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The Ambassador: Issue 22, July 2022

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AMBASSADORAMBASSADORJ U L Y 2 0 2 2 | I S S U E 2 2THECyber Security CourseIs Your Hard Work Protected?

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and Editors-in-ChiefChrissy SykesChrissy SykesLisaLisa A. JonesA. Jones I can not believe that it has already been 22 months since westarted this wonderful journey with the Ambassador Magazine. Wehave covered so many humanitarian stories and featured ourwonderful GGA members from around the world. It is important to Lisa and me that we feature your work as it isinspirational. Others are inspired by watching what you do and oftenthink "I can bring this to my community" or "I can make a difference".This is why it is essential to share your work with us so we can shareit with the world.So don't be shy, don't think that your story is not important enough.Send it in with your pictures and let's feature what you are doing!! Why you should share yourwork and projects with usChrissy SykesIt truly has been an inspiration to see the good work that everyone is doing around the world. Yourarticles are showing others what they can do to help their communities and we thank all of ourcontributors, sponsors, and supporters. We are approaching two years and we look forward tocelebrating the anniversary of our magazine with everyone. Remember, each and every one of you are making a difference in this world. Lisa JonesWe Love, We Care, We Share

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Help provide educational scholarships to our GGAFLearning Insitute so those in disadvantaged countriescan take classes for self-improvement and sustainableliving to help end hunger and poverty. Let's also getthese children off the streets. A donation of $25 can give a comprehensive class tohelp get someone in need get an education and have achance at a better life.YOURDONATION CANTAKE HER FROMTHE STREETS TO THECLASSROOMWWW.GLOBALGOODWILLAMBASSADORS.ORG/DONATE Donate to:

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the 12 year old that is making a differenceby recycling batteries12 GGAF Learning Institute18 My Body is My Body; Keeping Children Safe2 A Note From Our PublishersChrissy Sykes & Lisa Jones19Let's Start The ConversationChrissy Sykes20MBIMB BuddyChrissy Sykes24The Fight Against Child Abusedee russell-thomas27 MBIMB Sierra LeoneMohamed Mansaray30MBIMB NigeriaMUJIB Hope Foundation 34 MG Warrior On A CrusadeMamta Godiyal & Meena Yadav36 Listen to Children's StoriesChrissy Sykes38 - 40MBIMB HEROS Chrissy Sykes41Be An UpstanderTitia Niehorster44How Much Time Do We Waste On Time RegardlessLinda Sage"Come Learn With US"New classes being added each weekAMBASSADORAMBASSADORTHEJ U L Y 2 0 2 2 | I S S U E 2 230MUJIB HOPE FOUNDATION

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58Hope Ambassadors46 GGA Receives WIN AccoladeCarol Ann Whitehead48 Award for Community AwarenessH.E. William K. Mackie50A Day In The Life Of A Humanitarian; MARINAOSOBA54Beulah World Initiative57Mental Health & The Power of KindnessBy: Christina Junker62 Touching One Life At A TimeManjjuu Kaira65 Impact Sierra Leone: Rainy SeasonDr. Adama Kalokoh66Give Me Hope FoundationNoble Wisdom Dordoe70Global Food SecurityAdel Eldin, MD78Race for Life 2022dee russell-thomas78Food Sustainability: A Complex MatterDario RuggieroPage 787GGAF Executive TeamAMBASSADORAMBASSADORTHEJ U L Y 2 0 2 2 | I S S U E 2 2YORGHAS FOUNDATIONGGAF SUPPORTS YORGHAS FOUNDATION"Mama Kits" Safe Birthing Kits Sent to UkraineAlina PeklaP. 5272World Refugee WeekEVENTS: GYMHA 82 RUBY'S TALK SHOW: 86

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GET A SECOND OPINION WITHOUTLEAVING YOUR HOME. Better Healthcare. We are bringing the heart back inmedicine. It is a beautiful story that I would like to share with the world. Hopefully,this will. Specifically, here, I mean the chronic, complicated, and seemunsolvable Healthcare crisis. I have witnessed a lot of devastation to bothmy patients and my fellow physicians. On one hand, patients are sufferingfrom increasingly uncontrollable out-of-pocket expenses as more ( cost isbeing shifted to consumer responsibility) Patients can not afford to eat,support their families because a big chunk of their earnings goes to payfor healthcare bills. This effort has picked up substantially after the World Economic Crisisstarting in 2008 when I knew then that the current Healthcare model isunsustainable, as healthcare cost is breaking the bank and forcing manypeople into bankruptcy.Also, the doctors got hit with denied, delayed, or ridiculous paymentsafter spending more than 38% of their time dealing with Insurancebureaucracy, and paperwork,!Thus I have developed a ( Direct Contracting for Healthcare Model) withcombined Internal Medicine and Cardiology services in incrediblyaffordable pricing with transparency, greatly trusted care andimpeccable credibility which qualified our program to be offered by theCity of Tampa for Non-Medicare Retirees for three consecutive years. https://prontocare.coStay up-to-date with ProntoCare

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Stay up-to-date with ProntoCare

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Ever y organiz a tion is r esponsib l e for en suringcybe r security . The abi l ity to p r otect yo ur inform ationsyst e ms from i mpairmen t or even theft i s essenti a l tosucc e ss. Impl e menting e ffective security measure s willnot o nly offe r liabili t y protec t ion; it w ill also increaseeffi c iency an d product i vity. With our “Cyb e r Securi t y” Cours e, you wi ll discov er thefund a mentals o f cybers ecurity a s well as the met h odsthat should b e impleme nted to m ake sure yourcomp u ter syst e ms are p rotected.Page 8Cyber Security

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Wh y is Cy bersecu rity Im porta nt ? Cyb er se cu ri ty is c ru ci al to a b us in ess f or a m yr iad o f re as ons . The t wo t hi s s ec ti on w ill f oc us o n are d at a se cur it y br ea ch es an dsab ot ag e. B oth c an h av e d ir e ef fe ct s o n a co mp any a nd /o r it s c li en ts . Dat a se cu ri ty br ea ch es ca n co mp ro mis e se cu re i nfo rm at io n suc h as :*Na me s an d soc ia l se cu rit y nu mb er s*Cr ed it c ar d a nd b an k det ai ls*Tr ad e se cr ets*In te ll ec tu al pr op er ty*Co mp ut er s abo ta ge s er ves t o di sa bl e a c om pa ny ’s co mp ut er s o rnet wo rk t o imp ed e th e com pa ny ’s a bil it y to c on duc t bu si ne ss. Co urse Ob jective s: *U n d e rstand d i f f e rent typ e s o f malwa r e a nd secur i t y breaches*K n o w the typ e s o f cybera t t a c ks to lo o k out for*D e v e lop effe c t i v e preven t i o n method s Page 9

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The G GA F Le arn in g In st itu te i s de si gne d wi th w ork in g st ud ent s an dpro fe ss io na ls in m in d. Th at 's w hy o ur cl as se s are ' on -d em an d"mea ni ng y ou ca n ta ke t hes e as t he y fit y ou r ow n s ch ed ul e. Eac h cl as s has a n in st ruc to r wh o wi ll in te ra ct wi th y ou a nd an sw erany q ue st io ns yo u ma y hav e. W e' ve al so c re at ed a st ud en t- cen tr iclea rn in g en vir on me nt g ivi ng s tu de nt s a w ay t o dis cu ss t he c our semat er ia ls a nd le ar n di ffe re nt i ns ig hts b y in te rac ti ng o n th edis cu ss io n boa rd . We re al iz e tha t ev er yo ne le ar ns d if fer en tl y an d w it h ou r a mul ti -mod al s et -u p, yo u wi ll be o ff er ed r ead in g ma te ria l, v id eo s,ass ig nm en ts , d is cu ss io ns, l iv e Zo om me et in gs a nd mu ch m or e. Our i ns tr uc tor s ar e ma de up o f in du str y pr of es sio na ls , lo ng -ti metea ch er s an d p ro fe ss or s, an d SM E' s in th ei r ar ea. Page 10

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Open EnrollmentCourse Instructor: Lisa JonesInterview Skills for JobseekersPage 11courses.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgPage 11

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courses.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgPage 12

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How to teach the My Body is My Body Programme 1. My Body Is my Body Song - Song Objective To teach children that their body is their own and no one has the right to hurt them or touch their private parts.2. If It Don’t Feel Right - Don’t Do It - Song ObjectiveTo teach children to listen to their own feelings. To talk about peer pressureand help children with body empowerment.3. The “What If” Game - Song ObjectiveTo teach children to say NO with authority.4. If You’ve Got A Problem - Song ObjectiveTo reinforce the learning of telling someone if there is a problem, if that person doesn't listen, keep telling till someone does listen.5. Love Is Gentle - Song ObjectiveTo teach children that love is gentle and kind and is all about caring, sharing and trusting.6. Say No To Secrets - Song ObjectiveShowing children that keeping secrets when someone is bullying them or hurting them is not a good thing to do. GGAF Learning InstituteThe My Body Is My BodyThe My Body Is My BodyThe My Body Is My BodyProgramme Course 2Programme Course 2Programme Course 2Pass this course and get your certificate to be a MBIMB Programme Presenterscan this codePage 13

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Searching for a job can be intimidating. How do you know whatjob you're best suited for? How do you build a winning resumeand cover letter? Where can you find job leads? How do younetwork without feeling nervous? What happens when youland an interview? And most importantly, where do you findhelp when you need it? The Job Search Skills workshop will give you the answers to allthese questions. After completing this program, you'll be morethan ready to start your search for your perfect job. Class Starts July 18thSign up now and reserve your seat. yPage 14

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The Exceptional PA: move from good togreat. Times have changed enormously sincethe ‘tea and typing’ days of the assistant.PAs and EAs are now strategic businesspartners and emotionally intelligent leaderswho work with their managers to achievetheir objectives for the success of theorganization.Heather BakerThe book is available in paperbackand for your KindleInternationally renownedtraining courses for PAsand administrators.

