AMBASSADORAMBASSADORTHEA P R I L 2 0 2 2 | I S S U E 1 9Founding Team: Gavin McCormack & Richard MillsCover Story
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6 Executives Corner10 Learning Institute19 Child Abuse Prevention Month22 My Story With FGMInterviewed By Ghada Saleh24 FGM A Global ConcernBy Chrissy Sykes30SDG 8,9 and 10 How To Explain SDG's ToChildren46 Children's Power Project 001 By Mohamed Mansaray48 Taking The InitiativeBy Chrissy Sykes50La Roche Leadership Foundation10 Year Anniversary By Marina Osaba52 (Cover Story)Free Education For EveryoneRichard Mills and Gavin McCormackCo-founders of Upschool.co68Breaking BiasBy: Dr. Adama Kohlokah10 GGAF Learning Instutute"Come Learn With US"New classes being added each weekPage 4AMBASSADORAMBASSADORTHEA P R I L 2 0 2 2 | I S S U E 1 975 "There Are No Ordinary People in Ukraine”18 My Body is My Body; Keeping Children Safe
71 How to Become a Long Term ThinkerBy: Dario Ruggiero 72 The Fold Children's Home By: Jim DiDonato75 "There Are No Ordinary People in Ukraine”By: Anna Horoneskul 87 Netherlands Step Up Preparations forUkrainian Refugees By: Titia Niehorster88 "Storytime for Ukraine”By: Anusha Shrestha93 A Five Day Donation Drive to fightcovid-19By: Perminder Singh Malik94 HUBZone Technology Initiative (HTI)By: Debbie D. Boyd95 12 Months Of KindnessFor the next 12 months, we arededicated to spreading kindness to all*National Pet Day*Random Acts of Kindness*"Thank you"Page 5IMPACT SIERRA LEONE’S “MEET AND GREET” WITH THEWOMEN ON FOINDUPage 6846 Children's Power Project 001 24 FGM A Global ConcernAMBASSADORAMBASSADORTHEA P R I L 2 0 2 2 | I S S U E 1 950 La Roche 10 Year Anniversary
Dear Readers, On behalf Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation it is essential that weexpress our sincere gratitude to you for your overwhelming support of TheAmbassador. What started as an internal information newsletter has transformed into oneof the largest international humanitarian eMagazines in the world. Thedepth and scope of The Ambassador are deeply endowed by its content.We continue to curate articles that reflect the universal missions of goodwillin all forms from people worldwide and extend charity to thoseunderserved, forgotten people in their communities and countries. Unlikeother publications, our heroes are not film actors or celebrities. Instead, theyare everyday working people who face and serve to provide help to those inneed without the need to be famous. The Global Goodwill Ambassador Foundation was created for the samepurpose, so The Ambassador is a true reflection of our mission and goals. This month’s issue touches on some very topical issues with the sameattention. The tragedy of war and its devastating effects on civilization alsohas a rippling impact on all societies. We sincerely hope our storiesconsiderately keep to fore the tribulations, suffering, and pain around theworld and those highlighted by mainstream media outlets.Lastly, a huge thank you to our donors. Although billionaires and hugeconglomerates do not fund us, we truly appreciate your small contributionsthat we can send out to preserve the lives of forgotten and overlookedpeople who may not be in the headlines but are coveted by the small gifts offood, shelter, clothing, and education, that would not be possible withoutyour contributions. Executive's
A donation of $25 can give a comprehensive class tohelp get someone in need get an education and have achance at a better life.YOURDONATION CANTAKE HER FROMTHE STREETS TO THECLASSROOMWWW.GLOBALGOODWILLAMBASSADORS.ORG/DONATE Donate to:
9 | B O O K I S H M A G A Z I N EGET A SECOND OPINION WITHOUTLEAVING YOUR HOME. Better Healthcare. We are bringing the heart back inmedicine.It is a beautiful story that I would like to share with the world. Hopefully,this will. Specifically, here, I mean the chronic, complicated, and seemunsolvable Healthcare crisis. I have witnessed a lot of devastation to bothmy patients and my fellow physicians. On one hand, patients are sufferingfrom increasingly uncontrollable out-of-pocket expenses as more ( cost isbeing shifted to consumer responsibility) Patients can not afford to eat,support their families because a big chunk of their earnings goes to payfor healthcare bills. This effort has picked up substantially after the World Economic Crisisstarting in 2008 when I knew then that the current Healthcare model isunsustainable, as healthcare cost is breaking the bank and forcing manypeople into bankruptcy.Also, the doctors got hit with denied, delayed, or ridiculous paymentsafter spending more than 38% of their time dealing with Insurancebureaucracy, and paperwork,!Thus I have developed a ( Direct Contracting for Healthcare Model) withcombined Internal Medicine and Cardiology services in incrediblyaffordable pricing with transparency, greatly trusted care andimpeccable credibility which qualified our program to be offered by theCity of Tampa for Non-Medicare Retirees for three consecutive years. ProntoCare Video Link
