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The Ambassador: Issue 24, September 2022

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and Editors-in-ChiefChrissy SykesChrissy SykesLisaLisa A. JonesA. JonesChrissy SykesWe are so proud to have reached our 2 year Anniversary of the AmbassadorMagazine. Lisa and I have thoroughly enjoyed working on this every month, and itis such a pleasure to share all the wonderful achievements of our talented GGAAmbassadors and MBIMB Ambassadors and Volunteers around the world.It is so humbling to work with you all and see just how many great humanitariansthere are in the world. It gives us renewed hope for a better future.We thank you all for your support of the magazine by sharing your wonderfulstories every month and also for your support of the GGAF Learning Institutewhich has had over 2,200 students in it's first year. Thank you all.Lisa Jones"BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE"A huge "thank you" to our donors, patrons, advertisers and supporters. S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 2 | I S S U E 2 6Source: Sky NewsWe pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth 11Queen Elizabeth has been an inspiration topeople from all walks of life, all over theworld. Her determination and work ethicwere astounding, and even in her last days,she met with outgoing and incoming PrimeMinisters in the UK. The Queen said that she would serve ourcountry until the day she died, and shefulfilled her promise to the end.Our country has deeply felt the loss of ourQueen. For many of us, she has been thereall of our lives and we feel like we have lost amember of our family.Our thoughts are also with her family.Elizabeth II was Queen of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realmsfrom 6 February 1952 until her death on the 8th September 2022

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Help provide educational scholarships to our GGAFLearning Insitute so those in disadvantaged countriescan take classes for self-improvement and sustainableliving to help end hunger and poverty. Let's also getthese children off the streets. A donation of $25 can give a comprehensive class tohelp get someone in need get an education and have achance at a better life.YOURDONATION CANTAKE HER FROMTHE STREETS TO THECLASSROOMDonate to:WWW.GLOBALGOODWILLAMBASSADORS.ORG/DONATE

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GGAF SUPPORTING MBIMB PRINTING OFLEAFLETSMUJIB HOPE FOUNDATION NIGERIAEYES-SL - SIERA LEONE: LEAFLETS & LAPTOPHOPE AMBASSADORSYORGHAS - MALAWIPROVIDED FOOD FOR LEBANONSUPPORT FOR SAVE THEYOUNG GIRLS FOUNDATIONRUNNING + FITNESS + FOODHelped sponsor a child for the orphanage bydonating support for a mattress, clothing, andbasic necessities.Ray of Light OrphangeSupport for UkraineBirthing Kits for women tohave safe deliveries whenhospitals are not available inwar-torn UkraineProvided food and basic necessities throughChrissy Sykes' community projectGGAF PARTNERS WITH THE INTERNATIONAL MENSTRUALHYGIENE COALITIONDONATION OF HYGIENE KITSSUPPORT PROVIDEDGlobal Goodwill AmbassadorsFoundation2022 Support Page 4

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THE AMBASSADOR:THE MISSING PIECE TOYOUR MARKETING STRATEGYYou get two-full pages in our global magazine for adonation of $50 toward our humanitarian initiatives. Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation is aregistered charity 501c3 and your donations aretax-deductible. (Country-specific laws apply). Page 6

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LET US GET THE WORD OUTABOUT YOUR BUSINESS Life & Business CoachesPodcastersBook AuthorsCPAs Wealth ManagementNutrionistsTourismIT ServicesContent Writers Web Design Resume WritersRecruiters ALL BUSINESSES! The Ambassador has more than 380,000 subscribers;our magazine is also shared by Richard DiPilla with 1.5million followers on LinkedIn alone. Our company pageon LinkedIn has more than 62,000 subscribers. Reach out to Lisa Jones for more information:Lisajones@globalgoodillambassadors.orgCirculation

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22 GGAF Learning Institute28 My Body is My Body; Keeping Children Safe2 A Note From Our PublishersChrissy Sykes & Lisa Jones28MBIMB Around The WorldChrissy Sykes29Hope Ambassadors - Nigeria32Wheels Of Hope - The Trauma Of Child AbuseAdigun Temitayo35Parents Wake Up CallDee Russell - Thomas36MG Warriors- IndiaMamta Godiyal38Chioma Ndolo - the My Body Is My Body teacherNigeria46MBIMB HEROS Chrissy Sykes50Beauty Of Ghana54My Disability never Came In The Way of MyDreamsDr Taghree Hussain55A Day In The Life Of A HumanitarianChrissy Sykes"Come Learn With US""Come Learn With US"New classes being added each weekAMBASSADORAMBASSADORTHEPage 63LISA JONESHELPING CHILDREN START THESCHOOL YEAR WITH BACKPACKSPage 8S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 2 | I S S U E 2 6

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99GGAF Executive Team68Food ShortagesPage 932Wheels Of Hope 58Happy 2 Year Anniversary Dee Russell - Thomas61I Rep Mother NatureWillie Workman Oga63Helping Children Start The School Year WithBack PacksLisa Jones68Food ShortagesBy: Bogdan Lapadat71August Visitation By La RocheMarina Osaba72 Preservation Of Menstrual DignityFaith Mathoka82Seeds of Life Project- Sierra leoneBy: Adama Kalokoh84Empowerment Lessons With Dr Ruby87Devastating Flooding Across PakistanSyed Foundation92Why Do I Love HumanityCarol Harte95Zion Childrens Home VisitDarren HartAMBASSADORAMBASSADORTHEA U G U S T 2 0 2 2 | I S S U E 2 3Devastating Flooding Across PakistanSYED FOUNDATIONP 87 P 4 4 T e e n M o t h e r sT a k e t h e M B I M B C o u r s e i n M A L A W I

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LINDA HOLTLINDA HOLTLINDA HOLTEnergy, form, and vibrant color are inherent in the paintings of Linda Holt. She isfascinated with the mysteries of color and says, "Within each of us lives our ownunique rhythm, song, and images..and then there is color. Color in its purest formis color at its most intriguing for me. Bold and bright, color energizes everythingaround us." She credits her mother's garden with establishing her palette as ayoung child and feels that working with art is playful.Mesmerized by the work of Henri Matisse she continues to be influenced by hissense of composition and pattern. Matisse felt that "composition is the art ofarranging in the decorative manner the various elements at the painter's disposalfor the expression of his feelings." His choice of color was based more on selectiveobservation and his feeling about the object or composition than on naturalistic orexact color.Linda's work includes Still Lifes, Florals, Figuratives, Abstracts, Contemporary Interiors, and Musical Compositesinspired by her training in classical music. Her work is known nationally and internationally and has been published bywell-known publishing houses Gango Editions and Gleedsville Art Publishers.It has been said that "the effect of Linda's work is uplifting, staccato, bright and fundamentallycheerful. It feels hopeful as if saying, here my message, there is hope for this battered world."ARTWORK BY LINDA HOLT Each image may be purchased as a canvas print, framed print, metal print, and more! Everypurchase comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.https://2-linda-holt.pixels.comWall ArtHome DecorLifestyleStationeryGreeting CardsTechApparelCollectionsSHOP NOW

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Wildlife habitats are constantly threatened by increased land development. We wish toprotect our wildlife population and provide better ecosystems - and we need your help toachieve our goals.“THEIR WISHES BEGIN WITH YOU…”We wish to preserve and enhance wildlife habitats.Wishes For Wildlife Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit donation-based organization. We wishto continue to lead efforts to acquire, create, and protect wildlife and their habitats. Withyour help, we will maintain and measure to enhance the existence of all wildlife.

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WHAT WE DOProvide safe and sustainable wildlife refuges that are carefully planned and maintained toenrich the environment and increase and preserve the population. We wish for wildlife tobe safe and comfortable.MAINTAIN ENVIRONMENTWishes For Wildlife Foundation creates sanctuaries for the vastvariety of animals that reside on controlled properties. Our purposeis to preserve and plant vegetation and trees which sustain thewhitetail deer, the breeding haunts of interesting birds, and thelocalities of rare plants. The overall goal is the preservation andmanagement of variety - allowing extinction is poor management. PROJECTS

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We’ve designed a Hovering Smartphone Case. Experience Hands-Freecommunication, pictures, and video functionality using a compact, durableand foldable Drone-Phone Case. Please focus on holding your Smartphone fully extended out in front of you positionedto take a “Selfie” pic of yourself, your family, or anything you want to capture.PhoneQuad functionality is incredible! Let go of your Smartphone and it will stay exactly where it is, hovering in mid-air. Think Selfie-Stick But Without The Stick About LeshTronix Drone Systems

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You never have to be missing in your family videos or photos anymore. No more selfie sticks or tripods!Position PhoneQuad to the desired elevation or background and use voice commands: “Take Pic”, “Zoom In, “Zoom Out”, “Take Video”, Stop Video”, “Call Mom” etc.PhoneQuad.Contact Usmyphonequad.comPhoneQuad® is simple, radical and disruptive.PhoneQuad® is simple, radical and disruptive.PhoneQuad® is simple, radical and disruptive. It’s a Hovering Smartphone case!It’s a Hovering Smartphone case!It’s a Hovering Smartphone case!About Us

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MeetDEREK NOTMAN FOLLOW ME ONTransforming an Industry & Profession

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Derek was born in Ireland to a South African mother and German American father Derek has apassion for world travel and adventure and believe it or not was actually compared to "TheWorld's Most Interesting Man" (Dos Equis commercial)! Derek's on a mission to transform thefinancial services industry & profession. Consumers deserve transparent & advice leadguidance from financial professionals. Financial advisors deserve to thrive in the 21st centurywith modern training while not having to put their lives on hold to help their clients live theirs. To this end, Derek is actively working towards supporting and advancing bothconsumers & advisors through his work in a couple of initiatives. He's the founder andCEO of Conneqtor, a 21st-century course & training for financial advisors to help themthrive in the digital world. He's also the co-host of Rethink - The Financial Advisor Podcastwhere they have fun challenging the status quo. Derek's also the founder & CEO ofCouplr, a new fintech SaaS enterprise solution to help break down the barriers for peopleto get the financial guidance they need & want by matching them with the perfectadvisor for them based on human & financial dimensions based on science, psychology,and math instead of ZIP code and 401k balance. Derek's also an actively practicing CFP®for his virtual wealth management RIA but is no longer taking new clients."The World's Most Interesting Man"Derek

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https://prontocare.coGET A SECOND OPINION WITHOUTLEAVING YOUR HOME. Better Healthcare. We are bringing the heart back inmedicine. It is a beautiful story that I would like to share with the world. Hopefully,this will. Specifically, here, I mean the chronic, complicated, and seemunsolvable Healthcare crisis. I have witnessed a lot of devastation to bothmy patients and my fellow physicians. On one hand, patients are sufferingfrom increasingly uncontrollable out-of-pocket expenses as more ( cost isbeing shifted to consumer responsibility) Patients can not afford to eat,support their families because a big chunk of their earnings goes to payfor healthcare bills. This effort has picked up substantially after the World Economic Crisisstarting in 2008 when I knew then that the current Healthcare model isunsustainable, as healthcare cost is breaking the bank and forcing manypeople into bankruptcy.Also, the doctors got hit with denied, delayed, or ridiculous paymentsafter spending more than 38% of their time dealing with Insurancebureaucracy, and paperwork,!Thus I have developed a ( Direct Contracting for Healthcare Model) withcombined Internal Medicine and Cardiology services in incrediblyaffordable pricing with transparency, greatly trusted care andimpeccable credibility which qualified our program to be offered by theCity of Tampa for Non-Medicare Retirees for three consecutive years. Stay up-to-date with ProntoCare

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Stay up-to-date with ProntoCare

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SMUGGLED is available in all online and offline bookstores around the world. Ask your favorite bookstore.