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Available in paperback and Kindle – Heather’s books arebased on the courses she facilitates around the world.SUCCESSFUL MINUTE TAKING BAKERWRITE SPEEDWRITING SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS WRITINGHEATHER'S BOOKSHEATHER'S BOOKSHEATHER'S

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Join us on the 20th August 2022This is Holly Ann Martin from Safe4Kids AustraliaShe has a unique approach to child protection educationwhich is underpinned by a whole community focus. As well as teaching her program to children in schools andchildcare centres, She encourages all community membersto attend training sessions and workshops, making thisapproach holistic and transparent.Holly will be taking us through how to address the difficult subject of pornography withchildren. When to address this subject, how to address the subject. Our children areoften subjected to inappropriate images on the internet and as parents, we need toknow how to address this problem. Holly has a great way of addressing difficultsubjects, and I know you will find her an inspiration.We will also be joined by our team Lisa Jones CEO | Co-Founder at Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation dee russell thomas Global Goodwill Ambassador,UK GGA Director of Child WelfareChrissy Sykes - Founder of the My body is MY Body Programme Click here to book your seatPage 19

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SOCIALMEDIABUDDYHELP US TO INCREASE OUR SOCIAL MEDIA IMPACT BY: Inspiring others by sharing our worldwide workGrowing our social media communitySharing our monthly images and projects Sharing our #hashtags Sharing our Youtube Channel where we have over 300videos in 14 different languages Writing blogs about children's issues including abuse,bullying mental health child marriage, child labour,and protecting children on the internet My Body Is My Body Musical Child Abuse PreventionProgramme is looking for volunteers to help us shareour message around the world and educate both adultsand children about child abuse prevention Contact Chrissy Sykes on Linkedin or click herePage 21

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COMMUNITYBUDDYAs a "Community Buddy" you can help us in many ways: Put our posters up in Community Areas Make sure people are aware of whom they can call to report any childabuse Share our programme with teachers and schools Share our programme with people who organise sporting events andactivities Make sure people are aware that our programme and all resources arefree of charge to everyone See if you can get people involved in translating and singing the songsin different languages It takes a community to raise a child, so help us educate parents,teachers and anyone that works with children Help us to create AWARENESS about preventing child abuse. My Body Is My Body Musical Child Abuse PreventionProgramme is looking for volunteers to help us shareour message around the world and educate both adultsand children about child abuse prevention Contact Chrissy Sykes on Linkedin or click herePage 22

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PROGRAMME PRESENTER Being a "MY BODY IS MY BODY" presenter is an amazing volunteerposition, as you get to make a difference in the lives of childrenYou have a chance to inspire and teach safety and empowerment,We have 2 Free Courses that you have to take to become a presenterbut they are well worth the time and effort as many people around theworld will tell you. and the greatest part of being an MBIMB Presenter is you are protecting children from being abused. My Body Is My Body Musical Child Abuse PreventionProgramme is looking for volunteers to help us shareour message around the world to educate both adultsand children about child abuse prevention Contact Chrissy Sykes on Linkedin or click here"Since presenting the MBIMB Programme there has been a tremendous improvement inchildren speaking up about inappropriate touching." "The program is one of the largest child sexual abuse prevention programs deliveredwithin our public school system. Your program is entertaining, non-threatening andeffective." "The program has not only been very good because of the help obtained for children,but it has also been very good for the community to work together to prevent theseproblems." Page 23

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T h e f i g h ta g a i n s t c h i l da b u s e By dee russell-thomas D.L; JP; M.Ed.; FRSA; DAES; MBAPC;TEFLADeputy Lieutenant of Gloucestershire, Educational Consultant and International Inspector, Global Goodwill Ambassador and UK Director UK MBIMB Ambassador for Child Protection Page 24

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The best possible scenario would be to eliminate theproblem at the root cause i.e. address the issues of theperpetrators.... BUT Who can they turn to at the moment? They are vilified, isolated, condemned and abhorred. Whowould want to share such a secret? Who would dare todisclose such a problem? Who would ever trust anotherperson to share their desires? Society makes it impossible .... so first..... We need to create safe opportunities for them to reveal theirthoughts (and actions) and we must find the appropriatetreatment, counselling, and support systems to diminishtheir desires and reduce the danger to children. HOWEVER....... There are reasons why this is just not possible.... At the moment we are not in a position to assist allperpetrators, we do not have a magic cure and not allperpetrators would want to be “helped” anyway so, we needto protect potential victims. HOW? Through empowerment, training programmes such as childprotection training, safeguarding, UNICEF, Save the Children,EduCare, NSPCC, MBIMB, school support, awarenessprogrammes for parents, carers, teachers, social workers etc We also need to support those who have been affected...thechildren, their families and those to whom they havedisclosed TALK ABOUT IT OPENLY ..BREAK THE SILENCE Why Should we care?Because it is prevalent across the world Because it is hurting childrenBecause children cannot speak out or protect themselves Because it causes long-term damage Because it is WRONG! T h e f i g h t a g a i n s t c h i l d a b u s e Page 25

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Lessons that lend themselves to discussion, debate and disclosure ART - Painting, drawing and craftsMUSIC - The My Body Is MY Body ProgrammeENGLISH - Poetry, drama, expressive writingFORM TIME - Create a safe atmosphere for opendiscussionsPSHE - Discussions on well-being, mental health, self-esteem, safety, secrets etc (many of these subjectsare also covered in the MBIMB Programme.RE - Discussions on culture, traditions, rites andbeliefsKeep it simple Keep it accessible Make it real Make it hard-hitting Demonstrate it is not unique Share the pain of secrecy and unfounded shame Provide a safe environment Do not push Allow silence Be prepared to respond appropriately Refer for expert support Creating a window of opportunity to teach, share,listen and heal Schools are in a prime position to prepare and protect children through training, talking, andequipping them with tools to empower. They are also in a good position to provide opportunities for disclosure. Thus, it is imperative that all educational establishments create a safe, secure, trusting environment that talks openly about the commonality of abuse, breaks the taboo, encourages disclosure and stamps out secrets. Children and young people will only talk when they feel safe, and believed and are not afraid ofrepercussions. (This does not mean lying to them or assuring them you will not tell anyone but theyneed to know whatever happens will be better than what is happening to them now! T h e f i g h t a g a i n s t c h i l d a b u s e Page 26

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Rescue Perishing Generation AfricaProgram Facilitator: Amodu Amugili Destiny KoromaThe number of children reached 80The number of adults reached 6Children in this school are facing the adverseeffects of poverty including sexual violenceand a lack of school materials to support theireducation.Feedback from Parents and Teachers:The My body is MY Body programme needs tobe spread all over the community, district andcountry at large. They really liked theprogrammeFeedback from Children:The children would like more materials for theMy body is My Body Programme (ie:workbooks)They would also like further information onkeeping safe against sexual violence.Challenges faced:We need more materials for this project to bespread all over the country. Transportation togo in the rural areas as we are targeting ruralareas in Sierra Leon. Sierra LeonePage 27

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Mohamed Mansaray - EYES Sierra LeoneThe Impact The long journey has created a long-lasting impact for children and teachers in many schools andcommunities where the Children’s Power Project 001 is been implemented, children believed theirbody belongs to them, and teachers and parent believe the voices of the children matter anddeserve to be heard, this has created awareness in the minds of potentials abuser to stay off theways of children since children have the ears to listen and knowledge to identify abuse and mouthto complained there situations this recent development has minimized silent among children tovoice out their pain.Sierra LeoneThe need for creative skills As the prices of gas continue to increaseso the economic situation isunpredictable each day, according to theSierra Leone Labor force 56.7% of itspopulation cannot read or write andmany have little or no skills to generateincome this situation is been worsenedby the effect of gas price influencing theincrease in foodstuff and many familiescannot afford to pay. As an empowerment and youthorganization, we are calling on goodwillpartners to support a creative economicproject in EYES-SL, so young women canbreak through this situation as manywomen will access a skills disseminationcenter for youth. EYES Sierra LeonePage 28

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AIA Complement the effort of EYES- SL The Achievers International Academy continue to impact the lives of children in their schools bydedicating its time and effort to continue the body empowerment programs through our focalperson Mr. Osman P. Saidu, in his effort, adolescent girls were trained with the MBIMB program andthese girls were giving a lecture on Child Abuse prevention on 16th June 2022 this work of Mr.Osman is going on in many other schools were the MBIMB project is implemented. Sierra LeoneMr. Osman P. Saidu teaching the My Body Is My body ProgrammeEYES Sierra LeonePage 29

