and Editors-in-ChiefChrissy SykesChrissy SykesLisaLisa A. JonesA. JonesChrissy SykesI am thrilled to announcethat our safeguarding Fundamentls Course hasbeen a great success. But our commitment to improving the lives ofchildren doesn't stop there. We are equally excited to introduce ourlatest offering - the Essential Skills For New Mothers Course. Becominga new mother can be an overwhelming and daunting experience, andwe understand that parents need support and guidance to navigate this journey successfully. This course provides valuable insights andpractical tips to help new mothers develop the necessary skills andconfidence to provide the best possible care for their little ones.We firmly believes that every child deserves to grow up in a safe,healthy, and nurturing environment. We know that when children areprovided with the tools and resources they need to thrive, they are morelikely to succeed in all areas of life. By empowering parents andcaregivers with the knowledge and skills they need to create safe andsupportive environments for children, we are making a positive impacton our communities that will last for generations to come. Thank you allfor your wonderful support. It was beautiful seeing GGA's meet in Africa. Thanks to Dee Russell-Thomas (Board Member;GGAF), who took time out of her travels to meet with GGAs in Kenya and Burundi. You'll findphotos of her journey and her heartwarming story as you go through the magazine. This is why I Co-Founded see wonderful people worldwide working together.Despite our economic crisis, GGAF was proud to fund a menstrual campaign in Kenya, the MBIMBprogram, and funding for orphanages in Sierra Leonne. We also sent aid to a refugee camp inMalawi so they can buy grain and have food for their families. One bag for $50 will feed a family offive for a month. I want to thank all of our members who helped distribute the items and all ofour supporters who made this possible.Let's all try to help each other in the way we are comfortable with, and sometimes a shoulder tolean on or a smile will change someone's day for the better. Do it all in kindness, and we will reachpeace. Lisa JonesA huge "thank you" to our donors, patrons, advertisers and supporters. A P R I L 2 0 2 3 | I S S U E 3 3Page 2
This vital child abuse prevention program is free, but we mustleave the children with booklets for reference. Your donations will help us print booklets to help keep childrensafe and healthy so they can have a bright future.My Body is My BodyMy Body is My BodyDonate either through:Donate either through:MBIMB FoundationMBIMB Foundation or or Global Goodwill AmbassadorsGlobal Goodwill AmbassadorsPlease donatePlease donatePage 3
THE AMBASSADOR:THE MISSING PIECE TOYOUR MARKETING STRATEGYYou get two-full pages in our global magazine for adonation of $50 toward our humanitarian initiatives. Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation is aregistered charity 501c3 and your donations aretax-deductible. (Country-specific laws apply). Page 4
Life & Business CoachesPodcastersBook AuthorsCPAs Wealth ManagementNutrionistsTourismIT ServicesContent Writers Web Design Resume WritersRecruiters ALL BUSINESSES! LET US GET THE WORD OUTABOUT YOUR BUSINESS The Ambassador has more than 380,000 subscribers;our magazine is also shared by Richard DiPilla with 1.5million followers on LinkedIn alone. Our company pageon LinkedIn has more than 62,000 subscribers. Reach out to Lisa Jones for more CirculationPage 5
About "Hero Kids In the Making" BookAbout Me, My Son, and Why I Wrote the Book
14GGAF Learning Institute28Benefits of outdoor play for childrenAMBASSADORAMBASSADORTHEA P R I L 2 0 2 3 | I S S U E 3 32 .A Note From Our PublishersChrissy Sykes & Lisa Jones10.The Benefits of Online LearningLisa Jones14.GGAF Learning InstituteChrissy Sykes & Lisa Jones25.GGAF and MBIMB Competition28.Benefits of outdoor play for childrenChrissy Sykes38. Can we profile sexual abusersBy Suhail Hanif - NNECA40. MBIMB In SudanBy Ghada Saleh42.Hope Ambassadors present MBIMB44.Wonderful Wanda - Signing in ASL46. Serve in Sri LankaBy Sanjeeva de Mel48.Train the trainer session52.From Despair to empowermentHow Hope Can Change Women's LivesChrissy SykesCHECK OUT OUR FREECHECK OUT OUR FREECLASSESCLASSESNew classes being added each weekPage 8Page 28
AMBASSADORAMBASSADORTHEA P R I L 2 0 2 3 | I S S U E 3 354.Hunger in the Dzaleka Refugee Camp MalawiBy: Prince Lokendo64Global Good Human Beings Reign SupremeBy: Dee Russell Thomas72.GGA's making A DifferenceRobert Njue Nama74.Darren Hart FoundationMenstrual Products, MBIMB, and Tree Planting Event 78.Chisi Island in ZombaAlina Pelka81.IFRC/PRCS Bannu Team PakistanBy: Ziaullah Khan Surrani82.Anusha ShresthaStorytime84Beulah World Visits - Jibowu Community 85Ramadan ProjectBy: Syed Foundation86.World Water DayBy: Dario RuggieroPage 4664. Global Good Human Beings Reign Supremedee russell thomas28. Benefits of outdoor play for childrenChrissy SykesPage 954.Hunger in the Dzaleka Refugee Camp MalawiBy: Prince Lokendo
GET A SECOND OPINION WITHOUTLEAVING YOUR HOME Better Healthcare We are bringing the heart back inmedicine with our ProntoCare App Healthcare mobile apps enable new innovative ways of delivering healthcareservices outside the traditional care settings and can improve patient health, andenhance the productivity of healthcare. Health Management apps can helpmanage patient health conditions such as diabetes, mental health, bloodpressure, heart rate, lipids, and nutrition. Mobile Healthcare apps aretransforming Healthcare as most physicians believe, those apps can improvepatient health. Our own ProntoCare app offers so many great benefits and valuesnot only for healthcare consumers as well as healthcare providers. In ProntoCare, we believe in disease prevention and wellness as the cornerstonefor effective healthcare delivery as evidenced by improved outcomes. Savingbillions of dollars, delivering World Class Healthcare with compassionate care, asour motto( Bringing the Heart back in Medicine). The ProntoCare app wasdeveloped to serve the growing needs of the community and change lives for thebetter. The Unique ProntoCare app can be easily downloaded and used by travelerslooking for health ad Wellness needs before, during, and after their travel. Notonly health-wise but also alleviate the stress in the middle of rising healthcarecosts and tough economic times. Prontocare will provide social media supportfor the provider, provide digital marketing, help generate clients, provide 24/7support, and help networking and referrals. So, what are you waiting for? , goahead and download your ProntoCare app Now. Everyone will benefit, bothhealthcare consumers and providers!Get The ProntoCare AppGet The App The ProntoCare AppGet The ProntoCare App
THE BENEFITS OF ONLINE LEARNINGBY: LISA A. JONESCEO | CO-FOUNDER GLOBAL GOODWILL AMBASSADORS FOUNDATIONCO-FOUNDER: GGAF LEARNING INSTITUTERoughly 6.3 million students in the United States are enrolled in at least one online course, and that number is growingdue to the flexibility and benefits of virtual learning. Today’s workforce is also moving online. According to the Societyfor Human Resource Management (SHRM), 46% of organizations recently surveyed said they use virtual teams.Professionals who regularly work from home have increased 159% over the last decade, with more than 4.7 millionemployees working remotely at least half the time.WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? This makes it very clear that learning online helps prepare professionals for this shift toward online work. Is Online Learning Better?Online learning has become increasingly popular in the last couple of years due to the pandemic, making it anew norm. However, there have been some objections to its effectiveness. It’s important to acknowledge thatremote learning isn’t for everyone. Successful online students are comfortable with an online environment and adapt their learning style to reflectwhat’s needed from them. These students have a deeper understanding of the discipline they need toorganize their schedules. Once you adapt to the online format, numerous benefits can be realized. Online environments may not work for everyone, but it's definitely a viable option for students to consider. "As a working professional, I completed my MBA online from the University of Phoenix. Sincethen, I have completed several more programs online (Cornell, Notre Dame, UW-Stout) andhave learned a great deal from all programs. For me, it was great to apply the learningmaterial directly to my work and vice versa."What does this mean?This makes it very clear that learning online helps prepare professionals for this shift towardonline work. Page 12