The G G AF Le a rning Insti t ute i s des i g ned w i th w o r king s tude n t s an dprofe s siona l s in m ind. T hat' s why o u r cl a s ses a r e 'o n - dema n d "meani n g you can t a ke th e se a s they f it y o u r ow n sche d u le. Each c lass h as a n inst r u ctor w ho w i l l in t e ract w ith y o u an d answ e rany q u estio n s you may h a ve. W e 've a l so c r e ated a stu d e nt-c e n triclearn i ng en v iron m e nt gi v ing s t uden t s a w a y to d i scus s the c o ursemater i als a n d le a r n di f f eren t insi g h ts b y inte r a ctin g on t h ediscu s sion b oard. We re a lize t hat e v eryo n e lea r n s di f f eren t l y an d with o ur a m ulti -modal set-u p , you will b e of f e red r e adin g mate r i al, v i deos ,assig n ments , disc u ssio n s , li v e Zoo m meet i n gs a n d muc h more . Our i n struc t ors a r e ma d e up o f ind u s try p r ofes s i onal s , lon g - timeteach e rs an d prof e ssor s , and S ME's i n th e i r ar e a . Page 10
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How to teach the My Body is My Body Programme 1. My Body Is my Body Song - Song Objective To teach children that their body is their own and no one has the right to hurt them or touch their private parts.2. If It Don’t Feel Right - Don’t Do It - Song ObjectiveTo teach children to listen to their own feelings. To talk about peer pressureand help children with body empowerment.3. The “What If” Game - Song ObjectiveTo teach children to say NO with authority.4. If You’ve Got A Problem - Song ObjectiveTo reinforce the learning of telling someone if there is a problem, if that person doesn't listen, keep telling till someone does listen.5. Love Is Gentle - Song ObjectiveTo teach children that love is gentle and kind and is all about caring, sharing and trusting.6. Say No To Secrets - Song ObjectiveShowing children that keeping secrets when someone is bullying them or hurting them is not a good thing to do. GGAF Learning InstituteThe My Body Is My BodyThe My Body Is My BodyThe My Body Is My BodyProgramme Course 2Programme Course 2Programme Course 2Pass this course and get your certificate to be a MBIMB Programme Presenterscan this codePage 13
Successful Interview Skillsto Win Job OffersTestimonial“This class teaches the Job Seeker the right methods on “how to go on aninterview, and successfully land the perfect job.” It gives you the opportunityto take it at your own leisure and learn great techniques which theInstructor Lisa Jones, GGAF, CEO has captured and shared with us. I thoroughly enjoyed this course and would recommend it toanyone seeking employment or just wanting to brush up onInterviewing Skills. Thank you! 5 stars!by Sharon BingertPage 14
Women In LeadershipTestimonial“The Women In Leadership course was informative, thought-provoking and thoroughly enjoyable. I have always had a strong commitment to equality of opportunity, awarenessof gender traits and the commitment to addressing imbalances. This courseallowed me to explore a range of avenues, expand my awareness andconsider subtle nuances. I would highly recommend this course to others and,may I say, not just women but to men also. If we wish to make this world amore equitable one then we need to educate men and empower women.Thank you Chrissy for the leadership, the Learning Institute for theopportunity and the GGA for the amazing platform of kindness, developmentand shared activities. I have gained so much in knowledge and application of ideas.I would highly recommend this course and am very grateful tohave been supported throughout. “by dee russell-thomas Page 15
Are You A Tea Or Coffee Person? Personally, I’m a tea person. A friend of mine Nicholas Lanni sent me some samples that have blown me away.STICKSOLOGY T-Sticks of London are hands down the best tea experience I’ve ever had.‘Hey, that’s saying something!’ I’ve been brewing tea for decades and know my tea.‘This #TEA is the best! This tea is that good. So many wonderful teas from around the world are the whole leaf condensed in these porous sticks. Pop one in your boiled water and you will never want any other tea. Reach out to Nicholas and get some. You can thank me later! AFTER WATER.....TEA IS THE MOST POPULAR DRINK IN THE WORLD!! THE WORLD'S BEST TASTING TEA VARIETIES... ANINNOVATION TAKING THE WORLD BY "STORM"! TEAQUALITY LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER TASTED!... OUTRAGEOUSLYSIMPLE!! UK CREATED...GLOBALLY ENJOYEDAlso Enjoyed By Richard Branson WhoReally Appreciated The Quality, Flavour& Simplicity Of The Unique Concept &Stated...."This Is A Very Good Idea".EMBRACE A NEW LUXURY TEA EXPERIENCE!T-Sticks is inspired by real life. Our T-Sticks look to the future by beingportable, acting as both a strainer and stirrer, and reducing washing-up. WORLDWIDE SUPPLY FROM THE FINEST PLANTATIONS Our innovation teams quality flavour, aroma, strength, and consistency to experience convenience ...IN A WAY... NO OTHER PRODUCT DOES! THE WORLD'S BEST! Stir the T-Stick in the water, giving it an optimal time to infuse the flavour. Werecommend a minimum of two minutes. IF YOU LIKE STRONGER, STIR FOR LONGER.Sweeten as required and stir.Remove the T-Stick and gently shake out excess water. Turn upside down so nodrips. HOW IT WORKS?THAT'S IT. ENJOY!