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Does CHILD TRAFFICKING ANGER you?Does the fear in the children's eyes break your heart and bring tears to your eyes?Does the problem worry you yet leave you feeling helpless, wondering what todo?That's why I wrote the book SMUGGLED which has hit #1 BESTSELLER.Plus, this is why I offer a workshop so you can Discover the SIMPLE ONE-TWO PUNCH process to end childtrafficking. A simple process that most people and organizations know little about, thus leaving our childrenextremely vulnerable to traffickers and exploiters. Everywhere it's news of yet another child gone!Angela offers a free workshop titled, "Wisdom to SPOT & Courage to STOP" referencing scenesin the book SMUGGLED.In addition to reading this really great book, the workshop gives you in-depth insights andawareness of how child trafficking and exploitation happen and how we as regular worldcitizens can disrupt and dissipate this evil.ANGELA Karanja is a world-renowned adolescent psychologist and parentingteenagers expert, author, and founder of Raising Remarkable Angela is regularly featured on major world media. Despite coming from an extremely impoverished background and childhoodabuse in a village in Kenya, she rose like a lotus through the mud and themuck and now helps parents of teenagers raise mentally healthy and highlyeffective teenagers without losing their minds.

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The GG A F L e a rn i ng I nst i tut e is de s i gn e d w i thwor k in g st u d en t s a n d p r ofe s sio n als in m in d .Tha t 's w hy o ur cla s ses are 'on - de m a nd "mea n ing yo u ca n ta k e t h ese as t hey fi t yo u rown sc h e du l e . Eac h c l a ss h as an i nst r uct o r w h o w i ll int e rac twit h y o u a n d a n swe r an y qu e sti o ns y ou m ayhav e . W e 'v e al s o c r eat e d a stu d en t - ce n t ri clea r ni n g e n v ir o nme n t g i vin g st u den t s a wa yto d is c u ss t he cou r se m ate r ial s a n d l e a rndif f er e n t i nsi g hts by i nte r act i ng o n t hedis c us s i on b oa r d. We r ea l i ze t ha t ev e ryo n e l e arn s d i f fe r e nt l yand wi t h o u r a mul t i-m o dal set - up , yo u wi l l b eoff e re d re a d in g ma t eri a l, v ide o s,ass i gn m e nt s , d i scu s sio n s, l ive Zo o mmee t in g s a n d m u c h m ore . Page

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Ev e ry org a nizati o n is r e sponsi b le for ensuri n gcy b ersecu r ity. T h e abil i ty to p rotect your i n format ionsy s tems f r om imp a irment or eve n theft is ess ential tosu c cess. I mpleme n ting e f fectiv e secur ity mea sures w illno t only o ffer l i abilit y prote c tion; i t will also i n creaseef f icienc y and p r oducti v ity. Wi t h our “ Cyber S ecurit y ” Cour s e, you will d i scover thefu n dament a ls of c yberse c urity a s well as the metho d sth a t shou l d be i m plemen t ed to make su re you rco m puter s ystems are pr o tected .Cyber SecurityPage 23

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Open EnrollmentCourse Instructor: Lisa JonesInterview Skills for Jobseekerscourses.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgPage 24

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courses.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgPage 25

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How to teach the My Body is My Body Programme 1. My Body Is my Body Song - Song Objective To teach children that their body is their own and no one has the right to hurt them or touch their private parts.2. If It Don’t Feel Right - Don’t Do It - Song ObjectiveTo teach children to listen to their own feelings. To talk about peer pressureand help children with body empowerment.3. The “What If” Game - Song ObjectiveTo teach children to say NO with authority.4. If You’ve Got A Problem - Song ObjectiveTo reinforce the learning of telling someone if there is a problem, if that person doesn't listen, keep telling till someone does listen.5. Love Is Gentle - Song ObjectiveTo teach children that love is gentle and kind and is all about caring, sharing and trusting.6. Say No To Secrets - Song ObjectiveShowing children that keeping secrets when someone is bullying them or hurting them is not a good thing to do. GGAF Learning InstituteThe My Body Is My BodyThe My Body Is My BodyThe My Body Is My BodyProgramme Course 2Programme Course 2Programme Course 2Pass this course and get your certificate to be a MBIMB Programme Presenterscan this codePage 26

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GGAF Learning InstitutePage 27An Introduction To the Science of Happiness:• Understanding random acts of kindness and their impact• Identifying different practical activities to implement• Exploring the book “The Twelve Months of Kindness” and considering how this might beadapted for individual or group purposes• The way forward: - Action planning: a) to deliver as an individualb)to encourage othersc)to operate collectively as a group.Dee G. Russell-Thomas D.L. J.P; M.Ed; FRSA; Adv. Dip. Ed; MBACP; TEFL Deputy Lieutenant of Gloucestershire; Trained Ofsted Inspector & Educational Consultant U.K. Director of Global Goodwill Ambassadors; UK GGA Chair of Child Welfare This course will begin with the underlying aspects of the science behind happiness. We willexplore how we can help ourselves to appreciate what we have already, what we can acquireand what we can build into our lives to improve both our own happiness and also contribute to the well-being of others. Course Start Date: September 5th, 2022

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H o p e A m b a s s a d o r s t e a m i n K a d u n a l e d b y N k e i r u k a N w a o g b e v i s i t e d t h e p u p i l so f U / G w a r i K a k u r i P r i m a r y S c h o o l K a d u n a S t a t e t o i n t r o d u c e t h e M y B o d y i s M yB o d y M u s i c a l P r o g r a m m e .   T h e c h i l d r e n w e r e t a u g h t t h e # M B I M B s o n g ,u n d e r s t a n d t h e i r s a f e t y n e t w o r k s a n d w h a t t h e y a r e e x p e c t e d t o d o w h e n e v e rt h e y f e e l u n s u r e a b o u t s o m e t h i n g o r s o m e o n e o r u n s a f e i n t h e i r e n v i r o n m e n t . E d u c a t i n g t h e c h i l d r e n o n t h i s s u b j e c t m a t t e r o f a b u s e c a n n o t b eo v e r e m p h a s i z e d . L e t ' s k e e p o u r e y e s o n o u r c h i l d r e n .   T h a n k s t o o u r v o l u n t e e r sN k e i r u k a N w a o g b e , S h e i l l a S a b a s t i n e , S a m u e l N w a c h u k w u a n d J a c i n t a N n a b u d ec a r r i e d o u t t h i s s e n s i t i s a t i o n .Hope Ambassadors team in KadunaNigeriaNigeriaPage 29

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D u r i n g t h e c o m m i s s i o n i n g o f t h e W a t e r F o r L i f e P r o j e c t i n D i n d i m a C o m m u n i t yi n B a u c h i S t a t e , N o r t h E a s t N i g e r i a , t h e H o p e A m b a s s a d o r s t e a m i n B a u c h i l e db y B a l a B a k o B D s e i z e d t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o s e n s i t i s e t h e c h i l d r e n o n C l e a nH a n d s S a v e L i v e s a n d a l s o i n t r o d u c e d t h e M y B o d y I s M y B o d y p r o g r a m . S i n c e t h e w a t e r p r o j e c t i s t h e a d v a n c e m e n t o f t h e C l e a n H a n d s S a v e L i v e sc a m p a i g n , i t i s v e r y e a s y f o r t h e m t o c o m p r e h e n d h a v i n g s e e n t h e p r a c t i c a lt r a n s f o r m a t i o n f r o m d i r t y w a t e r t o c l e a n w a t e r .  T h e c h i l d r e n w e r e a l s o t a u g h t t h e # M B I M B s o n g , u n d e r s t a n d t h e i r s a f e t yn e t w o r k s a n d w h a t t h e y a r e e x p e c t e d t o d o w h e n e v e r t h e y f e e l u n s u r e a b o u ts o m e t h i n g o r s o m e o n e o r u n s a f e i n t h e i r e n v i r o n m e n t . E v e r y o p p o r t u n i t yw h e r e c h i l d r e n a r e g a t h e r e d i s a g o o d a v e n u e f o r t h e s e a d v o c a c y p r o g r a m s t ob e s h a r e d w i t h t h e m .  T h e s e n s i t i s a t i o n a l w a y s a l e r t s t h e m t o t h e i r h e a l t h ,b o d y a n d e n v i r o n m e n t .  T h a n k s t o o u r v o l u n t e e r s i n B a u c h i l e d b y A m b a s s a d o rB a l a B a k o B D f o r c a r r y i n g o u t t h i s s e n s i t i s a t i o n .Hope Ambassadors in Dindima Community NigeriaNigeriaPage 30

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H o p e A m b a s s a d o r s t e a m i n K a d u n a l e d b y S a m u e l N w a c h u k w u a n d s u p p o r t e d b yE l i z a b e t h C h a t t a , E m i - J o h n s o n U m o e k a a n d N k e i r u k a N w a o g b e c a r r i e d o u t M yB o d y i s M y B o d y P r o g r a m m e - M B I M B F o u n d a t i o n N o t F o r P r o f i t C h a r i t y a n dB u l l y i n g s e n s i t i s a t i o n a t A s s e m b l i e s o f G o d ' s C h u r c h , K a k u r i , K a d u n a o n t h e2 8 t h o f A u g u s t 2 0 2 2 . T h e c h i l d r e n w e r e t a u g h t t h e # M B I M B s o n g , u n d e r s t a n d t h e i r s a f e t y n e t w o r k sa n d w h a t t h e y a r e e x p e c t e d t o d o w h e n e v e r t h e y f e e l u n s u r e a b o u t s o m e t h i n go r s o m e o n e o r u n s a f e i n t h e i r e n v i r o n m e n t . T h e y w e r e e q u a l l y s e n s i t i s e d o n b u l l y i n g .  E d u c a t i n g t h e c h i l d r e n o n t h i ss u b j e c t m a t t e r o f a b u s e c a n n o t b e o v e r e m p h a s i z e d . L e t ' s k e e p o u r e y e s o n o u rc h i l d r e n .   T h a n k s t o o u r v o l u n t e e r s S a m u e l N w a c h u k w u , E l i z a b e t h C h a t t a ,E m i - J o h n s o n U m o e k a a n d N k e i r u k a N w a o g b e f o r c a r r y i n g o u t t h i s s e n s i t i s a t i o nHope Ambassadors in Dindima Community NigeriaNigeriaPage 31

