridge, in the distance, the homonymous Tower towering over the Genoesedistrict of Galata with its cone-shaped crowning, which dominates the roofs of the houses and clearly stands out to define acharacteristic skyline, seen from the sea.After an exhausting zigzagging of the taxi in the midst of hellish traffic (perhaps the taxi driver could have taken a shortcut!). We arefinally in Taksim square, after passing the Cannon Factory and climbing the “Ascent of the Italians” (Italyan Yokuşu), in Firüzağa,overlooked by the Oncology Hospital nicknamed of the Italians and dedicated to Giovanni Agnelli.Spice Bazaar. (2022, September 29). In Wikipedia. Bazaar. (2022, September 29). In Wikipedia. Bridge. (2022, October 15). In Wikipedia. 88

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After a quick look around, we get on the nice red train near the French Institute ofCulture, and we let ourselves be dragged along one of the most famous streets ofIstanbul in Turkey, frequented by an incessant multitude of people, especially onweekends: the İstiklâl Caddesi, or "Avenue of Independence", the old Grande Ruede Péra, located in the historic district of Beyoğlu (Pera). The elegant artery hasbeen transformed into a pedestrian area approximately three kilometers long,overlooked by boutiques, bookstores, art galleries, cinemas, theaters, recordshops, bars, pubs, nightclubs, pastry shops, and restaurants.The hotel that awaits us in Taksim square is the renowned Marmara Hotel,recently restored and with an elegant restaurant on the roof of the hotel, with abar-cafeteria, an outdoor swimming pool, sauna, massages, gym, etc. We paidthe taxi (the taxi driver was honest, he respected the taximeter, and we gavehim a tip as a custom) and packed the bags; what could be better than a goodcoffee in the bar below? Then, with a guide in hand previously purchased inItaly, we begin our tour of the city. We are excited as schoolchildren about totackle a school trip! The large square with the monument to Atatürkimmediately surprises us as we leave the hotel and head towards TaksimSquare, the most striking facade of westernized Istanbul, with its pulsating lifeat any time of day or night.The flower beds in the center of the square act as a watershed for traffic,winking with their colorful colors to distract passers-by. We stop in front of themonument, erected in 1928 to celebrate the birth of the Turkish republic,placed in the center to commemorate the heroic father of the homeland,Atatürk, in the act of urging a group of soldiers to march against the tyranny ofthe now obsolete Ottoman empire. The scents of the flowers, with theiriridescent shades of color, attract crowds of tourists and vendors amidstbubbling splashes of water, amid the enthusiasm of children and vendors ofmulticolored balloons displayed on long sticks reaching towards the sky. Taksim Square. (2022, October 28). In Wikipedia. Nice Red Train of Istanbul to Travel the Streets of the CityIstanbul nostalgic tramways. (2022, May 26). In Wikipedia. a quick look around, we get on the nice red train near the French Institute ofCulture, and we let ourselves be dragged along one of the most famous streets ofIstanbul in Turkey, frequented by an incessant multitude of people, especially onweekends: the İstiklâl Caddesi, or "Avenue of Independence", the old Grande Ruede Péra, located in the historic district of Beyoğlu (Pera). The elegant artery hasbeen transformed into a pedestrian area approximately three kilometers long,overlooked by boutiques, bookstores, art galleries, cinemas, theaters, recordshops, bars, pubs, nightclubs, pastry shops, and restaurants.Our first excursion on the characteristic red train, which crosses it all, is a roughpatrol to get us an initial idea. Stimulated, however, by a sudden sense ofemptiness in the stomach, we go down near the Galata Saray Lyceum, one of thebest educational institutions founded in Turkey at the time of the Ottoman Empire,which is located almost in the center of the avenue and in front of the mostcharacteristic of restaurants in the French quarter of Pera: Çiçek Pasajı (literalpassage of flowers), originally called Cité de Péra, inside which there arecharacteristic restaurants and cafes.İstiklal Avenue. (2022, November 1). In Wikipedia.Çiçek Pasajı. (2021, October 25). In Wikipedia. 89