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Program UpdateMujib Hope Foundation was at Bekaji Primary School, Adamawa State Nigeria on 5th July 2022, tocarry out a sensitization program on Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness. 963 Children from primary 1 to 6 respectively were reached and educated on the dangers of childabuse and maltreatment and how to prevent it. They were also enlightened on their rights over theirbody and encouraged not to keep quiet when bullied or abused. This was achieved using the "MyBody is My Body (MBIMB)" child abuse prevention educational materials by "Chrissy Sykes'' of theMy body is MY Body Programme. Donations were made by the GGA Foundation to the school. The team was led by Jane Eramah volunteer and Executive Director Munirat Jibrin NigeriaMujib Hope Foundation963 Children from primary 1 to 6respectively were reachedWith special thanks to GGA Foundation for sponsoring the MBIMB Flyers for the childrenPage 30

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Program UpdateMujib Hope Foundation has embarked on a nationwide Monitoring and Evaluation Exercise in variousschools where it has carried out the Child Abuse Prevention Sensitization Campaign "My body is mybody" (MBIMB).This evaluation exercise is being done to evaluate the impact of the Child Abuse Prevention trainingthat was earlier carried out at these locations.A refresher training was also done to enlighten the children more on their rights over their body,and not to keep quiet when bullied or abused among other important safety rules. 65 children werereached from 2 classes. The program is being sponsored by the Global Goodwill AmbassadorsFoundation (GGA).The program was held on 7th July 2022, at LEA Primary School Kubwa, Abuja Nigeria, and wasconducted by Mujib Hope Foundation Abuja Coordinator Ekene Onuche.NigeriaMujib Hope Foundation65 Children were reachedPage 31

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L e t ' s b e a c h a n g e f o r c h i l d r e n t o d a y , a n d y o u m a y k n o w y o u w i l l b ep a r t o f a m u c h b e t t e r t o m o r r o wM a m t a G o d i y a l ( F o u n d e r ) & M e e n a Y a d a v ( C o - F o u n d e r )M G W A R R I O R I S O N A C R U S A D ET O E R A D I C A T E W O R L D H U N G E R .Page 34

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M G W A R R I O R I S O N A C R U S A D ET O E R A D I C A T E W O R L D H U N G E R .Education often takes a back seat when a child's basic needs are unmet. When a child is hungry, they areunable to concentrate and study. Many children die each day from hunger and diseases exacerbated by undernutrition. Nevertheless, weare all aware that the impoverished migrant workers and day labourers living in India's slums and ruraltowns have been particularly heavily hit by lockdowns. Unless these breadwinners put in a full day's labour,their families will go hungry the next day. The lingering impacts of the government's post-pandemiclockdowns are aggravated by the persistent presence of tainted water and food shortages. If a child's fundamental nutritional requirements aren't met, they should never be hungry or get sick.Despite the depressing statistics, MG Warrior believes that even the smallest act of kindness mayprofoundly impact individual children's lives. Moreover, even after working hard, many of these people stilldon't have anything to eat; thus, MG warrior learned that the food ration packages and water are crucial inaiding these families. Making a difference in the world and bringing hope to these helpless children and labourers is animportant goal for us to pursue. Moreover, When MG Warriors decided to deliver the ration to the family,they gave the kids nutritious food. MG Warrior helped numerous families by participating in this campaign.

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Listening is devoting your mind and attention to the child you are listening to. Respond withexpressions so that you make the child feel that you are involved. Not interrupting till they completeand look at you for the response. I agree, we love our children, it is hard not to stop them and giveopinions during the process of listening. But No. Just hold on for a while. Let the child finish. Do not go with the literal meaning of the wordlistening. Mere hearing something is not Listening. Listening is understanding the feelings,understanding the meanings. Establishing the connection. That's why We as parents may even listento the words that our children communicate silently. Isn’t it? How do you listen to those words hidden in silence? Change in behaviour, change in body language,pacing, expressions and pauses. You listen to words, listen to silence and listen to behaviour. Irepeat.. Be present. Physically, psychologically and emotionally, while you are listening to them.  Yes. Listen. Listen to your children when they speak.Be present. Physically, psychologically and emotionally. Do you believe when I say Listening is an art..? Yes, it is. ‘Listening’ is easier said than done. But it is important to master it. The right to speak comes with a duty to listen. By: Pooja ASListen to Children's Stories withPatience and InterestPage 36

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Just to assure your child that you did listen to them, try to reiterate the story in a few lines or try torespond with something that makes the child think, you were listening carefully, that creates trust inyou, and your child feels you are there to listen all the time and they are free to share their stories.Talk positively after every story. Speak to them about right and wrongs, and assure them again that you are there. Even as adults wealways long for listening ears… Don’t you think our children need one such confident space to share?Create and offer them one. Make sure you have safe and healthy questions to ask children rather than making statements orinvestigating. Avoid the following kinds of questions.. Why did you go there? Why haven't you taken mypermission? What did your teacher/parent do all this while? etc. Keep your voice as soothing aspossible. Be gentle even when you are correcting the children. Respecting the child is the first rule oflistening. You respect the feelings of your child, listening HAPPENS. This one concept pops up alwayswhen I talk about listening. HURIER model of listening by Judi Brownell of Cornell University.HearingUnderstandingRememberingInterpretingEvaluating Teaching children to identify and manage risk is essential. Be it parents or teachers, for us, Children'sSafety comes first. Listening to children helps you bring them up as strong adults. As an adult, you geta chance to teach them to identify the danger. Raise a child knowing that you will always be there forthem, they will be secure and safe and you are listening. Listening to a child would allow you to Teach them ‘No’s depending on the situation and experiencesthey share with you. Of course, when children grow up, they learn from experiences to protectthemselves. However to keep those experiences relatively harmless in the long term, make sure toeducate children about body safety, when they are as young as they are 3. Listening is a powerful tool to prevent child abuse. You listen to them, make them listen to You. WhileI am speaking about listening, who would not love to listen to songs? Children enjoy them… Makethem listen to these Songs from the @My body is My Body program. to educate children about bodysafety. Be the voice to your children and give them a voice. Let ushelp our children to help themselves. Listen to Children's Stories withPatience and InterestPage 37

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I love children, I have a hundred reasons. I see my childhood in them. I see my parents in them. I see the futureof this world in them. But mainly because, they are innocent. We canmould them to the best part of this world. However, when I startedmy research about children’s mental well-being, I came across childabuse as one of the main reasons for many children getting intodepression. It was shocking to me to accept the numbers when I looked at thereported abuse data and we don't even know how many gounreported. It took a while to digest the fact that, someone canactually sexually abuse infants too. This is so painful, just to read,what about those innocent lives that are suffering. I have luckily come across the program My Body is My Body that wascreated by my dear friend Chrissy, I thought it is an excellent idea. Music is a Universal Language to share the message. Hence I amjoining hands with Chrissy to spread the word.. Hope you all are withme. This Program is free. Check this and help your children to helpthemselves. POOJA AS Certified Career Coach. Teacher, Lawyer.My Body Is My Body Ambassador - INDIAMBIMB HeroClick Here: Check out Pooja's video on the MBIMBProgramme on YoutubePage 38

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All forms of abuse and neglect have a harmful effect on children.Children who suffer abuse or neglect, feel most of the pain on the inside, They suffer low self-esteem and feeling of guilt. Children can also find it difficult to havetrusting relationships and experience loneliness and bullying..I'm a member and a presenter in MY BODY IS MY BODY PROGRAM. It's a child abuseprevention program. We help children protect themselves in a very simple and easy way.We use music, songs and fun activities.We also present awareness sessions for parents, families and teachers.We introduced the program in Sudan through our Ambassador Mrs. Ghada Saleh to manyschools in the capital and other states. One of the schools (Khartoum Gems InternationalSchool) the school I'm working in, the program was very helpful in different stages, andwe are looking forward to introducing the program in the school's syllabus, We also had an agreement with the child and family protection police.Last year we trained more than 100 teachers from different states with the cooperationof the British council in Sudan. It was very challenging because the teachers from the states said the people in theirareas consider talking about these matters forbidden!! We are facing a lot of challenges in delivering our program. There are still people whodeny the existence of violation and abuse in society!! Our aim is to introduce the program to all schools, organizations and communities. Toreach the goals we need to train more volunteers and have financial support.Children are the future. Help us to create a healthy and safe environment for them.INTISAR ALI SALEHAcademic Coordinator SUDANMBIMB Programme PresenterMBIMB HeroPage 39

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Muniratu Jibrin is a humanitarian who is based in Nigeria, she is a graduate of Ahmadu BelloUniversity Zaria with a Bachelors degree in Archaeology and a postgraduate diploma in PublicAdministration. She was born in Zaria and had her Primary and Secondary School also in Zaria,Kaduna-state Nigeria. She is a Fellow of Global Peace Women Leadership Academy GPWLA 2021.She is also a Fellow of the Gidan-Yanci Fellowship program. Muniratu is a visionary leader and has a passion for helping the less privileged with a majorfocus on women and children. Through this passion, she started an NGO called Mujib HopeFoundation. “MUJIB” in Arabic means “helping hands”. She has over 8 years of experience working in the humanitarian sector coordinating andimplementing various projects like girl child education, women and girls’ empowerment, skillacquisition programs, child abuse prevention programs environmental conservation and manymore. Her top-notch skills fit the 21st century and she is ready to explore new opportunities. Muniratu Jibrin is an Expert in conflict management, gender-related issues and customerrelationship management. She worked as a Project Manager for Christian Relief Aid South Sudan.She also worked as a State Coordinator for Youth Initiative Against Terrorism within the North-Eastern part of Nigeria. She believes that “Children are the future of tomorrow” and “An empowered woman is anempowered nation”. Therefore in the next five years, Muniratu hopes to see that over Ten millionlives are transformed through the work she does. Muniratu is a powerful advocate of the MBIMB Programme and has reached tens of thousands ofchildren in Nigeria with her team.MUNIRATU JIBRIN Humanitaria MBIMB Programme Presenter NIGERIAMBIMB HeroPage 40