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‘‘THE TRAUMA OF CHILD ABUSE CAN LEAD TOCHILD LOW ESTEEM: WITH MORE AWARENESSAND SENSITIZATION WE CAN CHANGE THENARRATIVE OF ABUSE AND MALTREATMENT ANDMAKE THIS WORLD SAFER FOR THE CHILDREN,WE ALL HAVE A ROLE TO PLAY’’ADI G UN T E MITAY O FOU N DER/ P RESID ENT -WHE E LS O F HOPE RISI N G FO U NDATI ONMany children in our continent Africa and Nigeria aresuffering from the impact of various forms of abuse andmaltreatment and the trauma of abuse can lead todepression, suicidal behaviour, substance use, andoppositional or defiant behaviours well into adulthood,which can affect their ability to succeed in school, andcreate and nurture important relationships.Over the years, our child protection network initiativehas been catalyzed by the introduction of My Body is MyBody, a child abuse prevention program which weadopted as an organization in 2017/2018 as part of ourchildren protection initiative to support children and the community towards protecting children from anyform of abuse and maltreatment which includes physicalinjury or neglect, mental injury, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, ormaltreatment of a child under age 18 by a person undercircumstances that indicate that the child's health orwelfare is harmed or threatened.Over the years Wheels of Hope Rising Foundation hascollaborated with various NGOs and CSO to use MBiMBresources to scale up our child abuse preventioninitiative and this includes Child Protect Networks withmembers across the 36 states of the Nation, GenderDevelopment Initiatives.NigeriaNigeriaPage 32

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1 8Safe Space4Children Initiative with over38 members running their individualorganizations, which focus on supportingchildren education and communities’development, we have been able toimpact hundred of thousands of childrenand communities in Oyo state, OgunState, Osun state, Ondo and Kwara stateand we are happy this has result toempowered children with rightinformation on how important their bodyare and how special they are for nobodyto hurt them and need for them to speakup and not keep secret likewise thesanitization has helped the communityecosystem which comprises of thecommunity and religion leaders, parentsand guidance not excluding the youthand teenagers on how to keep thechildren safer and prevent any form ofabuse which can lead to trauma. We have also used this channel to build asystem for those children going throughthe trauma of abuse to get counsellingfrom our child abuse counsellors and thefeedback gladdens our heart. This calls for more involvement becausemost children are going though a lotwithin their community but are afraid ofopening up because of ,threat but if wecan all get involved, we can help thesechildren to break from this chain of abuseand support them to overcome thetrauma of abuse and any form ofmaltreatment at the same time preventthe next victim which might be our childor our family member. Time to do morefor the children is now.With resources from MBiMB it has help us tosupport many rural schools and communitieshere in Nigeria.We strongly believe timely interventions canreduce abuse which include referral tocommunity resources, parent education toincrease use of positive discipline strategies,and behavioral therapy for parents toimprove coping skills and strengthen theparent-child relationship..With free resources fromMBIMB it has help us tosupport many rural schoolsand communities here inNigeriaADI G UN T E MITAY O FOU N DER/ P RESID ENT -WHE E LS O F HOPE RISI N G FO U NDATI ONNigeriaNigeriaPage 33

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Child abuse leads to trauma!!! As an organisation in collaboration with MBIMB...we go theextra mile to create awareness about the social nightmareof abuse. The main objective is to empower children sothey feel positive about their bodies and safe in theknowledge that they have someone to talk to if there is aproblem and making parents, teachers and guardiansunderstand the need to listen to children when expressingthemselves and when anything is making themuncomfortableThe time to do morefor the children is now.We are requesting more commitment from parents, guardians andcommunities to ensure we make this world a safe place for children, freeof any form of abuse and maltreatment. Thanks to My Body is My Body Programme, a free animated musicalchildren's body safety programme. - Keeping Children safe byalways providing training materials to support our work and ournetwork across the nation and Africa.Going back to our beginning words • Let's make the world a safer place • We are hoping our example can lead others to bringsuch a program to their communities. This is our mission by showing others to follow andbring change movement around the world.We Believe That ••• #EveryLifeCountsWHRF #Nigeria #Africa ##MBiMBNigeriaNigeriaPage 34

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Talk to your children, dear parents; I mean talk some meaningful talk.Do listen to their stories and have eyes like a wary hawk.Don’t leave them on the laptop with an open invitation-You wouldn’t dump them overseas without an explanation!There’s a “not so brave new world” out there and it needs some careful thought.There’s a spider’s trap awaiting and they’re at risk of being caught.It’s a minefield where they’re treading and you need to take on boardthat technology is changing and cyber-crimes have soared.We know your knowledge differs, but don’t leave it all to chance.These predators are clever and can lead a dangerous dance.There are sites that are explicit; there are groomers at the ready.You’ve got to be one step ahead and keep the balance steady. So, have the conversation and explain why filters matter and show them what can happen in the sexual land of chatter.Don’t criticise their friendships but explain the types of fake that certain adults demonstrate and what they then can take.As guardians, you’re responsible for making sure they’re safe-that their home is well protected and is not a frightening place.Forewarn them of the dangers just as you would warn of a fire.Allow your children to explain without being labelled “liar”.They need you to take real control and know what lurks around.Whilst youngsters’ heads are in the clouds you must take firmer ground.Vet those media sites and all the links to the darkest placesThey must not meet with strangers or be conned by photo faces And don’t forget to spread the word including Gramps and Grans‘Cos they may not be quite as smart and could scupper best-laid plans.It’s easy just to leave to chance and hope that all is wellbut one false move can lead your kids to a secret, living hell.So, talk and listen; protect and share; your kids deserve the best.Check out their “friends”, insist on truth. Your diligence can’t rest.It’s an area we shirk from; it’s a modern danger zoneIt’s on electronic tablets and is rife on every phone.We cannot just ignore it in the hope it won’t reach us Because it can and will and does – this isn’t foolish fuss.The innocence of children needs our constant strong protectionSo, type this into Google and you’ll get some clear direction…… Please… keep your children safe from the Internet dangers …thank you!PARENTS WAKE-UP CALL by dee russell-thomasPage 27

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"MG Warriors"is a network oflike-mindedhumanitariansacross India. This song-based program makes it easy totake it forward to the Children, parentsand society. Children find it veryinteresting. They sing, dance and learncritical things in a fun way.- Availability of the program in more than20+ languages - India is blessed withmany languages like Hindi, Assamese,Bengali, English etc and this helps us tocater maximum audience.Apart from the song "My Body is My Body"keep sharing important tips to protectchildren from abuse.We started the program in the financialyear 2019-2020 and since then we arenon-stop doing it online and offline. Wehave received a great response from ouraudience and the biggest difference Ihave realised is that: - Children have started coming to ourmentors to discuss their problems.They seek guidance from them."MG Warriors" is a network of like-mindedhumanitarians across India. The motto is to"Serve Smile & Happiness" through theawareness programme and various socialdrives. One such awareness programme which"MG Warriors" is working on is "ThePrevention of Child Abuse AwarenessProgramme" designed by "My Body Is MyBody".The reason for choosingthe MBIMB program was Learning with fun!By Dr (HC) Mamta GodiyalIndiaIndiaPage 27

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Our Society is coming forward and discussing openly the "Prevention of Child Abuse". Schools aretaking it more seriously and want their staff to get more aware of this."MG Warriors" in association with "My Body is My Body" has successfully taken up this program to Delhi,Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Assam, Punjab, Rajasthan, Mumbai and Karnataka. More than 1000people of all ages benefited from this programme.Recently, on the occasion of Independence Day (15th August 2022) in India "MG Warriors" organised anawareness programme on 1) Child Abuse Prevention, 2) Health & Hygiene, and 3) Know more about Independence Day, for the labourers. The program was followed by a food distribution drive. Everyone found the event very meaningful andinsightful.We believe that awareness is the greatest tool and the time has come to say NO rather than bearingsome unacceptable behaviour.Parents are now more awareof the abuse that theirchildren might face.IndiaIndia

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By: Chioma NdoloHow lovely it is, that my community will everremember me as the My Body Is My Body teacher.Spreading the good news of My Body Is My Bodyin public secondary schools in Abjuba, Nigeria withmore focus at junior secondary school Apolegislative quarters And government secondaryschool, Garki, Abjuba, where we in collaborationwith other child abuse prevention ambassadorshad over 70 girls within the ages of 10 to 16 yearsrespectively.In the past year, I can boast of innumerablesuccesses. I have been able to cultivate positivemindsets high self-esteem, self-love, the ability tocarry one’s body with much prestige and above allthe ability to overcome situations that lead toabuse. These achievements mean a lot to mycommunity and I because success begins fromthe mind I call it catch them young them all buthe’s my buddy program has made lots of uniqueimpacts in the lives of children.The speed of lightwith which thechildren use to fillthe classroom forthe My Body Is MyBody club has nocomparison thisreally shows thelove they have forthe My Body Is MyBody Programme.NigeriaNigeriaNigeriaNigeriaPage 38

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These children feel positive about themselves, and thespeed of light with which they use to fill the classroomfor the My Body Is My Body club has no comparison thisreally shows the love the children have for the My Body IsMy Body Programme. Most of them have the zeal ofpassing down the message to their sibling's friends andschoolmates, we usually have new members in the clubas a result of the values they get from their friends whoare club members. My joy knows no bounds each time I remember that theMy Body Is My Body Programme did not only save agood number of children from the abuse it motivatedme to initiate the radio program the child safe My BodyIs My Body in collaboration with Ambassador Rita Alo(The founder of the Shepherd's Mentorship Foundation)on radio Maria Abuja 91.3 FM. Over the few weeks ofteaching the My Body Is My Body Programme on air thereviews have been super amazing. During one of oursessions on air, a caller expressed his gratitude becausethe program had made a great impact on him.In truth I can develop a textbook sharing my experienceas a child abuse ambassador spreading the message ofthe My Body Is My Body Programme in schools in Abuja,Nigeria. Indeed the program has built self-confidence and lovefor oneself in a countless number of children in mycommunity.NigeriaNigeriaPage 39

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Page 57My Body is My Body Programme Presented to: Teens Impact Africa Organisation Program Facilitator: Joseph GakuuSchool or Community Facility: Maadili Academy, RuarakaNumber of Children Reached: 350Number of Adults Reached: 17Challenges children are facing in the community:Lack of proper training on children's protectionCases of unreported children's harassmentPoor parentingLack of basic needsChildren abandonment Starvation in some areas Feedback from the parents, teachers and community leaders:The teachers were so happy and welcomed the programTeachers offered to ensure the program runs in schoolParents were impressed by the courseParents pledged to introduce the program at their homesteadTeachers offered to do the course to run more Feedback from the children:The children were happy with the songs and the entire programThey rejoiced when singing the song my body is my body They pledged to protect their body from any harm They connected with the entire courseThey learned to take care of their precious bodies KenyaKenyaPage 40

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To mark the ''International Day for Protection of Education Against Attack'', Mujib HopeFoundation in collaboration with Adamawa State Universal Education Board (ADSUBEB), Savethe Children and other NGOs organised a debate and drama session on 9th September 2022.The event was held at SUBEB conference hall, Jimeta-Yola, Adamawa State. Scholastic materials were distributed at the event.Mujib Hope Foundation took the platform to carry out a brief sensitization on Child AbusePrevention under the "My body is my body MBIMB program" and learning materials by ChrissySykes. Parents, teachers and children got one flier each on their tables sponsored by GGAFoundation.Everyone loved the MBIMB Program and two organizations asked how they can partnerwith MUJIB HOPE FOUNDATION in carrying out the MBIMB program.MHF was represented by the Executive Director, Muniratu Jibrin and volunteers Jane Erameh,Emmanuel Adoga Wasankudi, Afi Obot and Ogidi Sunday.Mujib Hope FoundationAdamawa State, NigeriaPage 56Page 41