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MBIMB Around the world April 2022 By: Chrissy Sykes19. Child Abuse Prevention Month22. My Story With FGM24. FGM A Global Concern30. SDG 835. SDG 940. SDG 1046. Children's Power Project48. Taking The Initiative52. Mujib Hope Foundation
LET'S START THE CONVERSATION Join Lisa Jones, Titia Niehorster, Dee Russell Thomas & myself for an open discussionWe will be talking about child abuse prevention education andthe need for both parents and children to be open and honestabout this subject that affects nearly 50% of all children worldwide. We would love your input and we will also share a bit of the My Body is My Body International Educational Programme.So please join us on ZoomChild Abuse Prevention Month23rd April at 15:00 - 16:40 (GMT+1)Click Here to book your ticket
Make a difference inyour communityAvailable on the GGA Learning InstituteMy Body is My Body Course 1Introduction To Child Maltreatment and Safeguarding ChildrenJoin over 2000 people that have passed this free coursescan this code
I Normally name it - "The inhumanity taboo"FGM is the abbreviation for Female Genital Mutilation. This is a process that takesseveral kinds of procedures of cutting either partial or total removal of the externalfemale genitalia organs, or other injuries to the female genital for non-medical reasons. It is merely traditional.The main reason for cutting is the restriction of the sexual sense of girls. Parents, andfamily, especially the family elders think that if a girl did not undergo the mutilation, theintensity of sex would be high and this will disgrace the whole family. Some people thinkis a matter of hygiene. (Anonymous) Interviewed by Ghada SalehPage 22
The practise is mostly carried out by traditional practitioners, midwives, and some doctors. The ages of girls are from 7 to 12 years, some villages practise circumcision from the age of 1 - 12 years. itdepends on the norms of the village families. My story with mutilation started when I was 7 years old. My father was working in Saudi Arabia, and everyyear we used to visit Sudan. My grandma decided that is time to be circumcised. I remember it was verypainful, I screamed a lot. I was held by two women, and I still remember the midwife's face and her bag. Icried a lot. When a girl is circumcised, she will have a party and money, and sometimes she gets jewellery. Of course,every girl sees this as something positive and she will not refuse to get circumcised. It is a big temptationfor little girls.During my life, I have faced many difficulties with circumcision with delivering my children, and otherissues that have affected me deep inside, and I always have a feeling that I am not complete.That is why I started in the early 90’s to advocate to stop this terrible practice When I was in University Ilearned much about it, but unfortunately, we were always rejected by the community because at that timeit was taboo, nobody's can or will talk about it. That is why I started to break the silence despite allproblems that I faced to break this taboo Issue. Now I am the FGM key person of GGD the Dutch Health Centre the Ministry of Health in the Netherlandsand I give workshops to migrants, visiting them to talk about this practice and the law in the Netherlandsregarding this issue. In Sudan, I am trying to make advocacy to stop this practice with zero tolerancebecause it is inhuman and against human rights.Page 23
FGM - A GlobalConcernBy Chrissy SykesFGM, you may or may not have heardof it. It is a traditional practice that isharmful, and it involves the partial ortotal removal of the external femalegenitalia.This practice has existed for morethan 2000 years, and it is usuallycarried out on girls from the timethey are born up to the age of 15,and occasionally adult women.It is estimated that morethan 200 million girls andwomen alive today haveundergone female genitalmutilation “girls who had not been circumcisedwere perceived in practisingcommunities as less honourable ‘easy-goers’, to be insulted and shunned. Insome instances, this can even go so faras people refusing to eat food that hasbeen prepared by an uncircumcisedgirl/woman, and curses being putupon the girl and her whole family.”Source: Between Two Cultures, 2016Page 24 1: is the partial or totalremoval of the clitoral glans (theexternal and visible part of theclitoris, which is a sensitive part ofthe female genitals), and/or theprepuce/ clitoral hood (the fold ofskin surrounding the clitoralglans).Type 4: This includes all otherharmful procedures to the femalegenitalia for non-medicalpurposes, e.g. pricking, piercing,incising, scraping and cauterizingthe genital area.Type 2: this is the partial or totalremoval of the clitoral glans andthe labia minora (the inner foldsof the vulva), with or withoutremoval of the labia majora (theouter folds of skin of the vulva).Type 3: Also known asinfibulation, this is the narrowingof the vaginal opening by creatinga covering seal. The seal is formedby cutting and repositioning thelabia minora, or labia majora,sometimes through stitching, withor without removal of the clitoralprepuce/clitoral hood and glansThe World Health Organisation hasclassified FGM into four different types:Page 25