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B u l l y i n g & B y s t a n d e r sB u l l y i n g o c c u r s i n m a n y p l a c e s a n ds i t u a t i o n s . I t c a n b e v e r y t r a u m a t i c w h e n i tg o e s o n t o o l o n g a n d m a n y p e o p l e s t i l ls u f f e r y e a r s a f t e r t h e b u l l y i n g l o n g e n d e d .T h e e m o t i o n a l d a m a g e i s o f t e nu n d e r e s t i m a t e d .I t w a s n ’ t u n t i l m y f o r t i e s A s a c h i l d , I w a s b u l l i e d w i t h m y n a m e . T h i sm a d e m e i n s e c u r e a s a c h i l d a n d l e d m e t oc h a n g e m y n a m e g o i n g t o h i g h s c h o o l .I w a s 1 2 y e a r s o l d a t t h e t i m e . I t w a s n ’ t u n t i lm y f o r t i e s I h a d t h e s e l f - c o n f i d e n c e t oc h a n g e m y n a m e b a c k t o m y o r i g i n a l n a m e .I t t o o k y e a r s t o f e e l p r o u d o f m y n a m e . W h a t c a n w e d o t o s t o p t h i s ?T h e r e a r e t h i n g s t h a t b o t h t h e v i c t i m b u ta l s o b y s t a n d e r s c a n d o .B y s t a n d e r s o f t e n s t a y s i l e n tT o d a y I ’ l l t a l k a b o u t w h a t b y s t a n d e r s c a n d o .M a n y t i m e s b y s t a n d e r s d o n ’ t k n o w h o w t or e a c t o r h o w t o h e l p a n d s t a y s i l e n tb y s t a n d e r s . V i c t i m s t h e n o f t e n f e e l e v e nm o r e a l o n e w h e n n o b o d y h e l p s o ri n t e r v e n e s .T h e y t e n d t o l o s e t r u s t i n p e o p l e a n d s t a r tw i t h d r a w i n g f r o m s o c i a l s i t u a t i o n s .T h i s h a p p e n s t o b o t h c h i l d r e n a n d a d u l t s .T h e y d e v e l o p l o w s e l f - e s t e e m w h i c h r e s u l t si n p s y c h o l o g i c a l p r o b l e m s , l o w s o c i a lc o n t a c t s a n d l o n e l i n e s s .BE ANUPSTANDERNOT A BYSTANDERWritten by Titia Niehorster Page 41

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F o c u s o n t h e v i c t i m B y s t a n d e r s c a n p l a y a n i m p o r t a n t r o l e i n a b u l l y i n g s i t u a t i o n .W h a t h e l p s i s t o f o c u s o n t h e v i c t i m .F o r i n s t a n c e , w h e n y o u s e e s o m e o n e b e i n g b u l l i e d a t w o r k , p e o p l e j o k i n g a n dm a k i n g c o m m e n t s … . d o n ’ t w a l k a w a y a n d d o n o t h i n g .I n s t e a d , t a k e t h e m a w a y f r o m t h e s i t u a t i o n a n d s h o w s u p p o r t . A s k i f t h e y ’ r eo k a y a n d m a k e f r i e n d s w i t h t h e v i c t i m . I n c l u d e t h e m i n a c t i v i t i e s . A s k t h e m t oj o i n y o u f o r l u n c h . I t ’ s a s m a l l g e s t u r e b u t i t c a n m a k e a l l t h e d i f f e r e n c e i n t h ew o r l d . M a k i n g s o m e o n e f e e l i n c l u d e d a n d p a r t o f t h e t e a m i s a w o n d e r f u l a c to f k i n d n e s s . H e l p t h e m t o r e p o r t i t t o a t r u s t e d p e r s o n i n c h a r g e o r i n a s c h o o l s i t u a t i o n , at r u s t e d a d u l t .M a k e s u r e y o u a r e t h e k i n d o f p a r e n t t h a t i s i n c l u s i v eW e a l l k n o w w h i c h c h i l d r e n a r e b e i n g b u l l i e d i n c l a s s . A s a m o m , I a l w a y sm a d e s u r e t o i n v i t e a l l t h e g i r l s i n t h e c l a s s t o m y d a u g h t e r ' s b i r t h d a y p a r t ya n d n e v e r e x c l u d e a n y o n e .E v e n t h o u g h m y d a u g h t e r w a s b u l l i e d , I e x p l a i n e d t o h e r t h a t w e n e e d t o s e tt h e r i g h t e x a m p l e b y n o t e x c l u d i n g a n y o n e .A s p a r e n t s , w e h a v e t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y t o t e a c h o u r c h i l d r e n t o i n c l u d ee v e r y o n e a n d n o t e x c l u d e c h i l d r e n f r o m p l a y d a t e s a n d f u n a c t i v i t i e s .R e m e m b e r b u l l y i n g c a n h a p p e n t o a n y o n e .W o u l d y o u w a n t y o u r c h i l d t o b e e x c l u d e d a n d c r y b e c a u s e h e w a s n e v e ri n v i t e d t o b i r t h d a y p a r t i e s ? M a k e s u r e y o u a r e t h e k i n d o f p a r e n t t h a t i s i n c l u s i v e a n d t h a t y o u ’ r e t e a c h i n gt h i s t o y o u r c h i l d a s w e l l . T o g e t h e r w e c a n r a i s e o u r c h i l d r e n t o b e b e a u t i f u li n c l u s i v e a d u l t s w h o m a k e t h e w o r l d a b e t t e r p l a c e . Page 42BE ANUPSTANDERNOT A BYSTANDERWritten by Titia Niehorster

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B r e a k t h e C y c l e o f B u l l y i n gH o w d o y o u d e a l w i t h t h e b u l l y ?B u l l i e s o f t e n s u f f e r f r o m l o w s e l f - e s t e e m t h e m s e l v e s . T h e y o f t e n b u l l ys o m e o n e e l s e t o m a k e t h e m s e l v e s f e e l s t r o n g e r .F i g h t i n g a n g e r w i t h a n g e r c r e a t e s m o r e a n g e r .S o d o n ’ t f u e l t h e i r a n g e r ; I n s t e a d , t r y t o f i g h t a n g e r w i t h l o v e a n d c o m p a s s i o n .B u l l i e s a r e o f t e n l o o k i n g f o r a r e a c t i o n . W h e n t h e y a r e m e t w i t h l o v e a n dc o m p a s s i o n i n s t e a d , i t n e u t r a l i z e s t h e i r a n g e r a n d t h e n e e d t o r e a c tn e g a t i v e l y w i l l d i s a p p e a r i n t i m e . T e l l t h e m t h e i r b e h a v i o u r i s n o t o k a y a n d e n c o u r a g e t h e m t o b e k i n d a n d t r yt o h a v e a c o n v e r s a t i o n a b o u t t h i s .C r e a t i n g a n e n v i r o n m e n t o f t r u s t i s k e y t o b r e a k i n g t h e C y c l e o f B u l l y i n g .Page 43BE ANUPSTANDERNOT A BYSTANDERWritten by Titia Niehorster

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HOW MUCH TIME DO WE WASTES T R U G G L I N G O NR E G A R D L E S SI think we are all guilty of isolating ourselves and making all sortsof excuses as to why we should be able to cope, we should bestrong enough to deal with this, what will they think of me? howweak am I that I can’t do this?All negative thoughts and questions that revolve around our minds,but we forget very easily is that they are our thoughts, it is ourmind they are whirling around in and we give up so much powerwhen we think of ourselves as hopeless, powerless, useless. Whowould want to help us anyway?Anxiety, overwhelm and depression can lead to feeling as if we arethe only person to be struggling, enveloped in a mist that we can’tseem to be able to fight our way out of. Then one somebody doesoffer to help and gives advice we become defensive and in turnaggressive, just to prove “I am coping”, “I don’t need any help.” When in fact we feel like we are drowning.Asking for help, support or even just an ear to listen is a bravestep, denial is comfortable, because not admitting we have anissue, often means we can ignore a choice or decision we need tomake, but it will happen at some time.The positive side of taking that first step I have found is that it isamazing where the help and support come from, people who Inever considered and solutions that I would never have thought ofon my own.It is also great for the people around us, they once again feelincluded, needed and wanted, and it is empowering for them andfor us. Struggling alone, this sense of duty, and fear of failure is allin our mind, remember that it is our mind, we can change ourthoughts, beliefs and actions anytime we choose to.Don’t wait too long, don’t struggle on just because you think youhave to, empower others by allowing them to help you and seewhat a difference it makes for everyone.ByLinda Sage MA, BA Ed (Hons), DTMwww.lindasage.comPage 44