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The Dzaleka Refugee Camp is located about 25 miles north of the capital Lilongwe. It is thelargest in Malawi and was established in 1994. It is home to more than 50,000 refugees andasylum seekers from five different countries, although it was originally designed toaccommodate 10,000 people.A presentation of the My Body is My Body Course “Introduction To Child Maltreatment andSafeguarding Children” was presented to teen mothers.TEEN MOTHERSTEEN MOTHERSTAKE THE MBIMB COURSETAKE THE MBIMB COURSEby GGA Ambassador Prince Lokendo.MalawiMalawiPage 44

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The teen mothers in the camp receive a very small food ration. They are given $6 a month tospend. This money is insufficient even for one day to an average person, but that is what theyreceive to spend for the whole month. These girls have their basic needs, such as buying bodylotion, soaps, and feminine hygiene products. There is a tendency for rich Malawian men to take advantage of these refugee girls by luring themwith groceries and some pocket money. Often the girls end up being impregnated. We established an organization called Young Girls Empowerment Group which deals with issuessuch as SGBV, Family Planning, STDs, and STIs. We aim to offer girls an alternative on how theycan raise their living standards.TEEN MOTHERSTEEN MOTHERSTAKE THE MBIMB COURSETAKE THE MBIMB COURSEMalawiMalawiPage 45

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I am an assistant ambassador and presenter of the program My Body is My Body. When I got to know the program, I was working with psychological support forthose affected by the effects of harassment. The program, in turn, provided me withgreater opportunities to protect society and children and to stand against patients andaggressors in an expanded and continuous manner, which helped spread it amongmembers of society, especially children, for their exchange of songs and rules.At first, I was afraid that the community would not accept the program, but during thework, we were surprised by the acceptance of the mothers and fathers of the programand their support for the way it works.OM N I A A LS AD I G Medical laboratory technologestMBIMB HeroPage 46I am against violence in general. As for the abuse of children, it is completely unacceptable and inhumane

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Recently, we decided to take advantage of social networking sites to publish the programand news about it on electronic platforms. Several workshops were also planned formothers and fathers. Direct dealing with children through the program had a greatimpact on them in one of the schools. After the program was presented, some girls wereencouraged to tell me stories about domestic violence, and in my role as a programpresenter, I presented the matter to the psychological counsellor in the school to takecharge and research the matter.We, as a team, have launched expansion campaigns to spread the program and set up anumber of segments on television in children's programmes, and there are preparationsfor new campaigns around schools and nurseries at the beginning of the new school year.I feel proud to be a part of this amazing program and I fully believe in the importance ofthe message it deliversMbIMB in Sudan Message from Ghada Saleh (MBIMB and GGAF Country Chair Sudan) As a team, we continue with our phase 1 plan to empower more people to be a part of theMBIMB program and the team in Sudan. This will enable us to reach many more children inall areas. The team has existed for 18 months. We have appointed some co-ambassadors after theaccumulation of good performances and positive outcomes. The team also has a number ofProgramme Presenters who come from different areas of Sudan. We all agree on one goal, spreading the MBIMB program so that we can safeguard and protectthe children.MBIMB HeroPage 56Page 47

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Kissembo Idd who is a teacher by profession works at the Busimbi CU-Kisembo children'scommunity-based organization which is registered as a CBO with the aim of helping orphans andproviding good health, education, clothes and shelter for these vulnerable children.Kissembo is currently running an orphanage in Mityana, Bamunanika, Uganda. He donates 50% of hissalary to do Humanitarian work and through this, he has worked as a volunteer for Heal the PlaneOrganization, and as a volunteer for Youth Get United Busimbi CU-Kisembo children's community-based organization and Kissembo Idd introduced the MyBody is My Body Programme at the orphanage as the children are on their holidays.The children were taught the #MBIMB song, to understand their safety networks, and what they areexpected to do whenever they feel unsure about something or someone or unsafe in theirenvironment.Educating the children on this subject matter of abuse cannot be overemphasized. Let's keep our eyeson our children.Thank you Kissembo for making a difference in the lives of these children.Kisembo IddKisembo IddPresents the MBIMB ProgrammePresents the MBIMB ProgrammeUgandaUgandaPage 48

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HOW TO REACTHOW TO REACT IF A CHILD DISCLOSESIF A CHILD DISCLOSESTHEIR ABUSE TO YOUTHEIR ABUSE TO YOURemain calm and do not force the childto give information. It is very importantthat a child tells you about their abusein their own words. Please do not showemotions like anger or disbelief. If you ask any questions, keep them very simple. Do not confront the abuser -This may make the situation worse -Please leave this to the professionals. Report the Abuse To The AuthoritiesPlease report any abuse immediately to your local child abuse prevention representative, NGO or Police Station A child may only disclose a smallportion of information at a time untilthey see your reaction is calm andsupportive. Give them time and don’tpush for information. Comfort the child and thank them forsharing with you. Please remember that it is difficultfor children to tell about their abuseand it needs to be a positive andsupportive experience. Tell the child:*Thank you for telling me*I believe you*It is not your fault Please tell the child that youare going to write down whatthey are telling you and thatyou will be sharing it withsomeone else that can helpthem. It is important to writeeverything down in the "child’swords" and report it as soon aspossible. Page

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Ghana is situated on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea and is politically divided into sixteen (16) regions for administrative purposes.Although relatively small in area and population as compared to the big names in Africa, Ghana is one of the leading countries ofAfrica, partly because of its considerable natural wealth and partly because it was the first black African country south of theSahara to achieve independence from colonial rule.Ghana is a biodiverse place that has some unique species of plants and animals and is certainly one of the most beautifulcountries in Africa. What sets Ghana apart is also the rich cultural heritage of its people as well as the friendly and receptive natureof its people. The AKWAABA sign boldly displayed at the Kotoka International airport which is translated as welcome gives afeeling of belongingness to any foreigner visiting the country. From rich kente clothes to spicey delicacies and a lot of beautifulplaces to see, are all part of the Ghanaian package that awaits anyone who wants to come to Ghana. LET US LOOK AT JUST FIVE(5) OF THE AMAZING PLACES AND SITES THAT MAKE GHANA EXTRA SPECIALTHE KAKUM NATIONAL PARKCreative CommonsThe Kakum National Park is home to some beautiful vegetation and trees worth lookingat and it is one of the many national parks in the country. It is stretched over an extensivepart of southern Ghana. One can see buffalos, meerkats, civets, elephants, and severalspecies of birds when they are at this place. The Canopy Walkway is a key part of the national park. The unique canopy trail sits at130 feet (40 m) in the air taking hikers through the canopies of the tropical forest. The trailstretches between 7 trees, crosses rivers, and ravines, and covers a distance of 1,150 feet(350 m). There are 266 species of birds within the park boundaries. It has the mostpopulous collection of forest elephants in the country. Iamablessing, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia CommonsThe Beauty of GhanaThe Beauty of GhanaThe Beauty of Ghana"Wli waterfall hike" by Stig Nygaard is licensed under CC BY 2.0.The Diana monkey, giant bongo antelope, yellow-backed duiker, and African elephant are all endangered species protected within the park. People should definitely takeguided tours to have a complete idea of the place.Page 50

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THE VILLAGE OF NZULEZU"Nzulezu Stilt Village" by Macjordangh is licensed under CC BY 2.0.The Village of Nzulezu in the Western region of Ghana is a sight to behold.The name means ‘surface of water' or a village built on water in English. Thehouses are built over a lagoon and all of the houses are placed on stilts. Thisis a place that people should visit to experience the innovation of the villagepeople and their livelihood. These days’ tourists can even spend quality time in the hotels sitting on topof the lagoon. Tourists can enjoy swimming, diving, and boating as well asspotting crocodiles and monkeys while at this place.THE PAGA CROCODILE PONDDieu-Donné Gameli, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia CommonsMost of us may not know much about crocodiles as they either scare us orwe do not want to meet them. However, this sanctuary is made for hostingthe crocodiles and enthusiasts can see many of them over here. Thecrocodiles residing over here are actually very friendly towards the humansthat visit them. Tourists can feed the crocodiles and get up-close-and-personal with them.This place respects and honors their crocodiles and is dead against hurtingany of them. Guides are always present to break tourists' unnecessary fearof crocodiles.KOKROBITE BEACHBeaches and beach resorts are another class of spots Ghana has inabundance. The picture above is the Kokrobite beach which is just 30 KMaway from Accra so people can actually club the journey. The Academy ofAfrican Music and Art present in this location pulls in a lot of people who areinterested in the creative side of human lives. One can book the resortswhich provide a beautiful view of the beach. Or else they can also visit it fora day trip where they enjoy the beautiful sunny beach. User: (WT-shared) Mouse at wts wikivoyage, Public domain, via Wikimedia CommonsTHE MOLE NATIONAL PARKThe Mole national park in the northwest part of Ghana is the largest wildlifepark in Ghana. The park offers different types of animals including roanantelope, buffalo, elephants, hyenas, leopards etc. Tourists may also spotlions from time to time. The park is home to more than 250 species of birdswhich is great for bird enthusiasts. Visiting the park during the dry season ismore rewarding to catch most of the animals as they come to drink water.For every reason, it is counted amongst the best places to visit in Ghana.By Dr. Thelma Frimpong Mensah )GGAF - GhanaBy Dr. Thelma Frimpong Mensah (DBA)GGAF - GhanaPage 51

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WATER FOR LIFE PROJECT: A DREAM THAT EXCEEDED EXPECTATIONSConsequently, Hope Ambassadors is now contemplating taking the vision of the Water For Life Projectbeyond the shores of Nigeria. Some West African countries are already identified. It is our consideredopinion that the adverse effects of bad water on people's health cannot be compared to the benefitsand amount that would be required to sink a borehole in a community.We are ready to sacrifice and give all it takes in leading the #SDG Goal 6 of Clean Water and Sanitation,not only in Nigeria but also, in other African nations.Water remains a perturbing issue and a recurring challenge for most African and Asian countries. Thedemand for water is so imperative for survival and sustenance of health and well-being. We are glad that through our efforts, Children will no longer miss school due to sickness from water-borne diseases or sacrifice school time for the search for water for the family.We are not looking; in fact we have passed the stage of looking back. Therefore, we can only be forwardlooking and looking ahead to getting potential partners and sponsors that will support and propel ustowards realizing the vision of taking water to more people, in more communities, in more countrieswhere the availability of water will be a dream come true.Together, we can achieve the vision of water to every community.HOPE AMBASSADORSWe are thrilled by the emerging testimonies and alsoextremely proud of the transformation being engendered bythe 'Water For Life Project'. Most exciting is that the sustainability of the water facilitiesbuilt in the past few months has shown brighter prospects.More than expected, we are amazed to discover that thedemand for clean and portable drinking water is far higherthan we had earlier envisaged. Especially more, in most ruraland semi-urban communitiesThe Water For Life Project is making significant impact. This isevidenced by the improvements in hygienic and socio-economic effects on the people and livestock in thecommunities. Page 53

