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The Ambassador: September 2024; Issue 47

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EMPOWERING FUTURES:Help Us Keep Girls In School By Providing Vital Hygiene ProductstodaySEPTEMBER 2024

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Dear Readers, We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to our incrediblesupporters and donors. Your unwavering generosity andcommitment make it possible for us to continue our mission ofspreading goodwill and addressing the critical needs of thosemost vulnerable. We simply couldn’t do this without you.Around the world, countless children, mothers, fathers, andgrandparents are needlessly suffering and losing their lives. Inthe face of such heartbreak, we recognize that the call for peaceis louder than ever—a call that resonates with all of us who hopefor a better, more compassionate future for humanity. Yet, despitethe challenges, I have not lost my faith in humanity. Every act ofkindness, every donation, and every effort made reminds me thatthere is still so much good in the world, and together, we are aforce for change.This month, I also want to extend a special thank you to ourincredible team of writers, who have crafted insightful andimpactful articles. Your words are lighting the way for others,offering knowledge and inspiration in the darkest of times.Additionally, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation tothe GGAF Board of Directors for your tremendous dedication andhard work. Thanks to your relentless efforts, we are thrilled tolaunch new Webinars and Zoom sessions starting this month.These initiatives will help us expand our reach, connect withmore people, and continue educating and empoweringcommunities worldwide.Together, we are stronger. Together, we are bridginghumanity. Thank you all.Lisa JanesCeo | Co-FounderGlobal Goodwill AmbassadorsPUBLISHER|EDITOR'S NOTELisa A. JonesCEO |Co-FounderGlobal Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation (GGAF)3Coming SoonComing Soon

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In "RISILIENCE to SUCCESS," Paul Tobias shares an inspiring and deeply personal account ofhis journey from the humble beginnings in Trinidad to achieving success in Canada. Thisautobiography captures the resilience, determination, and unwavering spirit that carried Paulthrough the challenges of poverty, identity struggles, and the adversities of being animmigrant in a foreign land.Growing up in a small house with no electricity and limited access to basic necessities, Paullearned the value of perseverance from a young age. Through the guidance of his mother andhis own unyielding determination, he overcame the trials of his early life, including enduringlong walks to school and the psychological trauma of identity loss.Paul's story is a testament to the power of staying focused on one's dreams, regardless of thecircumstances. After moving to Canada, he embraced every opportunity to build a better lifefor himself and his family, eventually earning a certificate in Operations Management fromCornell University and becoming a successful hospitality consultant and author.This book is not just a memoir; it’s a guide for anyone facing adversity, showing that withresilience and a positive mindset, success is within reach. Join Paul Tobias as he reflects on hislife's journey, sharing lessons on hope, hard work, and the importance of never giving upPAUL TOBIAS

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Breaking Mental Health Stigmas ByUnderstanding the Power of Its Verbiage1. Psychological Well-being: This refers to an individual’s overall MH and life’s Satisfaction.What is your why?How is that actualized, daily?No man is an island…so how are you supported?2. Emotional Resilience: The ability to adapt and bounce back from challenges and stressors.What are your limits?Do you know your boundaries and are they being crossed?When is your stress (mental tension caused by a trying situation) or your challenges (when new, difficult, ordifferent actions are happening simultaneously) getting too much?3. Cognitive Functioning: The mental process involved in acquiring, processing, and using information.Acquiring – to learn or develop a mindset (a skill or habit)Processing – to compute a thought or idea to deal with it.Using – to deploy a thought achieving a result or purpose.4. Mental Wellness: A holistic approach to mental health, emphasizing overall well-being accountability.The interaction of the mental, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being; understanding how thesedifferent aspects of our lives interact and affect our overall health. Taking personal responsibility for Self-Care by proactively participating in self-care practices, seeking knowledgeabout health and wellness, and making lifestyle choices that support a health-positive lifestyle. Community/Environmental Factors consider the impact of social and community engagement factors, theimportance of supportive relationships and activities, that provide a sense of belonging and purpose, andadvocating for a holistic well-being.5. Psychiatric Disorders: Conditions that affect a person’s thinking, feeling, behavior or mood such as indepression or anxiety.Biological factors – Imbalances and disruptions of Serotonin and dopamine due to stress that can trigger otherunknown diagnoses.Psychological factors – PTSD, negative stress and toxic work environments that exacerbate already troublingillnesses.Social factors – Isolation (COVID), dysfunctional family relationships, economic problems, significant loses (job,spouse, etc.), and stigma around MH that limit access to care.6. Psychotherapy – Therapeutic interventions aimed at improving MH through ‘talk therapy’. CBT – self-help psychotherapy designed to change the unhealthy ways you think, feel and behave.Humanistic – ‘personal growth’ therapy is designed to concentrate on the person and not the faults.Integrative – a combination of Psychiatry, Psychology, CBT, and Marriage and family designed to cover a fewdynamics of treatment.THE AMBASSADOR SEPTEMBER 202410

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7. Stigma – Negative attitudes or beliefs surrounding MH issues that can contribute to discrimination,alienation, and access to MH care.Stigma vs Stereotype – Stigma: set of negative unfounded, beliefs that motivate fear, rejection and avoidance.(seeing a ‘shrink’ is a sign of weakness) Stereotype: a widely held but fixed and oversimplified idea or behavior,based on a partial truth, about a particular type of person or thing. (All people from NY speak with an accent).Structural – similar to the term ‘systematic’ is when laws policies and practices result in the unfair treatment ofpeople with lived and living experiences.Stigma-by-Association – public disapproval evoked as a consequence of associating with stigmatized persons.(When we use “Birds of a feather” in the assumption that if you hang out with a MI person, you must be MIyourself.)8. Self-care – Practices and activities individuals engage in to maintain and improve their mental and emotionalwell-being.Integrating work and personal fun to lessen stress.b.Building a rapport with co-workers outside of work, through sports, hobbies, or travel.c.Taking Mental Health days when needed not when offered.d.Understanding your limits and setting healthy boundaries.9. Mindfulness – The practice of being present and fully engaged in the current moment, often used for stressreduction. Visualization – ‘seeing’ a fixed object to focus on during breathing exercises.Body Scan – using your body parts as points of reference during breathing or meditation exercises. (grounding)Journaling – mental and tactile practices that uses thought and manual dexterity to focus on in the moment. Informal – eating, walking, prayer, repeating mantras, etc.Formal – Sitting still in a meditation and making the focal point be the sitting and breathing.10. Neurodiversity – recognizing, embracing, and appreciating workplace diversity of the differences fromADHD to Autism and beyond.Overall, a holistic approach to mental health in the workplace is about looking beyond symptoms to understand andaddress the root causes of distress, recognizing the interconnectedness of various work aspects of health, andempowering employees to take charge of their well-being through comprehensive, integrative corporate practices.As Emissary and Special Envoy for Gender and Human Rights,Dr. Ameena Ali actions racial, reproductive, and social justiceaccess and inclusion of the Diaspora. This mission work focuseson solutions for (international) Victims and Survivors of Sexualand Gender-Based Violence, Intimate Partner Rape, Child Bride,and Dowry, and FGM, as well as (domestic/First Gen) victims ofdisparaged communities that are left behind, pushed behind ordepreciated through other violently domesticatedBiopsychosocial Trauma, affecting access for marginalized andindigenous communities.THE AMBASSADOR SEPTEMBER 2024Dr. Ameena AliFIGHR | Founder/Executive DirectorRector: Harbor Heritage University (HHU)VP GGAF Board of Directors11

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A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO THE CONNECTIONBETWEEN CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ANDSUSTAINABILITYAt the present moment when only a few economies ofthe world have recovered from the global economiccrisis due to Covid 19 pandemic, corporategovernance has become a vital solution for theeconomic growth and sustainable development towhich every economy aspires.However, all crises, and their economic consequences,have a positive side. They create a general alarm forchange and illustrate that the previous systems needto be improved for future progress. The positive impactof the economic crisis could be used as a guideline forestablishing stable and above all sustainabledevelopment.It is well known that good corporate governance, andmanagement in general, are of vital importance forsustainable development.Well-functioning legal and state institutions with thenecessary rule of law are vital for good governance.A weak judicial system where laws are not respectedand implemented, particularly regarding corruption,leads to the undermining of respect for the rule of law,widespread degradation, and threatens aspirationstowards sustainable development and progress.Therefore in order to develop, attention and effortsmust be directed towards establishing a functioninglegal system where the penalties for non-compliancewith legal norms are imposed and applied. Otherwise,the beta risk affecting the attractiveness of investing ina particular country will continue to grow.The question that inevitably arises at this point is howdoes good corporate governance affects sustainabledevelopment. Good corporate governancecontributes to sustainable economic development byimproving company business results, increasingoperational efficiency, and facilitating and improvesaccess to capital markets. By: Bojana Bogojevic 14

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This leads to a reduction in company capital raisingcosts, increases the value of assets, and therebycontributes to a better corporate reputation.While the benefits are obvious, embracingsustainability is not without difficulties. Transitioning tosustainable practices may include initial expenditures,cultural shifts, and navigating complex regulatoryframeworks. However, these difficulties providechances for innovation and distinctiveness.Companies that address sustainability concernsproactively can gain a competitive advantage, gainaccess to new markets, and foster stronger stakeholderconnections.To summarize, sustainability is more than just a choice; it is a responsibility that organizations must fullyembrace. Companies that incorporate sustainability into their DNA can pave the path for a future in whichprosperity is shared, resources are conserved, and communities thrive. Embracing sustainability meansmore than just doing the right thing; it also means leaving a legacy of resilience and prosperity for futuregenerations.Bojana Bogojevic Lawyer Global Goodwill Ambassadors FoundationSpecialist for Corporate Governance Expert for SDG Accredited Climate Change Teacher Climate Reality Leader UNITAR ( United Nations Institute for Training and Research)- Virtual Ambassador for Positive Change UNAccc Institute Honorary Director for SDG Education General Council for The Promotion of International Trade - Director General (Western Balkans)THE AMBASSADOR14