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2022 is the 25th anniversary of WIN, the U.K. recipient of the award was The Zebra PartnershipCo-founder, Carol Ann Whitehead FRSA, CMgr, CCMI. Twice mentor of the year winner she hasmentored young women and men to their full potential. Especially young people suffering post-pandemic. Supported overseas education programmes and an advocate for equality, diversity, inclusion andbelonging- she lent her support to many female-focused campaigns and initiatives.She has delivered ‘Improving Wiki Diversity’ lectures at the United Nations Youth Association(UNYA) in Denmark, mentored the team to host their own Wikieditathon event and coached themthrough in addition to hosting a UNYA intern from Slovakia to come over to the U.K.Her ‘Afternoon Tea with the SDG’ events have helped many people to understand the SustainableDevelopment Goals and where they can support and align their campaign WIN (Womens International Network) is a leadership organization based in Lausanne, Switzerlandfounded in 1997 in Milan by Norwegian social entrepreneur and pioneer, Kristin Engvig. Shebrought a revolutionary new way to the world of business by integrating holistic perspectives,aesthetics, joy and nurturing values. WIN has provided pioneering thought leadership and is the reference for numerous individualsand organizations worldwide. It keeps opening new paths and inspiring exceptional leaders,managers, entrepreneurs and talents through its innovative and collaborative framework ofchange.In June 2022 at the United Nations in Geneva Kristin hosted the first ever global event looking atthe sustainable development goals.The WIN Inspiring Women Worldwide AwardsEach year WIN honors distinguished women for their dedication and hard work; women who haveinspired others whilst embodying WIN’s principles of the authentic, global and feminine leader. Inkeeping with WIN’s own mission, they look for women who mobilize people to succeed and helpshape a thriving future. Each of these women embodies the WIN values and pillars:Global, Authentic, Holistic, Practical, Innovative, Focused on Possibilities, InterconnectedGGAReceivesWINAccoladePage 47

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Watch the 2022 episode again on YoutubeOne of the many initiatives Carol Ann supports isGM4Women2028 the brainchild of Prof HelenPankhurst CBE. Prof Helen was at the WIN Conferencewhen Carol Ann and two days later at theGM4Women2028 Summer Event supporting with apop-up Your Manchester TV studio for interviews.Well done to Carol Ann from your GGA Family.Find out more about:WIN Conference https://www.gm4women2028.orgThe Zebra Partnership 48

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Award for Community Awareness by H. E. William K. MackieThe William Ford Award was won by Harper Graham and Alice Hamilton bothPrimary 1. Their theme was "Things we like about our community." The Claire Gordon Award for Community Awareness was won by Hollie Emslie inPrimary 6. Her theme was "Creating a Bully Free Zone, keeping people safe."This award was presented by my mother Helen Robertson, Claire's mum. There was a special presentation for a remedial pupil Zac. When I was takenaround the school back in February, Zac spotted that I was wearing an AberdeenFootball Club tie. Zac came up to me and told the Headteacher, that he thoughtthat I must be famous because of the tie. Aberdeen's first major European trophy was won in May 1983. I was able tocreate a certificate showing the date, the venue, the score, the teams and all ofthe Aberdeen team. I was then able to get each of the player's autographs. I then put it in a frame and gave it to Zac today. It seemed to be a great gesturejudging by the teacher's responses.Page 49

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Marina OsobaMarina OsobaMarina OsobaAdministrator at La Roche LeadershipCo-Chair ~ GGAF Nigeria

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Walking in the day of a humanitarian for me personally is best described as a being in a classroom.Everyday brings the lessons from the University of Life; the lessons you cannot learn from textbooks, Professors, tests or exams. These lessons come from every day people living througheveryday situations and dealing with all the various issues that life throws at us. These lessonsbecome an indistinguishable part of us, they become our habits and they are our default settings wefall back to daily.Some of the many habits you learn as a humanitarian are patience, planning and preparation; thereis no room for guessing, assuming, impatience or winging it, and even the best made plans can fallapart, so well defined protocols are also a must. If you live in Africa, patience, planning, preparationand protocols are doubly imperative. You can go to bed with the best plans and wake up the nextday to find out that everything has changed. Sometimes the traffic is unbelievable, or it could betorrential rain, like during the rainy season. Sometimes there’s no gasoline to be found or a violentriot has broken out. There are just no guarantees that what you thought was going to be a great dayis going to happen. As bad as all that can be, getting approvals from the relevant governmentauthorities can be such a trial. As hard as that is as a person, as someone who has dedicated theirefforts to helping the vulnerable, it can be frustrating and difficult to keep on track. I remember my first meeting with Father Michael, an SMA Priest with a passion to rescue street boys.One of the problems with big cities is the allure they have to the rural dweller; they come seekinggreener pastures and thinking the streets are lined with gold. A lot of very young boys come to thecity to ‘make their fortune’ only to find themselves living rough under a bridge or in a bus stop andbecoming prey to gangs and criminals. Very often they soon resort to desperation to get a meal. Setting up the St. Bosco Boys Home just seemed like a dream that would not happen; thegovernment approvals were taking so long, decent accommodation was expensive, getting socialworkers and staff was difficult, and providing formal and technical education for the boys waslooking impossible. The thought of just walking away from the problems kept us all up at night, wecould either work at getting solutions or fail. Father Michael taught all of us great lessons, hispatience, persistence and positive attitude won out in the end. I learnt that there is power in love,which can unlock the toughest situations. A day in my life is one where I continue to remind myself how fortunate I have had it, it is a day toremind myself that everything I say or do must be carefully examined because carelessness cancause great suffering. It is a day I despair at injustice of circumstances and sorrow at the indifferenceof many who could make a huge difference, but decide not to. Above all, it is a day that I have beengiven another opportunity to serve someone who is relying on me to do what I ought to do. "Being a humanitarian is letting your heart rule your head, it istelling your logical self to make room for your emotional self.The way to do this is to imagine yourself as the person who needshelp, then go ahead and be the person who saves you, becausewhen all is said and done, we are created to help each other."Page 51

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The Russian war on Ukraine has now lasted 139 days. Humanitarian needs across Ukraine are multiplyingby the hour. Hundreds of thousands of people don’t have access to essential services like healthcare.Hospitals and maternity wards have been in the firing line. Thanks to the immediate support of the Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation we were able to prepareand deliver 150 safe birthing kits to remote hospitals in Dnipro and Pavlohrad, which were running low oncritical medical supplies. In these regions pregnant women living near the frontline may not always be ableto get to the facility for delivery, that is why doctors decided to use the ambulance to distribute Mama Kitswhich secure a safe, hygienic birth both in the hospital and at home. Since March, thanks to GGAF and other Donors: Polish news portal naTemat, The Pachamama Project, andour brave and tireless Colleagues from the Polish Humanitarian Team, 790 safe birthing kits and 16,000reusable sanitary pads have been supplied and distributed in Ukraine. “We Love, We Care, We Share” – and we protect this very special moment of bringing new life intothe world from the brutality of war. YORGHAS Foundation would like to extend thanks and appreciation to Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation for supporting the action aimed at saving lives at birth in war-torn Ukraine.By: Alina PelkaCEO & Founder at YORGHAS FoundationGGAF - PolandPage 52

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Ononiwu noted that the drive to Erinmo-Ijesha from Lagos, took a whooping 7hrs drive, “We took the trip on Friday, 22ndsince we were scheduled to hold the outreach the next day, being April 23, 2022. On arrival to Enrimo-Ijesha, the eveningbefore the Outreach, we paid a courtesy visit to the Oba of Erinmo Town, (Their Traditional Ruler.”“During our interaction with the Oba, His Royal Majesty (HRM), Oba Odunayo Ajayi, it was interesting to know that heactually has a doctorate degree and has worked with multinationals both within and outside the country, before settlinginto the traditional ruler-ship appointment.”Also worthy of note, is the fact that his Dad was the first graduate in Erinmo-Ijesha and his great grandfather was the onewho brought Christianity to the town. Also, his great grandfather renounced the throne because he believed it was atvariance with his Christian faith,” she statedAccording to her, “the team presented him with two books, two great compendiums, authored by Dr. David Oyedepo,which we are sure will be a great blessing to him. He reciprocated with a gift of Nigerian Wax fabrics for each member ofthe team.”The Outreach commenced the next day at the Community Hall of the town, in collaboration with HVL Foundation. TheCommunity which is made up of mostly folks aged 65 and above was greatly impacted. Their traditional ruler sent theTeam a thank you note after the event.A non-profit and non-governmental organization, Beulah World Initiative(BWI), recently stormed Erinmo-Ijesha, a town in Osun State, Nigeria, forwhat the Founder described as the farthest the organization has evertraveled for a Medical Outreach since inception. Speaking after the event, the Founder and Coordinator, Chichi Ononiwu,stated that Beulah World Initiative has come full circle since the inceptionof her Medical and Food Outreaches vision took off in 2016. She pointedout that the organization has held outreaches every month since 2016,apart from the month of January which is set aside for reviews, praying, andplanning.www.beulahworldinitiative.orgPage 55