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My Disability has never come in the way ofmy dreams. Today I am an inspiration toothers. Those are the inspiring Quotes of mydifferently-abled friends whom I met andshared with them moments of successexpressing appreciation and support for skillsas they performed in oriental attire on thestage of the ministry of social solidarity herein Egypt. It was a lovely day conductinginterviews and highlighting this beautifulcelebration of special persons who havespecial things.While performing they inspired audiencesand it's our role the Media people to reflecton those positive vibes as they motivatedthose who lack it in their lives. They are role models who tell the World thatwith hard work, passion and commitmentnothing is impossible.My friends here in this inspiring photo told methey love life even more while performing asthey pursue their dreams.Every person is talented some discover it andsome don't. Another friend told me My Disabilityhas never come in the way of my dreams. TodayI am an inspiration to others.I can't forget the smile on their lovely faces asthey performed. They taught me a lot whilecelebrating that patience is really a virtue. Softpower is Magic, and Music is healing. I told myself while leaving the venue of thecelebration that our differently-abled friendscan really inspire us. They teach us lessons weotherwise pass by without giving a secondglance. " M Y D I S A B I L I T Y N E V E R C A M E I NT H E W A Y O F M Y D R E A M S "Dr. Taghreed Hussein President of NileTV International GGAF - EGYPTPage 54

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A Day In The Life Of AHumanitarianChrissy SykesFounder Of The MBIMB Programme andFoundationI deeply care about our world, environment, hunger, inequality, animal welfare and much more, but asa humanitarian, I realized that to make a difference, I would have to concentrate on one thing and do it well. I chose to work with Child Abuse Prevention because I firmly believe that if we can make a difference ina child’s life, they will be able to grow up without the many long-term adverse effects that abusedchildren suffer. The earlier we can teach children body safety, the better. Working with the My Body Is My Body Programme has been an absolute inspiration in my life, as I havemet many wonderful dedicated people worldwide. I currently work with people in over 50 Countries,which is hard to keep up with at times - but I love my work. Page 55

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A Day In The Life Of A Humanitarian My days involve creating animations and translations for our MBIMB programme and songs (we nowhave 26 languages). Currently, I’m working on Haitian Creole with Compassion Internationalvolunteers in Haiti. It is a fantastic experience to work with singers and translators from manycountries who have volunteered their time and effort to the My Body Is My Body Programme. Eachtime we complete a language, I know there are many more children we can reach. We have alsorecently completed the Greek Language videos.IBy Chrissy SykesPage 56

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Teaching I also teach people from many different walks of life, from teachers, principals, volunteers, local NGOs,doctors, and social workers. I do love this part of my work. I used to work with the children but realized thatthe program could go much further if I taught volunteers how to use the program and they in turn taught thechildren. By teaching others to use the programme, I know that it will spread so much further.Ambassador MagazineMy days also consist of reading through stories we will be putting in the Ambassador Magazine for MBIMB andThe Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation. I work very closely with the lovely Lisa Jones on this magazineand love the opportunity to be able to highlight the work of so many outstanding humanitarians.GGAF Learning InstituteI also have the privilege of working with Lisa Jones on the GGAF learning Institute, which we started last year.More than 2200 students have taken our courses, many of whom have taken the My Body Is My Body Courses1 and 2.MBIMB FoundationMBIMB Foundation was formed as a not-for-profit charity last month, so adding to my list of to-do things willalso be to start looking for grants and funding and putting a team together to help MBIMB grow worldwide.The MBIMB Programme will remain free of charge and we will raise funding to put the children's workbooks,teacher lesson plans, course leaflets and leaflets for the children to take home.My FamilyMy family play a big part in my daily life and are very supportive of what I do. I retired from work ten yearsago, but I am working harder than ever on the MBIMB Foundation. My husband and I also work togetherperforming at Old Age Homes where we sing a selection of older songs for the residents. Any monies raised goto McMillan Nurses and Alzheimer's Society, both very worthwhile causes. Being in the position to be able to make a difference in the lives of children and change lives for the better isone of the best jobs in the world. I hope for the day when we no longer need to do programs like the My bodyis my body programme, but until then, I will keep working to safeguard children with our incredible worldwideteam.A Day In The Life Of A Humanitarian By Chrissy Sykes

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HAPPY TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARYOF THE AMBASSADORWhen I first stumbled upon the Global GoodwillAmbassadors, I was busy with a career in education,running a consultancy business, engaging in local,national and international voluntary work and livingmy life as a wife, mother and grandmother. It was lovely to be welcomed into the UKambassador group and later to be made a director. Ihave always tried to dovetail my career with myhumanitarian work and also spend time furtherdeveloping my skills. I was very pleased to havefound a like-minded group of people who wanted tomake a difference and support the vulnerable in oursociety…. With no hidden agenda for themselves.In the early stages of my enrolment, I made contactwith fellow GGAs from my own country and I learntabout their work, their particular interests, theirpreferred foci and also a little about themselves. When Gemma, our Chair, initiated a trainingprogramme on Love, Light and Positivity, Ivolunteered to be a part of the team. Through this 6-month project I gained invaluable awareness of thededication of other colleagues. I very much enjoyedpreparing the resources and subsequent delivery ofone of the six modules and I also appreciated themodules presented by my fellow trainers namelyGemma, Chrissy, Linda, Carol, Gisela and Abdu. Weshared ideas, we volunteered our time, we heldzoom meetings and we developed greatrelationships with the trainees.Later, the initiative “The Twelve Months of Kindness”provided an additional insight into the works ofothers. I really enjoyed collecting and collating thehumanitarian examples from my fellow GGAs and Iwas thrilled to see all that others were doing tomake an imprint and spread some joy. This initiativewas rolled out over the whole year and each month Ipresented an act of kindness to be explored. My dearcolleagues painted pebbles of hope, made adventboxes, delivered parcels of encouragement, sharedmemes and poetry and left books and book-marksfor strangers to pick up and enjoy. Those who joinedin became a small but significant part of my life."To celebrate the two-yearanniversary of our GGAFmagazine, I thought I wouldshare what it has meant to me." Dee Russell-ThomasPage 59

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HAPPY TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARYOF THE AMBASSADORB Y D E E R U S S E L L - T H O M A SWhen the Ambassador was launched, I did not submit articles as I thought they might not be worthy of such aprofessional, dynamic magazine but I did enjoy reading the works of others. I began to recognise faces and names;learn who was working where and what they were trying to achieve. I was already involved in the My Body Is MyBody project with Chrissy Sykes and I had started to enrol in the courses offered by Dr Ruby, Dr Binu, Janani andnumerous others. I had been made the UK Chair of Child Welfare and was keen to support in whatever way I could. Iwrote poetry to highlight the various types of abuse, I added a few resources and I valued reading how this projecthad spread across the world and was operating in over 25 languages. The Ambassador provided MBIMB resourcesand highlighted the implementation of the programme across the globe.During the lockdown, I engaged in all the courses available on the Learning Institute and I felt empowered,enlightened and enriched. The Ambassador has enhanced my understanding of the different countries, the specificneeds and the individuals who are working tirelessly to make the changes that are required in this world. Through my reading each month and through the subsequent discussions, my GGA involvement has expanded and Iam so privileged to be able to share commentary, explore ideas and celebrate commonalities with people like Lisa,Chrissy, Taiwo, Richard, Mandy, Marina, Titia, Carolyn, Ghada, Ruby, Binu, Adegun, Razi, Sharon, Nancy, Adama, Pooja,Perminder and oh, so many more. Without The Ambassador I would not have achieved this rippling outward to international colleagues, I would nothave had as great an appreciation of the global humanitarian work and I would have stayed safe in my own littlecocoon.Now…. well, I have gained confidence, I submit articles, I am a trustee of the MBIMB Charity and I am a VP andexecutive. Who would have thought? I even became the oldest cover girl when I appeared in last December’s edition!(Much to the surprise and amusement of my husband and sons!) and now, I have my own course at the LearningInstitute.I always await the monthly Ambassador publication with great anticipation (especially when I am working in theMiddle East). I am in awe of all that Lisa and Chrissy do to create such a professional online magazine and I supportthem wholeheartedly because I would be bitterly disappointed if it came to an end and I was unable to keep up todate on the global work of others.So… to all of you amazing GGAs across the world PLEASE submit your articles. Your humanitarian work deserves to beshared and we can all learn from each other as well as being inspired and informed. I know I was reticent at first but,without people’s articles and photographs the Ambassador would not exist and all the marvellous work would notbe showcased.Thank you Lisa and Chrissy and Happy 2nd Anniversary!Page 60

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I-REP MOTHER NATURE I REP MOTHER NATURE is a persuasive climate change social changeadvocacy movement open to all who share in our quest for a cleaner andgreener planet. Part of our advocacy is organizing events to createawareness and sensitize people about environmental degradation and itseffects on our environment. We educate the youths and the public aboutthe continuous threat of climate change and how we can all becomechange makers by pushing the narratives of climate change within ourcommunities in taking preventive measures against climate disaster. By showing the international award-winning climate change music videoMother Nature which was performed by our founder Ambassador WillieWorkman Oga whose stage name is Willie Workman. The video with itsvisuals on climate disasters is shown on a projector screen or a big screenat various venues. We also use poetry, arts and craft, film shows, andmentorship (interactive session) as a communication tool when visitingcommunities, schools and religious places etc. We also feature on TV,radio appearances by our team and volunteers as part of our variousmeans of disseminating the needed awareness of environmentalpollution."I just finished a short film titled The Plastic Collector. The film highlightsthe dangers of plastic pollution to our ecosystem and preventivemeasures we can take in our various communities to save our oceanscoupled, with the economic benefits of recycling. We currently run a treeplanting campaign which we recently did in Mazah community withwidows from Adwef and other community members in Jos north ofPlateau state and across communities in Nigeria. This initiative is toprevent erosion and provide the quality oxygen needed by mankind andmother nature to flourish in a green and cleaner environment."Ambassador Willie Workman OgaFounder: I-REP MOTHER NATUREGGAF - NigeriaPage 61

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I have always worked in a town school since my employment. I am used to children carrying schoolbags fully or partially packed with school supplies. Children from different schools go to school welldressed in their school uniforms.Little did I know that one day I will be sent to a neglected part of Kenya.On 31st May 2022,I dressed up and left for my school. The silence in my staffroom scared me. As apotential teacher and a teacher who stood up for the concerns of the vulnerable kids, I smelt a rat.Noone bothered to tell me what was going on. It reached mid-day and I was called to Headteacher'soffice. He gave me a transfer letter. On opening it I was sent to school 300 km from where I used to. Iwas shocked. I tried to get the school location and guess what I couldn't find it on Google Maps.During the midst of my journey thoughts crossed my mind, but I took up my letter, bade farewell tocolleagues, and left.This Is My Story:PUZZLED IN THE VILLAGEBy: George GuyoGGAF - KenyaThere was no means to reach the new destination, onlymotorbikes. It was difficult for me to carry my luggage. Icomposed myself and gave myself hope. The spirit of being aGlobal goodwill Ambassador was rekindled in me. I took up mycause as positive.Late in the evening, I was there at last. Innocent faces of childrenhungry for education greeted me. They were carrying three-literjerricans filled with dirty water and used 500 grams cooking fat cansas their plates.Now I have to live with the challenges of changing lives. I have theassignment to do. Here there is no medical assistance even in caseof snake bites. Herbal medicine is what they use.No food, some boilleaves as food. I need your prayers."My Calling"Page 62

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I want to thank everyone at theYMCA of Burnsville, Minnesota,for their participation in makingthis project an incredible success.I'm also grateful to all of oursponsors as we could not havedone this without all of you. Page 64It’s interesting how one can become attached to an idea thatwill help children. I got attached to this beautiful project ofhelping children start school with needed materials. Thisheartwarming adventure has now become a part of what ourGGAs do worldwide...we help children as they become ourleaders of tomorrow.Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation is committed tomany different projects, and this one is dear to my heart. Icontacted the YMCA, knowing I would get help from thembecause of their dedication to communities. They weredelighted to join me, and we went forward with our “Backpackand School Supply Distribution.” The children’s faces upon receiving their backpacks lit up inpure delight as each showed the others what they hadreceived. As you can see in the photos, they were smiling fromear to ear. This is a day that I would relive over and over again, and believeme; I’ll do the same at the beginning of the next school term.