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In today's digital age, a strong online presence is crucial for anynon-profit organization. A well-optimized website can be apowerful tool to spread awareness about your cause, attractvolunteers and donors, and ultimately make a bigger impact. Butwith so many nonprofits vying for attention online, how can youensure your website stands out from the crowd?The answer lies in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Byimplementing strategic SEO practices, you can increase yourwebsite's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs), makingit easier for potential supporters to find you. This translates intomore website traffic, which translates into more opportunities tospread your message and achieve your goals.IMPROVE YOUR NONPROFITIMPROVE YOUR NONPROFITWEBSITE RANKINGSWEBSITE RANKINGS ON GOOGLEON GOOGLE September: Issue 47“A How-to Guide”The good news is that SEO doesn't have to be complicated. Even small adjustments to your website and contentcreation strategy can yield significant results. In this blog post, we'll explore ten key strategies you can use to improveyour non-profit website's SEO performance and empower your organization to reach a wider audience online.By: Ira BowmanSearch Google or Type a URLTEN STEPS TO IMPROVE YOUR NONPROFIT GOOGLE RANKINGSBy: Ira BowmanBowman Digital MediaVP Board of Directors: GGAFHere's a top 10 list to improve your nonprofit website's SEO performance:1. Conduct keyword research to target relevant terms: Identify the terms people searching for that relate to yourcause and mission. There are many free and paid keyword research tools available online.2. Optimize page titles and meta descriptions with keywords: Craft compelling page titles and meta descriptions thataccurately reflect your content and strategically include relevant keywords.3. Create high-quality, informative, and engaging content: Regularly publish fresh content that provides value toyour audience. This could include blog posts, infographics, videos, or case studies.4. Structure your website with a clear hierarchy and user-friendly navigation: Make it easy for visitors to find theinformation they're looking for by organizing your website with a logical structure and clear navigation menus.5. Build backlinks from high-authority websites: Backlinks are links from other websites to your website. Earningbacklinks from high-authority websites (websites that search engines trust) can significantly improve your SEOranking.6. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly: More and more people are searching the web from their smartphones andtablets. Make sure your website is responsive and easy to use on all devices.7. Optimize website loading speed: A slow-loading website can frustrate visitors and hurt your SEO ranking. Usetools like Google Page Speed Insights to identify areas for improvement.THE AMBASSADOR | SEPTEMBER 202416

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While the ten strategies above provide a solid foundation for improving your non-profit's SEO, you might findyourself needing some extra support. Here are a few options to consider, ranging from free to affordable:Free Online Resources: The internet is brimming with free SEO resources! Utilize website guides from searchengines like Google ( or Bing(, and explore informative blogs fromreputable SEO companies. These resources offer valuable insights and step-by-step instructions for many SEO tasks.Volunteer Help: Consider reaching out to colleges or universities in your area. Marketing or communicationsstudents might be eager to gain practical SEO experience by volunteering their skills for your organization. You canbring one or more on as an intern to provide the extra support you need, and allow them to help build theirprofessional resume at the same time. Local SEO Meetups: Many cities have SEO meetups or online communities where you can connect with otherprofessionals and learn from their experiences. These communities can be a great way to gain practical tips and askquestions from those in the know.Free SEO Audits: Several SEO tools offer limited free audits that can analyze your website and identify areas forimprovement. While these won't provide an in-depth analysis of a paid service, they can be a helpful starting point tounderstand your website's strengths and weaknesses. You can also utilize Google’s Keyword Planner tool, andGoogle Analytics free of charge to help you boost your SEO results.The good news is that you don't have to go it alone. Utilize the many free and affordable resources available, andexplore volunteer opportunities or local SEO communities. Every step you take to improve your website's SEObrings you closer to reaching a wider audience, attracting more supporters, and ultimately, furthering yourorganization's mission. SO GET STARTED TODAY, AND WATCH YOUR NON-PROFIT'S ONLINEPRESENCE FLOURISH!CONSIDERING BRINGING IN OUTSIDE HELP? AVAILABLE OPTIONSBUILDING YOUR NON-PROFIT'S ONLINE PRESENCE, IS WORTH THE EFFORT!By implementing these SEO strategies, you're well on your way to building a stronger online presence for your non-profit. Remember, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. Be patient, and consistent, and focus on creating high-qualitycontent that resonates with your target audience. Track your progress along the way and don't be afraid to adaptyour strategy based on your results.8. Use schema markup to provide search engines with additional context about your content: Schema markup isa type of code that you can add to your website to help search engines understand your content better. This canlead to richer search results and improved click-through rates.9. Promote your content on social media and other channels: Share your content on social media, emailnewsletters, and other online channels to drive traffic to your website.10. Track your SEO performance and make adjustments as needed: Use analytics tools to track your websitetraffic and SEO performance. This data will help you identify what's working and what's not, so you can makeadjustments to your SEO strategy over time.THE AMBASSADOR | SEPTEMBER 202417

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THE POWER OF MEDIA NETWORKING AND INTERNATIONAL STRATEGICPARTNERSHIPS: A PATHWAY TO GLOBAL UNITYBy: Jasmina SiderovskiThe Essence of Media NetworkingMedia networking is not merely about exchanging business cards or promoting oneself; it is about buildingrelationships that can lead to collaboration and innovation. During my visit, I had the privilege of meeting IvanMircevski, the CEO of Kanal 5 Macedonia. Our conversation was not just an opportunity for mutual promotion but agenuine exchange of ideas on how media can support vulnerable communities. In a time when information spreads faster than ever, media professionals have a unique responsibility to act asconduits of truth and empathy. By networking, sharing experiences, and comparing strategies, we can amplify thevoices of those who are often silenced. Media can serve as a powerful tool for advocacy, raising awareness aboutpressing social issues, and inspiring action. This is especially crucial for marginalized communities that lack thevisibility and resources to voice their concerns.Strategic partnerships are essential for expanding our reach and effectiveness. In my role with the Global GoodwillAmbassadors Foundation, I have seen how collaboration across borders can lead to impactful initiatives. Whenorganizations and individuals come together, pooling their resources and expertise, the potential for positive changemultiplies exponentially. For example, during my meeting with Ivan Mircevski, we discussed potential joint initiatives that could leverage thestrengths of both our platforms. By collaborating, we can create campaigns that highlight social issues in Macedoniawhile also engaging a wider international audience. This kind of partnership not only enriches our respectiveprojects but also fosters a sense of global community.Building International Strategic PartnershipsIn a world increasingly characterised by division and fragmentation, theimportance of media networking and international strategic partnershipscannot be overstated. As an international author, publisher, and CEO ofeYs Magazine, as well as the Vice President of International Affairs andStrategic Partnerships with the Global Goodwill AmbassadorsFoundation, I have witnessed firsthand how these elements can catalyzemeaningful change. My recent trip to Europe underscored this truth inprofound ways.THE AMBASSADORwww.globalgoodwillambassadors.org18

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In today’s hyper-connected world, social interactions—both online and offline—play a pivotal role in fosteringunderstanding and cooperation. The rise of social media has transformed the way we communicate, breaking downbarriers and allowing for real-time engagement across the globe. However, with this power comes the responsibilityto use these platforms wisely.Our interactions can serve as a bridge between cultures, ideas, and experiences. By sharing stories, we can fosterempathy and understanding, paving the way for collaborative efforts aimed at addressing global challenges. Forinstance, through eYs Magazine, and The Ambassador we aim to highlight stories from various communities,showcasing the resilience and creativity of individuals facing adversity. Each story published is an invitation forreaders to connect, understand, and engage with the broader human experience.Uniting for a Global CauseAs media professionals, we have the unique opportunity to unite individuals and organizations for a common cause.Whether it’s addressing climate change, advocating for human rights, or supporting education for underprivilegedchildren, our collective voice can drive meaningful change. The stories we tell and the partnerships we forge caninspire action, encouraging others to join the movement toward a more equitable world.The importance of media networking and strategic partnerships extends beyond individual success; it is aboutcreating a tapestry of interconnected efforts that uplift communities. Each conversation, meeting, or collaborativeproject contributes to a larger narrative of hope and resilience.A Call to ActionAs I reflect on my experiences in Macedonia and the powerful connections made, I urge fellow media professionals,authors, and advocates to embrace the importance of networking and collaboration. Move beyond transactionalrelationships and strive for genuine partnerships that can lead to transformative initiatives.The Benefits of Media Networking and International Strategic Partnerships for AllIn today's interconnected world, the power of media networking and international strategic partnerships extends farbeyond individual accomplishments or the success of a single project. These collaborations create a ripple effectthat can benefit various stakeholders, including communities, organizations, and even individuals. Here’s how wecan all benefit from this approach:1. Amplifying VoicesOne of the most significant benefits of media networking is the ability to amplify the voices of marginalizedcommunities. When media professionals collaborate across borders, they can share stories that might otherwise gounheard. This amplification can lead to increased awareness and understanding of social issues, driving support forinitiatives that address these challenges.Benefit: By elevating diverse perspectives, we foster a more inclusive narrative that encourages empathy andaction, ultimately leading to positive change.2. Sharing Resources and ExpertiseStrategic partnerships allow organizations and individuals to pool their resources and expertise. This sharing caninclude financial support, knowledge, and best practices. For example, a media outlet in one country may haveaccess to advanced technologies that can be shared with a partner in another country, enhancing their capacity totell impactful stories.The Role of Social InteractionTHE AMBASSADORwww.globalgoodwillambassadors.org19

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Benefit: By leveraging each other's strengths, partners can create more effective initiatives, optimize resourceallocation, and achieve better results than they could alone.3. Creating Innovative SolutionsCollaboration often sparks creativity and innovation. When professionals from different backgrounds come together,they bring unique perspectives and ideas, which can lead to innovative solutions to complex problems. Medianetworks can brainstorm new ways to engage audiences, tell stories, and address social challenges throughcompelling content.Benefit: This innovation can lead to fresh campaigns that resonate with a broader audience, making it easier to mobilize support forimportant causes.4. Building a Global CommunityMedia networking fosters connections that transcend geographical boundaries. By collaborating with international partners, individuals and organizations can build a global community focused on shared values and goals. This sense of belonging canempower members to act collectively, fostering a spirit of solidarity and mutual support.Benefit: A global community can mobilize resources and support more effectively, leading to a more robust response to social issues and crises.5. Enhancing Cultural ExchangeEngaging with partners from different countries promotes cultural exchange and understanding. This exchange can enrich content creation, allowing media professionals to incorporate diverse narratives and practices into their work. It can also lead to more culturally sensitive and relevant storytelling, enhancing audience engagement.Benefit: By embracing cultural diversity, we can create a richer media landscape that reflects the complexities of our globalsociety, fostering greater appreciation and respect among different cultures.6. Strengthening Advocacy EffortsWhen media organizations collaborate, they can strengthen advocacy efforts by presenting a united front. Joint campaigns canbe more powerful than individual initiatives, as they combine the reach and influence of multiple organizations. This unity canlead to a more significant impact, especially when addressing systemic issues that require collective action.Benefit: A unified advocacy effort can lead to policy changes and increased support for vulnerable communities, ultimatelyresulting in improved living conditions and opportunities.7. Fostering Professional DevelopmentNetworking with international partners provides valuable opportunities for professional growth. Media professionals can learnfrom each other’s experiences, gaining insights into different markets, technologies, and storytelling techniques. Workshops,conferences, and collaborative projects can enhance skills and expand professional networks.Benefit: Continuous learning and development contribute to a more skilled workforce, empowering individuals to make a moresubstantial impact in their communities.www.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgTHE AMBASSADOR20