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MENTAL HEALTH AND THEPOWER OF KINDNESSAccording to (Diet & Mental Health Article)..."Thereare many psychological, social, and biological benefits of eating meals with otherpeople. They give us a sense of rhythm and regularity in our lives, a chance to reflect onthe day, and feel connected to others..." and "Make the most of mealtimes by settingaside at least one day a week to eat with family and friends" GGAF had the pleasure of donating goods to the MCCDC Empowerment Clubhouse inMarin City, CA, serving adults who have mental health challenges. What a joy it is to seepeople come together, cook together, share a meal, and know they are appreciated. We have the power to uplift others by simple acts of kindness. Let's continue to do good in the world. By: Christina JunkerGGAF USA ChairPage 57

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HOPE AMBASSADORSHOPE AMBASSADORSHOPE AMBASSADORS WATER FOR LIFE PROJECT: SANK A BOREHOLE FOR A COMMUNITYHope Ambassadors commenced and completed the 'Water For Life Project' at Dindima Community in GalambiDistrict of Bauchi State by the end of June. At last, pure and clean water finally flowed for the very first time inthe history of the community. This makes the 3rd water project completed in the last 3 months.However, our joy was subsequently cut short a few days laterwhen the water ceased flowing. This was attributed toobstruction from the rock formation in the area. Apparently, thisterrain is completely different and required a motorized drill asto the manual drilling previously employed.Consequently, the project needs to be redone and a survey hasbeen carried out again. Assuredly water will flow before the endof July.Page 58

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When you've decided on your cover story, come up witha list of topics for your feature articles. This can rangefrom interviews, product reviews, human interest pieces,and even lists. Think about what your audience would beinterested in and get writing.Hope Ambassadors successfully carried out a one-week impactful seminar-themed PRE-TEEN LEADERSHIPAND MENTORSHIP SEMINAR. It was organized for First School Leavers in Ekiti State, Nigeria. The seminar was to prepare their young minds as they move to the next phase of their life. The programcovered a series of Leadership Training on Sex and Child Abuse Prevention, Mental Health Awareness andDrug Abuse/Addiction/Cultism, and Elements of Good Citizenship. Hope Ambassadors has found it highly imperative to educate these young kids in view of all the negativenarratives circulating on the internet and pervading the world today. Hopefully, this seminar would helpavoid painful mistakes, and awful experiences and prevent them from falling victim to abuses or prey to thenegative influences of a pervert generation. The seminar officially kicked off on 27th June at A.U.D Primary School, Ifaki Ekiti under the able coordinationof Hope Ambassadors Volunteer, Damola Omotayo Agbelade in Ekiti State. We are confident that the impact of this seminar would be long-lasting and life-changing.HOPE AMBASSADORSHOPE AMBASSADORSHOPE AMBASSADORSPage 59

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In advancement of Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) campaign which is SDG goal 6, HopeAmbassadors and Childcare Organization in conjunction with Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundationdonated several units of reusable sanitary pads to Nigeria Youth for Good Governance and TransparencyInitiative (NIYOGGTI) in Zaria for distribution to girls in secondary schools. This donation was made in other to reduce discomfort, and absenteeism from school, and to promote self-hygiene for girls during the menstrual period. Many of these girls, due to poverty, could not afford sanitarypads during the period. These sanitary pads are more advantageous because of their cost-effectiveness andreusability for months.We do hope that subsequently, we would reach more girls that are in need of this support for theirmenstruation period.MENSTRUAL HYGIENE CAMPAIGNHOPE AMBASSADORSHOPE AMBASSADORSHOPE AMBASSADORSPage 60

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Touchingone life at atime... Manjjuu KairaGGAF - India

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Born in a small town of Uttarakhand where not even a doctor was available to deliver me nor amidwife to help my mother bring me out into this world. my father played the role of midwife tomy mother to have me delivered safely. he was the one who cut the umbilical cord with the help ofa sickle. Growing up was not as joyful as a normal child should have been. This gave birth to the personthat I'm today, I'm a life coach my expert niche is adolescent coaching. On my 40th birthday on June 17 as usual I ditch a grand celebration and spent my day with thesechildren of God by carrying out tree plantation drives and sharing a nutritious meal with them. Mymotto behind such an act is to just give them a few good memories of childhood so that when theygrow up they become more empathetic and not have hatred towards the privileged communitybut rather aspire to give back to the society. I believe that by doing these little things with children we can inculcate in them the value of loveand inclusiveness that mankind will always need. Just by planting one tree in front of 100children can simply spread the awareness about making this planet a greener space in a hundredfolds. I believe We don't need great plans and huge funds to spread awareness and love, all it takes isthe intention and the urge to take the 1st step. "Let's take the 1st step and touch one life at a time""Let's take the 1st step and touch one life at a time""Let's take the 1st step and touch one life at a time" "I try to reach out to the underprivileged children who need love andmental support because I know the pain of not having enough in myearly childhood…I love to give them smiles by spending more andmore quality time with them through arts & crafts activities andstorytelling sessions."Page 63

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Impact Sierra Leone launched its Hands of Hope Campaign in June for our partner community in Foindu Village. Fromnow until July 31st, we will be raising funds for the Foindu Village Community primary school so that we can provide themwith resources to equip them for the rainy season. June through December is Sierra Leone’s rainy season. The rainyseason is characterized by torrential and persistent rainfall. Due to climate change, there has been excessive floodingduring the rainy season, especially in rural areas. In the most extreme cases of flooding, many homes suffer roof collapsesand severe damage causing unsafe habitats for the children.The intense rainy season has caused an increase in water-borne diseases such as malaria and typhoid fever. Right now,agricultural production and school attendance have slowed. By supplying the children with these supplies, they will beable to remain in school, and stay healthy and safe. When people in the community are not properly prepared for the rainyseason, agricultural production, and school attendance stalls because the children and families of this community do nothave what they need to stay healthy and continue normally with their daily lives.In Foindu Village, the majority of its residents do not have the proper gear or medicine to combat the adverse effects of therainy season, such as rain boots and medicine to treat and prevent water-borne illnesses. Since our focus has been onestablishing a school farm and providing additional produce every month, we have not been able to address this issue.However, when the only primary school in the village collapsed because of the heavy rains, we knew we had to addressthis issue immediately. As a start, we can provide the community with essential gear, equipment and medicine.I M P AC T SI E R R A LE O N E H A N DS O F H O P EC A M PA I G N T O S U PP O R T S C H OO L CH I L D R E NF O R R A I NY S E A S ONITEMS NEEDEDUmbrellasMosquito NetsRainbootsMedicine to treat and prevent waterborneillnessesRain JacketsGive at www.impactSierraLeone.orgThe target beneficiaries are 250 primary school children.Page 65

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GIVE ME HOPE FOUNDATIONORGANIZED EMPOWERMENT SUMMITGive Me Hope Foundation in collaboration with Glimmer Of Hope Foundation and its partner Micro watchorganize mentoring program is themed “Resilient in New Era ” The theme demonstrates our vision ofproviding tools for our students to enhance their ability to think critically, take their studies seriously andcome out with the best results as citizens in the development of Ghana. The youth serve as a criticaltarget group for ensuring that the country’s future is bright. The mentoring program begins with a day-long event including career development, inspirationalspeaking, leadership, and civic engagement activities. The event culminates with the Give Me HopeFoundation and its partner members volunteering as mentors of the selected students and creating aplatform to harness students’ skills and talents despite the challenges they go through.Education has an immense potential to change and save lives. We need to encourage students tobecome exceptional in society by promoting individual growth through academic achievement. Wewould promote educational awareness for students by helping them understand the benefits ofeducation and to strive for excellence."RESILIENT IN NEW ERA"By: Noble Wisdom DordoeFounder of Give Me Hope FoundationGGAF Director - GhanaPage 66

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The CEO of Glimmer Of Hope Foundation, Ernestina Mensah said:“We also need to boost the confidence of students through constant and consistentengagement with accomplished personalities from across the professional field…wemust narrow the gap between the student world and professional world,” “Our goal is to put them on a path to leadership. Use creative methods to encourage disadvantagedstudents to excel by offering mentorship, summer camps, and after-school activities”It is the aim of the foundation to boost the confidence of students through constant and consistentengagement with accomplished personalities across the professional field and we must narrow the gapbetween the student world and the professional world, Wisdom Dordoe added. The foundation is calling on institutions, NGOs, philanthropists, donors, and advocates for them to cometogether and organize inspiring programs for the foundation. By: Noble Wisdom DordoeFounder of Give Me Hope FoundationGGAF Director - GhanaPage 67

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It was a fresh look and a new start for a number of people who received free haircuts at the CommunityOutreach Centre in Agbogbloshie One by one, people enthusiastically hopped into hairstylists by our professional barbers for a beautifultrim. Some had specific requests for their new do — others just let us work the magic, eagerly awaiting theresults. "People's demeanor totally changes from the time they actually sit in the chair till the time they getup," Wisdom Dordoe said. "A haircut seems to be a pretty simple thing to a lot of people, but it can make or break the way somebodyfeels about themselves."Homeless people have many challenges to face, one of them often being low self-esteem. Ahaircut can have a great effect on someone, giving them a real boost.According to the CEO of Give Me Hope Foundation, there are many children whose parents can’t affordthe cost of providing haircuts and the homeless who can’t even afford food not to talk of getting moneyfor haircuts. As an NGO we identified that need and decided to partner with a group of barbers by thename Tim No Boss Barbering College on the initiative of providing free haircut outreach to many schools,deprived communities and the homeless to feel good and look good.There is something very personal about cutting someone’s hair that can be both enjoyable andtherapeutic which is something that many homeless people rarely get. It may be "just a haircut", but it'sthe kindness shown that makes a homeless person know that people really care.GIVE ME HOPE FOUNDATIONORGANIZED FREE HAIRCUTS ATCOMMUNITY OUTREACHPage 68