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Shortage of food was always an issue around the world, and food banks are no strangers to this. After the COVID-19pandemic started in 2019, the national overall food insecurity rate was 10.9%, which was the lowest in 20 years,according to the reports. The rate slightly increased the following year in 2020 to 11.8% and it kept rising.Feeding America announced on September 1 of 2021 that at least 60 million people turned to food banks, foodpantries, and other private food assistance programs in 2020 in the midst of the health and economic crisis caused bythe COVID-19 pandemic. The Charitable Food Assistance Participation estimate was based on findings from theUrban Institute’s Well-Being and Basic Needs Survey and the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey.At present, according to the USDA, more than 38 million people, including 12 million children, in the United States arefood insecure. The 2019 COVID-19 pandemic affected everyone around the globe but unfortunately, the mostaffected were families with children and communities of color, who already faced hunger at much higher rates beforethe pandemic. The majority of families that are facing food insecurity do not qualify for any federal nutrition programand they turn to the local food banks and other available food programs available to help. The number of children struggling with having food in order to avoid hunger grew from 10 million in 2019 all the wayto 12 million in 2020; just one year turned another 2 million young souls into hunger. The minority of children in theUS (black and Latino) are more than twice likely to have the hunger issue because of racial injustice. In order for us toat least try to end child hunger, we have to address the issue; firmly and properly, otherwise, the problem is only goingto get bigger.Children facing hunger can encounter different challenges like repeating a grade, having social or behavioral issues,or developing impairments of all kinds.Let's all do what we can to help with the food shortage. Families and children should not go hungry. Food Shortage"Food Banks Are In Need of Food"By: Bogdan Lapadat"People around the world are struggling to find their next meal and thatincludes the USA. For those of you who can help, we ask that you donateunperishable food to your local food banks or donate to Global GoodwillAmbassadors Foundation and we'll make sure your community gets thehelp needed."Lisa JonesCEO & Co-Founder - GGAFPage 68

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There are so many situations going on in the world that are troubling; the war in Ukraine, the flooding inPakistan, the many conflicts in Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia, and Cameroon, the insecurity and banditry inNigeria...the list is so long. The saddest reality is all these situations, both natural and man-made are causingimmense suffering to vulnerable people. On our part, we say a huge thank you to the Sisters and pray for more attention to be paid to those strugglingwith poverty in our society and in the world. The world needs peace and progress and more people like theseSisters who have dedicated their lives to humanity. May we see such come to pass. GGAF is certainly doing itspart by loving, caring, and sharing. LA ROCHE LEADERSHIPLA ROCHE LEADERSHIPLA ROCHE LEADERSHIPFOUNDATION'SFOUNDATION'SFOUNDATION'S AUGUST VISITATION 2022AUGUST VISITATION 2022AUGUST VISITATION 2022For our August visitation, we went to the Treasures of Love Missionaries Motherless Babies Home at Ketu. Ahome run by the Sisters of St. Mother Teresa, under the auspices of the Catholic Archdiocese of Lagos, this isone of two homes in Lagos. It is also the centre for children with cerebral palsy and other disabilities, as well as ahome for Motherless and abandoned children. The Sisters also feed about 100 children in their neighborhood astheir own outreach initiative and they visit the prisons on Sundaysto feed prisoners. They are really carrying on the same mission astheir blessed Founder, St. Mother Teresa, whose life's passion wastaking care of the poorest in society. We wish all people had aburden for those who are struggling in our communities; hungerand poverty are sadly impossible to ignore. By: Marina OsobaPage 71

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PRESERVATION OFMENSTRUAL DIGNITY Since Covid-19 hit the nation and the high expenseof living combined with an election year, manyyoung females from impoverished areas have beenimpacted by a lack of pads. Many teenage girlswere unable to obtain sanitary towels when theirparents lost their means of support owing to joblosses brought on by the closure of enterprises as aresult of the pandemic.The majority of young girls are being forced to havesex with Boda Boda riders or palm wine tappers forpads, according to a spot check in several regionsof the country. Those who are less fortunatebecome moms as young as 14 or have sexuallytransmitted diseases. The rest are forced to stayhome and, in a month, miss up to a week of classes.This in turn affects their academic performancecompared to boys in the same poor communities. The Girl Smile Initiative seeks to mediate this andsupport as many girls as they can stay in school andalso protect their dignity. We visited several schools inthe slums and provided the teenage girls with sanitarypads. We also discussed menstrual hygiene, pre-marital sex, teenage sex, and self-protection. While welook into more sustainable ways of helping teenagegirls like by providing them with menstrual cups andreusable pads, we are glad that for the next 3 monthsthese girls will stay in school and not have to worryabout period shame or where to get their sanitarypads. By: Faith MuthokaDirector - GGAF KenyaPage 72

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Beulah World Initiative seeks to impact the lives of people Beulah World Initiative (BWI), a Faith-based, Non-Governmental Organisation that seeks to impact the lives of peoplethrough the word of God, Primary Healthcare, Community Impact Projects, especially, the Water-for-life project, and othermaterial needs, has urged adherents of the Christian faith to always acknowledge the presence of God in their day-to-dayundertakings.This message was handed down to the people who graced the BWI Medical/Food Outreach held at the AyoboCommunity, in Lagos State on the 20th of August, 2022.Delivering her opening word to the people, comprised of men,women, and children, the Founder of BWI, Ms. Chichi Ononiwu,encouraged them to look up to God for solutions to theirvarious challenges in life; stating that only God can solve theirproblems holistically. According to her, “It is true that we have brought some thingshere like drugs, food items, clothes, and other materials. But weare encouraging you to depend on the one who can solve anyproblem in your life, including healing your health challenges.”She prayed to God to do wonderful things in the lives of thosepresent so that all the praise would be His.Ms. Ononiwu, also explained that the organization wasburdened with reaching out to men, women, and children theway it could, adding that BWI reached out to them by theempowerment of the Holy Ghost. “Jesus sent us to you to minister to you and I trust God todaythat everyone will be blessed, and no one will leave here thesame way that they came. I encourage you that beyondmedicine, beyond whatever that you are going to benefit heretoday, this is the most important time for all of us to receive theword of God. Because it is the word of God that heals us.Medicine can treat you, but God heals through His word,” Ms.Ononiwu stated.Characteristic of their practice at similar outreaches, volunteers on the BWI platform, which includedmedical practitioners among others, attended to people with complaints of different ailments rangingfrom malaria fever to high blood pressure and poor eyesight. All the people with sundry health issueswere tested and given drugs to remedy their situation, while those with complicated issues werereferred to the hospital. Also, clothes and foodstuffs like rice were given to the people.All the beneficiaries of BWI’s goodwill at the Ayobo Outreach were full of gratitude. In the words ofone of the beneficiaries, Mrs. Bamidele, “We got free medical check-ups, drugs, and we are beingprayed for. We thank God and the organizers, and we pray that God will continue to bless them, bewith them and enlarge their coast in the name of Jesus”. Page 74

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Also, another beneficiary thanked God for the initiative. “I give glory to God forguiding Beulah World. The hand of God will continue to protect them for allthey’ve been doing.”Another beneficiary who admitted that she was happy to be a partaker, said ithad been a blessing. “I really appreciate God for the privilege to be here.” “I’m so happy about the drugs they gave me today because I know the drugswill have positive effects in my body. God will provide wonderful things forBeulah World; you will continue to progress, and God will anoint you,” saidanother beneficiary.

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Climate Change is one of the pressing needs global leaders are fighting hard to curtail because of the negativeimpact it brings on the well-being of the earth and as well as on people. The Na Iye Jabbie Foundation did anamazing volunteering job by embarking on a Sensitization of people living around the Guma valley watercatchment area of peninsula Freetown. We did a stakeholder engagement and briefed them about theproblems and precautions they should take in order for them not to be victims. They welcomed us all and theywere really excited about the initiative. They discussed their challenges and experience so far, they gave someinstances where some people have been victims of climate disasters, especially during the rainy season, twopeople lost their lives due to overflowing water. Some pledge to take care of their environment by plantingtrees and some by not throwing dirt on drainage etc. More than fifty community members were talked toincluding the community headman, and security officers (army, police) for them to carry on the message totheir families and neighborhood. This event is part of our #yaliserves annual program. As part of thesensitization, we provided them with solutions that they should take into consideration like the planting oftrees which will bear fruits which at the end of the day, they will use those fruit as a source of income but alsoprovide food for them. Avocado (peer) and chip fruit are some of the recommended trees that we suggestedfor them to plant. CLIMATE CHANGE AWARENESS DRIVE BYTHE NA IYE JABBIE FOUNDATION-NIJF As part of the sensitization, we provided them with solutions that they should take into consideration like theplanting of trees which will bear fruits which at the end of the day, they will use those fruit as a source of incomebut also provide food for them. Avocado (peer) and chip fruit are some of the recommended trees that wesuggested for them to plant. By: Billoh Gassama GGAF - Sierra LeoneFounder and CEO at TechHealth AfricaPage 76

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Goal 1. No Poverty: Panting of trees which will serve as fruit and selling them to the public will raiseincome for them.Goal 2. Zero Hunger: these tree fruits will not only provide income to them but also serve as a source offood.Goal 3. Good health and well-being: Climate change awareness will improve the health and well-being ofall.Goal 6 Clean water and sanitation.Goal 11 Sustainable cities and communities: that is for those residents to live in a conducive workingenvironment.Goal 13 Climate action: the project focuses on climate change.Goal 14 Life below water: the living creatures underwater.Goal 15 Life on land: the well-being of all living organisms on the land including humans.As a nongovernmental organization, whose key focus is humanitarian assistance, we strive to make ourenvironment better but also the environment of others. As a means to complement and achieve the UnitedNations Sustainable Goals (SDG) for agenda 2030, we ensured that the following SDGs were exhausted andused:During the sensitization, we met with Iye, a 34-year-old woman who is a resident at Guma, we explained to her,and later she explicitly revert exactly what we explained to her with much enthusiasm and zest. She pledges toalways act as an ambassador for climate change in her community and she will never throw litter in thedrainage and never would she send children to the market when it is raining. She furthered that two victimswere fatally drawn and carried away by the heavy downpour of rain whilst they made attempt to cross thedrainage which was already overflown with water. We also met with Mohamed, a barber who also pledge toembark on tree planting as a way of preserving the environment. He requested us to kindly provide him withseedlings to nurse trees. Facebook : Billoh GassamaPage 77