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8. Driving Economic DevelopmentCollaborative media projects can also contribute to economic development. By creating content that highlights localbusinesses, tourism, and cultural heritage, media partnerships can stimulate interest and investment in various regions. Thiseconomic boost can lead to job creation and improved living standards.Benefit: As communities thrive economically, they become more resilient and better equipped to address social challenges,creating a cycle of positive change.A Collective Path ForwardThe benefits of media networking and international strategic partnerships are profound and far-reaching. We all stand to gainfrom embracing collaboration to address pressing global challenges. Whether you are a media professional, an advocate, or acommunity member, your involvement in these efforts can contribute to a more connected, empathetic, and resilient world.As we move forward, we seize the opportunity to work together, leveraging our collective strengths to amplify voices, shareresources, and create innovative solutions. By doing so, we can build a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come—one that reflects the beauty of our shared humanity and the potential of our united efforts."To be a global citizen is to be part of a community that is bound by a shared Commitment to the welfare of others." THE AMBASSADORwww.globalgoodwillambassadors.org21

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PERVASIVE BARRIER IN THE MODERN ERA, ACCESS TO QUALITY EDUCATIONREMAINS A FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHT AND A CATALYST FOR PERSONALGROWTH AND SOCIETAL PROGRESS. HOWEVER, AN OFTEN-OVERLOOKEDCHALLENGE CONTINUES TO HINDER THE ACADEMIC PURSUITS OF COUNTLESSYOUNG GIRLS GLOBALLY – This multifaceted issue, characterized by the lack of access to menstrual hygiene products,adequate sanitation facilities, and comprehensive menstrual health education, perpetuates avicious cycle of absenteeism, stigma, and missed opportunities. The magnitude of period poverty's impact on girls' education is staggering. Across sub-SaharanAfrica, a staggering one in ten girls misses school during their menstrual cycle, amounting to a lossof up to 20% of the academic year. In Kenya, a sobering 95% of menstruating girls report missingone to three days of school each month due to their periods. Similarly, in India, a study involving100,000 girls revealed that a quarter of them, aged between 10 and 19, were forced to skip schoolwhen menstruating. These alarming figures are not confined to developing nations alone. Even in the United Kingdom,a study by Plan International found that nearly two million girls, or 64% of menstruating students,miss out on part or an entire day of school during their periods. The consequences of thiswidespread issue reverberate far beyond the classroom, perpetuating gender inequalities andhindering the pursuit of educational and economic empowerment. The impacts of period poverty on girls' education are far-reaching. At its core, the inability toaccess and afford menstrual products often leads to the use of unhygienic alternatives, such asrags, paper, or even hay. This practice not only compromises personal hygiene but also increasesthe risk of urogenital infections, reproductive health issues, and potential long-termcomplications. Moreover, the lack of adequate sanitation facilities within educational institutionsexacerbates the challenges faced by menstruating students. Without private spaces, clean water, and proper waste disposal systems, girls are forced tonavigate their periods in environments that undermine their dignity and well-being. The fear ofstaining their clothing or being subjected to ridicule further contributes to absenteeism, as manygirls opt to stay at home during their menstrual cycles. Beyond the physical implications, periodpoverty also takes a toll on mental health and self-esteem. The stigma and taboos surrounding menstruation, deeply rooted in various cultural and societalnorms, can lead to feelings of shame, anxiety, and isolation. These psychological barriers canhinder classroom participation, concentration, and overall academic performance, perpetuating acycle of disadvantage.23

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By addressing period poverty, societies can unlock the full potential oftheir youth, fostering a more equitable and prosperous future for all. Combating period poverty requires am approach that addresses the various dimensions of thiscomplex issue. Governments, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, andcommunities must collaborate to implement comprehensive strategies that prioritize access,education, and destigmatization. Ensuring Access to Menstrual Products One of the fundamental steps in addressing periodpoverty is ensuring that menstrual products are accessible and affordable for all. This can beachieved through various initiatives, such as providing free or subsidized products in schools,implementing tax exemptions on menstrual hygiene products, and establishing distributionchannels in underserved communities. Improving Sanitation Infrastructure Adequate sanitation infrastructure is crucial for effectivemenstrual hygiene management. Educational institutions must prioritize the installation andmaintenance of private, gender-segregated sanitation facilities equipped with clean water, properwaste disposal systems, and accessible menstrual product dispensers. These measures not onlypromote hygiene but also foster an environment of dignity and respect for menstruating students.Initiatives such as India's Swachh Bharat (Clean India) Mission have made significant strides inimproving sanitation infrastructure nationwide. However, targeted efforts are needed to ensure that these improvements specifically address theneeds of menstruating girls and women, enabling them to manage their periods with confidenceand comfort.Fostering Supportive Environments Creating a supportive and inclusive environment withineducational institutions is crucial for empowering menstruating students. This involves not onlyproviding access to menstrual products and facilities but also fostering an atmosphere wherestudents can openly discuss their needs and seek assistance without fear of stigma ordiscrimination. Educators and administrators play a vital role in promoting menstrual healthawareness, challenging misconceptions, and establishing policies that accommodate the needsof menstruating students. By fostering an environment of understanding and support, schools can ensure that girls canmanage their periods with dignity and without compromising their educational pursuits. Engaging Communities and Amplifying Voices Addressing period poverty requires the activeinvolvement and empowerment of communities. Local leaders, religious figures, and communitygroups must be engaged in the process of raising awareness, challenging cultural stigmas, andadvocating for menstrual equity. FOSTERING SUPPORTING & INCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENTSTHE RIPPLE EFFECT ON DEVELOPMENT 24

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Dispelling myths and breaking down stigmas surrounding menstruation is essential for creatingan inclusive and supportive learning environment. Educational institutions must integratecomprehensive menstrual health education into their curricula, equipping students with accurateinformation about the biological processes, hygiene practices, and available resources. Theseeducational efforts should extend beyond the classroom, engaging parents, teachers, andcommunity leaders in open dialogues that challenge cultural taboos and promote a moreinformed and accepting societal mindset. Community-based education programs that teachabout menstrual health management, leading to improved menstrual hygiene practices andreduced absenteeism are needed.PERIOD SHAMING: Young girls are teased, bullied, and kept home from schoolbecause they can’t afford sanitary pads and/or have access to them. Some areeven beaten when leaking...some never return to school. Others miss work andlose wages.THE USE OF RAGS & LEAVES LEADS TO SERIOUS INFECTIONS ANDREPRODUCTIVE DISEASES AND LIFE-THREATENING INFECTIONS SUCH ASTOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME.GENDER-BASED VIOLENCESTERILIZATION of Young Girls With Disabilities Exacerbation of social and economic inequalities, negatively impacting theireducation, health, safety, and human development. EFFECTS OF PERIOD POVERTY COMPREHENSIVE MENSTRUAL HEALTH EDUCATION Join GGAF in providing sanitary pads to young girls, young mothers, thehomeless and victims of Female Genital Mutilation, FGM GOODWILL AMBASSADORS FOUNDATION HELP IS NEEDED25

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Navigating the Storm: The Loneliness of Nonprofit Leadership and How to Overcome ItNonprofit leadership can sometimes feel like steering a ship through stormy seas—alone. The weight ofresponsibility, the challenges of balancing a mission-driven organization with limited resources, and the sheermagnitude of what’s at stake can make it an isolating experience.As a nonprofit CEO, I’ve often felt this isolation firsthand. There’s an unspoken pressure to have all the answers, tomake the right decisions, and to guide the organization toward its goals, no matter the obstacles. What keeps many of us moving forward, despite the challenges, is the profound importance of the work we do.Humanitarian work is vital to creating a more just and compassionate world. It reaches the most vulnerable, upliftscommunities and bridges divides that often seem insurmountable. Every day, nonprofit leaders are helping to tacklethe world’s biggest problems—poverty, inequality, injustice—through grassroots efforts and strategic action.Yet, even with this sense of purpose, the journey can be tough. Here are a few lessons I've learned while navigatingthese choppy waters:1. Seek Out Mentors RelentlesslyNo matter how experienced we are, there’s always something to learn. Finding mentors who have faced similarchallenges can provide invaluable insight. These relationships offer guidance, perspective, and the reassurancethat others have successfully navigated the same storms. Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for support—it’s a signof strength, not weakness.2. Build Strong Peer Support NetworksSurrounding yourself with like-minded leaders can be a game-changer. I’ve found immense value in connectingwith peers who understand the unique challenges of nonprofit leadership. Whether it’s through formal groups orinformal conversations, having a network of individuals to share ideas, frustrations, and victories with can alleviatefeelings of isolation.3. Prioritize Self-Care (Yes, It's Crucial!)It’s easy to neglect your own well-being when you’re focused on serving others. But self-care isn’t optional—it’sessential. Burnout is real, and it can have serious consequences for you and your organization. Make time torecharge, whether it’s through hobbies, mindfulness, or simply taking a step back when needed. When you takecare of yourself, you’re better equipped to lead and to continue doing the critical humanitarian work that impacts somany lives.Yet, even in the most challenging times, I've realized I’m not alone. AND NEITHER ARE YOU!26

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GRATITUDE FOR THE GGAF COMMUNITYIn my own experience, I’m incredibly thankful for the unwavering support of our GGAF Board of Directors and all ofour amazing Ambassadors. Their dedication, passion, and belief in our mission have been a constant source ofstrength. Without this incredible team, the journey would undoubtedly feel lonelier and far more difficult.Their commitment reminds me daily that nonprofit leadership doesn’t have to be a solitary experience.Humanitarian work is a collective effort, and there are people who care deeply about the same goals. Together, wecan achieve more than we ever could alone.You’re Not Alone! It’s important to remember that the struggles you face as a nonprofit leader are not unique toyou. Many of us walk this rewarding but demanding path. By reaching out, building support networks, and investingin ourselves and others, we can create a community where no leader feels adrift.Humanitarian work is crucial to the betterment of society, and the more connected we are as leaders, the strongerwe become in making a meaningful impact. Let’s work together to ensure that no nonprofit leader feels they have tonavigate these waters alone.4. Embrace Collaborative PartnershipsOne of the most powerful ways to combat isolation is through collaboration. Working with other organizations,leaders, and communities can expand your reach and impact while providing a sense of shared purpose.Collaboration allows you to tap into different perspectives and resources, making the journey less lonely and morerewarding. In humanitarian work, partnerships are often essential to scale solutions and create lasting change.5. Invest in Professional DevelopmentThe nonprofit sector is constantly evolving, and staying on top of trends, technologies, and best practices isessential. Investing in your own development, whether through courses, conferences, or reading, not onlyenhances your skills but also connects you to a larger community of leaders who are navigating the samechallenges. For those of us engaged in humanitarian efforts, it’s crucial to remain adaptive and informed as we workto meet the changing needs of the world.Continuous learning is essential in every field, especially in the complex and evolving sphere of human rights. As Ipursue my PhD in Gender and Human Rights at Harbor Heritage University, I am discovering innovative ways todesign programs that truly reflect and address the needs of the marginalized and vulnerable communities we serve.6. The Heartbreak of Limited FundingSometimes, the hardest part of nonprofit leadership is knowing you can’t fund every project that aligns with yourmission. It’s heartbreaking to see the need and yet face the reality that funds are limited. All nonprofits, includingours, have to make tough choices about where resources go, and often, donations are directed by our generousdonors.I am deeply thankful for all of our donors and supporters—it'sthrough their contributions that we can make strides inaddressing critical issues like hunger, homelessness, the need forbasic necessities, and fostering a world where compassion,empathy, and understanding thrive. Without them, much of thisvital work would not be possible.Lisa A. JonesLisa A. JonesCEO | Co-FounderGlobal Goodwill Ambassadors FoundationTHE AMBASSADORwww.globalgoodwillambassadors.org27