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"It may be 'just a haircut,' butit's the kindness shown thatmakes a homeless personknow that people really care."Page 69

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Additionally, this enormous amount of wasted food is contributing to global nitrogen pollution, thus having a directrelationship to global warming, and its impact on the environment. Bacteria in organic waste products produce methanegas which is 25-72 times more potent than carbon dioxide and contribute to global warming. Thus, minimizing thewasted food would not only help solve the food desert but eliminate hunger in more than 50 million in America, and saveour environment. This will decrease nitrogen emissions from wasted food products which contribute to floods,hurricanes, and widespread destruction with increased frequency here in the United States and around the world.Simple solutions of minimizing food waste should be implemented to fight hunger and acute or chronic diseasesresulting from poor nutrition. Having a number of large refrigerators to keep food fresh and safe for consumption, andhave available transportation to access healthy food (especially in food deserts), is pertinent in order to provide access tohigh-risk communities. This also will increase food security and boost our national security by keeping our country safefrom devastating consequences related to climate change such as hurricanes and coastal flooding. After eliminating hunger in America, statistically, there would be still so much food left, which can be donated to food-starved places around the world like Africa, for example, as it is estimated that there are 795 million people in the worldwho are undernourished. This kind gesture can avoid so many conflicts, uprisings, and instability that are caused bypeople that are hungry and cannot find food to eat. It would be a win-win strategy.Successful companies in Europe that handle food waste recovery use mechanical separation technology as food itemscan be also utilized for feeding animals as well. Some innovative companies in Europe are using food waste in energycompanies which use thermo-mechanical technology to process food waste and packaging into dry stable bio-fuelwhich Europe and the west need badly.Page 70Food insecurity is worsening due to the prices continuing to rise. Due to the war in Ukraine and Russia,countries are facing a rise in fuel costs which affects the supply chain. Food wastage is another global issuethat needs attention. Solutions would include making nutritious food available even in smaller outlets and institutions to preventmany chronic diseases related to poor nutrition in food deserts. At the same time, minimizing the huge amountsof wasted food in America as to create less disparity in different socioeconomic communities. According to the Guardian Report, roughly 50% of all produce inAmerica is thrown away which translates to 60 million tons a year, or150,000 tons of food a day! In other words, 30-40% of the entire USfood supply is being wasted, reaching a value of $160 billion dollarsin wasted food! An American family of four would average $1600 dollars worthof discarded food products. So, If we team up withorganizations like ( Feeding America ) and others to utilize thefood, especially canned food will bring so much relief to hungryAmericans and even help fight hunger around the world. Thiswill help prevent violence, unrest, and instability and bringpeace to communities everywhere.

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There is an increasing trend in the hospitality industry to have Green Restaurant certification to be environmentallyfriendly with food waste recycling policies. We can work together to implement these solutions, ending hunger,preventing disease, saving billions of dollars in food, using technology for food waste management to feed more peopleand animals, reduce risks of devastating environmental and geopolitical changes, and turning food waste managementinto a great business strategy here locally and globally.Also, there have been great new ideas to solve the wheat shortage used in making bread which is the main componentof most meals, Now using sweet potato bread is a genius solution as it is much cheaper, an alternative to wheat, easilyavailable, and has very rich in nutritional value (a pilot trial is about to start in Egypt which is number one importer ofwheat in the world)as wheat supply was interrupted with the Ukraine War. The second needed food item after wheat isrice globally, now with the development of new Rice Brands that gives double the Yield using less than half of the watergiving another spectacular solution for many countries, especially in Africa suffering from a shortage of both food andwater.It is a win-win for the entire humanity, Global warming, saving the environment, providing food security, easing theenergy crisis, and promoting global peace.Page 71Adel Eldin, MDAdel Eldin, MDGGAF - USAGGAF - USA Board Certified Cardiologist, Founder/CEO of ProntoBoard Certified Cardiologist, Founder/CEO of ProntoCare and Florida Medical Tourism, Global HealthcareCare and Florida Medical Tourism, Global HealthcareLeader, Entrepreneur, Speaker, ConsultantLeader, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Consultant ""Bringing the heart in Medicine"""Bringing the heart in Medicine"Successful companies in Europe that handle food wasterecovery use mechanical separation technology as food itemscan be also utilized for feeding animals as well. Some innovative companies in Europe are using food waste inenergy companies that use thermo-mechanical technology toprocess food waste and packaging into dry stable bio-fuelwhich Europe and the west need badly.Food Wastage

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W O R L D R E F U G E E D A Y … .T h e b e g i n n i n g o fR e f u g e e w e e k … P a r t 1On 20th June, the first day of Refugee Week, I had the most remarkable experience. I was honoured torepresent the Queen’s Lieutenancy at the unveiling of a blue plaque commemorating the 10 Jewish childrenbrought over to Gloucester at the start of the war in 1939. The small youngsters who were suddenly taken awayfrom their families and their own country to ensure their safety, were known as the Kinder-transport children.They were cared for by a remarkable Czech couple, themselves refugees, until 1941. Werner Zorek was one ofthese boys and it is his son, Michael who has been the force behind the desire to erect a plaque at the hostel. Hewas brought up in New York and 3 years ago retraced his father’s steps from occupied Germany to the UK andonto USA. Since then, his mission has been to establish an historic reminder of where his father was welcomedand homed for a number of years prior to being fostered. Michael’s energy and determination is unparalleled (Iwonder where he gets it from!) and it was a privilege to meet he and his sister…alongside other relatives of theoriginal 10 boys.He reminded me of a dear friend Leon Greenman, a Holocaust survivor and author of “An Englishman inAuschwitz” who worked with me for many years… telling his story in our schools. Since the 1970’s I havesupported asylum seekers and refugees. Sadly, the need to do so has not diminished… on the contrary thechallenge is even greater. So, on World Refugee Day, I asked that we might all imagine those 10 young frightened boys arriving all aloneand that we then transfer our thoughts to the plight of today’s Syrians, Yemeni, Afghan, Eritrean, Ethiopian, theRohingya and more recently Ukrainians (along with too many more to name in this article).Here’s to world peace, tolerance, kindness and the day when support organisations such as GloucesterAssociation for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (GARAS)and Cheltenham Welcomes Refugees (CWS) are nolonger needed because everyone is safe.Page 74

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The latter part of refugee week really highlighted the whole rationale and importance of supporting displacedpersons from overseas. Thousands gathered together and a momentous occasion went off with a banging ofdrums, a processional band and an air of excited anticipation in my own town. Why? Well, we had beenchosen to host a rather special and well-travelled “refugee”. It was a wonderful privilege to welcome “LittleAmal”. This partly animatronic giant puppet (3.5 metres) has been the centre-piece of a performance artproject called “The Walk 2021” in recognition of the plight of displaced refugees. Amal began her journeyon the Syrian border and has been carried across many countries including Greece, Italy, France,Switzerland, Germany. She has visited over 70 cities along the way and has been greeted by variousdignitaries including Pope Francis, the Archbishop and our own Lord Lieutenant. It was such an emotional experience and I felt privileged, humbled, thrilled and astounded at the response.The whole town was awash with people supporting Amal and cheering her arrival.W O R L D R E F U G E E W E E K … . 1 0 - 2 6 J U N E … P a r t 2Page 75

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K i n d n e s s i sb e a u t i f u lAs she marched through the centre and approached the memorial to lay a wreath in memory of refugeeswho have lost their lives trying to escape war-torn countries, we all stood in respect. Sometimes withnegative press, depressing, biased headlines it is easy to feel that no-one cares. Today, was not such amoment! Today, Cheltenham people thronged the streets. Indeed, people from near and far came tosupport this occasion. They welcomed Amal and all she stands for. I proudly walked with mycolleagues from “Cheltenham Welcomes Refugees”” (CWR). I laughed and chatted to my Syrian,Ethiopian, Afghani, Ukrainian and other refugee friends and I felt hopeful. It was such a movingexperience. Watching the families playing in the public gardens, sharing provided picnics, enjoying theentertainment… juggling, hula-hoops, stilts, singing, dancing and laughing aloud, was a very specialexperience. When the huge puppet arrived at The Imperial Gardens, she was greeted by a little 5-year-old boy with a football. He kicked it her way and she managed to return it. Little did Amal realise thatthis young lad was in fact a Syrian refugee himself. That particular moment was so poignant and yes,my eyes were filled with tears! Thanks Amal…. you and others are so welcome.Page 76