Many people can't take time off from work to commit to an educational program, and others often travel for work. Forthose who still need to juggle working and going back to school, the flexibility of an online program provides individualsthe opportunity to learn while still working and growing professionally.This flexibility gives you the ability to balanceyour work-life schedule.LET'S LOOK AT SEVEN BENEFITS OF ONLINE LEARNING1)Added Flexibility & Self-Paced Learning2) Better Time ManagementJuggling work, family, and school isn’t always an easy thing to do. Many Employers recognize this and admire the timemanagement skills it takes to balance all three. Employers often appreciate the time management skills needed tocomplete an online program and view these skills as a valuable asset in potential employees. Because there are no setclassroom times online, students have the flexibility to create their schedules; it’s up to the student to proactively reachout to their professor with any questions and complete assignments on time and by planning ahead.3) Demonstrated Self-MotivationBy completing online programs, you’re demonstrating that you can practice time management and are self-motivated,which are among the top 10 employability skills employers want to see in new hires. You prove you can tackle multipletasks, set priorities, and adapt to changing work conditions. Instructors expect students to be independent, learn on their own, and engage with the material being taught. Theworkforce is the same; employers want you to be self-motivated, go after things that interest you, and seek newopportunities and ways of doing things. This quote by Kelsey Miller is something I've lived by: "The more you put your heart into it—whether it’s learning online or working for youremployer—the more you’ll succeed." 5) Build a Broader Global PerspectiveWorking with others in a virtual environment can make you a more effective leader. You will develop critical leadershipskills by creating efficient processes and making decisions about best communication practices, such as what is best tobe discussed in-person or electronically. As you continue, you’ll better pitch your ideas and make strong, succinct,professional arguments through text. Managers also expect you to write respectful, thoughtful, and politecommunications and respond to different perspectives. As you go through the learning environment, your skills willincrease each time you post.4) Improved Virtual Communication & CollaborationClass discussions feature a broader range of perspectives, helping you enhance your cross-cultural understanding.Students then have the opportunity to network with people from around the globe, while also broadening theirperspectives and becoming more culturally aware. Businesses look for employees who can be innovative and thisinnovation comes from outside of your immediate world.6) Critical Thinking SkillsOnline learning helps you think critically about what you do every day. The goal in the classroom is to challenge you tothink differently, something employers also want you to do. Mastering this skill will set you apart as a student and anemployee. Self-motivated learning demonstrates to employers that you can think critically and overcome obstacles. 7)New Technical SkillsYour online degree equates to strong technical skills which is another asset to employers. In e-learning, you will likelyneed to utilize digital learning materials and learn new tools and software. This helps an employer trust that you areversed in standard collaboration tools, communication tools, project management tools, content management systems,and basic troubleshooting. 13
GGAF Learing InstituteGGAF Learing InstituteCyber SecurityCyber SecurityCan you afford NOT to take this course?Cyber Security FundamentalsTypes of MalwareCyber Security BreachesTypes of Cyber AttacksLearning about prevention methodsMobile ProtectionSocial Network SecurityPrevention SoftwareCritical Cyber ThreatsDefense Against HackersPage 16
"Developing EmotionalIntelligence "CourseTaking control over the emotions that shape our lives can have powerful effects.Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize and manage our emotions,behaviors, and impulses, as well as apply this knowledge to the world around us.It encourages self-awareness, internal motivation, and the exploration of diverse perspectives. Through effective and authentic communication, emotional intelligence willcreate positive relationships within any organization. Emotional intelligence is askill that can be developed, in which these skills will help you to maximize yourpersonal and professional success. courses.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgPreregistration is OpenPage 17One of the Most Important Work SkillsHiring Managers Look For When HiringRegister
Page 18
Join over Join over 2,5002,500 people that people that have already taken this coursehave already taken this courseWhy do we need to teach about child maltreatmentWorldwide facts about maltreatment (from ISPCAN)How child maltreatment affects a community’squality of life and economic prosperityDifferent types and signs of maltreatmentHow to react if a child discloses their abuse to youBasics on how to report child abuseINTRODUCTION TO CHILD MALTREATMENT AND SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN GGAF Learning InstituteGGAF Learning InstitutePage 19
Open EnrollmentCourse Instructor: Lisa JonesInterview Skills for Jobseekerscourses.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgPage 20
courses.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgEarn Your CourseCertificate TodayPage 21
NEW GGAFNEW GGAFONLINE COURSEONLINE COURSE Learn how to:Define digital citizenship.Use technology appropriately.Use social networking to create your brand.Protect your reputation online.Practice safe use of technology.Understand digital etiquette. Social Media Responsibility: The Importance of Digital Citizenshipand Internet Safety: These skills will help prevent misstepsand keep your digital relationshipsrunning smoothly.Click here for the link
ONLINE MEETINGONLINE MEETING ETIQUETTEETIQUETTETOP 10 TIPS FORONLINE MEETINGETIQUETTE20232023Good Online etiquette helpsto create a positive andprofessional atmosphereBy: Chrissy SykesPage 23
My Body is My BodyMy Body is My Body MarchMarch 20232023 By: Chrissy SykesBy: Chrissy SykesKeeping Children SafeKeeping Children SafeHope Ambassadors
AttentionAll NGO's and Schools It's time to unleash your children's creativityand get them involved in a competition that'sall about promoting body safety. Last year, the GGAF and MBIMB held asuccessful drawing competition for schoolchildren, and this year, it's back and better than ever! With three categories to choose from, there'ssomething for everyone to get involved in. Page 25
First up, we have the poster competition. Encourage your students to get creative anddesign posters that promote body safety andfeature the empowering phrase "My Body is MyBody."Next, we have the singing competition. Let your students showcase their singing skillsby singing one of the MBIMB songs. You have sixto choose from. You can do this as a classexercise or with a few children. They can evencreate their own backing track or use the one weprovide. Once you have registered, we will sendyou all the .mp3's to play with.Last but not least, we have the dancecompetition. Let your students choreograph a dance routinearound any of the "My Body is My Body" songs.Encourage them to be creative and showcasetheir individuality. Once you have registered, wewill send you all the .mp3's to play with.Page 26
$300SingingCompetitionSo what are you waiting for?? Get your students involved, and let's promote bodysafety together. Let's make this year's competitionbigger and better than the last one!Click Here To Register $300Poster CompetitionDancingCompetition$300Page 27
The Benefits of OutdoorPlay for Children: 9 Reasons Why It MattersPage 28 In a world increasingly dominated by screens and indoor activities,it's important to remember the many benefits of outdoor play forchildren. Here are ten reasons why outdoor play matters and how itcan benefit a child's physical, mental, and emotional development: Promotes physical activity: Outdoor play provides children with opportunities to engage in physical activity,which is essential for healthy growth and development. Running, jumping, climbing,and other physical activities can help children build strength, improve balance andcoordination, and develop fine and gross motor skills.
The Benefits of Outdoor Play for Children: 9 Reasons Why It MattersPage 29 Encourages creativity and imagination: The outdoors provides children with endless opportunities for exploration andimaginative play. From building forts to creating imaginary worlds, outdoor playencourages children to use their creativity and imagination in new and excitingways.
The Benefits of Outdoor Play for Children: 9 Reasons Why It MattersPage 30 Boosts cognitive development: Outdoor play has been shown to enhance cognitive development, includingproblem-solving, decision-making, and critical-thinking skills. Exposure to newenvironments and experiences can also help children develop their spatialawareness and perception.