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LEADERSHIP IN THE DIGITAL ERA AND WHY IT MATTERSIMPORTANCE OF LEADERSHIP IN THE DIGITAL ERA Leadership in the 21st century is a new type of “being” evolving at an unprecedented pace as AI, A. AGI, technology advances, and digital transformation take over. In the world of technology,filled with endless possibilities and many morechallenges, we cannot function in an old-school way.I remember one defining moment: it meant that ouronly option was to switch from normal operations toa 100% online platform (listen more: My BiggestHurdle as a Leader). The digital age of leadership is not about controlling technology but how we inspire and empower teams, facilitategrowth, innovate, and create added value. In a recent report by McKinsey, businesses that successfully incorporatedigital tech are 23% more profitable than their peers. This statistic underscores the need for leadership togenuinely, critically adopt digital transformation. This subject should concern everyone, as digital is starting toequip business operations with the right tools and services for customer engagement or competition reasons. Toremain relevant and to drive sustainable growth, we need to comprehend the capabilities of digital technology. Digital leadership has a significant impact on organizations. Take, for instance, a multinational retail company thatunderwent successful digital transformation relatively recently under the guidance of its visionary leader. Utilizingadvanced analytics and AI-driven consumer insights - along with the introduction of e-commerce outlets, theychanged their merchandising strategy, which improved customer experiences while driving operationalefficiencies. The move helped them grow market share and boosted employee engagement, as teams could bedisruptive and experiment with new solutions. This transformation has been successful, evidencing how digitalleadership impacts the growth of an organization, making it more competitive and creating a culture of innovation. The digital age is a “jungle” out there. One significant barrier may be the mentality of people, which means we oftendo not have digital literacy and fear being redundant. How will cybersecurity and data privacy be ensured asorganizations resort to digital tools worldwide? Some of the pathways through these challenges involve investingin ongoing digital education and training for employees, facilitating an open culture (so that people feel they canspeak out about what works or doesn't work) and inclusive (e.g., allowing experimentation to help foster innovationwith an emphasis on quick action when presented), as well reinforcing robust cybersecurity measures. And we, asleaders, must choose these strategies to respond effectively, protect our digital assets, and build a resiliententerprise. IMPACTCHALLENGES By: Indira BunicThrough adopting digital tools coupled with a commitment to continuous learning, we didn't just adapt - weexcelled in delivering new benchmarks across the world and were able to grow successfully. Adaptive leadership ismore critical in the digitized age than ever. THE AMBASSADOR | SEPTEMBER 202428

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The digital age is a “jungle” out there. One significant barrier may be the mentality of people, which means we oftendo not have digital literacy and fear being redundant. How will cybersecurity and data privacy be ensured asorganizations resort to digital tools worldwide? Some of the pathways through these challenges involve investingin ongoing digital education and training for employees, facilitating an open culture (so that people feel they canspeak out about what works or doesn't work) and inclusive (e.g., allowing experimentation to help foster innovationwith an emphasis on quick action when presented), as well reinforcing robust cybersecurity measures. And we, asleaders, must choose these strategies to respond effectively, protect our digital assets, and build a resiliententerprise. As leaders and board members, we must understand and endorse digital leadership. Digital initiatives must bechampioned at the boardroom level to ensure that an organization's strategic direction is aligned with the rapidlyevolving digital landscape. This includes embracing change and a growth mindset, encouraging digitalinvestment, fostering leadership development programs focusing on technology, and creating an executive teamresponsible for ensuring success in the endeavor to digitize. That will put us in a position to ensure the organizationis on track for digital-age sustainability. RELEVANCE FOR LEADERS AND BOARDROOMS GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES The practice of digital leadership is contextual, mainly in terms of culture and context. In South Korea, thegovernment has pivoted towards creating a digital economy and fostering innovation — two key ingredients thathave landed them on top of many technology charts globally. This environment has led to significant technologicaladvances by companies like Samsung and LG. The Nordic countries have increasingly strong digital economies byfocusing on skills for the 21st century and inclusive leadership. What is clear from these examples at a global level,however, is that while digital strategies may need to be adapted for local audiences or tweaked slightly here andthere - the overall lens always needs to remain constantly trained on innovation and growth. EXPERT OPINIONS Leadership and digital transformation authorities stress the need for visionary leadership in the era of digitization.As former Cisco CEO John Chambers so aptly said, at least 40% of all businesses will die in the next ten years... ifthey don't figure out how to change their entire company (to accommodate new technologies). This highlights theneed for us to act on digital transformation now actively. Similarly, Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella says, “Everyorganization is a digital organization; every leader needs to be a digital leader.” These are some of the key themesthat make up a trend line on digital leadership, one I increasingly hear about climate leaders developing in reportssuch as this. WHAT ABOUT THE FUTURE? In the future, leadership in digital environments will evolve due to advancing technology. Trends like AI, AGI, ML,and Blockchain will continue revolutionizing operations and competition for firms. Therefore, they must keep upwith these trends and cultivate a dynamic strategy. Digital literacy and lifelong learning will only grow inimportance as we shape a culture of innovation and agility. If our organizations crack these aspects, it would be astep ahead in dealing with the intricacies of the digital age and sustainable growth. DIGITAL AGE FOR LEADERSHIP AND GGAF? At the Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation (GGAF), our hearts move us to work together with those who areunderserved and weak. Our commitment to compassion for this only world we all live in does not stop at hungerand orphans. We are also firm in our stand to fight against child abuse, with programs and services available for astable life for beleaguered children. Having a global footprint, GGAF is working to achieve self-empowerment forwomen and vulnerable communities and build resilience for the future. Digital leadership magnets cansubstantially bolster the work of GGAF. GGAF can enhance communications, further its reach, and make operationsmore efficient by integrating digital platforms.THE AMBASSADOR | SEPTEMBER 202429

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Digital leadership is more than deploying new technologies; it's about using these tools to include all,embrace diverse perspectives, and inspire, engage, enable, and empower digital-native people. By leadingdigital, enabling continuous learning, and making cyber security a top priority, they should weather theebbs and flows of experimentation in this new digital world, ultimately delivering more sustainable growth.Moving ahead, we must be adaptive enough to accept the change and always focus on adding value in adigital world that keeps changing. True digital leadership transcends mere technology adoption; it fosters innovation, cultivatingempowerment, confidence, and resilience, and consistently delivers value in an ever-evolving digitallandscape. We must embrace change as a constant and let adaptability be our compass in navigating thefuture and making the world better for all. Leadership in the digital era is about embracing technology and cultivating a vision where innovation meetsempathy and ethics. It matters because, in a world driven by rapid change, we must inspire trust, upholdthe highest ethical standards, foster connectivity, and empower others to navigate the digital landscape'scomplexities, ensuring inclusive, responsible, and sustainable progress. Our passion and commitment must drive efforts towards digital transformation. When we are true to ourmission, we can attract like-minded individuals with whom we share our passion. This enthusiasm willinspire others to take risks and experiment with new ideas with passion and commitment. As digital leaders, we can create an engaging, ethical ecosystem that thrives on collective contributionstoward sustainable progress if we work through inclusivity and demonstrate unwavering fervor for thecause. This approach serves our organizational culture and ensures technological growth for all members of society in the future, where digital advancements are used for the common good. Connect with Indira: for Empowerment, Coaching, and Mentoring, book a discovery call: EmpowerU And if you want to empower Yourself on Your leadership Journey, check out my Book: “Rise Above and Empower Yourself” For instance, leveraging data analytics to detect the most significant need and measuring our resultsallows us to use resources to maximize their utility. Teach for the World Tree aims to connect global teamsand volunteers digitally; social media campaigns also enable high visibility with less staff labor. Utilizingdigital tools will allow GGAF to bridge the gap between our organization and those we serve further,engaging more supporters than ever. THREE TAKEAWAYS FOR GGAF AND LEADERS:1. Digital Advocacy: We must be committed to and willing to invest in our organization's digital evolutionto keep pace and remain relevant in this new digital dawn. 2. Develop a Culture of Lifelong Learning: We must push continuous crush course digital learning andinnovation to enable everyone and continue organizational growth. 3. Secure Digital Assets: We must enforce rigorous cybersecurity for your digital assets and fortify ourorganizations. CLOSING REFLECTION HOW CAN YOU HELP? The Ambassador | September 202430

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NO ONE SHOULD SLEEP ON NEWSPAPER AND GO WITHOUT FOODAs of today, there are more than 560,000homeless people in the United States.There are 50 MILLION people who are foodinsecure with 17 MILLION being children. Help us provide food, shelter andnecessities for the homeless. Donate today and save a

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Conventional construction represents one of the mostrelevant and influential industries in the world, both ineconomic and environmental terms. However, it is alsoone of the most impactful in terms of consumption ofnatural resources, especially water. In this context,innovation and partnership collaboration play a crucialrole in improving building practices and promotingsustainable development.THE IMPORTANCE OF THE RELATIONSHIPBETWEEN INNOVATION AND SOCIETY TOIMPROVE THE STATUS QUO OFCONVENTIONAL CONSTRUCTIONwww.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgBY: Marco PiemonteGGAF Italy WATER CONSUMPTION AND WASTE IN THECONSTRUCTION SECTORTHE AMBASSADORwww.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgThe construction sector is notoriously water-intensive.Globally, the construction industry is estimated toconsume approximately 16% of available water resources.This includes water used in different construction phases,from preparing concrete to temporarily irrigating greenareas. Additionally, a significant amount of water iswasted due to inefficiencies and suboptimal practices. Forexample, during the processes of mixing concrete andcleaning machinery, a large amount of water is oftencontaminated and rendered unusable.INNOVATION AND SUSTAINABILITY: A WINNING COMBINATIONTechnological innovation offers promising solutions to reduce theenvironmental impact of construction. Advanced constructiontechniques, eco-friendly materials and more efficient resourcemanagement systems are just some of the areas where significantprogress is being made. Prefabrication, for example, allows you toreduce construction times and minimize waste of materials and water. The adoption of recycled materials and new technologies for wastewatertreatment on construction sites can also contribute to a more responsible use ofwater resources.32