01020304050607080910There are no health benefits, to FGM there is only harmComplications of FGM can include:severe painexcessive bleeding (haemorrhage)genital tissue swellingfeverinfections e.g., tetanusurinary problemswound healing problemsinjury to surrounding genital tissueshockdeath*Source WHOAll these medical problems are a financialburden to the many countries where thispractice is performed. The current costs aresaid to be around 1.4 Billion a year rising to2.3 Billion by the year 2047.The practise of FGM isrecognized internationally asa violation of human rights ofgirls and women and as anextreme form of genderdiscriminationPage 26
010203040506078Long-term complications of FGMurinary problems (painful urination, urinary tract infections)vaginal problems (discharge, itching, bacterial vaginosis and other infections);menstrual problems (painful menstruations, difficulty in passing menstrual blood, etc.);scar tissue and keloidsexual problems (pain during intercourse, decreased satisfactionincreased risk of childbirth complications (difficult delivery, excessive bleeding, caesareansection, need to resuscitate the baby, etc.) and newborn deathsthe need for surgeries - sometimes genital tissue is stitched again several times, includingafter childbirth, hence the woman goes through repeated opening and closing procedures,further increasing both immediate and long-term riskspsychological problems (depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder,low self-esteem*Source WHOPage 27
Is Educationthe answerto endingFGM ?It is essential that we bring FGM education into schools, as thismay be the only place where young girls can have the chance tolearn about this subject, and its hazards.Changing the mindset that has been entrenched in socialstructures can be difficult but through the education ofcommunity leaders and the children themselves, this can andmust be changed.In short, YES... the educated girl or young womanshould be allowed to make their own decisionsregarding their bodies.Being educated would also enable them to makechanges and get involved in teaching theircommunities about the dangers and harm that thispractice causes. It has been proven that whole communities havechanged because of the knowledge of just a few people.3 million girls inAfrica are at riskof being mutilatedevery year
By: Chrissy Sykes
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MBIMB proves to be an effective tool for children to speak up!Back in 2019, EYES-SL empowered over 1000 kids in pre and primary schools in the city of Bo,with the MBIMB program. Getting back to schools and communities with the Children’s PowerProject 001 our table is filled with honoured and welcome feedback from school administratorsand many have accepted our proposal to teach the My Body Is My Body Program as bodyempowerment subject. Our proposals are being challenged with printing children’s handbooks to be used in eachclassroom and some other learning materials and the My Body Is My Body posters to be usedin the classroom. (If you would like to sponsor this project in Sierra Leone - please donate through the GGAFoundation)Children’s Power Project 001 is a globalinitiative to end child abuse through the My Body is My Body ProgrammeBy Mohamed Mansaray EYES-SLPage 46
EYES-SL strengthens it's social media campaign andpresents the MBIMB to over 1000 children.Through our social media campaign, we are able to enrol more people to access the MBIMBcourse through the Children’s Power Project 001, these include educators, communityworkers, and young parents. Strengthens our community partnership with schools and localCommunity-Based Organizations like; Sierra Kids we were able to reach out to over 1000 kids,these activities include presentations of the My Body Is My Body program in sports meets,schools, and communities.Children’s Power Project 001 is a globalinitiative to end child abuse through the My Body is My Body ProgrammeBy Mohamed Mansaray EYES-SLPage 47Pictures - Top: Children at HRS Grace Academy School learning the MBIMB ProgrammeBottom Left: Mohamed Mansaray presenting Catherine Camara her Course 1 Certificate of CompletionBottom Right: The children watching the MBIMB Cartoons on the laptop sponsored by GGA Foundation
Debdutta Bera AdhyaSchool Headmistress at Royal Global School, Guwahati This past month I was contacted by Debdutta Bera Adhya who is the School HeadMistress at Royal Global School, Guwahati. She wanted all her teachers from the PrePrimary and Primary section of Royal Global School to take the MBIMB Course -Introduction to Child Maltreatment and Safeguarding Children.Educators are sometimes the only kind of defence against maltreatment thatsome children have, so understanding the signs and types of child abuse andthe important role that they have in the safety and support of children isimperative.We need more Headmistresses like Debdutta Bera Adhya who will take the initiativeand share our free programme with all of their teachers so we can make a realdifference. If children are being abused in the home, teachers play a major part inhelping with the safety of children.Debdutta Bera Adhya's teachers are now taking the My Body