The Benefits of Outdoor Play for Children: 9 Reasons Why It MattersPage 31 Supports social and emotional development: Outdoor play provides opportunities for children to engage in social interactions,including cooperative play and conflict resolution. It also allows children toexperience and manage emotions in a natural environment, helping them developemotional regulation skills.
The Benefits of Outdoor Play for Children: 9 Reasons Why It MattersPage 32 Enhances learning: Outdoor play can support learning across various domains, including science, math,and language. For example, exploring nature can teach children about theenvironment and the natural world, while playing with sand or water can help themlearn about concepts such as volume and density.
The Benefits of Outdoor Play for Children: 9 Reasons Why It MattersPage 33 Promotes mental health: Outdoor play has been shown to have a positive impact on mentalhealth, reducing stress and anxiety, and improving mood and overallwell-being. Exposure to natural environments has also been linked toimproved attention, memory, and cognitive function.
The Benefits of Outdoor Play for Children: 9 Reasons Why It MattersPage 34 Builds resilience: Outdoor play provides children with opportunities to take risks, learnfrom failure, and build resilience. Children who engage in outdoor playare more likely to be confident and resilient in the face of challenges andadversity.
Improves sleep: Exposure to natural light and physical activity can help regulate sleep patterns inchildren, improving the quality and duration of their sleep. Fosters a love for nature: Outdoor play can help children develop a love and appreciation for nature,instilling a sense of environmental stewardship and encouraging them to protectthe natural world. The Benefits of Outdoor Play for Children: 10 Reasons Why It Matters
Are You Ready ToMake A Difference?
Join our GGA FoundationsJoin our GGA FoundationsCore EducationalCore EducationalProgramme to improve theProgramme to improve thelives of children and keeplives of children and keepthem safethem safewww.mbimb.orgwww.mbimb.orghttps://www.globalgoodwillambassadors.orghttps://www.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgFind out more at:
This would be life-changing for millions of children whosadly experience child sexual abuse.The main reason why it is difficult to identify a childsexual abuser or paedophile is that they do not fit aparticular stereotype or profile.I carried out a very large and extensive study interviewinga large number of victims of abuse within the family, orsomeone known by the family, which sadly representsover 90% of all abuse cases. In the study, I found some common characteristics;however, it is impossible to use these to profile before thecrime; very approachable and takes an interest in youwhen others don't, seen by family members and friendsas gentle and kind, etc. Contrary to popular belief, paedophiles are not alwaysmale, and they do not always have a criminal history.They can be of any age, gender, ethnicity, or social status.They can be single or married, employed or unemployed,and have varying levels of education.CAN WE PROFILECHILD SEXUALABUSERS?B Y S U H A I L H A N I F - N N E C AMoreover, paedophiles are often skilled at hidingtheir behaviour, and they can go to great lengths toavoid detection. They are very cunning and can oftencompartmentalise their behaviour.They may manipulate and groom both the child andtheir family to gain access to the child and maintaintheir secrecy. They may also employ various tactics,such as threats, bribes, or gifts, to control andmanipulate the child and maintain their secrecy.Additionally, paedophiles often hold positions oftrust, making it challenging to identify theirbehaviour as abusive.They may have a professional reputation that makesit difficult for others to believe that they could beengaging in abusive behaviour.Attempting to create a profile of a child sexualabuser or paedophile can be dangerous, as it canlead to stereotyping and missing the real danger.Profiling can lead to focusing on certaincharacteristics, such as gender or age, and ignoringothers that may be more relevant, such as theirbehaviour and actions.Since working in CSA Prevention I have being seeking the golden bullet, with countless sleepless nightsresearching / studying the possibility of identifying a child sexual abuser, before they commit the crime.Page 38
Furthermore, profiling can lead to false accusations and wrongful convictions, which can cause significant harm toinnocent individuals and their families. It is essential to approach any suspicions or allegations of child sexual abuse withcaution and seek professional help to assess the situation accurately.The NCA, national crime agency, state that between 550,000 - 850,000 pose a sexual risk to children in the UK, and otherstats show the sickening and alarming rate of men who have an interest in children. WE PROFILECHILD SEXUALABUSERS?B Y S U H A I L H A N I F - N N E C A
On April 16th, I embarked on a short vacation to Sudan. Little did I know my trip would spark a chain reactionof events that would lead me to give workshops to various organizations throughout the country. While I wasunable to accommodate every request due to time constraints, I was able to hold two workshops on two veryimportant topics: "My Body is My Body" and child prevention programmes.The first workshop was held in Omdurman, Sudan's second capital city, after I received an invitation from anorganization called Nawafiz for Tawasel (Windows for Communication). The session was geared towardsprofessionals in the field of child protection and teachers of Evangelical Schools in different areas ofOmdurman. Over 60 attendees were present, making for a very informative and interactive session that wasdeemed a great Ghada SalehMBIMB IN Page 40
The second workshop was held in Khartoum, after I received an invitation from Care Zone for PsychologicalCounseling and Rehabilitation at the Ministry of Health in Khartoum State. The workshop was forpsychologists, with a focus on defining the psychologist's role in child prevention and how they can protectthe mental health of children. During the session, we discussed the three factors that influence a child'sbehavior and their circle of trust, according to "My Body is My Body." We tackled many important issues andended by creating a plan to activate their role in their communities.Overall, both sessions were incredibly interactive, with attendees fully engaged and committed to processingthe information. It was an absolute pleasure to be a part of these workshops and to have made a positiveimpact in Sudan.MBIMB IN by Ghada SalehPage 41
Bala Bako and the Hope Ambassadors in Bauchi, Nigeria are making asignificant impact in promoting child safety and empowermentthrough their My Body is My Body Programme. During a recent visit to Bakari Dukku Academy, the team introduced the MBIMB Foundation, a childabuse prevention program aimed at teaching children about body autonomy and safety. Thechildren were taught the My Body is My Body song, empowering them to make decisions abouttheir bodies and recognize when something is wrong or unsafe.Creating a safe and healthy environment for children to learn and grow is crucial, and the MyBody is My Body Programme helps to achieve just that. We applaud the amazing outreach effortsof the Bauchi team led by Bala Bako BD, with support from Precious Paul, Princess Priscilla Paul,and Joy Barinaatomkeh.Hope Ambassadors is inviting volunteers to join them in creating a safer and healthier world forchildren. If you are passionate about promoting child safety and empowerment and would like tovolunteer in Nigeria, reach out to Olaoluwa Olayemi on LinkedIn.Together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of children in Nigeria and beyond.HOPEAMBASSADORSPage 42
The wonderful work of Bala Bako and Hope Ambassadors with the MyBody is My Body Programme in Bauchi, Nigeria is truly commendable. Recently, the team visited Sapphire Learn Lead Academy to advocate for good hand hygienepractices and child abuse prevention. The MBIMB Foundation provided the team with the necessarytools to help the children recognize abuse and understand the steps to take, as well as theimportance of safety networks. The children also sang the My Body is My Body song with the team.The Hope Ambassadors advocacy program is vital in promoting good hygiene practices and childabuse prevention in schools and communities. The team encourages parents to be involved inpromoting healthy living and child abuse prevention as well.Hope Ambassadors is now calling on volunteers who are passionate and ready to reach out tochildren and parents in schools, streets, churches, mosques, and the community as a whole.We extend our heartfelt congratulations and kudos to the entire Bauchi team, including Bala Bako BD,Precious Paul, Princess Priscilla Paul, and Joy Barinaatomkeh, for their impact on promoting childsafety and good hygiene practices.HOPEAMBASSADORS
Wonderful WandaWonderful WandaPage 44
Our new ASL Sign Language Website is now availableClick Here to go to the website: Page 46In Sri Lanka, a group of 50 children who attend government schoolsare members of SERVE children's clubs. These clubs have beenimplementing the My Body is My Body Programme, which teacheschildren about their rights to protect their bodies from abuse. The parents of these children have given a highly positive responseto the program, as they recognize the importance of this informationbeing taught in a creative manner. Through initiatives like SERVE, theyouth in Sri Lanka are gaining valuable knowledge and skills toprotect themselves and others from harm. The MBIMB video introductions were recorded by Shenaya de Mel,and songs were sung by Kruthya Ratnayake in Sinhala. With specialthanks to Sanjeeva de Mel who is the Executive Director of Serve.