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The historical gallery, located on İstiklal Caddesi in the Beyoğlu district (Pera), amazes us with its sumptuous late-Ottoman architecture (19th and early 20th century), but also in eclectic style (neoclassical, neo-Gothic) and ArtNouveau, in a mixture of styles and convoluted architectures, confused between modern buildings born after theestablishment of the Turkish Republic. The street starts from the medieval Galata around the tower of the same nameand ends in the modern Taksim Square.Food Becomes the Protagonist of Our JourneyWe get off the train and set off on a quick patrol tour, but above all, in search of food to put immediately under the teeth.The surprise awaits us nearby, and we see two women in a shop window preparing exquisite gözleme, a sort of freshlyprepared pizza cooked on a particular black metal plate, suitably heated and slightly convex. The women, dressed inthe characteristic Turkish costumes of the Anatolian peasants, are seated on the ground and prepare this type of breadwith different fillings (spinach and cheese, potatoes and meat, etc.). We enter the room immediately. The womenwelcome us with a smile, make us choose the desired filling, and spread the light sheet of bread on which they placethe filling of our choice. They fold it and turn it over on the plate. We take two gözleme each and eat them sitting thereon a bench. Finally sated and satisfied, we drink a glass of ayran each (a drink made from yogurt, water, and salt), whichis a very pleasant special drink popular in the Middle East, Central Asia, and South-Eastern Europe). After paying the billat the cashier, we decided to change euros in the nearby exchange because we were short of the few Turkish liraspreviously changed at the airport and to continue our itinerary on foot. There are many exchange offices on the street,as well as numerous banks, and we enter a randomly chosen one.But there is no shortage of surprises in Pera! Near the exchange, we take a peek at the famous market, Balik Pazari, offruit, vegetables, and fish, which arrives fresh every day from the Bosphorus or the Sea of Marmara and also from theBlack Sea.The Beyoglu Fish Bazaar, also in the Beyoglu district of Taksim, is located opposite the Galatasaray Lyceum and nearthe Flower Gallery or Cicek Pasaji. A dense network of streets and tunnels welcomes us, entering from one of theentrances, in the midst of contrasting smells of freshly caught fish, of fresh and natural vegetables, of newsboysindicating their goods, also giving various tips on how to cook fish or other. cc-by-sa-2.0.Noises and flavors mingle amidst the flow of people who incessantlycome and go, sometimes with a steaming potato, stuffed or not, held inhand.It is a constant bustle of people who confuse us amidst the abundance offruit, heaps of vegetables, various spices, harp items, in an incessant din ofvendors and passers-by and in a melting pot of races and languages.

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Since Pera had become somewhat the beating heart of Istanbul with all the foreign embassies moving there from Galata,in the second half of the 19th century, both the current Beyoğlu and Galata (now Karaköy) had become the financial andcommercial center of Constantinople ( present-day Istanbul) and the Ottoman Empire. Then the entire area became theseat of embassies, elegant and prestigious hotels, including international insurance companies, and flourishingcommercial activities so that the Pera district reached the peak of its flowering. The walk allowed us to immerse ourselvescompletely in the magical atmosphere of the past through glimpses of the gardens of the embassies, which flirtatiouslyoverlook there. We venture out of curiosity, observing disused objects (fez, hookah, old Liberty lamps, etc.) that peek outof dusty shop windows among piles of old books resting on improvised stalls, even outside confused among costumejewelry, clothes new or used. A continuous market crossed by a constant flow of tourists and people, women veiled and dressed in the latest fashion,or even with tattoos and navel piercings. Today we stop here after a quick stop at the church of S. Antonio, the mostimportant of those overlooking the pedestrian artery, amid other churches, mosques, and Turkish baths that pop up hereand there on the main road on the maze crossing of crossbeams. We go down towards Galata, trying to observeeverything and to get confused too in the mixture of people who go up and down along the steep road that leads downto the Tower if you do not want to take the Tünel train. The Tower is there waiting for us, standing flirtatiously with itsfunny cone-shaped hat that observes us from above the roofs of the houses in ups and downs of emotions andsensations.Stunned, we leave that nice and cheerful bedlam, to continue our journey to the end of the road, in Tünel, a tunnel,which is a historic funicular that is located on the north coast of the Golden Horn (Golden Horn).It has two stations that connect the Beyoğlu district, which we are about to leave, with that of Karaköy. undergroundtunnel existing in the world after the London Underground (1863). Tünel. (2022, August 16). In Wikipedia., WikiCommonsChurch of St. Anthony of Padua, Istanbul. (2022, September 19). In Wikipedia.,_IstanbulChurch of St. Anthony of Padua, Istanbul. (2022, September 19). In Wikipedia.,_IstanbulPage 91

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Donate Us Print Booklets for ChildrenHelp Us Print Booklets for ChildrenHelp Us Print Booklets for Children Learning the MyLearning the MyLearning the My Body is My Body ChildBody is My Body ChildBody is My Body ChildAbuse Prevention ProgramAbuse Prevention ProgramAbuse Prevention ProgramCHILD ABUSE PREVENTION