is My Body Course 2,where they will learn how to present the programme to their classes.The main aim of this programme is to prevent child abuse through education, so thank you so much principal Debdutta Bera Adhya We salute you!!By Chrissy Sykes - Founder of the MBIMB Programme“Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man”- Swami VivekanandaRoyal Global School with a proud tradition of serving the Northeast India region for over seven years has successfully paved apath towards a goal called perfection among the ever-enthusiastic learners for posterity. I have always believed that educationsoftens the hearts and breeds gentleness and charity which Royal Global School has incessantly been trying to thrive at. In avery short span of time, it has developed a reputation as a centre of academic excellence in a safe, caring and positiveenvironment alongside personality development. Goes without saying, comprehensive pastoral care and collaborative workamong students and staff provide students with high levels of support. This helps reduce barriers to students’ learning andpromotes their well-being. Page 48
SERVING DILIGENTLY WITH INTEGRITYLA ROCHE LEADERSHIP FOUNDATION CELEBRATES TEN YEARS OF SERVICE TO HUMANITY.With hearts filled with joy and gratitude, we invited some of our humanitarian partners tocelebrate our tenth anniversary. It was a wonderful day, filled with great memories of howfar we had come and how much we were able to get done. As a foundation that isconcerned with education and leadership training for children and young people, we seethe urgent need for more to be done. This demographic is the future, if they are notproperly schooled, trained and encouraged, we will have only ourselves to blame. As a foundation, we also align ourselves fully with the SDGs that concern our Aims andObjectives and with all our humanitarian partners, especially the Global GoodwillAmbassadors Foundation, we are determined to continue to promote the UN’s SDGs,GGAF’s Objectives and our own projects and programs so that there will be a change for thebetter.Page 50
Mujib Hope FoundationBy Munirat jibrinWith the rising cases of child abuse and maltreatment of minors in Nigeria, It has become necessary to sensitize thepublic about it.Mujib Hope Foundation visited Nasarawo Demsa Primary School Demsa Local Government Area of Adamawa Stateto carry out sensitization on Child Abuse and Maltreatment Prevention, a program that educates Parents, Childrenand Teachers about the dangers of child abuse and maltreatment and how to prevent it. Participants wereenlightened on how they can protect themselves from abuse and not keep quiet if they or members of theircommunity are victimised.This was achieved using the "My Body is My Body" child abuse prevention program by Chrissy Sykes''. It was doneboth in English and Hausa language. The program was anchored by MHF Volunteers Gold Francis, Friday Bitrus,Samuel Thomas, Emmanuel Adoga and Johnson Thomas.Mujib Hope Foundation is looking into supporting the school with tables and chairs.
By Munirat jibrinMujib Hope FoundationGlobal Peace Women in collaboration with Mujib Hope Foundation visited the children of MalamreCommunity in Jimeta Yola, Adamawa State on Sunday 27th March 2022. The program was aimed atencouraging the children to read and to spend quality time with them. The target beneficiaries were 30 children between the ages of 5 and 10. Storybooks were donated to themfor their reading pleasure as a way of imbibing reading culture in them. The children learnt how to makepapercraft and some had fun drawing objects. They also learned how to protect their bodies from abuse using the "My body is my body" a child abuseprevention program created by Chrissy Sykes.The program was carried out by the founder of Mujib Hope Foundation and a volunteer EmmanuelAdoga.
Helping Hand for Relief and Development Humanitarian ServicePage 55 - Free Education for Everyone!Cover StoryRichard Mills and Gavin McCormackCo-founders of
free educationBuilding a Change-Making CommunityDianne Lovat from LPPS, provided this feedback after just 7 weeks:"In only three months of working in partnership with Upschool, I am feeling more inspired to teach than Iever have in 18 years of education. I love that I can see the children engaged in their learning withexcitement and rather than me feeling like I am teaching to the curriculum, I feel like I am guiding theirlearning and merely providing them with the tools to acquire knowledge based on their interests. Funnily enough, I am learning things I never knew along with the children. Most importantly, above all, Ican feel a sense of respect building between the children and myself, and that alone is a very powerfuland beautiful feeling".Page 57
School should be a place wherechildren develop the confidence to try and the resilience to fail and try again. At Upschool everyone is equal. Inside the walls of this virtual school are the tools andinspiration to find your voice, engage in your passions (anddiscover new ones), learn really cool new skills but mostimportantly, we want you to use all of this for good!Go out and change the world for the better you amazinghuman. We’re counting on you!