Join us in making a powerful impact in your community this yearby becoming a champion for child abuse prevention! By educating parents, teachers, social workers,community leaders, and children, we can create a saferand more nurturing environment for our children tothrive. And the best part? Our program is entirely freeof charge. We'll even share some cost-effective waysfor you to spread this important message. Together, wecan make a real difference. So let's do this! This month we will be talking about WHY DO WE NEED TO ADDRESS THE SUBJECT OF CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION?HOW DO WE INTEGRATE THE MBIMB PROGRAMME INTO OUR COMMUNITIES? So Please join us:Click Here To RegisterPage 48
Looking for a fun and engaging way to teachLooking for a fun and engaging way to teachchildren about personal safety?children about personal safety? Look no further thanLook no further than "Eric and his personal space bubble""Eric and his personal space bubble"This charming children's book tells the story of Eric, a young boy who learns about theimportance of personal space bubbles at school. With the help of his mom, he learnshow to set boundaries and protect his personal space from unwanted intrusions. Along the way, he teaches his cousin Jake and sister Alicia about the concept ofpersonal space and how it applies to everyone, including family members. With playful illustrations and relatable scenarios, this is the perfect book to help kidsunderstand the importance of consent and personal safety. Order your copy today and start exploring your own personal space bubble!100% of profits go to the MBIMB FoundationClick here to purchase from AmazonPage 49
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Enroll at www.mbimb.orgSign up atwww.mbimb.orgfor this FREECoursePage 51
From Despair toFrom Despair toEmpowerment: How HopeEmpowerment: How HopeCan Change Women's LivesCan Change Women's LivesPage 52
FROM DESPAIR TOEMPOWERMENT: HOW HOPECAN CHANGE WOMEN'S LIVESWhen women feel hopeless, it can be hard to see a way forward. The challenges they face can seeminsurmountable, and the obstacles in their path can feel overwhelming. However, by instilling hope,we can help women transform their lives and become empowered to create positive change.Hope is a powerful force that can make a significant impact on women's lives. It provides a sense ofpurpose, direction, and motivation, which can help them to overcome adversity and achieve theirgoals. By giving women hope, we can help them to move from a place of despair to a position ofstrength and empowerment.There are many ways in which hope can change women's lives. For example, hope can inspire womento pursue their dreams, even in the face of significant obstacles. It can motivate them to seek outnew opportunities, take risks, and push beyond their comfort zones.Hope can also help women to develop resilience and cope with the challenges that life throws theirway. By believing in themselves and their abilities, women can weather even the toughest of stormsand emerge stronger on the other side.In addition to its individual benefits, hope can also have a positive impact on communities andsociety as a whole. When women feel empowered and hopeful, they are more likely to take actionand create change. They can become role models for others, inspiring those around them to believein themselves and their abilities.By Chrissy SykesPhotos By dee russell thomasPage 53
FROM DESPAIR TOEMPOWERMENT: HOW HOPECAN CHANGE WOMEN'S LIVESHere are some ways we can provide hope to women who need it:Listen to them: Often, women who are struggling just need someone to listen to them without judgment. Bygiving them a safe space to share their experiences and feelings, we can show them thatthey are not alone and that we care about them.Provide resources: Access to resources such as healthcare, education, and financialsupport can be critical to giving women hope for the future. By connecting them withresources, we can help them to feel more in control of their lives and better equipped totackle their challenges.Offer encouragement: Simple words of encouragement can go a long way in giving womenhope. Whether it's a compliment, a note of appreciation, or a message of support, positivewords can help to lift their spirits and inspire them to keep going.Be a role model: Sometimes, seeing someone who has overcome similar challenges can beincredibly motivating. By being a role model for women who are struggling, we can showthem that it's possible to overcome adversity and achieve their goals.Help them set goals: Setting goals and working towards them can be incrediblyempowering. By helping women set achievable goals and supporting them as they worktowards them, we can give them a sense of purpose and direction.Celebrate their successes: Celebrating even small successes can be a powerful way togive women hope. By acknowledging their achievements, we can help them to see that theirefforts are paying off and inspire them to keep going.Provide hope through storytelling: Sharing stories of other women who have overcomechallenges and achieved their goals can be a powerful way to give women hope. It canshow them that their struggles are not unique and that they too can overcome theirchallenges.Overall, giving hope to women who are struggling requires us to be empathetic, supportive,and understanding. By providing resources, encouragement, and positive role models, wecan help women to feel empowered and inspired to create positive change in their lives.Page 54
Photos By dee russell thomas
Hope conquers despair…we are in this together! By dee Russell-thomasThere are times when our todays are just too hard to faceBecause the yesterdays were tough and tomorrow’s much afearedBut with wisdom and experience we are taught that all things passAnd the sun will shine again as the storms will soon be clearedThere are times when we can marvel at tenacity of othersWhilst despairing of our own regret and doubtBut hope is our salvation and the waiting is our strengthAs we watch the darkness lifting and we blow the embers outOur patience reaps the dividends when we rise from flames of deathAs we spread our wings and welcome helping handsfrom those who gently lifted us from hopeless, endless depths and guided us to stronger, kinder lands.So let us all be thankful for the chances we are givenAnd ensure we share our fortune with our sisters in despair‘Tis our duty to provide a smoother pathway in the futureWomen warriors we are here and were not going anywhere!I've LearnedBy: Maya AngelouI've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seemstoday, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/shehandles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangledChristmas tree lights. I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents,you'll miss them when they're gone from your life. I've learned that making a "living" is not the same thing as making a"life”? I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance. I'velearned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt onboth hands; you need to be able to throw something back.I’ve learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, Iusually make the right decision. I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one. I've learned that every day you should reach out and touchsomeone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back. I've learned that I still have a lot to learn. I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forgetwhat you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Love this still learning….Page 56
We are proud to announce that our new FREESafeguarding Course is now available The course has been written especially for MBIMB Foundation by Barrister andSafeguarding Specialist Antonia Noble. During her 25 years as a Barrister, Antonia notonly developed a deep understanding of the law but the ability to process and presentinformation logically and clearly. What’s more, it’s what she is passionate about. Shecares deeply about justice, fairness and liberty and loves nothing more than helpingindividuals and organisations find their voice and reach better outcomes. Antonia hasextensive experience working in various areas of safeguarding, law, including criminal,employment, human rights, litigation, and data protection. www.mbimb.orgMBIMB COURSEMBIMB COURSESafeguarding FundimentalsSafeguarding Fundimentals Page 57
Dzaleka Refugee Camp in MalawiDzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi Page 58