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Suicide is the leading cause of death after accidents for ages 10-34 in the US. There are an estimated 1.3 million adults who attempt suicide every year mostly by firearms. There is a Global crisis as there are almost 800,000 people die every year around the world due to suicide which can be prevented in most cases. World Suicide Prevention Day is held on September 10th, but it's something that deserves attention 365 days a year. Yes, suicide is mostly preventable by recognizing the signs of suicide which would include hopelessness, despair, make an end of life plans such as making wills, giving away valuables, becoming isolated without social contacts, drug, and alcoholabuse may even discuss suicide methods which may include the purchase of weapons, large amounts ofdrugs and suddenly turning calm which is the final stage before executing the suicide plan. Once these alarming signs are observed, seeking professional help is critical at this point to discuss thethoughts of suicide without barriers to being embarrassed or ashamed. Stay in contact with trusted family,and friends, and avoid alcohol or drugs. Stay away from weapons or guns. Sadly, suicide is becoming a majorsystemic problem involving just about every age category from teenagers to adults, seniors, veterans, NativeAmericans, and with disaster survivors who need to limit exposure to watching the news as will increase theiranxiety and stress levels. Those who lost loved ones to suicide would be at high risk if they are living alone,elderly or handicapped. So, if there is no family or friends available you can get a pet!Youth are vulnerable to relationships and drugs and bullying and need early intervention! Native Americansare at high risk for suicide and need to have a support network and engage in activities they find enjoyable.Veterans are another high-risk group for suicide as they often suffer from (PTSD) or Post Traumatic StressDisorder as they re-live their experience during military services. The homeless veterans feel they are left outafter they sacrificed their lives to serve their country and subsequently become depressed and suicidal ifthey did not get help or support. Access to weapons for those who show signs of active suicidal ideationshould be prevented.Try to listen, be sympathetic, offer hope, and get immediate professional help. Don't argue with the suicidalperson, give assurance of confidentiality. Respond quickly if there is a suicide plan as when that person isplanning to take their own life. After a quick assessment of the situation, then be among one of four groupsaccording to the level of risk for suicide. The first group would include if someone has only suicidal thoughtsbut no suicide plan, then, that will be a low-risk group. If someone expresses suicidal thoughts but vaguesuicidal plans, then that person belongs to the moderate risk group for suicide. If someone has suicidalthoughts with a highly lethal suicidal plan, then they would belong to the severe risk group and thus shouldnot be left alone under any circumstances. Call immediately for professional help. Always be positive andremove all potential means of suicide. Suicide Prevention is a National and Global PriorityBy: Dr. Adel Eldin, MDGGAF - USAPage 78

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There are common risk factors for suicide which include mental illness, drug abuse, alcoholism, terminalillness, social isolation, and being lonely. Thus the effective suicide prevention strategy should include givinghope that things will get better, avoiding burnout, building resilience, avoiding hanging with pessimisticfriends and staying close to folks who have positive thinking and being creative in finding solutions toproblems rather than giving up.Meditation, praying, and reading stories of resilience can help combat the negative feelings with positivethinking that every hardship is followed with ease and things can not be bad all the time! Getting regularexercise in the form of walking, swimming, or biking along with deep breathing would also help to decreasestress along with a healthy balanced diet and getting enough hours of sleep. Just remember, if you start seeingearly signs of suicide, get professional help to the affected person, give support, and never leave him/her alone.Lifestyle modification, avoiding drugs, and alcohol, treating mental illness, preventing access to any weaponsor guns, seeking spiritual wellness, and surrounding yourself with positive optimistic people and friends. If thesesteps are followed and adhered to, this will lead to the successful prevention of the majority of suicideeverywhere here in the US and globally! more at:Page 79

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I M P A C T S I E R R A L E O N E S E E D S O F L I F E P R O J E C T : G R O U N D N U T S H A R V E S T !Since March 2021 Impact Sierra Leone (ISL) has been addressing hunger within the Foindu Villagecommunity through our Seeds of Life initiative. This initiative includes monthly feeding of over 60 farmers,supporting farm activities (planting, weeding, harvesting, field clearing, etc.), teaching children aboutAgriculture/wellness/ nutrition, and providing education supplies to 250 children from the community primaryschool. Food Insecurity is a huge problem in many rural communities, but we found the best way to address it isthrough Sustainable Agriculture.August 2022 was a busy month for our community project in Foindu. Through donor support, ISL worked withover 60 farmers for a three-day period to harvest 10 huge bags of groundnuts which were planted threemonths ago. The main beneficiaries of this harvesting will be 250 primary school children. Some proceeds will go towards the purchase of needed school materials; some proceeds will be used topurchase more seeds and the remaining groundnuts will be given to women farmers to replant on their farms.Together we are achieving the sustainable development goals in reducing hunger and ensuring good healthand well-being. ISL fed 60 volunteers for three days during the harvest. The women prepared the meal, and itwas exciting to see the whole community involved including the village elders. The entire community is happyabout what’s happened thus far and what's to come in the future. Our investment is changing lives for thebetter and developing young leaders to be entrepreneurs. We are Empowered to Inspire because we aregiving voice and bringing hope to 250 children and over 300 adults through our project!By: Adama KalokohPage 82

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Our efforts are helping this farming group to growhealthy crops which benefits the community of over500. To learn more about the Seed of Life initiative,please go to United We Stand and Together We Rise

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Since early childhood I have been a core humanitarian; I would accompany my parents to charity events. I wouldalways think how can we remove poverty? How we can provide shelter to homeless people? Why are old people sofragile & helpless? Can we stop aging & keep old people healthy? Gradually I started to understand the basic realities oflife - I thanked my stars that I was born into a family where I didn’t have to struggle with physiological needs. Ourparents gave us, me & my little sister high moral values & taught us the importance of good education in life! When I came to Switzerland, I faced a big cultural shock, I felt lonely as I could not communicate with people due to thelanguage barrier. As a founder of the Indo-Swiss Cultural Network, I am trying to create a bridge to help members fromboth communities to understand & respect their cultures. As a community leader, I actively organize cultural events,invite people from other cultures & help in the integration. Connecting people gives me happiness…As the Founder and President of InterculturELLE Réseau Des Femmes, a socio-cultural network for women to connect,share, support, and discover each other in sisterhood! I have the support of the local community, I am working tirelesslyto lead and help women from diverse backgrounds globally. I Am actively involved in giving free training sessions, andwebinars about personality development, cross-cultural issues, and women empowerment in different associations andclubs.EMPOWERMENTLESSONS WITH DR. RUBYAs a shy Indian girl, it was not easy for me tofind a job and start working in Switzerland, Ihad my struggles too…even after starting myteaching career here in a managementuniversity, I faced a glass ceiling since I wasthe youngest lecturer & a woman! I had towork very hard consistently to prove myself,magic didn’t happen in a day.. It took me almost 12 months to come back to terms with my situation then…I felt it was asign from God to move on and do something more significant in life. Ruby, the humanitarianPublic Speaker was born – I started attending women empowerment seminars, helping incommunity building events, and delivering free tutorials via my Youtube channel I want to help people build confidence, give themvoice & create an Impact! I have facilitated variousonline tutorials which are available on YouTubechannel to help people develop their skills.Sustainable Development Goal (SDG4) of UnitedNations emphasize on quality Education - I amtrying to reach out people living in the remoteareas of certain developing countries where thereis no internet facility. I am on a mission to educatepeople on life skills which are essential for theirsurvival! Empower every single day…Connect & Collaborate tocreate strong networks of sisterhood!Connect With Dr Ruby: Www.Rubybakshikhurdi.Com Page 84

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THE BODY BENEFITS FROM MOVEMENT, ANDTHE MIND BENEFITS FROM STILLNESSBy; Manjjuu KairaGlobal Goodwill Ambassador India As food is the fuel for us to keep our physical bodymoving so are Yoga and meditation to keep yourmental health sound. A balance of both will surelyhelp one to live a healthy and happier life. I along with the help of Mr. Harishchandra founder ofYogiklife conducted a session for theseunderprivileged children from the nearby slums. Thekind of home and environment they live in causethem a mental breakdown often, and it is very difficultfor such small children to cope with challengingsituations. The parents of these children are eitherrickshaw drivers, vegetable vendors, or work ashouse helps, alcohol consumption, quarrels, andverbal and physical violence are a part of their dailyliving.By teaching them simple Yoga and Meditationtechniques we are trying to help them cope with thestressful environment they live which eventuallyaffects their performance in school. If thesetechniques are implemented just for a few minutesevery day it will surely improve their memory andconcentration level helping them score better notjust in academics but also help them live a happierlife. and These children belong to the nearby slumsliving in a very challenging environment.Page 85

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Sustainable Development Goals, Long Term Economy, and sustainability seem to be complex matters. It is true, it isimportant to study and understand all the matters related to sustainability. However, there is one approach you canuse to protect your community: let’s call it the OALP approach. The first element of this approach is “Observe”. Many of us have lost the ability to observe what happens aroundus: the things, the plants, the animals, and the people around us. If we do not observe, any approach tosustainability, or to SDGs, or any long-term vision attempt is bound to fail. So first, "observe" your community.The second part of this approach is “Admire”. Once you have observed what is around you, try now to admire thegood things, the good points of your community, of the people that are around you. At the same time, find the badpoints. You need to understand more and find a deep feeling for your community.The third part is “Love”. Once you admire your community and the environment around you, fall in love with it. Youneed to love the things, the plants, the animals, and the people around you. Once you have a deep feeling of lovefor your community, your approach to sustainability and SDGs can succeed.The final part is “Protect”. That is the time when you can start an SDG-based project for your community. That isthe time when SDG knowledge can help you build something serious for the sustainable development of yourcommunity.Let’s think about Mahatma Gandhi. He first “observed” the world around him, he understood and started to“admire” the people around him (he never hated his friends or his enemies). Then he loved his community, he lovedthe planet, and then he protected India with satyagraha (civil disobedience).OBSERVE, ADMIRE, LOVE AND PROTECT. THE RIGHT APPROACH TO SDGS FOR YOUR COMMUNITYThis article is part of the special program “Teaching about SDGs, sustainability and Long-Term Economy for your community”www.lteconomy.org Dario RuggieroGGAF Italy and Europe Chair; Long Term Economy FounderPage 86

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Devasting Flooding Across PakistanAffecting Millions of PeopleThe Syed Foundation is Actively Involed In Providing ReliefAcross the Provinces of Sindh and BalochistanClimate change has caused record monsoon rainfall, flash flooding, and rain-induced landslides sincemid-June. More than 1,400 lives have been lost along with livestock, infrastructure , homes, businessesand more. To quote the United Nations Secretary-General, "We have all seen media images of the extraordinarydestruction. I can only imageine the power and ferocity of the water as it bore down on villages, roads,bridges, and everything in its path. It was clearly terrifying - wall of water. No country deserves this fate,but particulary not countries like Pakistan that have done nothing to contribute to global warming.""Pakistan needs massive financial support to repond to this crisis that has costed $30 billion andcounting."International aid is being sent in but we urge anyone who can help to please do so. The lives of nearly 33 million people have been affected as they have been forced from their homes asthe southern province of Sindh has been severely affected with 466% more rain than average accordingto Reuters News.It's time that climate change isaddressed around the globe.Page 88

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The Syed Foundation is delivering much needed drinking water, basic necessities, shelter,basic hygiene products, medication, clothing, bedding, and mosquito repellents. Sanitary kits were distributed to 160 women and adolescents girls in Tando Allahyar and 120 inTando Adam Taluka of Sanghar district. Along with sessions on the use of the kits and how to maintain hygiene.Page 27Page 88

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W H Y D O I L O V EW H Y D O I L O V EH U M A N I T Y ?H U M A N I T Y ?Page 92 by Carol Harte Why do I grow through humanity? Because I see people with an open mind because many lives are worseoff in these global times. Help support poverty, child & elderly protection, homelessness, and education for all. We need to protect our future planet. Life and well-being are so important to me. In this evolving world, we need to grow our generation's positive stainability.