Meet Richard MillsMeet Gavin McCorMack(co-founder of of“My life ambition is be aligned with truth,honesty and love. Through my work andpersonal relationships I want to inspire others todo the same, so together we can change ourworld for the better”.Richard would describe Upschool as aculmination of his life’s work. He taught inschools for 9 years, has built and grown 5companies in a range of fields and workedtirelessly toward building a life where he canmake a positive difference in the world.His curiosity now sits with how many people hecan inspire to live a life of deep purpose.Upschool is Richard’s vehicle to explore this. Having written a series of books for both childrenand adults on education, researching andrepresenting Sir Kenny Dalglish’s Life story as arhyming picture book, running his own publishingfirm, charity and being a school Principal, Gavinwas nominated for Australian Principal of the Year2020, is a TEDx speaker, was nominted forAustralian Author of the Year in 2017, is anAustralian of the Year Nominee and was named asthe 10th Most Influential Educator in the World byLinkedin.On a quest for educational equality, Gavin hasworked tirelessly to raise money to personallybuild many schools, libraries and teacher trainingcentres in the Himalayan region of Nepal acrossthe last 5 years, all this whilst successfully runningone of Australia’s best Montessori primary schools.Page 59
If any of these statements are true, you have got to wonder about your future…Ask yourself, what will it be like if you keep things just the way they are?The mental health pandemic is not going away anytime soon. You can’t keep putting off thinking about yourself, making excuseswhy everyone and everything is more important than you. ARE YOU FED-UP AT ACROSSROADS?MAYBE YOU’RE STUCK. MAYBE YOU’RE FRUSTRATED.MAYBE YOU’RE JUST TIRED OFDOING THE SAME THING DAYAFTER DAY. By Linda Sage MA, BA Ed (Hons), DTMPage 62
As a parent, spouse, team leader or manager, your actions speak louder than words. You know theknowledge of how to care for yourself, but doing it just gets put off. So, the message you are givingothers by your actions is that it is ok to abuse yourself, to self-harm, to devalue yourself and whenthey start doing it too, you will be upset and ask yourself, why are they doing this to themselves?The hard truth is they learned it from you. Valuing yourself, and treating yourself well makes youfeel happier and it has a knock-on effect on all those around you too.Believing you are worth the effort, keeping your promises to yourself and valuing your needs not asselfish, egoistic, or pretentious, but as the right of you as an individual.Crossroads can be scary, or they can be exciting, but there is nothing worse than looking back on alife of what-ifs, I could have, resentment, guilt and unfulfillment when none of it needed to happen.Feeling stuck and frustrated is our internal system telling us something is wrong, change is needed,by ignoring it, or making excuses for it does not make it go away. It grows in the darkness until itexplodes and then all sorts of hurt can happen.Listen to your inner self, it is time to act on it and to make your life and those around you better,happier and healthier.A week, a month or a year from now will you still be feeling stuck, frustrated, out of kilt, or will yoube on your path to enjoyment, fulfilment and happiness? The choice is yours today.ARE YOU FED-UP AT A CROSSROADS?MAYBE YOU’RE STUCK. MAYBE YOU’RE FRUSTRATED.MAYBE YOU’RE JUST TIRED OF DOINGTHE SAME THING DAY AFTER DAY. By Linda Sage MA, BA Ed (Hons),DTM
Page 65HOPE AMBASSADORSINTERNATIONAL DAY OF POETRYThanks to our volunteers NkeiruNwankwo, Sheilla Sabastine, Emi-Johnson Umoeka, SamuelNwachukwu, Jacinta Chioma, andfor carrying out this impactfulsensitisation
HOPE AMBASSADORSINTERNATIONAL DAY OFPOETRYPage 66In commemoration of #International_Day_of_Poetry, HopeAmbassadors team in Kaduna visited the students of L.G.E.APrimary School, Kaduna State As a way of encouraging the pupils,they received some gifts from the team. This is to instil in them thebenefits of being studious and commitment.The pupils were asked to write on education and the importance.Out of many that submitted, the best three were picked andrewarded. One of the ways to encourage studying or education isto reward the brilliant ones so that they can continue to do betterand for those behind to buckle up.We cannot but appreciate ourindefatigable volunteers Sheilla Sabastine, Emi-Johnson Umoeka,and Jacinta Chioma for the initiative#hopeambassadors #revivingthehopeinhope#internationaldayofpoetry #education #poetrydayINTERNATIONAL DAY OF POETRY
HOPE AMBASSADORSServing HumanityHope Ambassadors team in Kaduna sensitised the students of L.G.E.A Primary School, Kaduna State to introduce the My Body isMy Body Programme. The children were taught the #MBIMB song, understand their safety networks and what they are expectedto do whenever they feel unsure about something or someone or unsafe in their environment.Let's keep our eyes on our children.Thanks to our volunteers Sheilla Sabastine Nkeiru Nwankwo Samuel Nwachukwu, Elizabeth Chatta, Emi Johnson, and JacintaChioma for carrying out this impactful sensitisationPage 67Hope Ambassadors team in Kaduna sensitised the students of Haske Success Academy, Bauchi State to introduce the My Body is My Body Programme and#Clean_Hands_Save_Lives The children were taught the MBIMB song, understand their safety networks and what they are expected to do whenever they feelunsure about something or someone or unsafe in their environment. CHILD ABUSE CAMPAIGN - MY BODY IS MY BODY SENSITISATIONHope Ambassadors team in Kaduna sensitised thestudents of Haske Success Academy, Bauchi State tointroduce the My Body is My Body Programme and#Clean_Hands_Save_Lives The children were taughtthe MBIMB song, understand their safety networks andwhat they are expected to do whenever they feelunsure about something or someone or unsafe in theirenvironment. The students were also sensitised on the importance of staying clean always especially handwash and how tomaintain high level of hygiene on daily basis. With or without Covid-19, proper handwash must beencouraged.mThanks to our volunteer Bala Bako BD and the supporters for carrying out this impactful sensitisation.