For almost three decades, armed groups have taken advantage of the lack of state authority or itsweakness in eastern DRC to carry out brutal attacks on civilians. These groups have been able toflourish due to rampant impunity and intense competition for lucrative minerals.This situation has forced thousands of people to flee their homes and seek refuge at the DzalekaRefugee Camp. This camp was established 25 years ago as a response to the increasing number ofpeople fleeing wars and genocide in Burundi, Rwanda, and the DRC. Over 60% of the people in thiscamp are from the DRC. The camp was initially built for 10,000 in 1994 but now is home to over50,000.Malawi is also experiencing an influx of new arrivals as people continue to be displaced by conflicts,civil unrest, and political and economic instability across the region. In February, about 600 peoplewere displaced by floods in Mozambique and have since sought refuge in Malawi.The UN's World Food Programme (WFP) has been providing vital food assistance to refugees inMalawi and other areas, the WFP is the primary source of food for most people in the Dzaleka camp.The pandemic has also affected alternative sources of livelihoods in the camp, leaving families withno option but to rely on rations provided by the WFP.Unfortunately, the WFP is underfunded and facing pressure from other emergencies, which has ledto a re-evaluation of the camp's inhabitants' needs. As a result, many are now suffering, and thechildren are crying from hunger. The WFP is appealing for more funding to provide the necessaryassistance to those in need.Hunger In The DzalekaRefugee Camp MalawiBy Chrissy SykesPrince Lokendo distributing maize to families Page 59
I am excited to share with you the incredible impact we were able to make in the camp over theweekend with the donation from the Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation. As we haddiscussed earlier, we wanted to support the most vulnerable households in the camp who had beenremoved from the food aid and were starving.We purchased five bags of maize and shared it with the families who were in dire need of food. The food distribution brought immense joy to the families, who were very grateful for the support.We were able to reach out to several families, including a family consisting of seven unaccompaniedminors, a single teen mother raising five children, a disabled woman, a family of unaccompaniedgirls, and a girl who is raising a child with a chronic illness.The impact we were able to make in the lives of these Families cannot be overemphasized. To them,this was not just food but hope, and the joy on their faces was priceless. The families were touchedby the generosity, and they expressed their gratitude wholeheartedly.In addition to purchasing the maize, we also hired two bike men who helped us move the maizeacross the zones in the camp. I wanted to express my sincere gratitude to GGAF for your unwavering support and commitment tomaking a difference in the lives of these families. Your generosity has brought hope and a sense ofrelief to the families, and I am honoured to be part of such a noble cause.Once again, thank you for everything that you do.GGAF Fighting Hunger AtDzaleka Refugee Camp By Prince LokendoPrince Lokendo distributing maize to families Page 60
This Was Not Just FoodBut Hope..... Prince Lokendo distributing maize to families Page 61
Help provide educational scholarships to our GGAFLearning Insitute so those in disadvantaged countriescan take classes for self-improvement and sustainableliving to help end hunger and poverty. Let's also getthese children off the streets. A donation of $25 can give a comprehensive class tohelp get someone in need get an education and have achance at a better life.YOUR DONATIONCAN TAKECHILDREN FROMTHE STREETS TO THECLASSROOMDonate to:WWW.GLOBALGOODWILLAMBASSADORS.ORG/DONATE
In September 2023 I returned to mywork in the United Emirates. Sincethen, apart from a couple of weekswhen I went back to the UK to seefamily over Christmas, I have beenworking, travelling and experiencingthe delights of other countries.During this time, I have appreciated thesupport and the insight of myprofessional working colleagues. Wehave visited a wide range of educationalestablishments and have been able toassess, analyse and recommend invarious ways. My own specialisms ofinclusion, well-being, safeguarding, childprotection and care and support haveallowed me to appreciate all that isbeing achieved as well as encouragegreater improvements.When I fell and broke my ribs, I wassurrounded by colleagues and friendswho cared and provided me with all Icould have wished for in a foreign land.They were kind. They were thoughtful.They were good human beings.In February I took a flight to Turkey. Onmy plane there were rows and rows fullof Rapid Response Volunteers who wereflying out to assist with the Turkishearthquake disaster. So many people lost their lives, lost theirfamilies or were left injured and yet,wherever I went, there was kindness. Therewas thoughtfulness and once again, I wassurrounded by good human beings.In March, despite broken ribs, I venturedover to Africa. Within a matter of weeks, Ihad already visited three differentcontinents. Kenya greeted me well. Oncompletion of my work commitments, I wasable to meet with Global GoodwillAmbassadors. Although initially a littlenervous, when we met Faith and I soonrealised how much we had in common,including enjoying our food (neither of us likecheese though!) and we enjoyed a goodlaugh. Faith is an inspiring ambassador. Sheis helping so many causes, including sanitarytowel provision for young girls to enablethem to attend school and work. She and Ishared ideas and experiences for manyhours. She is kind, thoughtful and a goodhuman being.I later met up with GGA Robert, his friendTimothy and brother Alex. They had so muchto tell me about the work they are doing tohelp those less fortunate. Robert has sentme many examples of all he is doing to helpthe orphans, the needy women and ex-prisoners to rebuild their lives. The wonders of meeting fellow Global Goodwill Ambassadors and otherhumanitarians across the world by dee russell-thomasGLOBAL GOODHUMAN BEINGSREIGNSUPREME SPECIAL REPORTDee and Faith Muthoka from KenyaPage 64
He is striving to build a community wherewater for life is a key issue, where childrenwho drop out of school are helped to findproductive skills and where they can accessquality education, affordable healthcareand a safe environment. Pastor Timothyworks with the prison / military and policemission programme and he focuses onhelping to rehabilitate ex-prisoners andfinding them meaningful employment.These people are inspirational. They arehumble yet ambitious. Gentle yet strongand once again I found myselfsurrounded by good human beings.In Rwanda I had a very special reunion withan ex-refugee student who had arrived inthe UK with nothing more than thegingham cotton dress she wore. She, alongwith a dozen others, had escaped thegenocide of Burundi and Rwanda. I was herEnglish advisor and she became asignificant part of my families’ lives. Thisamazing young woman went on to gain adoctorate from the USA, and has a keyprofile, is a highly respected woman in herfield and an advocate for women’sentrepreneurship. Her tenacity, her vision,her belief and her hope enabled her tobecome not only successful but a positiverole model for others. Indeed, whilst inRwanda I was invited to the premier of afilm entitled, “The Woman In Me” whichfeatured her amongst other prominentwomen.She now not only holds a high-poweredposition but also uses her experiences andher role to encourage other women inbusiness ventures and in self-sufficiency.Whatever I may have taught thisremarkable person I promise you I learnedfar more from her than I ever gave. It was apleasure and a privilege to be in thecompany of such a good human being.Not only did I have the opportunity ofmeeting my ex-students but I also met upwith families who had supported my ownson when he was travelling by land fromEast to West Africa. At last, I was able torepay their kindness to him. These familieswho had so little themselves were stillwilling to provide shelter and food to ayoung boy exploring the world. They, inturn, were delighted to share their storiesof our son and we were thrilled to be ableto give something back to them for theirkindness. They continue to do good work.They help others and yes, they are goodhuman beings.In Rwanda I also enjoyed talks with womenwho promote other women. I wasintroduced to dynamic experts incarpentry, in design, in enterprise also,independent women who were helped tobelieve in themselves and who were guidedinto skills and professions by others leadingthe way. A female tourist guide drove us tothe north of Rwanda.The wonders of meeting fellow Global Goodwill Ambassadors and otherhumanitarians across the world by dee russell-thomasGLOBAL GOODHUMAN BEINGSREIGNSUPREMEDee and Rev Jacques from Burundi and Dee and Alice Nsengiyumva (Bottom)Page 65
She had a remarkable knowledge oflocal birds; she drove through roughterrain with ease and she talked abouther aspirations for her young daughter.This country has survived an horrificgenocide and yet it has re-built itselfinto an innovative, aspirational andfocused country based on forgivenessand unity. There is much to be learnedand much to be admired. Loveconquers all and although many hadsurvived horrendous experiences in thepast, they were eager to work togetherand I was humbled by the strength anddetermination of these good humanbeings.In neighbouring Burundi, I marvelled atthe luscious countryside, themagnificent vegetation and the mouth-watering cuisine. I enjoyed breakfast onLake Tanganyika with fellow GlobalGoodwill Ambassador, Alice. We had agreat time together and enjoyed sharingour work, our goals and ourcommonalities. She was recently backfrom travelling and felt inspired tobecome re-acquainted with the GGAF.That was such a lovely thing to hear as Iknow Alice will bring much to the tableand has many ideas. I can’t believe howfortunate I have been in my travelling.Each direction I have ventured has ledme to inspiring good human beings.The wonders of meeting fellow Global Goodwill Ambassadors and otherhumanitarians across the world by dee russell-thomasGLOBAL GOODHUMAN BEINGSREIGNSUPREME Dee with Chaplain Timothy Namhu, Robert N.Njue and Alext Kivuti NthigaPage 66