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Thanksgiving is a very special Holiday where we reflect on so many blessings we took for granted! First and foremost,we thank our Creator, Almighty God for giving us life, health, family, friends, neighbors, the air we breathe, the water wedrink, the food we eat, our eyes, ears, heart, and amazing body systems just to mention few blessings from an endlesslist. Having witnessed the enormity of the devastation left behind by Hurricane Ian hitting south Florida recently wherepeople lost almost everything in such a short period of time. Thus, we cannot take all our blessings for granted.So, how do we give thanks for these blessings after first thanking our Creator, then, we thank all those who helped us tobe where we are through tough times, and critical moments with hardships in our lives where we needed support,advice, and guidance? Our parents, our teachers, our mentors, and those who helped us without even knowing ournames when they saw that we needed help and gave it to us unconditionally.Then comes, our turn to give thanks by serving and helping our community by being useful and productive pulling upthose who are down, giving back to those in need, putting a smile on someone's face and getting them out of sadness,and praying for those who are less fortunate since there are so many here and around the world nowadays.12 Months of KindnessRemember to give thanks for all the blessings we have received. Dr. Adel Eldin, MD, FACC,FACP, MBA, GGAF - USASimilarly, provide positive contributions by offering solutions to challengesand conflicts, for example providing food and medicine to those in need,then comes shelter. Those in need have become greater in number and areincreasing every day. We are currently working collaboratively to showmercy, and compassion to help victims and coordinate the relief efforts asthe cold winter approaches. Since the Coronavirus Pandemic affected theglobal economy adversely, with increased inflation, especially food priceswent up and gotten worse with the Ukraine-Russian War.As we live in a small village with daily interactions in Energy, Agriculture, Trade, Economy, Technology,Healthcare, global travel, and business relationships that would require a healthy peaceful environment ofcooperation rather than a collision, Education, dialogue, and economic development to give more humaneconditions. Exchange of ideas rather than an exchange of bullets. No military solution has ever worked, andnow we have so many devastated people on both sides. We need to show compassion towards our fellowhuman beings. Monitor and encourage real changes that will empower the people to choose their ownleaders freely.Please give more thanks this Thanksgiving Season by helpingthose who are less fortunate both locally and globally.Page 93

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12 Months of Kindness"There are some eight billion people on this planet, and we shareone food system. Conflict, disease, inequality, climate changeand rising food and fuel prices all threaten food security bydenying and restricting access to affordable and nutritious food." For many, this means paying more for bread and other staples.For others, especially in countries most vulnerable to shortages,regular meals may become unaffordable. GGAF is dedicated to helping with this crisis by donating tofoodbank and shelters that are in need. As a global community, we need to help each other by donatingfood and finding sustainable answers to eradicate hunger.Food Security Has Become a Global CrisisDonate $50 to help and you'll receive a Founders' AwardPage 94

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12 Months of KindnessPage 95"How do we spend our lunchtime? Are we in a rush doing errands, spending time on our cellphones, orworking right on through? The GGAF's 12 months of kindness never fails! As GGA's, We are always seeking out opportunities to helpinspire and spread happiness to others! Did you know the American Heart Association shows that regular meals with others could be one way to helpmanage stress? This national survey found that "91% of parents reported their family is less stressed when theyshare family meals." So, why not spend a little time with someone outside our circle? Meet Terry, who is a community Member. On this day, it was my pleasure to have spent a little time listening tothis kind soul and enjoying conversations over some tasty apple and pumpkin pie! "Make time and make a difference. You will be pleasantly surprised."By: Christina JunkerGGAF - Country Leader USA

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Giving back to my community is just oneof the ways I try to inspire kindness andbring people together. We live in a beautiful world filled withdifferent cultures and the beautifuldiversity that everyone adds to enrich eachother lives. I'm grateful to have such aglobal community that also shares inspreading love and kindness. With love, Dr. Ruby12 Months of KindnessPage 96We gave a prize to this mum & daughter ina special category  Dr. Ruby Celebrating Halloween in Her Commune Beautiful pictures of kids, adults & special kids enjoyingthe day together." Working with my fantastic team over the past month, wemade the event super successful for & adults." Cupcakes workshop, pumpkin soup, a dance, a kid's fashionshow in fancy costumes, and even a frog race !

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Help provide educational scholarships to our GGAFLearning Insitute so those in disadvantaged countriescan take classes for self-improvement and sustainableliving to help end hunger and poverty. Let's also getthese children off the streets. A donation of $25 can give a comprehensive class tohelp get someone in need get an education and have achance at a better life.YOURDONATION CANTAKE HER FROMTHE STREETS TO THECLASSROOMDonate to:WWW.GLOBALGOODWILLAMBASSADORS.ORG/DONATE

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5 0 1 c 3 N o n p r o f i tmay 2020Global GoodwillAmbassadorsFoundationWWW.GLOBALGOODWILLAMBASSADORS.ORG/THE-AMBASSADORS I G N U P F O R Y O U R F R E E M O N T H L YS U B S C R I P T I O N T O " T H E A M B A S S A D O R " M A G A Z I N E F E A T U R I N G