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The Ambassadors of The Global GoodwillAmbassadors Foundation play a crucial role inspreading the message of Sustainability aroundthe world and through this article also dedicatesa window into the complex construction sector.These leaders located around the world arecommitted to promoting socially usefulpractices and this is the turn of sustainableconstruction with a particular focus on reducingCO2 emissions and preserving water resources.Their work is essential not only to mitigate thesocio-economic impact in environmental terms,but also to respond to the global challengeshighlighted in the United Nations 2030 Agendaand its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.Ambassadors, as in my case, actively promoteinnovative and sustainable solutions that canreduce the environmental impact ofconstruction, by educating and raisingawareness of businesses, governments andcommunities on best practices. Their influence iscritical to encouraging the adoption oftechnologies that minimize water use andreduce greenhouse gas emissions, whileprotecting the most vulnerable populationsalready facing severe water shortages.www.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgTHE FUNDAMENTAL ROLE OF AMBASSADORS BY THE GLOBAL GOODWILL AMBASSADORSTHE AMBASSADORwww.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgREWARDING SUSTAINABLE COMPANIESCollaborating with sustainable companiesrequires a strategic and well-planned approach.It is important to identify the right partners alsoon an international scale who share the samevision of sustainability and innovation.Establishing strategic alliances andpartnerships can facilitate the sharing ofresources and knowledge, accelerating theadoption of new technologies and practices.Furthermore, transparency and opencommunication are key to building trust andensuring that common goals are achievedeffectively.Recognizing and rewarding companies that adoptsustainable practices is essential to spur furtherinnovation in the construction industry. Taxincentives, green certifications and subsidizedfinancing programs are some of the ways in whichgovernments and institutions can supportvirtuous companies. Rewarding sustainability notonly encourages other companies to follow suit,but also helps create a market where greeninnovation is valued and recognized.APPROACH WITH SUSTAINABLE COMPANIESTHE THOUGHT OF A GOODWILL AMBASSADOR Improving the status quo of conventionalconstruction inevitably comes throughinnovation and collaboration betweenpartnerships. Reducing water consumption andwaste in the construction sector is not only anenvironmental necessity, but also an opportunityto develop more efficient and sustainablepractices. Rewarding companies that arecommitted to sustainability creates a virtuouscircle that can lead to significant and lastingchange in the way we build our future. The Ambassadors of The Global GoodwillAmbassadors Foundation, with theircommitment and vision, are a key element in thistransformation, helping to guide the industrytowards a more sustainable and equitable futurefor all. 33

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www.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgTHE AMBASSADORwww.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgA connection to this argument is found in thewords of Audrey Hepburn, UNICEF GoodwillAmbassador, who said: "The world is divided between those who have andthose who have not. Climate change exacerbatesthis inequality, affecting disproportionately affectsthe poorest populations. It is our duty to use everyresource and innovation possible to mitigate theseeffects and build a future where everyone canthrive."Hepburn's reflection highlights how climatechange and poverty are interconnected. Themost vulnerable populations suffer most fromthe effects of climate change, while innovationand collaboration in areas such as sustainableconstruction can help reduce this disparity.Initiatives to reduce water consumption andwaste in construction not only promoteenvironmental sustainability, but also offersolutions to improve the living conditions ofthose living in poverty.A concrete example of this philosophy that Iwould like to point out is found in the Italiancompany GMR, which deals with sustainableconstruction, located in the Friuli Venezia Giuliaregion. In addition to creating zero-impactbuildings through the adoption of advancedsolutions for saving water, GMR has decided totransform this saving into a real corporatemission, distributing bottles of water todisadvantaged families. In this way, thecompany demonstrates a concretecommitment both in the fields of sustainabilityand social support. The Ambassadors of The Global GoodwillAmbassadors Foundation (in my specific case Ideal with Climate Change and EcologicalTransition) play a crucial role in advancingthese causes, working for a more equitable andsustainable world, in line with Hepburn's vision.34

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Interview Skills for JobseekersOpen EnrollmentCourse Instructor: Lisa Jonescourses.globalgoodwillambassadors.orgThe GGAF LearningInstitute CoursesEARN YOUR CERTIFICATE TODAYYOUR GLOBAL DESTINATION FOR LEARNINGLisa A. JonesCEO | Co-FounderGGAFDr. Ameena AliVice PresidentGGAF36

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Help provide educational scholarships to our GGAFLearning Insitute so those in disadvantaged countries cantake classes for self-improvement and sustainable living tohelp end hunger and poverty. Let's also get these childrenoff the streets. A donation of $25 can give a comprehensive class to help getsomeone in need get an education and have a chance at abetter life.YOUR DONATIONCAN TAKECHILDREN FROMTHE STREETS TO THECLASSROOMDonate to:WWW.GLOBALGOODWILLAMBASSADORS.ORG/DONATE

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In recent years, there's been a significant global shift towards non-alcoholic beverages, driven by consumers aiming tomaintain better health and avoid the many complications linked to alcohol consumption. Health-conscious individuals areincreasingly choosing to stay away from alcohol to protect themselves from issues such as Holiday Heart Syndrome, acondition triggered by binge drinking during weekends or holiday seasons. This syndrome can lead to atrial fibrillation, adangerous heart rhythm disorder that elevates the risk of stroke and acute heart failure through the direct toxic effects ofalcohol on the heart. Such cases are most often observed during the holidays.Even more severe, alcohol consumption can result in a fatal heart rhythm known as ventricular tachycardia, potentiallyleading to sudden cardiac death. Additionally, alcohol contributes to various health problems, including hepatitis, liverdamage, and cancers affecting the entire gastrointestinal tract, such as mouth, esophageal, stomach, pancreatic, colon,liver, bladder, lung, and even breast cancer (especially when combined with smoking).Other alcohol-related health risks include seizures, bleeding ulcers, and esophageal varices (weakened veins in theesophagus that can rupture and cause massive bleeding). Alcohol also contributes to liver failure, head trauma from falls,and bleeding in the brain due to unsteady gait and impaired balance, particularly in those on blood thinners for atrialfibrillation induced by alcohol.The Rise of Non-Alcoholic Drinks:A Global Health TrendBy: Adel Eldin, MD FACC FACP, MBA, GGAFTHE AMBASSADOR | SEPTEMBER 202438

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Beyond its direct impact on the heart and liver, alcohol raises the risk ofdiabetes, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and high blood pressure, all ofwhich lead to heart attacks and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).Alcohol also causes strokes and impairs blood circulation, while contributing toearly dementia, intellectual decline, and loss of coordination.Law enforcement's use of field sobriety tests, such as walking a straight line ortouching one's nose, highlights alcohol's detrimental effect on neuromuscularcoordination. Alcohol is a leading cause of traffic accidents and contributes toimpaired judgment, often resulting in domestic violence, theft, and other crimes,frequently alongside substance abuse.Alcohol suppresses the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections like pneumonia, COVID-19, andmeningitis. This was particularly evident post-pandemic, as consumers increasingly demanded booze-free beverages, suchas alcohol-free beer and mocktails, which have flooded the market. Younger generations, especially Gen Z, are now seekinghealthier alternatives to alcohol, driving new business opportunities for companies catering to this demographic.Studies have shown a close correlation between alcohol consumption and increased susceptibility to COVID-19 due to itsimmune-suppressing effects. Alcohol consumption at gatherings often led to spikes in COVID-19 cases, and those whoturned to alcohol during the pandemic as a coping mechanism found that it exacerbated their anxiety, particularly amongwomen and younger drinkers.The global shift towards non-alcoholic alternatives gained significant traction during the 2023 FIFAWorld Cup in Qatar, where alcohol was prohibited. Major beverage companies responded byintroducing non-alcoholic beers, creating a worldwide trend, not just in the U.S. Consumers, now morehealth-conscious and informed, demanded this change. Moreover, older generations are becomingincreasingly aware of the health hazards and financial costs associated with alcohol consumption,motivating many to reduce or eliminate their intake.Sales of non-alcoholic drinks have skyrocketed, no longer limited to events like "Dry January" or "Sober October." The sober-curious movement is growing as people become more aware of alcohol's toxic effects, even in small amounts. As one studynoted, "there is no safe amount of alcohol when it comes to atrial fibrillation," a heart condition that significantly increasesstroke risk.For businesses, offering non-alcoholic drinks on the menu is a smart strategy to cater to health-conscious customers andthose who prefer not to consume alcohol. The beverage industry in the U.S. is a $270 billion market, with non-alcoholicoptions providing strong competition. Popular alcohol-free alternatives include cranberry tonic, fresh juices, shakes, applecider, ginger drinks, and lemon beverages, many of which also offer immune-boosting benefits.Innovative drinks like probiotic-infused beverages are also emerging, catering to the health-conscious crowd. Alcohol-freebars and cafes are becoming attractive options for those who follow faiths prohibiting alcohol, such as Islam's two billionglobal followers. The after-work tradition of socializing over drinks is evolving as workers, especially those working remotelypost-pandemic, shift towards alcohol-free socializing.This cultural change is expected to extend into the holiday season and beyond, ensuring that consumers can stay healthyand enjoy themselves without the negative impacts of alcohol. For businesses, this shift means happier, healthier customersand fewer concerns about the legal and financial repercussions of alcohol-related incidents. Offering non-alcoholic optionsprovides a safer, smarter way to socialize and celebrates the changing preferences of today’s consumers.THE AMBASSADOR | SEPTEMBER 202439

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ALGORITHMIC RE-THINKINGPRESENTED BY:June Klein, CEO of Technology & Marketing Ventures, Inc. brings 30 years ofexperience collaborating with financial services, tech firms, and boards. Herexpertise is navigating decision-makers through change, risk, andcompetitive advantage. June's custom-tailored method is past-proven and future-adaptable.Clarity Solving Tomorrow's Problems Together TodayWATCH INSTANTLY JOIN NOW!June has presented her TMVinc Algorithmic ReThinking™ Method at:For more details, please US FOR THIS EDUCATIONAL WEBINAR MASTERCLASSFREE

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Shining a Light On The Lack of Safety For Our Sisters Traveling SoloGlobal Goodwill Ambassador Sisters, pleasetake care when traveling alone on publictransport.When I am not driving myself I travel a lot ontrains, trams, and planes - the latter has stricterrules however here in the U.K. trams don’t haveconductors and certain train operators havedone away with them altogether.Figures from the British Transport PoliceAuthority 2024 annual report showed thenumber of crimes against women and girls rosefrom 7,561 in 2021 to 11,357 in 2023.The number of sexual offenses jumped 10%over the same period, while sexual harassmentreports doubled, the data was first reported byThe Times.Unacceptable behavior such as leering,catcalling, touching, pressing, upskirting, orindecent exposure is being experienced bywomen more than ever, with 51% of femalevictims stating that other rail passengersintervened to try to help……not all intervene or give support to the womanbeing targeted.Has this happened to you?THE AMBASSADOR | 2024By: Carol Ann Whitehead FRSA CMgr CCMIAgent of Change, GGAF U.K.42