In Uganda I enjoyed the opportunity ofvisiting Lake Bunyanyi. What a gloriousparadise! Apart from zip-lining withbroken ribs… (yes… truly crazy) … I alsosaw a former leprosy island nowconverted to an orphanage and apunishment island once the fate ofunmarried mothers. There remains an84-year-old survivor who was rescuedby a local fisherman and lives in thevillage. We may still have much to learnbut it is also comforting to know wehave come so far and we continue togain greater understanding and a desireto improve. On this journey I met Justus,a warden on the island and also a truehumanitarian who is helping orphansand homeless in the nearby village. Hetoo has shown an interest in joiningGGA. Yet another genuine, kind andgood human being.So, what have I learnt from my sevenmonths away from home? What have Ishared and what has been gained?Well, I have learnt that my bodycrumbles when it hits concrete but myspirit cannot be broken! Whendifficulties arise, good friends want tohelp so allow them to do so and just begrateful rather than too proud andindependent. I have seen support on an individuallevel, on a small scale and on a largescale and I have also seen selflesspeople travelling across the world toassist those trapped in an earthquake. Iknow that, even with language barriers,people can communicate love, care andsupport. In Africa I was greeted with kindness,with enthusiasm and with generosity. Imet people who had little but gavemuch. I met those who suffered terribleatrocities but showed forgiveness. I metchildren living in poverty but who wererich in love and laughter. Above all I wasshown kindness and my belief that“there is much more goodness in theworld than bad” was reinforced. Acrossour planet there are injustices,atrocities, inequalities and tragedies butthere are also many kind, passionate,generous, pro-active good humanbeings and I am thankful to have metsome of them through the GlobalGoodwill Ambassadors Foundation andother avenues. I hope my presence hasencouraged humanitarians to pursuetheir dreams and I hope, throughsharing their work we can assist in theirefforts. This would not have beenpossible without the GGAF.The wonders of meeting fellow Global Goodwill Ambassadors and otherhumanitarians across the world by dee russell-thomasLater, when out into the country I metup with Rev. Jacques who told me allabout his vision to build an orphanage,a training centre to help the youth andfacilities to offer support to singlemothers. Having witnessed so manyyoung children on the streets andseeing how little they had, I understoodexactly why he wanted to do this. Wecannot just pour money into deprivedareas; we cannot simply share food andprovide water. We must educate, train,teach and invest in helping those lessfortunate to become self-sufficient. “If you give a man a fish, you feed him fora day. If you teach a man to fish, you feedhim for a lifetime”. .Another female tour guide showed methe different facets of Burundian cultureand country. She is a graduate of thelocal university and an intelligent,articulate woman who, on meeting theGGA representatives I had arranged tosee, was eager to learn more and applyto join. Face to face contact with peopleis a strong means of extending our workand igniting passion. Every mile Icovered, every step I made, ever corner Iturned, took me to the compassion, thecare and the hope of good humanbeings. GLOBAL GOODHUMAN BEINGSREIGNSUPREMEPage 68
I cannot express my gratitude enough. I trust I have portrayed a balanced picture of positivity as well as need. To all those Iworked with, to those I met and to those who inspired me … thankyou… from the bottom of my heart.Together we can make the difference we want to see in this world. Together, we can reach out and lift others up.Together we can be the strong, good human beings.Indeed, we can be Global Goodwill Ambassadors In the words of the African people, “Ubuntu!”UBUNTU“I am because we are”Happiness when shared is multiplied.Children from Zanzibar know this.“I am because we are”Each day of giving is a life of livingTo hold on to possessions is to suffocateWhilst those around still breathe“I am because we are”It takes an African tribe to teach usOur wealth is our noose and our freedomOnly as strong as our united front.Equal distribution of wealth.Sharing resourcesWalking hand in handBlack with whiteThis is living, loving, giving, believing This is …………………... Ubuntu.The wonders of meeting fellow Global Goodwill Ambassadors and otherhumanitarians across the world by dee russell-thomasGLOBAL GOODHUMAN BEINGSREIGNSUPREME Page 70
Since joining the My Body Is My Body program, he has achieved a series of accomplishments. He went frombeing a street boy to receiving the Top 40 Under 40 Men Influential Young Leaders Award in 2015, and thenwent on to win the Kenya Peace Ambassador's Award in 2016. He has made a significant impact on the lives ofchildren and young people, which has been his driving force. His dedication to serving humanity andtransforming lives has been his ultimate goal.Robert believes that the cosmopolitan nature of their community is the key to achieving unity and driving thedevelopment of their county to greater heights. They are calling for the community to come together,combine their potential and revitalize the region's economy. The writer has dedicated their life to this visionsince the inception of counties. However, they believe that the desired goals have not been achieved becauseof the sense of belongingness to ethnic backgrounds, which often leads to prejudice and is a result ofhistorical political rivalries created by political forefathers.Robert questions how we can achieve balance in regions when we have a myopic system that creates a biasedview of historical truths. They believe that a neutral leadership role is necessary to unite these forces and endpolitical antagonism, which will foster economic growth and create more wealth by empowering youth withleadership skills and instilling a spirit of true democracy in them. He aims to minimize cases of unemployment among the youth by mobilizing locally available resources andcreating a network of international markets for locally produced goods.The Robert has been able to use their potential, as demonstrated by their TOP 40 UNDER 40 MEN of Year2015 award in Kenya, to introduce leadership models to young people, nurture their talents, and transitionthem into responsible and mature adult leaders. He has been able to accomplish this through the CAMT-KENYA mission team, an organization they founded in 2016 to connect the world for true global missions thatfocus on holistic humanitarian development.MEET AMB.ROBERT NJUE NAMU A GLOBAL GOODWILL AMBASSADOR AND FOUNDER OF CHRISTAMBASSADORS MISSION TEAM (CAMT-KENYA MINISTRY)GGA's Making A Difference AMB.ROBERT NJUE NAMUOnce a street boy in the slums of Nairobi andnow the global goodwill ambassador in Kenya –Africa, Ambassador Robert Njue Namu is nowrising from the margins of Embu County to leadyoung Kenyans into a promising future!Robert is married to his beautiful wife ChristineMwende Gitonga, and they are blessed with onedaughter Precious Princess Kyla. His motivationis his call to serve humanity. His wife and childhave stood with him at levels and encouragedhim during the hard times.Page 72
Robert is a rising leader who is determined to lead young men and women out of political sycophancy, slaveryof minds, and negative ethnicity, which have been hindering economic development in his country for overfive decades. He firmly believes that he has the capacity to empower the 47 counties' leadership andcommunities to realize a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that can manage the current economic crises faced bythe majority of the population who live below the poverty line of one dollar a day.To achieve his vision, Robert has developed Christian leadership models that serve as a way of empoweringindividuals in his community. He believes that these models will inspire leaders and the community to createsustainable solutions to address their economic and social challenges. Robert is committed to helping hiscommunity to develop and realize their full potential by providing guidance, mentorship, and resources thatwill enable them to become self-sufficient and self-reliant. His determination and commitment to empoweringhis community make him a valuable leader and a source of inspiration for many.Transitioning children into responsible young adult leaders right at the grassroots to meet young people ofKenya with a strategy that is already in place and working out and being adopted by various NGOs such asCompassion International and Institutions of learning. I am using a youth programming strategy that is able towork out a formula to create more wealth in circulation by creating more employment opportunities for youth.I have also been developing groups and Sacco for young talents and women saving and loaning methodology. Iaddition to all this in the year 2016 I pioneered the establishment of CAMT-KENYA YOUTH EXCHANGEFORUM which is out to bring youth across Africa For global missions. GGA's Making A Difference AMB.ROBERT NJUE NAMUPage 73