BREAKING THE BIASTo celebrate Women’s History Month, Impact Sierra Leone (ISL) hosted a Women’sEmpowerment celebration with over 40 women in the rural community of Foindu Village in Sierra Leone.Page 68
was to get to know thewomen better and allow them to voice theirconcerns and what they would like to seehappen in their community. They want to have their own farm wherethey can control what is grown and be ableto provide additional food for their families.Page 69
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How to Become a Long Term ThinkerWhat is a Long Term Thinker?How Can You Become a Long Term Thinker Long Term Thinking Program?Page 71
New Road Missions Jim DiDonatoLives in Lumberton, NJGGAF Member Since 2020N E W R O A D M I S S I O N ST H E F O L D C H I L D R E N ' S H O M E A N D S C H O O L A mom unable to care for her child and providing her child theopportunity for the basic necessities and an education.Jim with the child in picture 2 and a few of our newest family members.
Our VisionWhat We DoWhy We Do ItHow We Do It Jim with the 3rd and 4th grade students in the school.New laptops and improved wifi hasimproved learning for every child. The garden is a staple for our children. It representssustainability and is used as part of the education for alllearners. Presenting to high school students about beingcreated in God's image. Executive Field Director Jody Adams sharing themessage in one of our newest LCOs. We already have82 learners joining us!Page 73
'There Are NoOrdinary People in Ukraine"By: Anna Horoneskul
Take action. Support Ukraine.Please help support thepeople of Ukraine bydonating 76
NoMoreWarsThe war in Ukraine has every humanitarian organization helping those still there andfor the millions who have fled their country to remain alive. According to the UN OCHA,the civilian death toll has reached into the thousands…women, men, children, theelderly, and many who have been injured (causalities). This report was issued by theUN OCHA around April 6, 2022, and sadly these numbers will continue to climb. "Causalities" a person killed or injured in awar or accident…the word doesn't seem togive it the emphasis needed.All in the name of FREEDOM which is afundamental human right! OCHA. (2022). Ukraine: Humanitarian Impact. Lisa A. Jones; Co-Publisher - The Ambassador; CEO & Co-Founder; GGAFPage 78
Stand forPeaceOCHA. (2022). Ukraine: Humanitarian Impact. Provided By: Oleg GogenkoPage 79
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GGA sponsored several boxes of essential supplies for the Ukraine refugees in Poland this month
And one day with sparce warning, statuesque, swaying golden sunflowers stretching towards untainted canvasof blue skies above came tumbling down midst historic bold buildings, majestic monuments, humble homes and worldwide disbelief. And one dayRepercussions of reckless, ruthless aggression resulted in squeals and laughter of carefreechildren playing on cobbled streets transformed to Screams and wails of fear and confusion as they ran for cover from indiscriminate bombing andthe rumbling of advancing hungry tanks And one day Freedom to live safely within one’s own country was stripped to the core with the loss of innocentlives, spilled blood staining chalked hop-scotch markings and normality ripped from terrifiedfamilies. Tolstoy reaches for his pen...again. And one day Only the blue and golden flags remained, defiantly waving in swirling dust and debris as weepingwomen and children waved in unison ... but their goodbye waves to loved ones lacked the flag’sfluidity of freedom and hope. And one day Greed replaced need Power-seeking crushed peace-keeping Guns and knives pierced precious livesAnd one daybecame a lifetime of trauma.“Suffer little children” ... and so they did but it was never ever meant to be. One day... it was blue and yellow never black and white by dee russell-thomas Page 86
Netherlands Step Up Preparationsfor Ukrainian RefugeesBy: Titia NiehorsterGGAF Chair of the NetherlandsAid groups and Ukrainians in the Netherlands have begun organizing a wide variety of efforts to support Ukraine andpeople fleeing the war, including demonstrations, fund raising and identifying potential lodgings for refugees.Both the central and local governments, as well as private individuals do everything they can to help the people of theUkraine. Many local initiatives have started to make sure Ukrainian refugees have shelter, food, clothes and money tolive. As an example, you can see the beautiful humanitarian efforts the city of Leiden has accomplished for the peopleof the Ukraine.Many more local cities show humanitarian initiatives to help the people of Ukraine. Local mayors ensure thatnewcomers are registered and provided with money to live on, education and healthcare. As of today there areestimated to be around 20.000 Ukrainian refugees l, but at least 50.000 are expected to find shelter in theNetherlands. The government earlier said it would wave the paperwork needed for Ukrainians to work in the Netherlands. It has alsonow agreed that Ukrainian nationals may only work in formal employment, rather than as freelancers, to offer themextra protection against being exploited. Ministers have also set aside €1.6 million to pay for interpreters to helpUkrainians needing