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On 17 July 2024, this happened, and I posted it on the LinkedIn platform, where I know women travel for work, I alsoalerted the organization I was representing:Minding my own business on the second to last train out of London and a drunk educator (he talks very loudly abouthis business) tries to challenge me on my support of 50:50 Parliament (my t-shirt), why we need more women fromCouncil to the Commons and having a pop-up banner (bagged) trying to suggest it was a weapon!I was in a great mood after a fruitful Westminster event welcoming Women MPs to Parliament after the July 2024General Election.My responses to the gentleman were calm, clear, and concise without rising to the whiff of misogyny or soupçon ofmicro-aggression and racism - he tried to backpedal as the vibe in the carriage was not going his way. Even histraveling companion, a bit red and horrified I’d heard their previous discussion, advised him to be quiet and sitdown. It ended with me meeting a great male ally from another passenger who reassured me I handled it well.…as a Black woman in this situation, it could have been a lot worse. Companies and Organizations (workers and volunteers ) have a duty of care as the shock slowly takes hold andaffects women in different ways in and out of the workplace - creating PTSD symptoms that can result in healthissues and sick days from work.So what can transport authorities do?Invest in Infrastructure and Transportation DesignIn Tokyo, Japan, where the implementation of women-only carriages during peak hours significantly reduced theincidents of harassment and groping, common issues in the city's crowded trains. This initiative, along withincreased surveillance and signage, created safer spaces for women commuters.In Melbourne, Australia, the 'Secure Stations Program,' which focused on improving lighting, installing more CCTVcameras, and increasing staff presence at train stations, resulted in a 40% reduction in crime rates at these stations.These improvements not only enhanced safety but also increased the perception of safety among commuters,particularly women.Preventative StrategiesHow Can Transport Authorities Enhance Safety forWomen Traveling Alone? THE AMBASSADOR | 202443

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Provide Training and Awareness for StaffThe role of transport staff in ensuring passenger safety cannot be overstated. They are often the first line of defense againstincidents of violence and harassment. Training programs for drivers, conductors, and station staff should not only focus onrecognizing the signs of harassment and violence but also on how to intervene effectively and safely. This involves practicalexercises in conflict resolution, emergency response procedures, and understanding the nuances of gender-based violence.Technology for SafetyA notable example is the 'SafeCity' app in India, which has been instrumental in addressing sexual harassment in public spaces,including transportation systems. This app allows users to anonymously report incidents, which are then mapped to identifyand address high-risk areas or 'hotspots'. Such data-driven approaches are crucial for authorities to implement targeted safetymeasures.In South Korea, the introduction of the 'Emergency Help Me' app, designed for use in Seoul's subway system, providesanother compelling case. This app allows passengers, especially women, to alert the subway security staff discreetly aboutany harassment or unsafe situations, enabling a faster response.Funding and LegislationCombating violence against women and girls demands decisive actions and government funding. This includes a significantemphasis on prevention strategies, which are often overlooked in favor of reactive measures. However, there's a worrying lackof data regarding the extent of investment by nations in countering this form of violence. It's alarming to note that only a smallfraction of government aid is allocated specifically to this issue. Training, Technology, & Funding AreNeeded To Keep Women SafeAccording to the UN, it's estimated that merely 5% of such aid is directed towardsaddressing violence against women and girls, with a meager 0.2% earmarked forpreventive measures. This disparity highlights a crucial gap in our approach to tackling gender-based violence.We need to lobby women with the seat at the table and allies to highlight the lack of funds preventing thesecrimes from taking place and keeping women and girls safe.What would you say is working where you live?Please share best practices across all social media platforms and hashtag#SistersSafeSoloTravel Let’s kickstart a global movement to see financial injection and consideration to be preventative and not reactive.44

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Beulah World Takes Medical & FoodOutreach to Adefarasin CommunityThere is a lot of fulfillment in bringing relief and help to others, especially when it has to do with poorcommunities and vulnerable people who, logically speaking may never reciprocate. This is the kind ofassignment given to us by God to focus on alleviating the sufferings of those who live in rural/suburban poorcommunities. We give glory to God for His protection, safety, and guidance during our Outreach, on Saturday,July 27, 2024, to the Adefarasin Community, in Ota, Ogun State!This particular outing was uniquely different, as this community is separated from other neighboringcommunities by a very precariously dangerous bridge constructed with very old flat wooden planks. We had topark our vehicles at the ‘border’ (so to speak), and carry our outreach materials on our heads, so we could crossthe bridge and head to the venue provided by our contacts in the community for the Outreach. Quite daunting, but that was part of what we signed up for when we said, ‘YES’ to this assignment! All we cansay is, ‘To God Alone Be All The Glory!’ The most crucial thing is that many sick folks were taken care of, andmany souls were saved from destruction, and that God received His glory!Amongst the FREE services we offered were Vital Signs checks, Clerking of Patients, Blood Tests, EyeChecks/Eye Treatment/Reading Glasses, Groceries, Clothing Items and Accessories. May the Lord visit andbless exponentially, those He used in cash and kind to make the July Outreach a success! You will always haveGod speak for you when you need it! God bless you richly! Psalm 41:1-3You can support our monthly Outreaches via the link below:

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Harnessing Technology toCombat Hunger: A Multifaceted ApproachTHE AMBASSADOR | SEPTEMBER 2024FIVE KEY FACTORS CONTRIBUTE TO HUNGER:Food insecurity and scarcity (resulting in 150 million children stunted due to malnutrition, UNICEF, 2020)Poverty and economic inequality (with 736 million people living on less than $1.90/day, World Bank, 2020)Food waste and distribution inefficiencies (resulting in $940 billion in economic losses annually, FAO, 2019)Climate change and environmental degradation (affecting 75% of the world's poor, IPCC, 2019)Lack of access to nutritious food and social safety nets (resulting in 3.1 million deaths annually, WHO, 2019)PAGE 48Hunger affects 820 million people globally (FAO, 2020), with 2 billion experiencing food insecurity (WHO, 2019). Thisarticle explores the complexities of hunger, its underlying causes, and the role of technology in mitigating it. Byaddressing hunger's root causes and leveraging technology, we can create a more food-secure future. Hunger is apressing global concern, with far-reaching consequences for individuals, communities, and societies. It is a complexissue, influenced by various factors, including poverty, conflict, climate change, and food waste. To address hungereffectively, it is essential to understand its underlying causes and explore innovative solutions. According to the UN,hunger costs the global economy $3.5 trillion annually (UNDP, 2020).HUNGER ISSUESHunger affects millions worldwide, with disproportionate impacts on vulnerable populations. It leads to malnutrition,stunted growth, and increased mortality. Hunger also has economic and social consequences, perpetuating povertyand inequality. The root causes of hunger are multifaceted, including:Food insecurity and scarcity (affecting 30% of the global population, FAO, 2020)Poverty and economic inequality (affecting 736 million people, World Bank, 2020)Food waste and distribution inefficiencies (resulting in 1/3 of all food produced being lost or wasted, FAO, 2019)Climate change and environmental degradation (affecting 75% of the world's poor, IPCC, 2019)Lack of access to nutritious food and social safety nets (affecting 2 billion people, WHO, 2019)

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THE AMBASSADOR | SEPTEMBER 2024PAGE 48TECHNOLOGY AS FOOD ENABLERTechnology can play a vital role in mitigating hunger by:Improving agricultural efficiency (increasing yields by 20-30%, McKinsey, 2020)Enhancing food distribution (reducing waste by 20-30%, FAO, 2019)Facilitating access to nutritious food (increasing access by 20-30%, WHO, 2019)Supporting social safety nets (reaching 1 billion people, World Bank, 2020)Promoting sustainable consumption (reducing waste by 10-20%, EU, 2020)CONCLUSION AND WAY AHEADHunger is a complex and persistent challenge that requires a multifaceted solution. Technology has the potential tobe a game-changer in the fight against hunger, but it must be combined with policy changes, education, andcommunity engagement to create a sustainable impact. As we move forward, it's essential to prioritize:Collaboration: Foster partnerships between governments, NGOs, private sector companies, and localcommunities to leverage resources and expertise. For example, the "Farm to Table" initiative in the US bringstogether farmers, distributors, and restaurants to reduce food waste and increase access to fresh produce.Innovation: Continuously develop and implement cutting-edge technologies that address hunger's root causes.For instance, the "Digital Green" platform in India uses AI-powered advisory services to help smallholder farmersoptimize crop yields and reduce losses.Inclusive Approach: Ensure that solutions are accessible and beneficial to the most vulnerable populations. Forexample, the "M-Pesa" mobile payment system in Kenya enables smallholder farmers to access financialservices and receive payments for their produce.Data-Driven Decision Making: Utilize data analytics to inform policy decisions, track progress, and optimizeinterventions. For instance, the "Global Hunger Index" uses data visualization and trend analysis to identify areasof high hunger prevalence and guide targeted interventions.BY: Dr. Labh Singh GGAF: IndiaEr. (Dr.) Labh Singh FIE, FIETE, serves as the Chairman of IEI PCSC inChandigarh, India. He is a former Advisor to the Department ofTelecommunications (DoT) in the Government of India and a currentExecutive Committee Member at the ITU-APT Foundation of India, New Delhi. Additionally, Dr. Singh is an active member of the Global GoodwillAmbassadors Foundation (USA), contributing to the SDG Mission 2030.Recognized for his significant contributions, he was awarded a D.Litt. HonorisCausa by Theophany University, Haiti. Dr. Singh also serves on the advisoryboards of around ten organizations across the IT and NGO sectors.