Darren Hart FoundationMenstrual Products, MBIMB, and Tree Planting Event Held atthe Mukuyu Primary School in Nairobi, Ruiru Prisons.Page 74
The Mukuyu Primary School is in Nairobi, Ruiru Prisons, surrounded by informal settlements. Periodpoverty is a significant concern in the area, and providing the girls with reusable towels was a goodinitiative to alleviate sanitary towel costs in the community. Teaching menstrual hygiene and providing Reusable sanitary towels to 200 girls was an outstandingachievement since this material will serve them for at least two years. We then taught the My Body is MyBody Program to the rest of the pupils, including about 500. We also taught them the importance ofconserving the environment and planted 200 trees. We donated two footballs to the school, and the boysreceived academic mentorship.It turned out to be a very big success. The foundation is grateful to the Global Goodwill AmbassadorsFoundation for its wonderful support that helped result in the success of our event. The pupils had anunforgettable day and will always cherish the memories we had together. As a foundation, we lookforward to your continued partnership and support.SDGs Impacted: SDG 1, SDG 3, SDG 4,SDG7,SDG 10, SDG 13, SDG17Members from the Darren Hart Foundation, GGAF-Kenya members (Darren Hart Juma, Faith Muthoka,Joseph Gakuu), and teachers in school were atremendous help during this event. We dividedourselves into groups to tackle different topics,separated the boys from girls, mentored themseparately, grouped them, and taught them theimportance of the environment. Page 75
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Chisi Island in Zomba, Malawi ReceivesLifesaving Motorized Boat Ambulance By: Alina Pelka; Yorghas FoundationGGAF PolandPage 78
Thanks to generous support from the ROTARY CLUB OF BOW inNew Hampshire, USA, YORGHAS Foundation fulfilled the promiseto the people of Chisi Island in Zomba, Malawi. We promised tosupport them with Motorised Boat Ambulance that would help tominimize the cases of women delivering in the boat whencrossing Lake Chilwa for a referral – now it will take max. 20minutes instead of 1.5 hours. From now on, the boat will beavailable 24/7 to save lives during and after birth. It will alsofacilitate easy, reliable, faster, and safe transport for healthworkers when crossing the lake to the mainland for other errands. It couldn't be possible without many wonderful people involvedin this extraordinary action. We want to express our deepgratitude to Amb. Richard Swett and the entire ROTARY CLUB OFBOW. Their open hearts and generosity will save mothers’ andbabies’ lives on Chisi Island. Many thanks to Mary Kurek -Frontrunners Innovate and Honorary Consul of Malawi in IsraelNir Gess, for wonderful assistance in getting the Boat Projectdone. We are also grateful to the Rotaract Club of Zomba for itspartnership and good collaboration. Last but not least, it’s worth mentioning that our blue Boat of Lifeis equipped with two life jackets donated by Primary School No.20 from Katowice, Poland – children, their parents, and teachersorganized a fantastic charity fair to raise money for this noblecause. We cannot thank them enough for joining our mission tomake this world a better place for all.Page 79
Health refers to a person’s Physical, Emotional, and Psychological well-being. Hygiene refers to goodpractices that prevent disease and lead to good health, especially cleanliness, proper disposal of wastewater,and drinking water supply. Ziaullah Khan PRCS BHU Mamashkhel organized an Awareness Program for thestudents of Government Higher Secondary Mamashkhel.Ziaullah Khan took a session on the importance of hygiene practices and explained the way one can keephimself/herself healthy and free from diseases. During the session, Ziaullah Khan discussed the followingpoints, including personal hygiene, cleaning of surroundings, waste management, and a healthy diet.80 school students, along with 05 teachers of School -benefitted from this awareness program mePrincipal appreciated the initiative taken by the PRCS Bannu for spreading the awareness about Health &Hygiene among school students.IFRC/PRCS Bannu Team is committed to advancing equitable immunization to save lives andprotect children and communities from outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases.SDGs ImpactedPage 81
Anusha ShresthaAnusha's dedication to storytelling has been an extraordinary journey, bringing joyand inspiration to countless people worldwide. As a Global Goodwill Ambassador,she has been able to use her passion for storytelling to spread messages of love,hope, empathy, and unity. For the past 500 days, Anusha has conductedconsecutive storytimes, reading tales of peace, love, empathy, friendship, hope, andcourage at 7 PM every evening.Page 82
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Beulah World Visits Jibowu Community The commencement of the Beulah World Initiative 2023 Outreachesbegan in February and we are grateful to God for the success of ourfirst Outreach of the year, held in Jibowu Community, Ilogbo, in Ota,Ogun State, on Saturday, February 18, 2023. We appreciate God for the great privilege to be of service to humanityand for His awesome provision for this assignment. We give Him gloryfor all the lives that were impacted and for many families who benefitedfrom the Outreach. We could give Medical Aid to many members of this community andshare the love of Christ with them. Also, we reached out to manyWidows and very elderly people with some grocery packs. We alsowent with clothes, shoes, handbags, school bags, and a few toys forchildren. Nothing is as fulfilling as making others happy. We often findhappiness when we think of happiness for others. The things one takesfor granted are most often a miracle to another person. If you would like to be a part of what we do, send us a direct messagehere on Facebook or via WhatsApp. If you would like to just supportwhat we do, use the link below and be the reason someone finds relieftoday. We hold outreach every month, be part of the success of ournext Outreach and experience real happiness.We deeply appreciate all our partners who continuously give tosupport this assignment God gave us. May the word that God used toestablish this movement never cease to have an expression in yourlives in Jesus Mighty Name! (Psalm 41:1-3)May good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over,continue to be your portion every day of your lives in Jesus' MightyName! God bless, strengthen, uphold, and visit all our Volunteers thatmake this work workable with outstanding breakthroughs andturnaround testimonies in Jesus' Mighty Name! Page 84
1100 hampers among underprivileged families in Karachi living in Liaquatabad, Korangi, Numaish, Pehlwan Goth,Landhi, Qasba Town, Manzoor Colony, Azam Basti, Akhtar Colony, Baldon Town, Gadap Town, Malir, Khokrapar,Altaf Nagar, Goth Bin Qasim, Lines Area, Gulshan, Gulistan-e-Johar, Dalmia, Neelam Colony, Umer Farooq Colony,and Mehmoodabad.10 hampers in Peshawar for families linked with the Association of Rehabilitation of Physically Disabled.30 hampers among the ground staff of various sports centers, Lahor.e60 hampers among the lower and support staff of educational institutions Islamabad.400 hampers among families affected by flood residing in Tando Allahyar, Naushero Feroz, Khairpur, Matli districtBadin, Sujawal, KhiproTando Adam district Sanghar and Kotri.550 kg of Flour1750 kgs of Rice100 lit of oil180 kgs of dates48 bottles of Rooh Afza125 kg of vegetables250 kg of teaGrocery Hampers1600 hampers worth of Rs. 7,430,000/- have been distributed among poverty-stricken families in different cities, thebreakdown of which is mentioned below:Iftar-Dinner4000 people have been catered so far in collaboration with Alamgir Welfare Trust International. Iftar was also arrangedin institutions like Darul Sukun Old House, Aashiyana Trust, and Idareiu School for Blind and Deaf.In-kind DonationsFollowing things were distributed among needy families and institutions.Other than this, projects such as the provision of eid clothes, donation of Wheel Chair, installation of water hand pumps,and setting up of stitching training institutes are still under progress. On behalf of Syed Wasimuddin Hashmi, myself, andmy team members, I thank you all for the donations that helped us make a difference in the lives of people. With yoursupport, trust, and efforts of our team members, we have surpassed our target.This year, Alhamdulilah, we were able to conduct a successful and prosperousRamadan Drive. Our activities completed till now are mentioned below.Ramadaan ProjectThe Syed FoundationPage 85