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Page 93Why do I thrive through humanity? I am part of the magic of helping people grow with love and dignity. I am a GGACo-Chair. A Veteran, A proud leader, one of life's mentors, just a human like you, amother and sister, aunt too. Seeing love worldwide through the beauty of my fellow GGAs and humanitarianpurpose in life. I dedicate my life to helping others across all cultures and lands to make my timeon earth count within my short lifespan. Everyone has a purpose; to show the love of humanity, to make this worldpeaceful and strong, to enhance our planet, and to let us all belong. Let’s celebrate our wonderful Ambassador Magazine. What an incredible  for all to enjoy. 2-year anniversary with the A team including. Lots to check out, including theGlobal MBIMB and Young at heart programme we all need to read. Lisa Jones and Chrissy Sykes both empowering, inspirational leaders who havehearts so bold and bright. Sharing worldwide GGAF human kindness across society to strive towards ourachievable United Nations SDG 2030 goals so jump on board our humanity’sultimate flight. W H Y D O I L O V EW H Y D O I L O V EH U M A N I T Y ?H U M A N I T Y ? by Carol Harte

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T H E G L O B A L S T R E S S M A N A G E M E N TR E V O L U T I O N S 2 0 2 2 S U M M I TI am so grateful to have been a part of this highly informative global event, power-packed with stressmanagement techniques, music, dance performances, networking, and global opportunities.On behalf of Global Youth Mental Health Awareness- GYMHA Incorporated Australia Register CharitableOrganization Board of Directors, I would love to express my profound gratitude to our exceptional keynotespeakers, participants, supporting organizations, and Volunteers for being a part of the 2-day hybrid summiton Global Stress Management Revolutions 2022 which was held on the 27th and 28th of August 2022. Thank you for making this event a grand success by gracing us with your important work and sharing withus your opinions and findings. The wheels have been rolling months ago and it requires planning and abird’s eye for details. I thank you all for being with us. It’s been a great pleasure to have you all on board.Stay blessed and I hope the learnings from this summit will be used to effectively manage stress in ourpersonal lives as well as would be useful to share with your loved ones to help them elevate from thestressful conditions that may encounter. We wish you all lots of abundance and happiness. My Specialthanks to GYMHA board of directors and Advisors for their generosity and ongoing support.Jude, this event wouldn't have been possible without your visionary leadership and impeccable support.You are an inspiration to us. Deepshikha Tripathi, Madu Chisom, Madu Gloria, Ugbonna Joshua,Godspower, Merit Lawal, Ikechukwu Fidelis, thanks for making work so fun and easy. I admire all yourpositive approaches to life and thanks to you my amiable Teams for sharing extensively that we ended uphaving around 300 registrations.Mahmooda Khan-lowe, Katinda Ndola, Emmanuela, and Tolu Akinbiyi we couldn't have asked for bettermoderators for this event. To the rest of my family at GYMHA, thank you for your immense contributions tomake this event a grand success.From Vivian, GYMHA Deputy Chairperson, and Volunteer Director.Page 94

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Social media can be a minefield and LinkedIn is no exception. Like everything else, it has itsadvantages and also negatives. It's all about knowing what you are doing, whom you arelinking with, what the repercussions might be, and how to keep yourself safe.My basic guidelines: 1. Firstly, why do you want to join LinkedIn? Is it to meet other professionals, sell your wares, enhance yourbusiness, make friends (FB may be more appropriate ), find employment, or share your expertise….?2. Make sure that whatever you have put on your profile is factual, and professional does not disclose personaldetails you do not wish to be shared, and is pertinent to why you have joined. When you put up a post be awarethat it can be viewed by EVERYONE…. prospective employers, recruiters, potential clients, family, friends,colleagues, and competitors so…... be sure you are happy with this AND that you will be happy with it in 5 years’time. Strong views may promote strong responses. What you believe now may not be the case in the future andthis could have an adverse effect on future employment. By the same token…. be discerning with visual images.3. When linking with others think about WHY you are: a) requesting a link b) accepting someone’s request4. Remember, just as with any other online communication what you see and read may not be genuine… alwaystread with caution.5. If someone asks to link with you check their profile…, does it relate to your interests, your work, your vocationalactivities... if not WHY do you wish to accept contact?6. Is the requester someone you know, someone who knows you, someone who is linked to a fellow colleague,friend, or organization? Remember, just because a colleague is connected to someone, you should still review theirprofile.7. Do you feel you might benefit from the link or that you might be of assistance to them? Analyze this answer andagain ask the question…. How do you know they are genuine?8. When you have linked up is the person then requesting your financial support something they are involved ine.g., an orphanage, the homeless, child protection, elders, veterans, animals FGM, domestic violence, etc.? If this isthe case, how do you know they are genuine? How do you know the organizations are real? How do you know yourmoney will go to the right place? Be sure to perform your due diligence. 9. The above areas are all worthy of our support BUT…. There are many reputable charities and organizations youcan donate to that ensure your money is being well-used. You do not HAVE to respond to requests from people youreally don’t know.10. Never allow yourself to feel persuaded, intimidated, or coerced into parting with your money. If you want tohelp others, do so with the knowledge that it is what you have CHOSEN to do and that you are sure it is a reputablefund-raising charitable organization that can be verified. Never, ever be made to feel guilty or embarrassed whensaying “No”. Maintain your own control, rationale, and belief in yourself.You may be a humanitarian but you are not a bottomless pit of financial or emotional resources. You CAN NOT helpeveryone. You MUST keep yourself and your loved ones safe. You are doing what you can….and that is enough. Do not bepressurized, scammed, or distressed by posts that may have no substance. KEEP SAFE AND ACCEPTING OF YOUR OWN VALUES.Looking After YOU On Linkedin…TEN TOP TIPS by dee russell-thomas Page 95

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The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better andmore sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face,including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation,peace and justice. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals,were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call toaction to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation hasproudly joined forces with the UN SustainableDevelopment Goals -Partners PlatformHTTPS://SUSTAINABLEDEVELOPMENT.UN.ORG/PARTNERSHIP/?P=36228CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO CHECK OUT OUR GGA FOUNDATION AND TOP INITIATIVE ON THE UN PAGE.Page 96

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When was the last time you stopped what you were doing to help support a young person? Are we toobusy to stop and listen? Many of us have long schedules and may not even make time for ourselves, letalone reaching out to someone else. And yet, we were all young once and can agree that our youthneed our support now more than ever.According to, "More than 1 in 3 high school students had experienced persistent feelings ofsadness or hopelessness in 2019, a 40 percent increase since 2009". How can we help?Do you have any hobbies? Could you volunteer your time to share some career tips and talents? Howabout becoming a mentor?“The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image,but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.” — Steven SpielbergAs a sailor, I have the opportunity to share what I love with our youth. Sailing helps our young onesimprove their physical and mental health as well as build leadership skills. Even after a long day at theoffice, working with our youth and teaching them how to sail is all worth the time! The smiles, theteamwork, and the excitement is truly an honor. MENTORING...MENTORING...MENTORING...IT'S AN HONORIT'S AN HONORIT'S AN HONORBy: Christina JunkerPhoto Credit: CSJunker/MalooEnterprisesLLCSo, what type of work or hobbies could you share? What are you waiting for? The smiles are waiting!Page 97

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Rachel Svetanoff is a young activist with a history of supporting efforts to meet the United Nation’s SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs). As the Foundations Partnerships Consultant for UNICEF USA, Rachel supports a$300M portfolio by working with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, UN Foundation,and other foundations to advance UNICEF’s role in aligned efforts to achieve global health, climate action, andinnovation impact for youth worldwide. Rachel also holds other appointments including, but not limited to, the following: consultant to UNA award-winning fashion designer Berny Martin, podcast host for the private equity firm ImpactVest, Co-Founder of theyouth social enterprise Global Futurist Initiative, young alumni advisory board member for Purdue University’sVice Provost for Student Life, International Monetary Fund Youth Fellow, strategic advisor to InternetBar.OrgInstitute, and certainly, a Global Goodwill Ambassador. So, where do all these humanitarian efforts align?“I like to compare my humanitarian work to composing music, digging into my roots as a pianist and thespian,”says Rachel. “Communities may have similar tones yet march to their own rhythm. My professional experiencescan best be described as helping to symphonize a community's song. Therefore, while my personal journey is notcomposed as a singular melody, it is created as a harmony of different paths coming together.”Rachel’s empathy for the communities she serves is not just conceptual. Her lived experience with losing a parenttraumatically, homelessness, and food insecurity has all informed her deep-rooted connection to her work.“My firm belief is that resilience gives us the strength to keep moving forward. That is how, together, we canmake the changes we want to see in this world. While I cannot change history, I can compose new songs to singfor a better future.”A Song of Resiliency and the SDGs: Meet Rachel SvetanoffRachel Svetanoff is a young activist with a history of supporting efforts tomeet the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As theFoundations Partnerships Consultant for UNICEF USA, Rachel supports a$300M portfolio by working with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,Rockefeller Foundation, UN Foundation, and other foundations toadvance UNICEF’s role in aligned efforts to achieve global health, climateaction, and innovation impact for youth worldwide. Rachel also holds other appointments including, but not limited to, thefollowing: consultant to UNA award-winning fashion designer BernyMartin, podcast host for the private equity firm ImpactVest, Co-Founderof the youth social enterprise Global Futurist Initiative, young alumniadvisory board member for Purdue University’s Vice Provost for StudentLife, International Monetary Fund Youth Fellow, strategic advisor toInternetBar.Org Institute, and certainly, a Global Goodwill Ambassador. Page 98

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5 0 1 c 3 N o n p r o f i tmay 2020Global GoodwillAmbassadorsFoundationWWW.GLOBALGOODWILLAMBASSADORS.ORG/THE-AMBASSADORS I G N U P F O R Y O U R F R E E M O N T H L YS U B S C R I P T I O N T O " T H E A M B A S S A D O R " M A G A Z I N E