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Upon the directions of our worthy Chairman PRCS Merged Areas Mr. Imran Wazir Advocate, a collectivetraining session, was held in SD Wazir Bannu in which Dr.Sajid khan EPI Coordinator, Dr. Hamid RehanDeputy Director RI PRCS Marged Areas, Mr. Amir MIS Focal person, Mr.Abid PHC Global, Mr.Shafi Rehmanshb TSV Domel, Mr. Abdul Wasay Town Coordinator PHC Global Domel, Mr.Qarib ullah TSV we're presentedtheir ideas and narratives. Training sessions are conducted under the supervision of EPI Coordinator.Active participation from all mentioned participants.The training session covered various essential topics with active involvement from all participants..Topics thoroughly discussed by the facilitators:Big catch-up background.BCU timeline New EPI schedule.Data sources for MP.Updating process of defaulters & other documentation.Data recording & reporting.ACSM plan & IEC materials.Cold chain management Microplaning Waste Management NEIR app updating & Attendance Polygons coverage.The Big Catch-up is a global initiative to close immunizationgaps caused by the backsliding of immunization coverageduring the COVID-19 pandemic, restore global immunizationlevels, and strengthen immunization systems so that catch-up activities become an integral part of immunizationprograms.By: Ziaullah Khan Surrani Surveillance Officer PRCS | GGAF PAK.The Big Catch-UpTHE AMBASSADORwww.globalgoodwillambassadors.org50

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Upon the directions of the Honorable Chairman Pakistan Red Crescent Society Merged Areas with thesupport of IFRC, a Routine Immunization Program was carried out in Sub-Division Wazir, BannuMr.Ziaullah Khan Surrani Surveillance Officer train staff members on Social Mobilization & Microplanning, House-to-house visits and community awareness sessions against the Vaccine Preventablediseases (VPD).Vaccinators and LHVs vaccination, outreach sessions and fix site vaccination in Sub-Division Wazir,Bannu.The following activities will be undertaken during The Big Catch-up activity Identification and meetings with the influencers including religious (male/female), political,Tribal/community and include their names on micro-plans for Big Catch-upOrientation of PRCS SD Wazir Team members.Awareness Sessions in Schools/Refusal SchoolsMobilize Market Committees/trade unions to create awareness about the Big Catch-upAnnouncements in Mosques/Religious Places Loudspeaker Announcements in Streets/bazaarAwareness session at the Community level`The Big Catch-up activity is a nationwide outreach campaign aimed at vaccinating children who havemissed their routine immunizations, including Objective, target population, vaccines, implementation, goalsetc.By catching up on missed vaccinations, the campaign aims to protect children from vaccine-preventablediseases, reduce morbidity and mortality, and promote a healthier future for children.Vaccination Saves Lives:The Big Catch-up Vaccination ActivityTHE AMBASSADORwww.globalgoodwillambassadors.org51

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THE AMBASSADORGROW Your Business With Us!TAKE YOUR BUSINESS TO THE NEXT LEVEL AND GROW EASILY BY ADVERTISING INOUR MONTHLY GLOBAL E-MAGAZINE.1 Full Page: A Tax Deductible Donation of $50Add a Second Page for $25Two Full Pages: $75Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation is a registered charity 501c3 and your donationsare tax-deductible. (Country-specific laws apply). ALL BUSINESSES ARE WELCOMEe-Magazine

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DO MORE IN LESS TIME. RECLAIM YOUR SCHEDULE! CUT YOUR WORK TIME IN HALF WITH THESE CHATGPT PROMPTS PROMPT 2: DOUBLE YOUR FOCUS Create a focused work system for [Specific Job Role]. Break the workday into concentrated blocks,design task batching strategies, and outline methods for effective breaks. Include techniques toeliminate distractions. Present the system as a daily schedule template with focus-enhancingtechniques for each time blockDesign a document processing system for [Type of Business Documents]. Break the process into keystages, create templates for common documents, and outline methods for rapid completion andfiling. Suggest ways to digitize and automate where possible. Present the system as a documentworkflow chart with time-saving tips for each stage.PROMPT 1: SLASH YOUR PAPERWORK TIMEPROMPT 3: TURBOCHARGE YOUR MEETINGSDesign a high-impact meeting framework for [Business Size/Type]. Break the meeting process intoessential components, create guidelines for each, and outline methods for ensuring every meetingproduces actionable results. Suggest ways to cut meeting times in half. Present the framework as ameeting agenda template with built-in action item tracking.PROMPT 4: PRIORITIZE TASKS INSTANTLYCreate a quick task sorting system for [Specific Work Environment]. Break tasks into importance levels,develop guidelines for each level, and outline methods for fast task evaluation and assignment. Includestrategies for declining non-essential work. Deliver the system as a task sorting flowchart with time-saving decision points.PROMPT 5: ACCELERATE DECISION-MAKINGDesign a rapid action framework for [Type of Business Decisions]. Break the decision-to-action processinto key stages, create criteria for each, and outline methods for moving quickly from choice toimplementation. Include techniques for overcoming execution delays. Present the framework as anaction plan template with timelines for each stage.PROMPT 6: INSTANT PRODUCTIVITY BOOSTDevelop a quick-start productivity system for [Typical Office Tasks]. Break tasks into categories suitablefor immediate action, design trigger-action pairs for common tasks, and outline methods to buildproductivity momentum. Include techniques for overcoming procrastination. Deliver the system as aquick-reference guide with instant productivity boosters.54

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PROMPT 9: AUTOMATE FOR TIME SAVINGSDevelop an automation strategy for [Common Business Process]. Break the process into steps, identifyrepetitive tasks suitable for automation, and outline methods to implement time-saving tools. Include acost-benefit analysis for each automation opportunity. Present the strategy as an automation roadmapwith estimated time savings for each implemented solution.PROMPT 10: MULTIPLY YOUR TIMEICreate a time optimization system for [Type of Business Owner/Operator]. Break time managementinto key areas, design strategies for maximizing productivity in each, and outline methods foreliminating time-wasters. Include techniques for effective delegation and outsourcing. Present thesystem as a weekly schedule optimizer with time multiplication hacks for each day.GET ADVANCED CHATGPT GUIDE (FREE) 25+ ChatGPT Tuorials1000+ ChatGPT Prompts1000+ AI Tools DatabaseFollow Andrew Bolis on LinkedIn for more useful prompts. PROMPT 8: MASTER BATCH PROCESSINGCreate a batch processing strategy for [Typical Office Tasks]. Break tasks into categories suitable forbatching, design time blocks for each category, and outline methods to maintain focus during batchsessions. Include techniques for transitioning between batches efficiently. Deliver the strategy as aweekly batch processing schedule with task grouping recommendations.PROMPT 7: STREAMLINE YOUR WORKFLOWCreate a workflow optimization plan for [Type of Project/Team]. Break the workflow into stages, designa visual management system, and outline methods for maintaining smooth task flow. Includestrategies for quickly identifying and resolving bottlenecks. Present the plan as a workflow diagramwith efficiency checkpoints at each stage.55

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GET A SECOND OPINION WITHOUTLEAVING YOUR HOME Better HealthcareWe are bringing the heart back inmedicine with our ProntoCare AppHealthcare mobile apps enable new innovative ways of delivering healthcareservices outside the traditional care settings and can improve patient health, andenhance the productivity of healthcare. Health Management apps can helpmanage patient health conditions such as diabetes, mental health, bloodpressure, heart rate, lipids, and nutrition. Mobile Healthcare apps aretransforming Healthcare as most physicians believe, those apps can improvepatient health. Our own ProntoCare app offers so many great benefits and valuesnot only for healthcare consumers as well as healthcare providers. In ProntoCare, we believe in disease prevention and wellness as the cornerstonefor effective healthcare delivery as evidenced by improved outcomes. Savingbillions of dollars, delivering World Class Healthcare with compassionate care, asour motto( Bringing the Heart back in Medicine). The ProntoCare app wasdeveloped to serve the growing needs of the community and change lives for thebetter. The Unique ProntoCare app can be easily downloaded and used by travelerslooking for health ad Wellness needs before, during, and after their travel. Notonly health-wise but also alleviate the stress in the middle of rising healthcarecosts and tough economic times. Prontocare will provide social media supportfor the provider, provide digital marketing, help generate clients, provide 24/7support, and help networking and referrals. So, what are you waiting for? , goahead and download your ProntoCare app Now. Everyone will benefit, bothhealthcare consumers and providers!Get The ProntoCare AppGet The App

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A LINKEDIN CONTENTSTRATEGY FOR IMPACT!By: Derick MildredGGAF AustraliaAs a LinkedIn for Business coach, I understand the power of LinkedIn as a platform for professional growth, networking,and business development. But in the pursuit of building connections and expanding influence, it’s easy to fall into thetrap of overtly selling your services. The most effective LinkedIn strategies, however, revolve around creating contentthat adds value, educates, and engages your audience—without directly selling. CREATING CONTENT FOR LINKEDIN THAT ADDS VALUE AND EDUCATES WITHOUT SELLING1. Understand Your Audience’s NeedsBefore you start crafting content, it’s crucial to deeply understand your audience. Who are they? What challenges do they face? What are their goals? By honing in on the specific pain points and aspirations of your target audience, you can create content that resonates with them on a personal level.Example: If your audience consists of small business owners struggling with digital marketing, consider writing a post that breaks down the complexities of online advertising. Offer insights into common pitfalls and share actionable tips that they can implement right away. 2. Share Insights and ExpertisePosition yourself as a thought leader by sharing insights that reflect your expertise. Instead of pushing your services, focus on providing knowledge that your audience can benefit from. This could includeindustry trends, best practices, or personal experiences that have shaped your professional journey.Example: Publish a LinkedIn article on the evolving trends in LinkedIn algorithm changes and how they impact visibility.Share how you’ve adapted your strategies to align with these changes, and offer suggestions on how others can do thesame.3. Create Educational ContentEducational content is a powerful way to engage your audience. Think of LinkedIn as a classroom where you arethe teacher. Share tutorials, how-tos, or step-by-step guides that help your audience solve problems or gain new skills.This not only positions you as an expert but also builds trust with your audience.Example: Develop a series of posts or videos on “Mastering LinkedIn Analytics.” Break down complex metrics andexplain how users can interpret them to improve their LinkedIn performance. By doing so, you’re providing immediatevalue without asking for anything in return.58

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4. Leverage StorytellingStorytelling is a compelling way to connect with your audience on an emotional level. Share your own experiences, challenges, and successes. Stories make your content relatable and memorable, and theycan convey powerful lessons without coming across as a sales pitch.Example: Share a story about a time when you struggled with LinkedIn engagement and the steps you took toovercome it. Highlight the lessons learned and encourage your audience to apply them to their own LinkedIn strategies.5. Encourage Interaction and DiscussionEngagement is key on LinkedIn, and one of the best ways to drive it is by encouraging interaction and discussion. Ask questions, solicit opinions, and invite your audience to share their own experiences. This not only fosters a sense ofcommunity but also positions you as someone who values their input.Example: After sharing an insightful post about content creation, ask your audience, “What’s the biggest challenge youface when creating LinkedIn content?” This not only drives engagement but also provides you with valuable insightsthat you can use to tailor future content.6. Provide Value-Driven ResourcesOccasionally, it’s beneficial to share resources such as eBooks, templates, or checklists that your audience candownload and use. Ensure these resources are packed with value and designed to help your audience to overcomechallenges or problems they may be currently facing and achieve specific outcomes. While these are free, they shouldbe as high-quality as any paid offering.Example: Create a free checklist related to your industry and the products or services that you provide, and share it withyour audience. Encourage them to download it and apply the tips to improve their outcome.7. Be Consistent and AuthenticConsistency and authenticity are critical to building a loyal following on LinkedIn. Show up regularly with content that reflects your genuine self. Be transparent about your journey, your successes, andeven your failures. Authenticity builds trust, and trust is the foundation of any successful business relationship.Example: Post weekly updates sharing a mix of professional tips, personal reflections, and industry news. Thisconsistency keeps you top-of-mind with your audience while showcasing your authentic self.8. Measure and Adjust Your StrategyFinally, regularly measure the performance of your content to see what resonates most with your audience. UseLinkedIn’s analytics tools to track engagement, reach, and feedback. Adjust your content strategy based on theseinsights to continuously improve your impact.Example: If you notice that your educational posts are getting more engagement than others, consider creating aregular series or expanding on those topics in future content.By focusing on adding value and educating your audience without overtly selling, you not only build trust and credibilitybut also foster long-lasting relationships that can eventually lead to business growth. This approach not only enhancesyour personal brand but also sets a powerful example for your clients. Remember, the most effective selling oftenhappens when you’re not selling at all.59