By: Dario RuggieroGGAF Italy and European Leader Long-Term Economy Founder& SDGSManaging freshwater has historically played a crucial role in human development. Human-made structures andsystems have benefited some communities but have also impacted natural systems and cycles. Among the human-made structures we have: 1. Dams; 2. Canals and Aqueducts; 3. Groundwater pumping. The main objective is “howto give humans clean water minimizing the impact of human-made constructions on nature”.Main SDGs directly involved: SDG3, SDG6, SDG9, SDG11.Accessible freshwater in the form of rivers, lakes, ponds, and wetlands makes up less than 1% of all the water onEarth. When freshwater trapped in glaciers, icebergs and groundwater is included in the total amount of freshwater,it still comprises less than 3% of Earth’s water. Although surface freshwater and groundwater account for only a tinyamount of water, it plays a vital role in the habitability of Earth. That is why it is important to make it clean and makethe best and most equitable use of it. Let’s see what are water functions and which are SDGs related to water. Page 86BIODIVERSITYWe are not the only organism that relies on Freshwater for survival. Freshwater ecosystems arehome to a remarkably large portion of wildlife, including 12% of all animals and 40% of fish species.Moreover, hosting such a variety of fish, amphibians, mollusks, crustaceans, and insects, they areexcellent for large numbers of birds. Freshwater ecosystems are also home to a wide variety ofplants, which support both animal and human populations. These ecosystems are however indanger. They have extinction rates as much as 15 times greater than marine ecosystems. In theUnited States, 37% of fish species and 40% of amphibians have become threatened or extinct.Human activities can affect these ecosystems in many ways (e.g., by changing the water flows). It’simportant to reduce our impact on them. SDGs involved in preserving biodiversity are SDG 14 andSDG 15. CHANGING NATURAL FLAWS OF WATER
Water is the universal chemical solvent. It can easily mix with other chemical particles. When wetalk of quality, first, we talk about the water's characteristics in terms of physical, chemical, andbiological reactions that occur during its path. Another essential characteristic is its PH. Qualityalso describes the type of minerals we find in it. The important thing is to establish whetherwater is safe or unsafe for humans. Pollution describes the unwanted substances in the water.Water pollution is a major global problem and accounts for the death of more than 14,000people daily. Among the major water pollutants, we have plastic and metals. Although humansare the main cause of pollution, they have also invented ways/technologies to clean water. MainSDGs directly involved: SDG3, SDG6, SDG9 (either positively or negatively).Page 87GUARANTEEING WATER QUALITY IN FRESHWATER SYSTEMSWATER RIGHTS AND HUMAN COMMUNITIESAs the clean water supply decreases around the world, the issue of water rights and politicsbecomes increasingly important. There are a lot of water-stressed areas around the world wherewater use exceeds the natural renewable water supply and puts freshwater ecosystems at risk. Inthese areas, the issues of water rights and water use is crucial. There are places like Californiawhere water shortage is becoming a chronicle. However, it is also crucial to understand how topreserve clean, fresh water and reduce pollution to it. This issue is extremely important, as cleanfreshwater shortage can bring other problems such as health, war, migration and other problems.Main SDGs directly involved: SDG3, SDG6, SDG10, SDG16, SDG17We have seen that water is not just for satisfying our water needs. It is related to a lot of other issues. It is one majorexample of how we live in a system where things are interrelated. Non thing can exist without others. Clean watersupply is an issue that directly affect a lot of SDGs and preserving it and reducing its pollution is crucial for a futuresustainable society.CONCLUSION
Meet Mr. Shoaib Habib Memon, a man who wearsmany hats. He is a freelance social worker, GlobalGoodwill Ambassador, entrepreneur, and a residentof District Thatta, Province Sindh in Pakistan. With adegree in M.A and LLB from the University of Sindh,Mr. Memon has worked with numerous charityorganizations and currently owns a successfulbusiness in his hometown.Mr. Memon is an inspiration to many with closeto 50k followers on his LinkedIn professionalnetwork. He uses his platform to promotePakistani talent and uplift the voices of theunderrepresented. During the COVID-19 lockdown, Mr. Memonprovided ration bags to underprivilegedsocieties, and he continues to work tirelesslyfor flood-affected communities.In recognition of his dedication to humanitarianwork, Mr. Memon has received numerousawards. He received the "Book for Peace"award from FUNVIC Foundation Italy in 2019and was recently presented with theHumanitarian Awards Global (HAG) from theRepublic of Ghana in West Africa for his socialservices achievements.Mr. Memon's philanthropic efforts extendbeyond just poverty-stricken families. He alsosupports orphaned children, provides cleandrinking water through installation of handpumps and wells, supports financially-challenged students, and empowers women.His impact has not gone unnoticed as he waspresented with the Shaheed Benazir BhuttoTalent Award 2022 for his volunteer socialwelfare work in Sindh. Mr. Memon's passion forhelping others is truly inspiring, and hisselflessness serves as a reminder to all of usthat small acts of kindness can go a long way inmaking the world a better place.GGA's Making A Difference Mr. Shoaib Habib MemonPage 88
The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and moresustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, includingpoverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, wereadopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action toend poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation hasproudly joined forces with the UN SustainableDevelopment Goals -Partners PlatformHTTPS://SUSTAINABLEDEVELOPMENT.UN.ORG/PARTNERSHIP/?P=36228CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO CHECK OUT OUR GGA FOUNDATION AND TOP INITIATIVE ON THE UN PAGE.Page 91
“Investing in the SDGs [Sustainable Development Goals] is both sensible andfeasible: it is a win-win for the world, as the social and economic rates of return onsustainable development in developing countries is very high.” UN Secretary-General António Guterres at the launch of his call for a $500 billion SDG Stimulus HTTPS://WWW.UN.ORG/SUSTAINABLEDEVELOPMENT/GOAL-OF-THE-MONTH/Sustainable Development Goal 17 is about revitalizing the global partnership, including increasedfinancing, for sustainable development. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is universaland calls for action by all countries – developed and developing – to ensure no one is left behind. Itrequires partnerships between governments, the private sector, and civil society, as the SDGs canonly be realized with a strong commitment to global partnership and cooperation. Sustainable development prospects continue to diverge between developed and developingcountries. SDG financing needs are growing, but development finance is not keeping pace. The warin Ukraine, sharp increases in food and energy prices, and rapidly tightening financial conditionshave increased hunger and poverty and reversed progress on the SDGs. If left unaddressed, a financedivide will translate into a lasting sustainable development divide. Page 92
WUNRN’S MISSION WUNRN, Women’s UN Report Network, based on a UN Study, is considered oneof the best, most respected, comprehensive global resources on women’s andgirls’ issues. WUNRN provides research, documentation, programs, reports -TOOLS - to move forward advocacy and activism, local to global, on the humanrights, oppression, and empowerment of women and girls all over the world. wunrn.comChildren deserve safe environmentswhere they can connect, learn, love, andthrive both off and online. Advances intechnology have sparked positive, newopportunities for children to grow.However, they have also opened thedoor to serious threats and profoundharms to children’s safety and wellbeing.Rather than improving with time, theseproblems are worsening at anexponential rate, with the Internet WatchFoundation reporting 2021 as the worstyear on record for online child sexualexploitation. The scope and magnitudeof the dangers may seem daunting. Butchange is possible if every one of usfights to secure a safer, more joyful futurefor our children.Direct Link to Full 22-Page 2023 Publication:Building a Safe Internet So Youth Can Connect, Learn, Love, & ThriveNational Center on Sexual ExploitationPage 93
5 0 1 c 3 N o n p r o f i tmay 2020Global GoodwillAmbassadorsFoundationWWW.GLOBALGOODWILLAMBASSADORS.ORG/THE-AMBASSADORS I G N U P F O R Y O U R F R E E M O N T H L YS U B S C R I P T I O N T O " T H E A M B A S S A D O R " M A G A Z I N E F E A T U R I N G