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The following day I travelled to London and during my stay I met up with TigrayanEritreans who were protesting near Hyde Park. There are 25,000 refugees in Tigrayand I am supporting a number who have fled to my own town. The fear, the futilityand the fight for freedom cannot be imagined. I know there is much more to be done but for me, this year’s refugee week left mehopeful, proud and determined to continue helping those who have no homes, nocountry, no employment, no-ne to turn to and nothing left to protect other than theirown existence. No-one would choose this if they had a better alternative. When Iwent into the refugee centre on Monday to do my support work, everyone wasbuzzing with energy, talking about Amal and feeling that maybe, just maybe, theyare in fact included and welcomed in the community. I do hope so. I really do. There is room in this world for all. There is enough food to share There is enough kindness to make things better. We just need to work on equal distributionPage 77

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NO. 1RACE FOR LIFE 2022 - “REBELLIOUS HOPE”Each year I enter thisRace for Life althoughI am certainly not anathlete and my pacecan be likened to asnail! However, thiscause is close to myheart… or moreappropriately, breastand I have beensupporting thecampaign to fightcancer for a very longtime. Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide accountingfor 10 million deaths in 2020.In 2018, 17 million new cases of cancer worldwide werediagnosed.The four most common cancers are lung, female breast,bowel and prostate.These 4 account for more than 4 in 10 of all cancersdiagnosed worldwide.However, the most common cancers vary betweencountries with cervical being the most common in 23countries.By 2040 there will be 27.5 million new cases of cancer eachyear.Around one-third of deaths from cancer are due totobacco use, high body mass index, alcohol consumption,low fruit and vegetable intake and lack of physical exercise.Cancer-causing infections, such as human papillomavirus(HPV) and hepatitis, are responsible for approximately 30%of cancer cases in low and low-middle-income countries.Each year approximately 400,000 children develop cancerMany cancers can be cured if detected early and treatedeffectively.As with many of us, the disease is personal but I can think offew people who have not been affected in some way… eitherthemselves or friends and family. Cancer has touched us all …but rebellious hope kicks back!Let us look at some facts: -By: dee russell-smithPage 78

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Back to this year’s 5K race…. I ran with my husband who wasallowed to enter this year. We, of course wore pink although Ileft my bright pink wig and matching tutu behind and settledfor a more modest approach than usual! The atmosphere isalways positive but reading people’s messages on their backsis moving beyond measure. Children running for theirmothers; mothers running for their lost daughters; womenrunning for themselves. Each year my own list grows longerand I hope one day I will not have to add the names of mydear friends and family.In the UK this week, we lost a very brave young journalistDeborah James. She was recently appointed as a Dame byour Queen and although terminally ill she raised over 7million pounds. Her final message to the people of the worldis well worth remembering: -“Find a life worth enjoying;Take risks;Love deeply;Have no regrets;And always, always have rebellious hopeAnd finally, check your poo- it could save your life!”I would add…and your breasts, and your skin, and yourtesticles and indeed if ANYTHING seems unusual… get it checked out by the doctor. Embarrassment must be overcome in order to overcomecancer. Early detection can make a huge difference.RACE FOR LIFE 2022 - “REBELLIOUS HOPE”

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Food Sustainability: A Complex MatterDario RuggieroGGA, Italy and Europe ChairCEO and Founder of Long Term EconomyFood is a critical issue. We need to feed an increasing population, and at the same time, we need to make itsproduction and consumption less impactful as possible on the environment. The topic here is “sustainable food,”how can communities build a food system that grants food security and environmental protection. As for foodsecurity, we know that inequality is high. There are countries that suffer a lot of hunger and others whose populationis mostly obese.Source: World Food Programme At the same time, food quality is decreasing over time. Just a study made from 1950 to 1999 shows how muchnutrients have decreased over time. Vitamin B2 has declined by almost 40% over that time in nutrient crops. Whatabout pesticides. The use of pesticides has increased by 80% in the 1990-2016 period, although it has been shownthat nutrient content is much higher in organic food than in conventional food.Source: Davis D, Epp M, Riordan H. «Changes in USDA food composition data for 43 garden crops, 1950-1999»; Journal of American College of Nutrition Vol. 23Page 80

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However, 1/3 of the food produced is lost every year, especially in the consumption phase in the European and NorthAmerican countries and in the production phase in other countries. Food is a complex matter. First, we have to work on balancing production and consumption to reduce waste. Then weneed to work on the quality of production, as well as the quality of diet (on education) to reduce the overconsumption offood in the advanced countries where obesity is becoming a real plague.The food matter includes addressing different SDGs, first SDG 2, “Zero Hunger”. SDG 1 and 3 are also directly included.SDG 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 are indirectly included. If you are a leader in a community where food has become critical,you need to address it systematically with SDGs in mind.For more information follow Dario Ruggiero on Linkedin, or engage on the following platforms: Page 81

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Australian-Based Registered Health PromotionCharity, GYMHA, To Hold A World-Class HybridStress Management Summit For more details, registration, and guest speakers’ profiles, please click on the link below: or inbox jude@gymha.orgBy: Jude EdiaeCEO| Founder at Global Youth Mental Health Awareness (GYMHA)Page 82

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Do you want a clear roadmap to recognize stress and create conducive habits and environments to prevent it fromdestroying your mental and physical health? It might seem that there's nothing you can do about your stress level. Thebills will not stop, there will never be more hours in the day for all your errands, and your career or familyresponsibilities will always be demanding. The vast majority of health problems are caused or influenced by stress. Inthese times of unprecedented human distress, it's crucial to understand how stress affects your body and learneffective stress management techniques. To help you master the art of stress management, an Australian-basedinternational not-for-profit organization GYMHA, Global Youth Mental Health Awareness, is holding a world-classhybrid stress management summit in August tagged Stress Management Revolutions Summit (SMR) 2022. Dates: August 27, 28 (Sat, Sun), 2022. Times: 3 hours each day – in the morning/evening for Australia. Format:Hybrid – Live in Melbourne; Online, over Zoom. Two masterclasses (concurrent) on Sunday only online. TheSaturday 27th of August will be a physical event with a Facebook live show. Venue: Community HUB, 912Collins Street Docklands Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.Global Youth Mental Health Awareness (GYMHA) Incorporated is a registered Australian health promotion charity witha global network of professionals whose vision is to make psychology a household term and to be an advocate forraising awareness and improving youth emotional and mental health outcomes. GYMHA aims to empower anyone,especially those experiencing psychological health problems, emotional turmoil, adjustment issues, and concerns,without any stigma or prejudice. As a not-for-profit, GYMHA is collaborating with many local and internationalreputable organizations to present the 3rd annual Stress Management Revolutions Summit.In the forthcoming event, the world’s most renowned humanitarians, neurologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, alliedhealth practitioners, political leaders, community leaders, youth activists, artists, and researchers will come togetherand openly share insights to improve the mental health of the participants inside and outside the corporate world.With over 2000 registrants in its earlier revolutions in 2020 and 2021, this year, we're anticipating over 3000participants, including youths and industry professionals from all parts of the world.Over 40 speakers and panelists from top industry bodies, corporations, and policy-makers and 100+ on-demand webinars will be available on the platform from some ofthe biggest names in mental health. There will be high-energy activities like exercises,music, drama, yoga, quiz competitions, and artful performances. Additionally, therewill be heaps of virtual exhibition stands and light refreshments.The key objectives of the summit are to familiarize participants with stress and itscauses, effects, early signs, and solutions, help participants learn to live by self-regulating health and overcoming stress forever, create opportunities for theparticipants to network with stress management practitioners, facilitate organizationsto make meaningful approaches to stress/mental health and teach methods of stressabatement through first aid, role-plays, counseling.Managing stress is about taking charge of your thoughts, emotions, schedule, environment, and how you deal withproblems. The ultimate goal is a balanced life, with time for work, relationships, and relaxation – plus the resilience tohold up under pressure and meet challenges head-on. That’s what GYMHA’s third revolution Stress ManagementSummit 2022 aims to achieve.The forthcoming event is suitable for: Youth, Schools, GPs, NHS Staff, CAMHS, Charities, Youth Clubs, Staff inResidential Housing for Children and Mental Health, Foster-Carers, Rehabilitation Centers, Colleges, and Sports Clubs,Spiritual and Holistic Therapists, and anyone interested in empowering the youths.We Look Forward To Seeing You There!Page 83

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The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better andmore sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face,including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation,peace and justice. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals,were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call toaction to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation hasproudly joined forces with the UN SustainableDevelopment Goals -Partners PlatformHTTPS://SUSTAINABLEDEVELOPMENT.UN.ORG/PARTNERSHIP/?P=36228CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO CHECK OUT OUR GGA FOUNDATION AND TOP INITIATIVE ON THE UN PAGE.Page 84

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EMPATHY, EDUCATION & EMPOWERMENT WITH DYNAMIC WOMAN LEADERS GUEST SPEAKERS: Chrissy Sykes, Creator of My Body is My Body Musical Programme dee russell-thomas, Second Lieutenant GloucestershireLisa Jones, CEO & Co-Founder of Global Goodwill AmbassadorsFoundation Join us for a YOUTUBE LIVE SessionQ&A with the Global thought LeadersFriday, June 15, 2022Time: 6pm Swiss | 5pm UK| 11am EST Page 86

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5 0 1 c 3 N o n p r o f i tmay 2020Global GoodwillAmbassadorsFoundationWWW.GLOBALGOODWILLAMBASSADORS.ORG/THE-AMBASSADORS I G N U P F O R Y O U R F R E E M O N T H L YS U B S C R I P T I O N T O " T H E A M B A S S A D O R " M A G A Z I N E