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That voice gave me an altogether novel and distinct identity, and I am showing up consistently andconfidently across global podiums as an audience-engaging global speaker, Global Goodwill Ambassador,TEDx speaker, non-fiction storyteller, and life-artesian mentor.Inspired over 100,000 lives. I have been appointed as a Patient Ambassador & moderator by a prestigious NGO, the Indian CancerSociety, Delhi Branch. Additionally, I am invited to moderate online seminar, "Fridays with Shrenik", every Friday at 6 PM ISTthrough Zoom & Facebook through live streaming by interviewing Cancer super specialists & medicalprofessionals to share their knowledge, experiences expertise about cancer awareness, prevention,treatment protocols followed by Q and A for FREE with the global community.The event link is shared across various social platforms before each Friday & recording is available onYouTube post session. Daily life becomes “SILENT” without spokenwords, causing catastrophic situations filled withanger, depression, frustration & sheerhelplessness personally, emotionally, socially,financially & professionally. 27 years ago, I lost my natural voice forever tostage IV vocal cord cancer.In December 1997, I started speaking by placinga hand-held electrolarynx device under my chin,the voice sounded different from normal humanvoice which rejected in public at that time. I embraced that rejection of my voice asturbine power to ignite the fire from within.Shrenik Shah"Fridays with Shrenik"61

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All of us at Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation would like to thank theDarren Hart Foundation for this beautiful poster. Having worked togetherare several projects, we know dedicated you are to creating meaningfulchange for those in need. We deeply appreciate your partnership and commitment to helping usbridge humanity.Lisa A. jones62

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Your donation will make a real impact on the lives of others. Please donate today

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42Education as a Catalyst for Global Change:Upschool’s Vision for the FutureEducation has always been the cornerstone of societal progress, shaping minds, building character, and layingthe foundation for the future. However, as the world faces increasingly complex challenges—ranging fromclimate change to social inequality—the role of education must evolve. At Upschool, we believe that educationis not just about acquiring knowledge; it must become a force for global good, empowering students toactively participate in creating a better world.Rethinking the Purpose of EducationTraditionally, education has focused on academic achievement, preparing students for the workforce, andinstilling a sense of discipline. While these goals remain important, the rapid changes in our world demand abroader approach. According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO), education should go beyond traditional learning to "nurture the cognitive, social, and emotionalskills" that will enable students to "contribute to sustainable development" and "promote a culture of peace"( Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), established by the United Nations in 2015, provide a frameworkfor addressing global challenges such as poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation. Integratingthese goals into educational curricula is not just an option—it’s a necessity. A study by the Brookings Institutionhighlights that when students are educated about the SDGs, they are more likely to "develop a global outlook"and "engage in civic actions" that contribute to sustainable development( Upschool, we are at the forefront of this educational transformation. We have designed courses like TheWorld’s Greatest Lesson: Be the Change to integrate the SDGs into a curriculum that inspires action. Thiscourse, and others like it, show students that they are never too young to make a difference and that theircontributions are vital to our collective future. You can explore this course here: Upschool’s initiatives, students learn that they are never too young to make a difference. Whether it’sthrough writing a book that raises awareness about global issues or participating in challenges that addressthe SDGs, our programs are designed to turn learning into meaningful action.By: Gavin McCormack64

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42Education as a Catalyst for GlobalChange: Upschool’s Vision for the FutureEducators play a pivotal role in this transformation. By bringing real-world issues into the classroom andencouraging students to think about their impact, teachers can ignite a passion for change. Whether throughproject-based learning, discussions on current events, or hands-on activities, educators have the power tomake learning relevant and meaningful.At Upschool, we provide resources and support for educators to bring this vision to life. We believe thateducation should emphasize collaboration, problem-solving, and innovation—skills that are essential fornavigating an increasingly complex world. The OECD’s Future of Education and Skills report underscores theimportance of these skills, noting that "students who are engaged in solving real-world problems are betterprepared for the workforce and for their roles as global citizens."’s teacher training programs are designed to equip educators with the tools they need to guidestudents on this journey. Our training, endorsed by CPD, Montessori Australia, and Notre Dame University,focuses on integrating global challenges into the curriculum in a way that is both engaging and impactful.Learn more about our teacher training programs here: Role of EducatorsBy: Gavin McCormackA New Approach to LearningIn recent years, there has been a growing movement towards education that not only informs but alsoinspires. Courses and programs that focus on the SDGs are helping to bridge the gap between knowledgeand action. These initiatives show students that they are never too young to make a difference and that theircontributions are vital to our collective future.One such initiative is the Upschool courseThe World’s Greatest Lesson: Be theChange, which integrates the SDGs into acurriculum designed to inspire action.This course is part of a broader trend ineducation that seeks to align learningwith the needs of our world. By linking education to global challenges,these programs are preparing studentsnot only for their careers but also for theirroles as global citizens. You can explorethis course here:

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Volume 10 | Issue 12 Fashion & Stylewww.upschool.coConclusion: Education as a Force for GoodEducation is no longer just about personal success; it’s about contributing to the greater good. By rethinkingwhat and how we teach, we can prepare students not only for their careers but also for their roles as globalcitizens. As former United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, "Education is the single bestinvestment nations can make to build prosperous, healthy, and equitable societies"( Upschool, we believe in the power of education to change the world. By integrating the SDGs into ourcurricula and focusing on skills that address global challenges, we are ensuring that education remains themost powerful tool we have to make a positive impact on the world.Join the movement and empower the next generation of global citizens. Sign up for the course “The World’s Greatest Lesson: Be the Change” at: enroll and start your journey for free click here66

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here is a beautiful quote by Norman Cousins which says, "The capacity for hope is the most significant fact of life. It provides human beings with a sense of destination and the energy to get started." At Impact Sierra Leone (ISL), we believe that there is immense power in spreading hopeto others because it can catalyze such a positive chain reaction for today and future generations.Through our Seeds of Life anchor program, we are spreading hope, healing, and improving thewellness of the underserved one community at a time. One of the key pillars of our Seeds of Life Program is the Healthy Futures initiative, where we promotehealthy eating and overall wellness. Through education and outreach, the initiative raises healthawareness and fosters a more resilient community. The project ensures ongoing access to healthcareresources while expressing gratitude to the team and volunteers who have made a significant impact. On August 17th, 2024, as part of its monthly outreach with a partner farming community, ISLconducted a wellness outreach in conjunction with its regular engagement with the farmers. We hadthe tremendous opportunity to distribute much-needed medicines in our partner farming community ofFoindu Village, located in Mile 91, Northern Sierra Leone. This is significant because Foindu is a remotevillage where outside support of this kind is not common. By providing these medications, we arebreaking down barriers to healthcare access and empowering individuals to lead healthier lives. It washeartwarming to see the smiles of hope and gratitude on the faces of community members as wedelivered this vital support.The beneficiaries included forty members of the Women's Farm Collaborative and twelve othercommunity farmers. This outreach was a collective effort involving the ISL team, key stakeholders andleaders of Foindu village, as well as the local clinic staff. We give special thanks to Nurse Georgina, whoprovided her expertise by administering the medications and offering instructions to the beneficiaries intheir local dialect. Our collaboration made a significant difference in preventing illness amongst thefarmers, especially during the rainy season when sickness is more prevalent.68

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By: Dr. Adama KahlokohCEO: Impact Sierra LeoneGGAF - USA As a reputable 501c3 organization, ISL emphasizesthe importance of collaboration in improving thelives of citizens in Sierra Leone through sustainableagriculture, wellness initiatives, skills training andeducation. Community development is successfulwhen the whole community is involved and eagerto see progress. Our efforts are achieving severalUnited Nations Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs), including Good Health and Well-Being, NoPoverty, Zero Hunger, and Gender Equality. Jonas Salk once said, "Hope lies in dreams, inimagination, and in the courage of those who dareto make dreams into reality." ISL will continueimproving the lives of the underserved so that theycan thrive, not just survive, and reach their greatestdreams.Thank you to all our supporters for being anindispensable part of our journey and for making aprofound difference in the lives of so many. Let'scontinue to work together to bring positive changeto our communities! Together, we are truly makingan impact.Learn more and support our initiatives 59

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As the director of a bookstore, we recognize that schooltextbooks in Kenya are frequently revised, leaving us withsurplus stock. Instead of letting these books go to waste, wechose to donate them to local schools in our community. InJune, we carried out this initiative in several schools inSigona, where the students were thrilled to receive additionalreading materials.BOOK DONATIONSBy: Jayne (Waitegi) NgugiGGAF Kenya 70

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CEO Ingoude CompanyIn the remote and rugged terrains of rural Mbeere community in Embu-Kenya, access to healthcare, quality educationand essential basic needs has long been a significant challenge. Many communities are located far from the nearestmedical facilities and education centres the journey to receive hope and care strenuous and time-consuming. Childrenof prisoners the most neglected have gone without these basing needs for so long leading to many of them getting intothe streets of hopelessness with no one to care for them. GGAF Ambassador Robert though his foundation -CAMT-KENYA Prison Ministries is bringing a new hope to childrenof prisoners. Equipped with Tabitha 3 child Transition and Christian Rescue Center these children now have a smile intheir faces. They are provided with essential basic needs medical services, quality education, spiritual nourishment,and prisoners are set free in an holistic manner. Children of prisoners have an opportunity to visit their parent Inprisons and be able to bond with them.This is happening to these remote Kenyan communities through the help of donation and prayers of well wishers .Your prayers, support and donation will help us navigate terrains that traditional vehicles cannot enabling us to reachisolated children of prisoners who end up in streets .Thus ensuring timely medical care and emergency response,quality education and the care that these children have long been waiting for.EMPOWERMENT PRIORITY AREAS:1. That we may be able to provide at least one lunch per day for more than 300 street children in Embu city .2. That we may in future have life skill training centre (school) at Tabitha 3 where we can engage these street children.for them to get skills for living (we need tailoring machines , sewing machines for leather work, computers, bannermachine, welding machines among others).3. We are in need of community library and reading materials.4. That in the near future we may have a health facility at Tabitha 3 that will help in administering medical serviceswithout having to travel for long distances.6. Mission van for taking the children to visit their parents during their holidays.By: GGAF Ambassador Robert Njue NamuFounder www.camtkenyaministry.orgEmbu-Kenya Africa71

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