healthcare. Ukrainians do not have to formally request asylum in the Netherlands Ukrainians cantravel freely within the Netherlands and do not have to report to the Ter Apel refugee reception centre. Thousands ofpeople have come forward to take in Ukrainians who have fled from their homes because of the Russian invasion andare hoping to settle in the Netherlands.Many elementary schools& children also show initiatives to raise money to support the Ukrainian refugees for much neededlife supplies. For instance collecting drink bottles or baking cakes and use the profit to help the Ukrainian people. The Netherlands willcontinue to be "generous" in offering shelter to asylum seekers fleeing the Russian invasion of Ukraine, as will many otherAllies and countries.Our thoughts andprayers are with the Ukrainian people. 87
educationinfluence.comwww.educationinfluence.comT H E A M B A S S A D O R27"Storytime for Ukraine" 1 2 H O U R S O F A N O N - S T O P S T O R Y T E L L I N G S E S S I O N F O R C H I L D R E N I N U K R A I N E"We have heard messages from #families in Ukraine, who tuned in for thesessions, and were so happy to see, so much love and support from peoplearound the world."By: Anusha ShresthaProject Lead/Co-FounderEducation InfluencePage 88
To name the event participants, After Gavin and my session, I would like to start with Benita Lee and ChrisLocarpo AustraliaIndia NepalNetherlandsStates of AmericaUnited KingdomUnited Arab Emirates. UgandaSpain Nigeria EgyptIndonesia Hong Kong.Philippines. South Africa BrazilPakistan Germany, April 19th, 2022 (7 AM - 7PM) Eastern European Time (EET)TNEXT EVENTPage 89
The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better andmore sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face,including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation,peace and justice. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals,were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call toaction to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation hasproudly joined forces with the UN SustainableDevelopment Goals -Partners PlatformCLICK THE LINK BELOW TO CHECK OUT OUR GGA FOUNDATION AND TOP INITIATIVE ON THE UN PAGE.Page 81
May: Mental Health Awareness MonthChristina with Member of Empowerment ClubhouseBy: Christina JunkerGGAF Chair - UsaPage 92
vScope For Change .SFCMr. Perminder Singh Malik & Rakesh Kumar RanaTo check the moment of this drive, check our Instagram page.T O F I G H T C O V I D - 1 9A F I V E D A Y D O N A T I O N D R I V EPage 93
By: Debbie D. BoydHUBZone Technology Initiativewww.hubzonetech.orgGGAF - USAHTI is able to make these donations through the generous donations of old laptopsfrom businesses when they refresh and individuals willing to extend the life of theirold devices. HTI wipes the hard drives clean according to the specifications of theDepartment of Defense and then downloads Chromium Operating System, whichconverts them into Chromebooks. We are always planning for new organizations tohelp as well as additional donations to those recipients of past donations. HTI’s focusis to get these Chromebooks into the hands of those within underservedcommunities that have a strong desire for self-improvement. Our goal is tostrengthen the workforce by providing more skilled labor, therefore, reducingunemployment rates in HUBZone areas. Page 94
Pledge With Us To Plant Trees For Oxygen4/22 Earth Day: Use Earth Friendly Cleaning products, reusable shopping bags,switch to energy-saving light bulbs, add more recycling bins Webinars for Mental Health Awareness MonthContinued Support for the UkraineJoin UsJoin UsPage 95Child abuse month should be every month of the year !!Unfortunately, we know that cases around the world arestill at an alarming rate (over 1 Billion a year). I believe oneof the biggest reasons it is still such a problem in ourcommunities is the inability of people to discuss thissubject openly. So please join us for an open and honestdiscussion about this subject on the 23rd of April. Click here to Register
Max is my entire world. I treasure every moment I spend with him as he feels my heartwith warmth, comfort, and love. I didn't think it was possible but as the days go on ourbond grows stronger. Max loves me unconditionally... without any negotiables. I learn so much from Max about life itself- how to love with an open heart no matterwhat, how to treat people kindly, and how to be patient. When I think about thehumility he shows on a daily basis, I feel emotional. He really is a gift from above and Iabsolutely treasure him. Thank you Max for being you. I love you and thank you for loving me. Page 96Many of our GGAF volunteers are animal lovers andare happy to share their pet with you.MaxRazzie is such a Sweet Loveable little guy who onlywants to be Loved, which he is without a doubtRazielIsatu Tutu Conteh
I live my soul brother. YOGI. YOGIRandall will be a part of our family aslong as we are graced with his presence. RandallTeddyPage 97
Chrissy SykesLisa JonesmPage 98GeorgePiperAngelDr Shunila Joy Chauhan
Dr Yvonne StathamMr. PipEach month our volunteerscontinue to spread kindness tothose they know and to strangers.It's amazing how just sharing a"smile" can brighten even thecoldest of days. Remember toalways be kind.Page 99